"I'm not picky about food, I just... don't like it."

"Chocolate is even pickier than you. You're wrong to expect it to help you. Also, don't waste food. Don't forget the days when you were hungry just because your life is getting better now."

Jenkins patted Finney's head gently. Finney gritted her teeth and nodded, picked up the pale yellow food with a fork and put it in her mouth. She closed her eyes and puffed her face for a few times, then opened her eyes and looked at Jenkins:

"It doesn't seem that bad."

Jenkins laughed.

Using the excuse of going to the bathroom, Jenkins met the little angel Louise in a quiet room. Unlike the relationship between the three Jessicas, the relationship between Louise and Finney is not so fixed. As long as Louise is willing, she can leave Finney's activities at any time, so she can talk to Jenkins without Finney.

"My Lord!"

The little angel hugged Jenkins excitedly. It had been less than half a year since Louise became an angel. She seemed to be quite used to her current identity. She transformed her spirit into a physical body and then floated in front of Jenkins, but her position was not higher than Jenkins.

"Are you used to being with Finnie?"

"That's good. Finnie's life is very interesting."

"No, I mean, are you used to staying with her?"

"My Lord, don't worry about me. My current life and identity are already a luxury for me in the past."

"Well, there is one thing you must prepare in advance. The huge disaster entrenched underground may break out of the ground at any time and have a final battle with me. I want you..."

"My Lord, I am your shield and your sword."

The angel lowered his head slightly.

"No, you don't have to join the battlefield with me. You are responsible for protecting these people."

Jenkins gave her a list:

"If things really reach a critical moment, these people will come to the church for refuge. You have to stop Finnie from running around, and then protect these people in the church, do you understand?"

"But my Lord..."

"Do you understand, Louise? This is more important to me."

"...Yes, I understand."

This is just the last insurance that Jenkins made to ensure safety. He is very sure that things will not be so bad, but safety comes first, and everything must be considered carefully.

After Louise agreed to Jenkins' request, her mood became obviously not very good. It was not until Jenkins promised to help her find another identity and live with Finnie after everything was over that the little angel finally smiled.

Because there were so many people, the lunch table changed from a place to eat to a place to talk. People were willing to talk to Jenkins. Some people called him Viscount, some called him His Majesty, and more people called him "Saint William".

Now, the church no longer intends to conceal Jenkins's identity as the Son of God. After all, this is a very appealing identity during the negotiations. So, I don't know who first "leaked" the news at the dinner table, and the news was soon known to everyone.

There are many Sons of God alive, but there has never been one who is also a king. People are more enthusiastic about him than anyone else.

In order to avoid those troublesome social activities, Jenkins left the meeting room and lounge where people gathered after dinner and found Britney and Julia alone.

Although Salhi II and the other two were still waiting in the city hall, Dolores and Alexia had already arrived in advance. Jessica was still in the city hall. Queen Isabella suffered a major blow after announcing her abdication that day. She was infected with a cold, but it was not serious. Jessica stayed with her to take care of her.

"What are you talking about?"

Jenkins sat on the sofa with the cat in his arms. Alexia raised the paper in her hand:

"The Church of Sages investigated the books that Mr. Candle had come into contact with after entering the Secret Library last time, and wanted me to help analyze it. We are discussing this myth."

Jenkins considered that he would be monitored that night, so he did not rashly touch sensitive content:

"What myth?"

"The Moon Swallowing Spirit Cat."


Chocolate, who was drowsy after just finishing his meal, heard someone calling him, and he responded subconsciously while lying on Jenkins' shoulder, and then immediately stretched out his little paw to cover his mouth. Fortunately, Jenkins did not notice Chocolate's suspicious behavior.

"Oh, I remember that ritual. It's ridiculous, isn't it? I've heard of rituals using sugar and spices, but this ritual looks like a recipe, not to mention the 'beautiful things' and 'mysterious substance J' that are completely incomprehensible."

At this point, he thought for a moment and reminded:

"But don't try it just because it's ridiculous. The Moon Swallowing Cat is a real disaster beast. In the past, there were always people who brought disaster through simple methods. I think this kind of thing must not be tried."

"Do you need to remind me, Jenkins?"

Alexia asked with a smile.

"Okay, then, I'm talking about Dolores."

"Sorry, what are you talking about?"

She was holding a magazine and excitedly discussing the styles on it with Britney, the styles of wedding dresses.

"Nothing, anyway, no matter how ridiculous it is, you can't try it."

"Yes, yes, I won't try it... Do you mind giving me a strand of your hair?"

Alexia changed the subject abruptly. At least Jenkins thought that this request had nothing to do with the previous conversation:

"Hair? I just left your bedroom this morning. There should be some on your pillow, right?"

Brianne looked over here. Dolores' ears moved and she remembered what happened this morning. Her face turned red.

"That's right."

Alexia whispered, and then asked:

"Also, what kind of food does Chocolate like to eat?"

The topic was changed again. Jenkins asked in confusion:

"Why are you asking this?"

"Since we are all family, wouldn't it be good to get to know your pet? We will be a family in the future, and we will also need to take care of your cat."

"Oh, that makes sense. Chocolate can eat everything I can eat, and as for what it likes...most fruits with normal taste and most sweets with normal shapes."


Alexia nodded again. It seemed that she was planning something, but unfortunately she didn't plan to tell Jenkins.

Chapter 2034 Chapter 2004 Large Ceremony in the Rain

While talking to the family, the door of the room was knocked. After getting the permission to enter, it was the priest of the church who came to inform Jenkins that Miss Bevanna had something to ask him.

"I bet there must be a problem that I must come forward to solve."

Jenkins said to Alexia before leaving, and then Alexia tiptoed (Jenkins slightly bent over) and kissed his cheek. So Britney also came to give Jenkins a kiss, Dolores blushed and kissed his cheek, and even Julia did the same.

"No need to do that, I will be back soon."

Then he followed the priest and left.

Just as he expected, there was indeed an unexpected change. The church collected and sorted out the locations of all the troublesome places in the city today, and then found that those places were not randomly distributed, but specially arranged.

Soon came to a further conclusion that all the accidents today were part of a large-scale ceremony. Combined with the terrain of Nolan City, as well as the types of accidents and casualties in different locations, the church believed that the main purpose of this ceremony was "sacrifice".

In other words, the tree house and the gear craftsman will issue tasks to all the cultists in Nolan, and they will sacrifice to an unknown existence with their actions and the consequences they cause.

That unknown existence is, of course, the differential machine underground.

Because of the abnormal flow of spirits, the church locked the current location of the differential machine through a ritual, which is very deep underground directly below the black metal tower. Jenkins didn't remember how deep it was, but it was impossible to reach such a position anyway.

And Jenkins was called in because the cult of the god of rituals where Miss Magic was located helped the church directly find the key nodes of the large-scale ritual. By destroying those nodes, even if Nolan encounters a big problem next, the ritual itself will not work.

The church has enough manpower and doesn't need Jenkins to go out. But after analysis, those nodes are connected to each other through invisible and intangible spiritual power, and they need people with extremely strong spirit and soul to touch them to destroy them. The "extremely strong" requirement here is very high, but the sons of God meet the requirements. So the sons of God will destroy the nodes, and the demigods of the church will deal with those cultists who are lurking to arrange the rituals, and try to catch them all in one fell swoop.

"Speaking of spiritual power, isn't that the one?"

"Yes, we also suspect that it is the ownerless spiritual power gathered in the dreams of tobacco smokers, but no matter what, destroying those nodes is the important thing now. This is the point you have to deal with."

Miss Befanna gave Jenkins a parchment map. This map was waterproof, so there was no need to worry about the ink being wasted even if it was used outside on a rainy day like this:

"You are responsible for these five. If nothing goes wrong, they will be destroyed after touching them. If everything goes well, you can be back in half an hour."

Considering that Jenkins is the only son of God who cannot fly, the five positions assigned to him are very close to the church.

"No problem, is there anyone going with me?"

"Do you need someone to go with you?"

"No, I think it's enough for me to bring only the cat."

"Well, be careful on the road, go early and come back early."

Jenkins nodded, and just as he was about to leave, he asked again:

"Why didn't the church insist on someone to act with me this time?"

"It's Daddy, Daddy said, he thinks you can already be on your own."

Miss Befanna said, so Jenkins stopped asking, found an umbrella and went out alone.

The rain was still falling, and it was heavier than when Jenkins and Dad went to the church in the morning. This season is not the traditional Nolan rainy season, but such heavy rain is not uncommon because of the moisture brought by the ocean monsoon.

Although the focus of destroying the ritual is on those hidden ritual nodes, the church believes that the saints will probably not encounter the obstruction of the cultists who set up the ritual. Because the church demigods are moving in full force, they must let them know who has the final say in Nolan today.

Not to mention, it would be even better if the cultists appeared in front of the saints, and each saint has power beyond ordinary human demigods.

The so-called ritual nodes are not material existences that can be captured by the naked eye, but certain areas of enriched spirits produced by the flow of spirits in the ritual base array. For small rituals, the so-called nodes do not exist at all, and only this huge ritual relying on the terrain has such a concept.

These areas will not be any different on the surface, and can only be measured through the ritual itself. This is something that only the believers of the ritual god can do. If they were not there, the church would probably use the method of breaking them one by one to prevent accidents from happening.

The first area was in the alley, and there were not many people nearby, so Jenkins walked straight over. The eyes really observed the abnormality of the aura in the area, but such an abnormality was difficult to detect. If it had not been pointed out, Jenkins would have found it difficult.

He folded the map and put it in his pocket, trying to feel the spirits that gathered because of the ritual. These spirits cannot be absorbed by the gifter, and the accumulation of spirits can only rely on oneself, because spirits are not as simple as pure energy.

Cannot be absorbed, but can be felt. But Jenkins couldn't feel anything, and gave up after a little try. According to the method provided by Miss Befanna, find the location where the aura is the strongest, and then mobilize your spirit to touch it.

It was as if he had touched an exploding steam bomb. The strong thrust made Jenkins subconsciously take a step back, but in fact nothing happened. In his ears, the hallucination of the explosion still existed, but the real situation was that there was only the sound of rain hitting his ears.

Only the slightly lower temperature can prove that he did use his mental power to damage the original strange environment. The spirits in the environment no longer gather in a certain way, but naturally blend into the surrounding environment, which causes the temperature change.

At the same time, Jenkins also smelled the smell of smoke in the air. This is not the usual smell in Nolan's air, but the smell of burning tobacco.

"Could it really be those mental powers?"

Jenkins thought, and seeing that there was nothing to do here, he turned and walked to the second location.

The second location was a little more troublesome, located in an apartment facing the street. Jenkins had to use some means to break in from the second-floor window of the apartment, and quietly left after handling the nodes.

The third location was in the middle of the street, and the fourth location was in an informal bar hidden in the alley and closed during the day. The handling of these two locations was also very simple, and Jenkins did not encounter any trouble worth mentioning.

So when he went to the fifth location, it was only 13 minutes away from leaving the church. Calculating the time in this way, he could probably go back early. It was cold and humid outside, but it was really not suitable for travel weather.

Chapter 2035 Chapter 2005 The World of Dreams

The fifth location was marked on the map at a low altitude very close to the ground. It was a residential building in the alley, but there was no one in the house.

Jenkins looked around and found that the gathering point of the spirits was not the point marked on the map, but should be 40 feet higher in the east.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his eyes, he thought that the believers of the God of Ritual might have given the wrong answer.

"In fact, the result is already very accurate. Even if I am not here, other saints have found the problem. As long as they fly upwards, they can feel the location if they are lucky. After all, they have felt the difference just now."

Thinking in his heart, he planned to summon the unicorn to take him to the sky, but considering that it was still raining, the unicorn's hair might get wet. Just like chocolate always likes to get into his arms in this kind of weather, the unicorn probably doesn't like to act in the rain.

So he didn't call out the little beast, but took out a stool, sat on it, and flew steadily into the sky. Of course, there is a risk of being seen by others, but it is raining heavily now, and the strange gray fog has not dissipated. Even if someone is willing to take off the umbrella and look up at the sky, the probability of seeing Jenkins is quite low.

"If an entrance to a strange place appears in the sky just when I fly up, I will definitely curse."

He thought to himself, holding the umbrella and flying up. Luckily, there was no dramatic development as he imagined. There was nothing in the sky, and Jenkins had to confirm the location with his eyes again before stopping flying.

The spirits and mental power gathered in this fifth location are more than the previous four combined. According to the information given by Miss Magic's companions, this is one of the most important nodes of the large-scale ceremony. One of the evidences is that this place is quite close to the black tower.

Although the shadow of the black tower, whose top is completely invisible, cannot cover it because of the lack of sunlight, the sense of oppression is still full.


While Jenkins was looking at the black tower, Chocolate squeezed his head out of Jenkins' collar and looked around, as if looking for something.

"What are you going to do? Go back quickly, it's not good to catch a cold."

Chocolate has never been sick, at least not since Jenkins adopted it, and Jenkins can now cure diseases like colds instantly, but it is still his instinct to care about his pet.


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