"Do you still want to keep this guy for research? If not, I want to try its power. Maybe I will encounter something similar in the tower. After all, it was all created by the difference engine."

Jenkins said.

This kind of monster has little research value. Its body is made of ash and has no other substances. Even dissection is a waste of time. So after a little discussion, the monster made of ashes was released on the street in accordance with Jenkins' request.

After it was freed, it squatted down and reached into the ashes on the ground. Then it pulled out a scimitar from the ashes with its right hand, and a small buckler hanging on its hand with its left hand. There is no emblem on the shield, but it looks quite light.

Jenkins put the oil lamp he was holding at his feet and held the metal sword provided by the church. This sword was an ordinary item and had not been treated in any way.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the monster in front of him. The clothes the monster was wearing were also made of ashes, but they were just a few rags. If it weren't for the fact that the body composition was completely ash, it would have looked more like a living corpse crawling out of an ancient cemetery.

The monster was already charging towards Jenkins. It raised its scimitar and struck Jenkins vertically. Jenkins raised his sword and blocked it easily:

"It's not very powerful, at least not as powerful as Professor Burns."

He was thinking in his mind, and was about to block the scimitar, but he didn't expect the opponent's left hand to directly hit him with a shield, causing Jenkins to take a step back. After he stood firm, he immediately stabbed forward with his sword, but the monster easily dodged it by rolling on the ground with agility that did not match its size.

At the same time that Jenkins swung out the second blow, the monster stood up flexibly, raised the shield in his left hand, and deflected Jenkins' sword. Taking advantage of the moment when he was stiff due to the unfinished attack, he bent the sword again. The knife struck his neck.

"I see. Although his strength is not very great, his skills are enough to be called a master of close combat."

Jenkins concluded in his mind, and then planned to finish off the other party. Although he has not experienced systematic swordsmanship training and only learned fighting skills from Miss Bevanna for half a year, the ability of [Hero] has passed down to him quite a lot of experience in using cold weapons.

He blocked forward with his free left hand, then swung upwards violently, using his force-relieving skills and his own advantage of not being afraid of injury, to also deflect the opponent's weapon.

The humanoid monster born from the ashes took a step back and immediately rolled to the left without giving Jenkins a chance. After standing up, he bent down and held the small buckler in front of him, moving sideways while preparing for an attack again.

Jenkins held the sword in one hand and kicked forward violently, knocking the round shield away. Seizing the opportunity when the opponent's middle door was wide open, he pierced the opponent's rags with a sword and plunged the sword deeply into the opponent's chest.

After waiting for a breath to confirm that there was no counterattack, he vigorously stirred the weapon in his hand, then pressed its shoulder with his left hand that was not holding the sword, and pushed it back.

The monster fell on the street filled with ashes, and soon turned into a pile of ashes and merged with the street.

"Even ordinary people can deal with these monsters if they are proficient in the use of cold weapons. However, there are too few people proficient in cold weapons in this era. It should not be difficult for the grantor, but if this kind of monster is enhanced, In some ways, it may be more difficult than Mistborn.”

He concluded, looking at the pile of ashes, he could no longer see the rich black aura:

"There are monsters in the fog, monsters in the clouds, and monsters in the ashes. This era is really not easy."

It was already half past two in the afternoon. After dealing with the matter about the monster born from the ashes, Jenkins went to find Alexia as planned. But instead of seeing Alexia, he saw Dad. Dad waved to Jenkins and entered an empty conference room with him.

"There's something I've been thinking about for a long time."

Dad didn’t talk nonsense and got straight to the point:

"Do you need the power of that key?"

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, then immediately laughed:

"Yes, I need that key."

"Transferring the key means I can only live for three days, so don't laugh so hard... The current ownership of the key is a believer in lies. Mr. Candle is probably really dead, but the death of others must be There’s a reason, and it’s important to note, that this key now belongs nominally to the followers of the lie.”

As expected, it was just like what Alexia said, no rational person would believe it.

Chapter 2085 Chapter 2054 The Gathering of Faith

"Jenkins, I don't really recommend that you get access to this key, but I don't care so much now. If you need the key, I can go and negotiate with Miss Fabry. She is the only one we can contact now. I want to ask finally In one sentence, do you really need that key? Don't worry about my life or death. I have lived long enough and don't care when I die. But you have to consider the cost of carrying this key. This is not a joke. "

Dad said seriously.

"Yes, Dad, I must use any power I can use now, even if it is a monster."

Jenkins also gave a very serious answer.

"Oh well."

Dad gritted his teeth and agreed:

"Now come with me to see Miss Fabry. In addition, you must always be wary of believers in lies. Regardless of whether the group of people who fake death exist or are really dead, there must be a purpose. Even if it has been confirmed that it is not If we participate in the fight for the savior again, I can be sure that this is definitely another conspiracy that we can't think of. "

"So is it possible that they are all really dead?"

Jenkins asked tentatively.

"Jenkins, do I look like a fool?"

Dad snorted and led Jenkins towards Princess Sophia's room.

After knocking on the door, the two entered the room. Jenkins glanced at the closet:

"I like hiding in the closet anyway."

He muttered and sat down with his father, explaining to "Miss Fabry" the purpose of his visit, that is, the situation of the key. This matter was not in the script prepared in advance, but Princess Sophia easily understood Jenkins’ wink:

"Of course, but even though we are cooperating now, the key cannot be given to you for free."

"well done!"

Jenkins praised in his heart that he meant direct consent. Unexpectedly, the princess realized that direct consent would be suspicious, so she still remembered to put forward conditions.

"So what do you want?"

Dad asked.

"I want to meet the author of Detective Knight."

Jenkins saw the book spread out on the bed, and judged from its position that it should be what Anastasia had just read, and then understood that Princess Sophia was purely helping the silver dragon fulfill his wish.

"That's no problem. The lady with good writing skills arrived in Nolan with the delegation from the Chesland Kingdom. If necessary, the church can arrange for you to meet as soon as possible... Are there any other requirements?"

Judging from the expression on Dad's face, before they meet, the church will even investigate the genealogy of the writer who was innocently involved.

"Let me think about it...Does the Zhengshen Church have an item that allows the user to put on makeup as they please? Note, it's not an illusion disguise, it's real makeup."

This must be Princess Sophia's own request, so the father who didn't know the inside story looked even more confused, but he still nodded:

"I've heard of similar items, but they don't belong to the Sage Church, so it takes time to coordinate. Is there anything else you need?"

Whether it is arranging a meeting with the writer or the props used for makeup, their value is far less than the key, but Princess Sophia has no other requirements:

"We will discuss other requests later. Just treat it as a favor that Jenkins Willamt owes me, but don't worry, I won't make too many demands. Do you agree?"

She looked at Jenkins, who frowned and looked at him suspiciously, then looked at his father, and then looked at him again:


He said in a low voice, and then noticed a hand sticking out from the closet behind his father, making a gesture of praise towards him.

In order to prevent the restless silver dragon from laughing out of the closet at any time, Jenkins took his father and left as soon as possible after talking to Miss Fabry.

But the key cannot be given to Jenkins yet. The intelligence has stated that the treehouse will conduct a final sniper attack on the savior before entering the metal black tower. Dad hopes that he can do something for his last apprentice.

"Since I will definitely sacrifice, why not make the sacrifice more valuable."

He has lived long enough, so he is not afraid of sacrifice, but only hopes that the sacrifice will be more valuable:

"Jenkins, I'm old. It doesn't matter whether I live or die, but you must come back alive."

"I will definitely come back."

He no longer knew how many times he had said this today.

The two walked through the corridor while talking, wanting to take a look at the negotiation venue in the courtyard. Jenkins guessed that Alexia might be listening there.

But dad noticed something:

"One more thing, the way your whole body is glowing now is the light and shadow effect you created yourself?"


He looked down at his hand, and it was indeed glowing, a dazzling golden light. So he picked up Chocolate on his shoulders, and Chocolate looked at him innocently. The cat did not glow, indicating that the reason for the glow came from himself:

"Oh, I think I understand."

Then it dawned on me.

Summoning the ability light point, one of the remaining two blank bubbles is flashing with dim light, and at the same time, the colorful and slender flame in the heart is also trembling:

"I feel the power! It's time, it's time to lay down the king's soul. Dad, I want to give a public speech and let the church help organize it."

His face was filled with joy.


Full power poured into Jenkins' body from all directions. That power was not pure spirit, but more like the so-called "faith." What people worship is not Jenkins himself, but the power he represents to save the world and the species he represents.

The souls of the four kings serve as an important symbol, symbolizing Jenkins' identity as the king of mankind. After this identity was spread to the material world through the name of "Savior", the belief derived from his own race finally gathered around Jenkins.

At first, there were just dots of fluorescent light around him, like golden fireflies flying around him; but soon it turned into a large clump of fireflies flying around him; and after a few minutes, his whole body was like a golden gas lamp.

On this afternoon without the sun, this warm and bright color is particularly eye-catching. Although this color is extremely bright, it is surprisingly not dazzling, and people can still see Jenkins, who is almost turning into pure gold.

Moreover, anyone who approaches Jenkins at a certain distance will claim that he feels the increase in strength. The church quickly gave an explanation based on this phenomenon. This is one of the ability characteristics of the [Uncrowned King] when it is not fully formed. Any [person] who acts around the ability holder can get the blessing from the king.

Section 2086 Chapter 2055 Leader

Although the savior competition in the eighteenth century has come to the end, this is the first time that the church has experienced the formation of the savior emblem in front of its eyes at the end of the eighteenth century, which was full of disasters. Maybe this is the last emblem, but the church still attaches importance to it and wants to record the whole process, which may provide effective guidance for thousands of years in the next century.

Therefore, more and more people watched this scene, so that when Jenkins arrived at the negotiation venue above the church courtyard, he was surprised to find that half of the venue was full.

You know, even during the negotiation about the identity of the savior, there were not so many people.

The power that converged from the void has almost reached the limit. Jenkins' soul can still bear it, but his body can't bear it. The king soul fusion body that has received too much power in the heart is in a state of expansion and explosion. Jenkins knows that he must complete the final declaration as soon as possible, otherwise there may be trouble.

Now waiting for him to speak below are representatives of the Twelve Orthodox Churches, members of the False God Cult who have arrived at the Nolan Sage Church, and representatives of the three major human kingdoms and affiliated principalities in the material world.

"Here, I will speak as the current king of Fidictli, the son of the Orthodox God [Inherited Sage]."

He glanced at the speech in his hand and put it down. He coughed, and his voice spread loudly to every corner of the negotiation venue:

"Earlier today, I had the honor of becoming the only savior recognized in this era. I was supposed to give a speech at that time, but because there were some procedural issues that needed internal discussion, the speech was postponed to now.

Everyone, please listen carefully!"

He has temporarily suppressed the golden light around him, but although the light and shadow effect is gone, the power that continues to gather from racial beliefs still exists. This makes his body almost form a layer of transparent power. People can't see what's around him, but they can feel the oppressive thing.

"As of now, 1,866 years have passed since the 18th Era. According to ancient legends and prophecies of prophets, the end of the Era is coming. And every time the end of an Era comes, the story of an entire Era ends, a great disaster will befall the world.

This is not a rumor of those heretics, nor is it the nonsense of foolish and blind people. This is the truth. Therefore, according to ancient traditions, and in order to successfully transition the brilliant civilization of mankind to the next Era, we must work together and unite as one. Face the coming disaster together, rather than fighting alone."

The church mostly told the representatives about these things in private, but it was the first time someone said it at the beginning of the event.

"Regarding those monsters that are not ordinary, the terrifying existence hidden in the black clouds and gray fog, the Orthodox Church will naturally fight against them. It is also the responsibility and obligation of us extraordinary people to select a savior to face the ultimate sin.

But even if all the monsters are defeated, the gray fog and black clouds will still exist. These are sins created by humans, and people need to redeem themselves. The Air Management Act is just one of the measures. There is more cooperation, which requires the human kingdom and the Orthodox Church to formulate and implement together.

We do this not for ourselves, but for the world, for our next generation, and for our entire race."

After a simple applause, Jenkins reached into his pocket and took out a large brown paper bag. After carefully opening it, there was a thick stack of documents inside:

"Economy, environment, steam technology, culture, etc., we are facing changes. From the 18th era to the 19th era, it is not a simple change of era. What we need is a comprehensive change to adapt to the current social environment and the needs of ordinary people. Of course, we must adapt to the changes in this world."

Then, Jenkins listed the current major and minor contradictions in each of the above-mentioned fields, and analyzed the many problems encountered in the development process from his own perspective, raised the prospects of those important industries, estimated the difficulties that may be encountered, and the problems that arise in combination with reality.

This is almost a detailed analysis of the times, and these speeches were "written" by him. Before this, even Hathaway, who was most familiar with Jenkins in theory, did not know that Jenkins had such a skill, and what he said was almost always right.

Maybe some of the problems are very simple, but at least it shows that he has really thought about it and really seen the problem.

This is a speech systematically drawn from history and experience, as well as the views put forward in the great works of the past, as a member of another civilization. Of course, Jenkins in the past was not an expert in this area, but at least he could do it by comparing and summarizing the commonalities and similarities between the two worlds, and then extracting those common problems from the history of the other.

He just raised the problem now, and the solution was in the books he left for Jessica.

This long speech lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon. Except for his voice, the venue was almost silent. Maybe some people did not take this speech seriously at first, thinking that it was just a means for William to seize the leadership of the three kingdoms.

But I didn't expect that he really had the real stuff. Maybe the young king was still a little immature in some aspects, but he was still very young. Compared with young people of the same age, Jenkins William's future is immeasurable.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Jessica has been with Queen Isabella all the time. She whispered to her:

"Do you think that your thoughts have always been correct?"

"Did he come up with all these words? It has nothing to do with you?"

"Yes, I can assure you of this."

Jessica answered in a low voice. The old man kept silent, staring at Jenkins who was still speaking loudly above:

"How is this possible? No matter how smart you are, politics and management cannot be understood simply by reading books."

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