Silver Dragon's words were concise and to the point.


"A narrow place of protection obtained by the most steadfast believers who sacrificed themselves to the gods; the ancient temple still retains the power from the great; a special creation whose characteristics are just right to resist the epoch The power of the final disaster; the strangers who accidentally come to the world and stay here to protect the world; the holy land of this world, the legacy left by the great people who walk in the world...Only the lucky ones can survive with difficulty, But as time goes forward, when the first generation of survivors grows old, how many people will still know about your civilization?”

Jenkins believed that one of the metaphors of the silver dragon was referring to himself. Judging from the results, he did protect some intelligent life during the era of fighting against the egg.

"In short, the doomsday that can end civilization will definitely not allow us to stand here chatting. Judging from the performance of this era, even if the sky spits steam downwards, or all the machines in the world become living creatures I won’t feel weird if you come to kill someone.”

Silver Dragon clenched her hands into fists and raised them high, stretching, allowing Jenkins to see her almost perfect figure clearly.

"What are you looking at?"

The silver-haired girl suddenly turned her head and asked, her golden eyes looking into Jenkins' eyes:

"Look at you."

Because he has a clear conscience, Jenkins doesn't shy away from it. Probably seeing that he really had no distracting thoughts, Yinlong made a sound like "Che~", then slowly raised his hand and patted Jenkins on the shoulder:

"Although the current situation is pretty good, what you are about to face is not an easy matter. But don't worry, Sophia and I will help you."

"Can you beat the Difference Engine?"

he asked.

"Of course not, otherwise the savior will be me. It's not that I can't defeat it in terms of strength, but I absolutely can't defeat it. You should understand what I mean."

"Of course I understand, this is fate..."

He paused and once again looked at the distant scenery side by side with the silver dragon. Shrouded in black clouds, there is no difference between five o'clock in the afternoon and late at night. The city below has already turned on the street lights, and the light of the street lights has difficulty passing through the gray fog. From this point of view, it is really a good thing that Jenkins promoted the popularization of street lights last winter.

"I'm going to make it, right?"

he asked quietly.

"Not confident?"

Silver Dragon asked rhetorically.

"It's not that I'm not confident, it's just..."

He couldn't find a suitable adjective, and the silver-haired girl also saw his complicated emotions, so she smiled and shook her head:

"You will succeed."

(Chocolate Run...)

What identity the Silver Dragon should use to enter the church still requires careful consideration. The most appropriate way is to claim that she is a good friend of Jenkins, an unregistered benefactor who came from out of town to help, and a level eight demigod. Because there is a precedent like Alexia, this completely untenable statement is worthy of belief around Jenkins.

Anastasia was not very willing at first. She wanted to appear as a friend of "Miss Fabry" so that she could always be with Princess Sophia.

But now is the critical period when only one Lie believer is dead. The church does not believe in the death of anyone other than Mr. Candle. It thinks this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to cover up the fact that there are only two Lie believers. Of course, at this time, we cannot rashly allow any characters who may be believers of lies to appear, otherwise the church will even doubt Mr. Candle's death.

Fortunately, although Miss Yinlong is not very mature, she is very sensible and agreed after a few words of persuasion from Jenkins. What happened next was as Jenkins expected. He first canceled the projection and returned to the church, and then found Miss Bevanna to explain that his friend was here.

Miss Bevanna just looked at Jenkins with a strange look for a few seconds before agreeing to let Anastasia enter the church:

"But she wants to register."


The Silver Dragon does not plan to stay in the material world for a long time. After helping Jenkins, he will probably leave with Princess Sophia, so it doesn't matter even if he leaves an identity record.

Anastasia was not interested in church decorations from the 18th century, nor was she interested in people of different faiths. After following Jenkins into the church, she simply registered her identity, ignored the people specially sent by the church to contact her, and kept using her eyes. Signing to Jenkins to take her to Princess Sophia.

This would of course cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, so Jenkins could only use the pretext of communicating with believers of lies during dinner before he got the opportunity to take Alexia and Anastasia alone with Miss Fabry. Dinner together.

Most of the others ate at the long table, but Miss Fabry had a separate room to dine. A wooden dining table was placed in the center of the room, covered with a crisp white tablecloth. According to her request, the decoration in the room was replaced with more formal oil paintings, and the furniture was also replaced. A separate batch of expensive furniture that was only used to receive distinguished guests was brought from the city hall. The candlesticks on the table are gilt, and the tableware is a set of sterling silver antiques that have been lying in the church's collection room as decorations.

These complex dining requirements are certainly not in Jenkins’ playbook. This was requested by Princess Sophia herself. She values ​​etiquette very much, and of course, she also values ​​her dining environment even more.

In a room with only four people, Anastasia stopped covering up and moved a chair to sit next to Princess Sophia. Jenkins and Alexia sat on the other side. In addition, there was a chocolate lying on the hand, wagging its tail lazily, waiting for Jenkins to put dinner in front of it.

"So far it's going pretty well, at least within my expectations."

"Is it expected that there is only one believer of lies left?"

Princess Sophia asked.

"This is not important. In the original script, only one person appeared. In the current situation, it explains the reason why only Miss Fabry appears. Isn't this better? Oh, Princess Sophia, thank you very much for this time."

"You don't have to be so polite, these are nothing compared to your help to us."

Although the negotiations are still stuck on the first topic, there are actually only two most important topics in this negotiation. On other details, the church and the kingdom have already reached a tacit understanding.

The progress is progressing well. The church intends to take a step back in the relationship between the Church of False God and the Church of True God. So so far, although there are some detailed terms, such as how much role the False God believers will play in the subsequent Doomsday War, For example, if the end of the world is successfully ended, where the church of the False God Church can be allowed to be built is controversial, but at least it is not controversial.

The Church of False God does not intend to get everything it wants this time, so as long as both parties are willing to make concessions, the content of the first issue will probably be concluded before midnight today.

In this way, negotiations with the lie believers should begin after breakfast tomorrow morning. Jenkins confirmed the details with Princess Sophia again, and the latter also talked to Jenkins seriously. This made the silver-haired girl a little dissatisfied, but she also knew that this was what had to be done.

She also wanted to find something to do. First she looked at the cat standing by the plate with her head down eating, and confirmed that this was not a good conversation partner, then she looked at Alexia:

"This is amazing. Even in the era I live in, I can't find anyone who can reach this point like you. It's amazing."

She knew Alexia's situation just by looking at it. Alexia nodded very reservedly:

"Getting to this point actually has a lot to do with not only myself, but also luck. If I had it to do over again, I'm not sure whether I would still be where I am now."

"Any process from mortal to immortal must be related to fate. This is normal."

Yinlong glanced sideways at Jenkins while holding the wine glass:

"For example, when you met him, do you think it was fate?"

"Meeting him was the moment when fate favored me."

Hearing what Alexia said, Silver Dragon raised his glass in agreement, and then asked:

“What do you think about what’s coming next for Jenkins?”

"Just let nature take its course."

"You're not worried about the end."

"Worry...but there's always a way."

Alexia thought of the box she got from the "Dawn Steam Train" in winter. It was a gift from Jenkins' future niece, Kris Willamt, and inside it was Jenkins' second chance:

"I think fate will also favor Jenkins."

Just as Jenkins expected, such a major issue as "the relationship between the Church of the True God and the Church of the False God" may not necessarily result in a year of negotiations on weekdays, but today, it was actually reached before midnight. preliminary agreement.

This is of course not all, but the contents of the more than twenty pages are the basis for forming the final version of the agreement. The church and the false believers each took a step back, at the expense of the false god believers who devoted all their efforts and were uniformly commanded and dispatched by the church in the following days, in exchange for the freedom to open churches publicly in the next century.

Although there can only be one church, compared to the 18th century, this was an almost impossible power to obtain.

Miss Fabry played a big role in this. She firmly stood on the side of the False God Church, and even used the suggestion that "the preaching of the False God Church can suppress the power of the Orthodox Church" to win over the secular kings.

This matter is also related to secular royal power, because from a legal point of view, even if you do not consider the laws related to religion, opening a church in a town must also consider issues such as land use, taxation, fire protection, etc., which all require the city hall Agreed.

Chapter 2061 Chapter 2030 The Call of Duty

Jessica had already received a hint from Jenkins, and Queen Isabella was reluctant to express her opinion on this matter, so Miss Fabry first fought for the Kingdom of Fidictry.

Princess Sophia even broke through Jenkins' script slightly, using more clever words to maneuver between all parties in this negotiation. This is more effective and elegant than Jenkins' crude plan of threatening with savior qualifications. At the same time, it once again deepens the identity of "Miss Fabry" and once again consolidates the image of "a young woman with amazing intelligence".

Today's topic ended at 10:50 in the evening. It was not possible to discuss the issue of the savior immediately at this late hour. Therefore, the kings left some civil servants to continue the research and discussion of other topics, while they themselves took a small number of people with them. The entourage left the church and went back to rest.

The False God Cult, which has several thousand members, also takes breaks in batches to ensure that there are always representatives at the conference table to discuss issues that are not very important.

As for others, they will live in the church, but not many people are willing to take a rest. After all, it is not unacceptable for a gifter to stay awake for several days, and there are not many opportunities for hundreds of churches to appear together.

Therefore, most people didn't really want to sleep. Even if they didn't participate in negotiations, they stood around the church and talked with familiar people.

Seeing that most people didn't want to sleep, the Sage Church arranged a tour of "A Night Tour in the Evergreen Forest" after discussion. This was originally planned and was not announced as an alternative, so everything was arranged properly.

Of course, thousands of benefactors cannot leave the city in a mighty carriage. In the end, we chose to use the spatial characteristics of the Gate of All Things, and cooperate with the Class B extraordinary B-02-3-3821 [Dandelion Beacon], so that the Gate of All Things can temporarily connect to Evergreen Forest.

This method of spatial movement is relatively safe, but the disadvantage is that it is extremely expensive, and the valuable Class B extraordinary item will be completely destroyed. But for the Sage Church, which has a large family and great business, these losses are acceptable.

Jenkins did not go to Evergreen Forest, and of course he did not sleep. Later that night at two o'clock in the morning, he sat on the sofa in Miss Bevanna's office holding a tea cup.

This office is still the same, and the dim lights bring some warmth to this deep night. It's summer now, and the night temperature itself is not low, but because of a day of heavy rain and dark clouds covering the sky, the temperature is extremely low this night.

There were thick documents stacked on the coffee table in front of Jenkins. In addition to him and Miss Bevanna, Mr. Gilbert and several other demigods were also in the room. Another Holy Child, Miss Strice, just opened the door and walked in:

"Daddy Oliver is fine."

She said, and then sat down next to Jenkins panting:

"It's just that he's a little overdrawn. After being treated by you, he just needs to rest for a while. We just sent him back to the antique shop."

"Why don't you live in the church?"

Jenkins asked.

"Dad said he just likes to live in his bedroom, and the antique store isn't too far from here."

The documents stacked on the desktop are reports sent to the Holy See in Beldiran from all over the world and then forwarded. Most of them just describe the strange celestial phenomena encountered in various places, the unusual number of strange creatures in the fog, and the temperature that has been falling since noon.

A small number of reports indicate that an earthquake of unknown origin occurred this afternoon, apparently something moving beneath the earth.

At least judging from the current situation, churches everywhere can barely cope with what has happened. It's just that as more and more things appear in the fog and underground mechanical activities become more and more frequent, there will always be a day when the church is stretched thin.

Not to mention, if the dark clouds covering the sky never dissipate, just planting and food problems will be enough to cause a complete collapse of the social structure.

Although civilization did not come to the edge of the cliff because of the three declarations of the Difference Engine, the location of the cliff can now be seen. Civilization has reached a critical position. The Holy See sent these materials and documents in the hope that Nolan can reach an agreement with the believers of lies as soon as possible.

No matter who the savior is in the end, he must at least be determined before making final plans.

Originally, none of the Twelve Churches thought highly of Jenkins, even though he was one of their own. After all, Believers of Lies holds a full six spots, while Jenkins can only count one and a half. In addition, those people are all very powerful. Even if Jenkins has Miss Stivell's undercover conspiracy and the huge support of the Twelve Churches, it will be difficult to convince them to give up the competition voluntarily.

And if it relies on force to decide who will be the savior, the church does not believe that Jenkins can succeed. Although he is the Holy Son, he is never a demigod. The state of the Son can only be maintained for a period of time, but the power of believers in lies is always astonishing.

But the situation is different now. The sacrifice of the lie believers has brought about today's temporary victory, and at the same time, the competition for that spot has become one-on-one. Miss Fabry was indeed smart, but she had never shown great fighting prowess.

The church's mind suddenly became active. From this point of view, Jenkins' winning rate may be pushed to 80%.

At such a late hour, the demigods and sons of the Sage Church in Nolan gathered together. In addition to discussing the changes in the world and the coming of disasters, the more important thing was to determine Jenkins' attitude:

"Are you willing to be the savior?"

This was what Miss Bevanna behind the desk asked. Everyone looked at Jenkins, who blinked:

"Of course I am willing, why do you ask this question? Now, even if I am not willing, do we have other alternatives?"

"The [World Tree Seedling] is your own ability, not earned through fighting for it, so we never know what your views are on the identity of the savior. In addition, when it comes to the throne, you have not always claimed that you are the savior." Do you hate responsibility?"

"But this time is different. Some responsibilities, even if I don't bear them, will be borne by others, but the savior can only be me. Oh, Miss Bevanna, I know what you are worried about, please don't worry, everything I have done now , I did it willingly, and I didn’t have to do it because of the situation. Moreover, I always believe that the savior can only be me. This is a multiple-choice question, and there is only one option.”


Miss Strace asked.

Jenkins certainly wouldn't say that there was no one else but him, he chose another statement:

"Because I felt the call of fate."

Chapter 2062 Chapter 2031 The Price of Acquisition

Few people really slept that night. At almost two o'clock, Jenkins was in the reception room with Miss Bevanna and Miss Stiver discussing plans for a few hours later. At this time, news came from outside the city that the Son of the Mist appeared in the suburbs of Nolan.

Miss Bevanna rushed to help deal with it. Jenkins yawned and touched Chocolate, who was sleeping quietly on his legs. I wanted to say something more, but Miss Stiver had already stood up and was ready to leave:

"I can't leave for too long, otherwise they will doubt me."

Jenkins also packed up and prepared to find a room to rest temporarily, but after leaving the reception room, he hadn't walked a few steps when he saw Miss Audrey and the people from the Church of Destiny rushing over:

"Jenkins, this way~"

She waved Jenkins over, and Jenkins saw Miss Bronion was also there:

"Is the divination over?"

"It was interrupted. The teacher took a few hours to recover, but fortunately, it was also rewarding."

The harvest of this divination has been passed on to the Evergreen Forest. Miss Audrey and her group came to the Sage Church, on the one hand to participate in the negotiations a few hours later, and on the other hand to tell Jenkins the news.

Return to the room just now and ask the nun to help prepare tea. The group behind Miss Audrey put the documents on the table and left. Soon, only Jenkins and the two fortune tellers were left in the room.

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