"It's actually a mechanical creation? Could it be that the Difference Engine can imitate its biological structure and create a mechanical replica just by virtue of its battle with the [Cloud Whale Beast]? This is really..."

He didn't know whether to praise the opponent's powerful ability or worry about the terrifying nature of his enemy. But those ash were clearly being sprayed by this whale, and Jenkins had to stop it.

It doesn't matter if he can't enter the clouds. After all, most of Jenkins' abilities are not triggered at close range.

He pulled out his sword from the air, and as his spirit accumulated, the sword's light shone in the sky and cut through the clouds above.

The sword light burst into the black clouds and even briefly opened a gap in the clouds, allowing the church demigods who came after them to see the tip of the iceberg of the mechanical whale.

The sword light did not successfully hit the target. Around the whale, a barrier that did not exist originally appeared at the moment the sword light reached the body, blocking the sword light.

The bubble-like barrier itself only had ripples and a few cracks, and disappeared immediately after the sword light disappeared. This reminded Jenkins of the defensive layer surrounding the huge metal head yesterday afternoon.

At that time, he relied on using the sword itself instead of the sword light to split the "bubble", but this time he couldn't fly up at all.

The disappearance of the attack caused the broken clouds to close again. Jenkins did not continue to catch up, but waited for the church's support to fly in.

Because the Evergreen Forest cannot be deserted, manpower can be sent to Nolan only after the basic combat effectiveness is retained. The local order still needs to be maintained, and the Sage Church, which is currently having a meeting, needs someone to guard it to prevent this from being a ploy to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Therefore, there were actually only about twenty demigods facing the whale with Jenkins, including three Sons of God and two demigods from the False God Order.

"Just like what happened yesterday, there is a transparent barrier around that thing. Ordinary means cannot break it. My sword can, but the unicorn cannot break through this layer of fog."

He briefly explained the situation, and sure enough someone came up with an idea:

"The church also has some very...dangerous weapons that can break through the barrier 100%, but they also require close use. Therefore, our focus now is to enter the black mist in the sky, Fabry Miss, I saw you split the fog with your sword just now, can you continue to do this?"

"Yes, yes, but are you sure, does anyone dare to act around my sword light?"

Jenkins asked Nolan's old gravekeeper.

"But it's also a line of thinking that if the whale doesn't come down, we have to go up... Now to pass the message on to the church, I think there's always a way to get us into the clouds."

The clouds in the sky that cover the sun are not ordinary clouds, at least they cannot be blown away by the wind. Jenkins thought that maybe his [Moving Wind and Rain] would be useful, so he used [Real Phantom] to pull his true body onto the back of the unicorn, and then projected it back to the church, letting the unicorn fly around with his unconscious body. .

Sure enough, the church had the same idea as Jenkins. Almost as soon as Jenkins was about to open the door, there was a knock on his door.

He followed a group of people to the highest point of the east tower of the church. Because the black clouds covered the sun, the sky outside was as dark as late at night, but it was clearly close to dawn at this moment.

Pointing to the sky:

"Call the wind and rain!"

This time, the energy consumed by using the ability was obviously more than any other time. Obviously, it was not easy to summon wind and rain under the current catastrophic celestial phenomenon, but Jenkins still did it.

A strong wind suddenly appeared above Nolan, driving the clouds higher up. But unfortunately, the flow of air caused the clouds to change on a large scale, and the sky at this moment was completely covered by black clouds. Therefore, whether it is a large-scale cloud change or a small-scale change, it is meaningless.

The failure of Jenkins' attempt gave the church more ideas. Jenkins did not continue to participate in the action, but used the excuse to talk to Alexia about things and flew back to the unicorn's back again.

Chapter 2065 Chapter 2034 Fighting Whales

While in the church just now, Jenkins also heard some new information about ashes falling from the sky. The ashes are certainly not pollutants thrown out by the difference machine. This kind of thing is rapidly heating up the ground after contacting the ground.

At the same time, if a machine with a gear structure comes into contact with ashes, although there will be no change in a short period of time, the Mechanicus Church has discovered that the composition of those machines has changed.

The ashes contain both black cloud and gray fog components. If they fall into the fields, they will contaminate plants and come into contact with the human body. Although there is no discovery yet, it will definitely have an impact on people's health.

At present, the church has only discovered a giant whale appearing in the sky above Nolan, and not other places in the world yet. But no one would doubt the creation ability of the Difference Engine. In addition to its almost "omnipotent" calculation, the ability to create machines is what the church is most afraid of.

It took the church twenty minutes to think of a way to deal with the black cloud, and during this period, the temperature of the falling ashes became higher and higher. Even at the end, the ashes that had just emerged from the black clouds were still glowing with fire, and they were still warm when they fell to the ground.

This was not a good sign. Jenkins originally wanted to force his way in again, but fortunately, Mr. Gilbert held a box and found the team following the mechanical whale in the air.

"This allows a person to move around in the dark fog for a short period of time. But it can only last for twenty minutes."

Inside the box was a candle, an ordinary white candle. The candle showed that it had been used for a long time, and now only one candle stub remained. Jenkins believed that Mr. Gilbert's guess that the candle could still be used for "twenty minutes" was overly optimistic.

"Are you sure you got it right?"

Seeing this candle, the old tombkeeper frowned:

"If I remember correctly, when this B-12-1-2347 [Soul Fire Candle] is used, although it can dispel all abnormalities around it, it requires a soul sacrifice to be ignited... You Are you holding a soul jar? Do you really want to burn your soul?"

His tone was quite dissatisfied, and others could understand the old tombkeeper's thoughts.

"The church says special things will be done, so this time..."

Mr. Gilbert said awkwardly.

"No need, take it back, I have an idea."

Jenkins interjected, then patted the unicorn's head, preparing it to charge upward:

"That's when I remembered that I also have a candle."

The little beast turned into a white light and rushed below the clouds, and the purification candle fused with the fire of grace appeared in Jenkins' hand. He held the candle high. Compared with the vast sky, the flame of the candle was really weak.

But when he and the unicorn really entered the dark clouds, the warm yellow light was like an eraser erasing pencil marks, leaving a clear path of fire along the path that Jenkins and the unicorn passed by.

Everyone in the church immediately followed, and under the leadership of Jenkins, who was holding a candle high, they finally approached the giant whale swimming in the black clouds.

Its huge body is hidden in the depths of the black clouds, and even the firelight of the purification candle cannot illuminate its surroundings. Finally coming into contact with the transparent barrier, Jenkins' left hand had already taken out his sword and was about to stab forward.

But suddenly there was a sound that almost shattered the eardrums:


Sound waves vibrate the clouds, churning them into an almost physical form. This is the cry of a giant mechanical whale. The whale that was cruising according to the fixed estimate finally changed its trajectory. At the edge of the candle light, part of the whale's tail slid past.

Jenkins could clearly see that the tail was also entirely made of brass-colored mechanical material, and there seemed to be a dial embedded in the center of the tail. In the few seconds when the tail appeared, he even saw the longer second hand turning.

"Be careful, this whale may have time-like abilities."

He turned his head and said to the people behind him. When he looked forward, the huge sense of crisis made him couldn't help but widen his eyes. Unicorn's inspiration is also outstanding, and he also senses the fatal crisis emerging from the dark clouds that cannot be seen from the front.

"Do you have a shield?"

He yelled again, and without any explanation, all kinds of light shields appeared in front of him. This is a shield wall built by people from different faiths with different abilities. After the shield wall appears, a light shines deep in the dark clouds.

Anastasia, the silver dragon who looked up from the church below, saw that there was a sudden explosion in the dark clouds, and then a huge energy impact punched a hole in the clouds, allowing her to see Jenkins at the front. , splitting the beam of light into two.

The shield wall had already weakened the light, and Jenkins' sword slashed forward with all his strength, even more splitting the energy. Because this beam of light briefly dispersed the fog, people also saw the whale opening its huge mouth towards Miss Fabry and her group, and saw the barrel protruding from its mouth.

The gears clicked and rotated, and the hinge hidden inside drove the barrel to shrink into the whale's mouth.

"Is this it again? Don't the Difference Engine have other more creative attack methods?"

The unicorn carried Jenkins and turned into a white light and flew upwards. The sword pierced the barrier around the metal whale, and then together they tried to rush into the whale's unclosed mouth.

The cry of the giant whale sounded again, and even the people on the ground felt uncomfortable because of the sound. The air flow rushed out from the mouth of the mechanical whale, and then sprayed Jenkins' face with the ashes of Mars, but it had no effect.

He wanted to enter the inside of the mechanical whale and destroy the big guy from the inside, but the whale didn't give him a chance. After all the ashes were sprayed out, tongues of fire gushed out of the whale's mouth like a sea of ​​fire.

"Oh, come and see Sophia! It's so beautiful!"

The silver dragon at the window looked excitedly at the bright light appearing inside the black clouds in the sky:

"Look there!"

She pointed it out to Princess Sophia, who said helplessly:

"Aren't you going to help Jenkins?"

"He doesn't need my help yet. He can handle such a small matter by himself. Sophia, don't underestimate the living god!"

The sea of ​​fire was blocked again by the shield wall. After the flames disappeared, Jenkins and the unicorn had rushed to the whale's mouth. Densely packed brass-colored metal parts together constitute this giant monster. If you look closely, you can even see that all the parts that make up the whale are still in working order.

The gears rotate, the hinges turn, and the plugs move back and forth with the components.

The whale made no attempt to shut up to prevent Jenkins from rushing in. Instead, it opened its mouth wide and wide. The flexible metal is bending, causing the metal parts throughout the body to run even more crazily. In front of Jenkins, the mechanical whale unreservedly displayed the core part of its body.

Chapter 2066 Chapter 2035 The Challenge of the Nine-Story Tower

The core of the mechanical whale is a machine, not the miniaturized integrated metal core commonly used by intelligent machines.

It was a steam engine that looked quite old. Judging from its shape, it was a very early model. The volume of the steam engine was about a quarter of the size of an ordinary bedroom. Pipes of different thicknesses extended from the inside of the whale and connected to the steam engine, which also served to fix it.

The fire in the furnace was orange-yellow, and the high temperature was overwhelming. It was hard to imagine how high the temperature inside this steam engine was.

Just as he was about to chop this thing into pieces with a sword, he heard the unique sound of the differential engine coming from the inside of the whale's huge mouth. It was impossible for it to risk letting its core appear directly in front of Jenkins, so this should be some kind of sound transmission device:

"Savior, do you know what this is?"

It used the title "Savior" instead of revealing that the woman riding the unicorn in front of it was Jenkins. I think it knew that no one would believe it.

"Mechanical whale, I have seen it in your dream."

"No, I mean, do you know what the core in front of you is?"

"This is a steam engine."

"This is a replica of the first real steam engine created by humans in the 18th century."


"So, do you know where the first real steam engine created by humans in the 18th century is now?"

Although the rapid development of the steam industry has only occurred in this century, the invention of the steam engine can be traced back hundreds of years. Jenkins can certainly find the historical celebrities who invented the practical prototype of the steam engine from the original owner's memory. But he is not a historian, and even if Professor Burns, who is a historian, is found, I am afraid he can't find out where the original machine is.

"That prototype steam engine was stolen by me 174 years ago."

After waking up from the dream, it is indeed much more humane.

"So what?"

"You know the meaning of the prototype steam engine. It can be regarded as the seed of civilization created by humans in this era. Even if it cannot be used to influence civilization, it has great power because of its symbolism."

"You want to integrate the prototype steam engine into your core?"

"Yes, I want to use it as my core new energy."

"Then why tell me?"

Although Jenkins spoke calmly, the demigods of the church behind him were already nervous. For mysticism, "symbol" often has important significance, which can make ordinary things have extraordinary power. And the prototype steam engine can even become a powerful alchemical item with just a little modification.

"Integrate it into my core, and I will completely become a machine that uses steam engine as energy. I will completely become the beast of disaster in this era - I am steam.

I didn't want to do this originally, because the power obtained in this way has too many flaws."

It should be said that the original energy acquisition method of the differential engine is too high-end.

"But now, you have repeatedly destroyed my plan. I have not obtained a complete soul, but I have also obtained a soul; I have not completely obtained the identity of the Lord of All Machines, but I am already the master of all gear machines. Savior, I don't want to fight with you. If you are willing to join me now, I can give up the transformation into a disaster beast by fusing the prototype steam engine. You will also gain all my knowledge."

"Are you threatening me? If I don't want to, you will immediately become a disaster beast."

"This is not a threat, this is a deal. After all, it is not good for anyone if I immediately sublimate into a disaster beast."

The fire in the furnace of the prototype steam engine replica in front of him is still strong. The mechanical giant whale maintains the posture of opening its huge mouth, but in the whale's cry, it continues to spread warm ashes into the sky from the blowhole on its head.

The fine gears turn, and the hinges pull the heavy hammer up and down. Only the steam engine remains unchanged, but it is it that drives the changes of all the brass parts.

He turned back to look at the people in the church:

"What do you think?"

Of course he couldn't join the other side. Even the church knew how serious a disaster it would be to let Miss Fabry become the helper of the Difference Engine. But if he didn't agree, the beast of disaster might soon break out of the ground. Now no one can guarantee that the savior can defeat the incarnation of disaster.

The beast of disaster is not a mortal, not even a weird thing. It is a monster that will end everything, born from all the sins and all the fates of an entire era. Mortals are nothing in front of it, even the savior is just a stronger mortal.

"You won't join me."

The Difference Engine said what Jenkins was thinking at the moment:

"This is reasonable. In my calculations, the probability of you rejecting me is more than 99%, because the limit is close to 1, so it can be assumed that you will never agree. But I always think that mathematics is rigorous. Since it is not 1, it is possible that you will be persuaded by me."

"We have to believe in probability, and your persuasion skills are obviously not numerically sufficient."

Jenkins said.

"Then savior, I will complete the fusion of the prototype steam engine. During the fusion process, my control of the body is very weak, so the fusion must be completed in an absolutely safe place. That location cannot be reached by any conventional means, or even by any means. It cannot be reached by any extraordinary means. Therefore, of course, we cannot choose to go deep underground. According to my calculations, the church has a 72% probability of finding a way into the deep underground within three days at any cost. "

In fact, it is 100% that Jenkins knows some forbidden rituals... which can be called forbidden arts, using the souls of hundreds of thousands of living people. That is prohibited by almost all churches, but if compared to the entire world, the church might make a choice.

"Savior, do you know where I will fuse the prototype steam engine?"

"At the top of the nine-story tower, deep inside the last tower."

He answered calmly.


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