Jenkins had seen him in the church before, but didn't know his specific name.

"This is Mr. Stanno Adil, his position... is mainly responsible for intelligence gathering and information aggregation, and he is a civilian like us. Let him talk about this matter."

The old man winked at him while speaking. Jenkins nodded knowingly, probably responsible for spying on the sensitive position.

"Hello, Mr. William."

The middle-aged man in a black suit with a high-necked red sweater inside spoke in a very polite tone.

"Hello, Mr. Adil."

Jenkins did not comment on this style of dressing, but it should be very warm.

"According to the information sent by the Holy See, there is indeed an 8th level gifter who calls himself Constantine. His beliefs are unknown, but it is certain that he is not a believer of the true God. We also have some understanding of the [Gem Gathering] you mentioned. This is an illegal secret gathering organized by this illegal gifter. In addition to you, two gifters from the [Sun and Justice] Church and the [Starry Sky and Balance] Church are also at the gathering because of the accident you experienced. Level 8 can already cause considerable damage, but this gathering has not done anything immoral or illegal. In addition, the tracking of Constantine is not very smooth. We only know that he is somewhere in the Kingdom of Cheslan, so we will not take any action against him, but observe him carefully..."

Chapter 182 Chapter 178 Believers of lies

"Is that all? Oh, I mean, is there something wrong with the way this matter is handled..."

Before Jenkins could find the right words, Mr. Adil laughed:

"Mr. William, I understand what you mean. You mean, it's very imprudent, right? The Church of the True God is very kind. Since he didn't do anything strange, but just collected some relatively secret knowledge, we can still tolerate it. Moreover, there are people from the Church of the True God in the gathering, and we can grasp all the dynamics of the gathering."

Jenkins knew about the strange attitude of the Church of the True God towards the believers of the False God a long time ago, but he didn't expect that even if the other party's level was 8, the church would still hold such an indifferent attitude.

In Jenkins' view, this way of handling is no different from not handling it, but he didn't put forward his own point of view. After all, what kind of relationship is there between the True God and the False God? This is an extremely sensitive topic.

"So, should I still attend that gathering?"

He asked again, this is a matter related to himself.

"Mr. William will handle this himself. Of course, if you are willing to provide the church with the actions and words of the Level 8 Gifter in every gathering, we can give you an additional intelligence fee..."

Throwing a few silver coins into the donation box, Jenkins followed his father out of the church from the main entrance.

"Does it feel strange?"

The old man shook his coat and asked before Jenkins spoke.

"Yes, a little."

"You will understand sooner or later, but you are still too young now."

"Yes, yes, I am a young man."

Jenkins nodded helplessly and followed him around the street. Seeing that there was no one around, he whispered again: "But it is level 8 after all, isn't it too careless..."

"Just because it is a level 8 gifter, there is no need to be careful."

The old man's tone was a little strange, but he didn't look back at him. Instead, he pretended to be interested in the three-story white building at the intersection in front. On the balcony on the second floor, a man wearing a red and yellow striped hat was holding a black pipe and looking at the sky. Jenkins remembered that it seemed to be a club there, and the annual fee was higher than that of Mr. Ink Club.

The old man obviously didn't intend to continue explaining. Jenkins touched his nose and felt that the world was getting weirder.

He still remembered what he heard from the coachman in the morning about Robert Kumble, the injured person in the street murder case, so he asked the old man for advice.

The old man didn't know about this yet, so he called a little boy in patched clothes from somewhere and handed him a pound note and a letter. Of course, he also paid 10 pence for the delivery fee.

The little boy obviously knew the old man for a long time. He knew the destination by looking at the name on the envelope. Jenkins learned from the letter during the rainy night incident that the old man was also familiar with some people on the street. I think the little boy is one of them.

In the evening, the boy sent the reply letter. The old man took a look and understood what happened.

"The policeman on guard last night did not leave the door of the ward, but he disappeared after the door was opened in the morning. The doctor on duty also proved that no one entered or left the hospital after it was closed last night. The door was locked."

In this era, hospitals did not have the practice of operating all day, and the hospitalization building was completely locked at night. Unless there was an emergency, such as a fire, it would not be opened.

"Was he gone through the window? I went to the hospital after asking my father to write a letter to Sheriff Black yesterday. He lived on the third floor."

Jenkins asked in surprise.

"Yes, ordinary people can't jump out of the window, but it's not certain if he is not an ordinary person."

Dad also understood what this meant, "Well, I happen to go to church tonight, so I'll report this matter then."

"Do you think this is related to the followers of the evil god [Prince of Lies]?"

Jenkins asked again, the scammer may not be a believer of this evil god, but the believer of this evil god must be a scammer. This is something that ordinary people know.

"We can't judge casually without evidence, but we will definitely investigate in this direction. I remember that the information you just provided included things related to this evil god. The two may be connected. I remember that Eldron seemed Without our church, maybe we can think of another way..."

Because he was very interested in the affairs of the Augustus family, Jenkins asked his father if he knew more. The information that can be verified about this family begins when the kingdom was established. Before that, Augustus was a commoner's surname.

That's all. Unlike the ancient and notorious demon summoner family, the Asyash family, the Augustus family is very ordinary. The history of the Asyash family can be traced back to the previous era. Only descendants who identify with and practice demon summoning can be regarded as core members of this family.

This family was completely wiped out by the Church of the Sun and Justice around the year 1666 of the Universal Calendar. But to this day, there are still rumors that there are still descendants of the Asyash family. The arrival of demons in Nolan City has attracted the attention of the church, so it is inevitable to think of them.

When Jenkins left in the evening, Dad also closed the door and went to church. Jenkins was walking down the street holding chocolates, thinking about today's gem party.

Maybe he had really bad luck and got into such trouble just by rubbing the lid a few times. Perhaps we need to be more cautious in the future, and it is best to avoid all unnecessary social activities.

As soon as I reached St. George Street, I saw a carriage parked in front of my house. The red-haired girl poked her head out of the car and greeted Jenkins with a smile, while Mrs. Mahat, the middle-aged maid hired by him, stood uneasily aside with a vegetable basket.

Jenkins nodded to Hathaway, first put down the chocolate and let it run into the house, then opened the fence door and let Mrs. Mahat clean the kitchen.

Chocolate jumped off the fence nimbly, ran a few steps towards the house, then waggled his tail and called back, then turned around and emerged from the space under the fence, and ran into the carriage.

It was the time when the neighbors were going to and from get off work. It was impossible for Jenkins, a bachelor, to invite a young girl to his home. It would be bad if the neighbors saw him. He had to take his reputation into consideration - at least that's what he thought. The original plan was to talk to his friends in the carriage, but now that Chocolate was in it, he had even more reason to enter.

Chapter 183 Chapter 179 Mr. Goodman’s Topic

"Good evening, Hathaway."

He still remembers the request, "In private, please call me Hathaway."

"Good evening, Monsieur Baron."

The girl raised her lips slightly and watched the cat rest on Jenkins' lap again.

"Your cat seems a little too smart."

"Yes, I gave it a dose of [Animal Wisdom Enlightenment Potion], and it obviously worked very well."

"A potion with extraordinary properties?"

She was a little surprised, "It turns out you really have other friends who are gifters."

"Of course. Although I am not good at socializing, I still have some friends."

As Jenkins spoke, he wondered whether his father's friends were his friends.

"That's good. Making more friends is very important for gifters like us. Of course, you must also pay attention to safety. Not everyone can be trusted like me. After a while, I can introduce some friends I know to you. you."

Of course, Jenkins believes that she will definitely not introduce "Mr. Candle" to herself, because Mr. Candle has followed Jenkins, and once they get to know each other, Hathaway Hersha is Miss Lark will be exposed.

While she nodded, she reached out and handed the golden invitation placed next to the cushion to Jenkins.

"Oh, the legendary gold-encrusted invitation."

Jenkins sighed in his heart and saw the content inside.

"Miss Hesha's ball? Thank you very much for sending me the invitation, but isn't it too formal?"

Earlier today, he had learned about the events of the ball from Viscount Augustus, but he obviously could not show his knowledge at this time.

"Wait, why can't you show that you know this?"

Jenkins asked himself, and then realized that his current identity could know this information. This was something that ordinary people like Jenkins Willemt could also know.

"The performer was so mesmerized that he couldn't even tell his own identity!"

Jenkins was shocked and warned himself to know "who" he was before speaking in the future.

Hathaway's explanation was similar to what Viscount Augustus said, but she also warned Jenkins that the relationship between nobles was complicated. If he was unwilling to get involved, it would be great to use the power of the church as part of his background. s Choice.

Jenkins naturally understood these things, but still politely thanked him.

Since he met this familiar aristocratic girl, Jenkins casually inquired about Viscount Augustus. Dad's investigation is very detailed, but information from different angles will always yield different results.

"Viscount Augustus, do you mean Hunter Augustus?"

Hathaway looked a little surprised.

"I don't know the Viscount's full name, but he currently lives in a manor outside the city. He is in very poor health and seems to have been bedridden for a long time. The address of the manor is..."

"No need to say anything, I know who it is."

The young lady lowered her voice and warned softly: "If you only know each other occasionally, I think it is best not to have close contact with him. Viscount Augustus of this generation is an extremely unfortunate person, and all those who are close to him People all died very early. There is a saying that the Augustus family had unintentionally offended [The End of Death], so they were cursed by the gods and ended up like this. Of course, these are all private opinions. , you can’t hear it normally.”


Jenkins didn't expect that there was such a story in it, "Then the [Death and End of Time] Church will always have something to say, right? After all, it involves the great existence they believe in."

"The Great Church of the End has not made any statement. This is just a matter for mortals. I was also interested in it, but there is no supernatural factor involved. Maybe Augustus is really cursed by the gods."

Hathaway was obviously unwilling to talk more about topics involving gods, so Jenkins did not pursue the question.

She would go to Miss Michael's place to prepare for the ball later, and the two of them didn't talk about anything else. After Jenkins reminded her of the recent suspected "Gear Bacteria" in the city, the two said goodbye.

Hathaway hadn't heard of it yet, but she'd obviously known about it before, numbered A-08-1-9990.

Waving his hand and watching the carriage turn the corner, Jenkins was thinking whether to get some food for the chocolate in his arms first or check the external steam meter outside the house when he saw his neighbor Mr. Goodman carrying a black carrying a leather bag and walking towards this side with a dazed look on his face.

"Oh, it's Mr. Goodman, good afternoon!"

He let Chocolate go inside first and stood at the fence to greet the middle-aged man.

"Mr. Willamette? Oh, good afternoon."

Goodman then noticed Jenkins,

"You seem to be in a bad mood. The temperature this autumn is indeed a little colder than in previous years. You should pay attention to your health."

Jenkins followed normal social etiquette and wanted to have a little discussion about boring topics like the weather. This is also the ability that a qualified adult gentleman should have. He can find topics anytime and anywhere.

"Really? Oh, thank you for your concern. My personal doctor said that my health is pretty good, but I still need to exercise more. Compared with the heavy snowfall two years ago, this year's temperature is actually pretty good."

Mr. Goodman also politely chatted with the newly moved neighbor about the weather, but just as he was about to say goodbye, he thought of something else. After hesitating for a moment, he finally said it:

"Mr. Willamt, you should know that there have been more fraudsters in the city in recent weeks, right? This is something that you really need to be careful about. I heard that some people have been defrauded of their entire life savings."

"Really? I heard that too."

Jenkins saw that the conversation had turned to the direction he was interested in, but fortunately he leaned on his fence:

"Did you read today's "Nolan Daily"? The street attack in the dock area mentioned in the newspaper was related to fraudsters. Yesterday morning..."

As a witness to the murder, he recounted what happened. Mr. Goodman was really surprised:

"Really? I didn't expect such a dangerous thing to happen around us! I think Chief Blake's judgment should be correct. The victim, Robert Kumbu, is the fraudster."

Chief Black had never said such a thing, Jenkins had added it for him, once again covering up the source of his information.

"I have also encountered such a thing, you know? The Hogg Machinery Foundry where I work encountered a scammer. Little Rex, who was in charge of finance, was defrauded of 3,000 pounds. Oh, Goddess, he is My life is over, I don’t know if the machinery factory can survive this storm..."

Chapter 184 Chapter 180 Clues Pointing

Jenkins understood that Mr. Goodman’s expression just now was because he was worried about whether his job could continue. 3,000 pounds is a huge sum for a normally operating factory. Hogg Machinery Foundry is not a very famous company, and the entire factory may only have this amount of liquidity.

Jenkins expressed sympathy, and Mr. Goodman sighed.

The foundry has reported this matter to the police, but now they have no clues except that the accountant Rex Savery wired the money to Eldron in the Kingdom of Chesland. Since foreign cities are involved, it may be very difficult to recover the money.

Funny to say, the trick to swindle that huge sum of money was very simple, just a fake signed document from the city hall and a police officer's uniform. In Jenkins' view, this kind of deception is extremely low-level and very risky, but after all, he is an outsider who has watched legal programs in another world for 10 years, and his knowledge is indeed better than these ordinary citizens.


After watching the dejected Mr. Goodman leave, Jenkins realized that the city had also heard about it during the day.

"Most of the believers of [Prince of Lies] gathered there, and the money was also remitted there. Isn't this a coincidence? The person who defrauded Hogg Machinery Foundry was also a believer of [Prince of Lies]?"

While thinking, he looked at the mailbox. There was no mail today.

"But this is too imprudent. Why not transfer the money to other cities first and then remit it to Elderon? Isn't it safer this way?"

He put himself in the shoes of the scammer and fell into deep thought.

In any case, the followers of [Prince of Lies] have no contact with Jenkins for the time being, and he is unwilling to have any contact with them.

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