After saying that, the gear robot was like a pile of sand, and it directly scattered into a pile of gears. The clothes covered the gears, swaying with the evening breeze that shuttled through the forest.

"Don't get close."

Jenkins said, then walked quickly to the pile of gears, bent down and inserted his hand into the metal gears, and quickly stood up again with a black object in his hand.

It didn't matter what the black metal object was. What mattered was that it jumped in Jenkins' hand, and in the metal seams on the surface, red light could be vaguely seen flashing at the frequency of breathing. Even if you hold your breath and concentrate, you can still hear a faint "beep, beep~" sound.

For anyone who has seen a weapon like "bombs", the thing in Jenkins' hand will be associated with bombs at the first time.

"Still being clever now."

Jenkins muttered softly.

Obviously, the aura of the gear robot just now was very faint, but the aura of this bomb has surpassed the weird thing. The Difference Engine probably thought that everyone would relax their vigilance after he left, so he tried again to see if he could kill Jenkins directly.

His hands were freezing, but the heart-shaped bomb frozen in the ice was still flashing, and the frequency of the flashing light was getting faster and faster, and the beeping sound was getting louder and louder, like a death knell.

"This is troublesome... Get ready to open the shield, I don't know what its effect is for the time being."

Jenkins said to the people around him, and then regardless of whether they understood what he meant, he grabbed the bomb with one hand, and then climbed the giant tree next to him neatly, and rushed to the top of the tree like a cat.

The giant tree in the center of the Evergreen Forest is very tall. Even if it grows in the canyon, standing on the top of the tree canopy, you can still overlook all the nearby scenery.

After he reached the highest point, he tried his best to throw the bomb in his hand into the sky, and then fell to the ground in free fall.

At the same time, the divine shield shining with various colors of spiritual light appeared at the top of the tree canopy.

Although the Difference Engine controlled the forest so easily just now, it was because too much power was transferred to the urban area. One-sixth of Nolan's power remained in the Evergreen Forest, and with the demigods brought by Jenkins, the shield deployed this time was second only to the protection deployed by the Sage Church relying on its own power.

But Jenkins thought this was not enough, so he communicated with the life spirit of the entire forest during the descent, allowing the giant tree and all the trees around it to grow upwards, and used branches filled with the life spirit to weave a net-like shield again in the middle layer between the divine shield and the crown of the giant tree.

He was caught by Miss Audrey, and at the same time, an explosion finally occurred in the sky. The explosion was not loud, to be more precise, the sound was like a balloon pierced by a needle, although it was not loud but very sharp.

Jenkins looked up and saw that with the explosion, the black spiritual light swept across the sky like a shock wave. After being blocked by the divine shields of various churches, it eroded downwards again.

There was a sound of corrosion of branches above his head, and Jenkins hurriedly mobilized more plants to join the net above. But even so, some black liquid still dripped down.

After landing, the ground was immediately corroded into black, and it quickly assimilated the nearby soil like ink falling into clear water. Fortunately, people were well prepared. Once they found the droplets falling, they dug out the entire piece of soil and sealed it.

The aftermath of the bomb explosion did not completely dissipate until more than ten minutes later. Jenkins, who came to the top of the tree canopy again, saw the sky floating with flocculent black unknown substances. And the layer of branches and trunks he built was almost completely destroyed.

"What should we do now? You can't carry these numbered items we prepared for you, Jenkins, do you really have a way yourself?"

Miss Audrey asked worriedly.

"It's okay. I just told the difference engine that I have my own ideas. Do you think I was lying just now?"

Miss Audrey was skeptical about this statement, and when Alexia pulled Jenkins to talk alone, she didn't believe it at all:

"Usually when you mention that you are lying, you must be lying. Jenkins, you have no other means now."

She looked up at Jenkins:

"The development of things is beyond your expectations, and you are also worried."

"Of course I have other ways."

He said this, but he didn't look into Alexia's eyes:

"If things really develop to the worst, I will abandon this body."

He pointed to himself:

"You know, my body is actually quite The shackles of the soul. Unlike the greatness of the soul, the body is still just a mortal. Even though this body is almost equivalent to the World Tree itself, it is only a flesh body before I grow further. The key to the World Tree and all power lies in the soul. I will be stronger if I abandon the body. "

"Without the body, does your soul have enough power to defeat the difference machine?"

"Of course not."

He did not lie about this:

"Although I can't win, at least I won't lose."

"You don't mean to say that if it comes to the last moment, you will self-destruct at the cost of completely damaging your body, and then use your new ability [Mechanical Dream] to force the difference machine and yourself into the dream, and fight a decisive battle at the level of consciousness?"

"This is just a possibility. Although the evolution of [Mechanical Dream] has limited the originally nearly omnipotent dream to one theme, it has also greatly strengthened my dream control ability. It has mechanical power, and I have it too. Our power is of the same origin in a certain way, which is more conducive to my pulling it into the dream..."

PS: Regarding the restrictions mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, let me explain that only numbered items are restricted, and ordinary ritual materials with weak spirits are not restricted, let alone divinity. After all, this is just a maze set by the differential machine, not a change in the rules of the world, so it will definitely not affect divinity.

Chapter 2099 Chapter 2068 Torment

Alexia pursed her lips, her expression very serious:

"So, are you really going to use this method?"

"What better way can there be? And the difficulty now is not whether I can defeat the differential machine, but whether I can climb to the ninth floor of the tower...Alexia, I know you are worried, but haven't we anticipated these things a long time ago?"

He forced a smile and reached out to touch the cat on his shoulder. Chocolate stretched out his little claws and grabbed Jenkins' hand, which surprised Jenkins. He turned to look at Chocolate, whose big amber eyes were also looking at him. In the cat's eyes, Jenkins actually saw a kind of "reluctance" emotion.

"Oh, my empathy ability can finally read Chocolate's thoughts?"

He said.

"Don't change the subject. Without the help of those numerous numbered items, have you planned how to use all your abilities reasonably? Have you prepared the ritual items to bring into the tower? Have you thought about how to deal with the power of those disaster beasts? Is it to counter them as they come?"

"It can only be like this. We don't know the content of the strange land, we don't know which disaster beasts are... Everything, only when I see it, I can prepare... Sorry, Alexia, I know you are worried, but under the current circumstances, there is really no other good idea."

Alexia couldn't refute this point of view, she slowly lowered her head. Jenkins wanted to hug her, but she gently pushed him away:

"How many abilities do you have now? How many blank bubbles are left?"

"If the chain ability [Fate Stage] is considered as one ability, then I now have a total of 31 abilities, with one blank bubble remaining. For the remaining blank bubble, I am waiting for the final fate. I don't believe that the qualification for fate will not appear before the final battle."

Alexia did not comment on this idea:

"Since you don't have a better way to change the numbered items, you can make a fuss about the abilities. You should know that the church has a way to allow the gifter to increase blank bubbles, or even directly learn abilities..."

"But it costs a lot."

"Jenkins, as long as you are fine, any price can be paid."

Alexia's tone and expression when she said this were extremely terrifying.

There is no value in staying in the Evergreen Forest for the time being. After asking about what happened to the gear robot after it came to the forest, Jenkins and the convoy returned to the Sage Church in the city again.

It's just that the two fortune tellers stayed in the forest. They seemed to be preparing a ceremony, but they kept it secret from Jenkins. In addition, the number of people returning to the city was much larger than the number of people coming in. The importance of Evergreen Forest, at least before Jenkins entered the tower, was much lower than that of the Sage Church.

The tree house would cause trouble in front of the tower, and then someone would be needed to protect Jenkins to enter the nine-story metal tower.

On the way back to the city, Jenkins thought of many things. For example, in addition to the various items on his body, he had also touched many items belonging to others from one month to one year ago.

Among them, as for the gift, Miss Magic once lent her pendant to Jenkins, and the book that Miss Befanna carried with her was also touched by Jenkins. Not to mention the various special items that he and his father bought back during his work at his father's antique shop, which fully met the requirements for bringing into the tower. And Sigrid, when he and Sigrid were in the flowery and strange world, the two of them gained a lot.

In this way, Jenkins actually had a lot of items to carry.

So, after returning to the church, he first went home to pack up, and then he went around the church to collect these items. Except for Miss Audrey who stayed in the forest and could not borrow her items, and Miss Befanna's big book was only valid if she held it, the church and others were happy to lend their items to Jenkins.

However, Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute were not in the church. Britney said that they left after Jenkins went out in a carriage. Miss Magic left a letter to apologize for her and Miss Silver Flute's sudden departure -

[We have very important things to do. If we succeed, you will thank us in the future. Don't worry about us, we will soon meet up with Mr. Hood and the other two to do something big.

I will leave my six-pointed star pendant to you, hoping that it can play a greater role in your hands.

Note: This is temporarily lent to you, not given to you, remember to return it to me after use. ]

The departure of the two made Jenkins very disappointed, not because he could not get the [Heart of the Ocean] in Miss Magic's hand, but because he had no chance to say goodbye to his two friends.

He didn't have time to feel lost for too long before he was called to a meeting by his father. It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and there were only two hours left until midnight. The church was preparing for the battle around the metal tower. Documents from all over the world were being collected here, so that the priests could sort out information about the beast of disaster.

Everyone had something to do, and Jenkins, as the core of everything, had to hold the last meeting before entering the tower.

The meeting did not use the negotiation venue held at the Gate of All Things. The negotiations there were still going on, but Jenkins didn't pay attention to it. The meeting used a very ordinary meeting room in the church. In addition to the Sage Church, the twelve orthodox churches each sent three people to participate.

Although the number of people was a little less, these people were the ones who could really make decisions in each church. It can be said that now the leaders of the twelve churches are all gathered together.

Jenkins sat in the chair at the head, tilting his head and looking at the dark world outside the window. After a long time, he heard the sound of the door closing. Knowing that everyone was there, he sat up straight, took away the chocolate lying on the documents, and then motioned to his father to speak.

"I won't introduce myself. It's 10:13 tonight, less than two hours from midnight. In addition to the defense meeting around the Civic Square next to us, this meeting is the last important meeting tonight. Everyone has received the documents, and the current situation is very clear. The new information about the tower has been summarized. Does anyone have anything to add?"

Everyone gathered together to provide Jenkins with the final help. But Jenkins thought that doing so was not very meaningful. Instead, the content about how to escort him into the metal tower was more important.

Differential opportunities tried every means to weaken Jenkins before he climbed to the ninth floor of the tower, so there must be traps outside the tower, not only in the strange world inside the tower. In addition to the means of the tree house, the army of mechanical corpses is already certain.

In addition to the defense of the church's benefactors, the church must decide how many demigods can appear at that time and fight against unknown existences without fear of death.

Although Jenkins's trip determines the fate of the world, whether it wins or loses, the world needs the Orthodox Church to maintain a certain combat effectiveness to protect more people in the next disaster or doomsday.

Every fighting power will affect the future, but if you give up the present for the future, it would be foolish. The balance between them must be carefully grasped, which is the second reason for this meeting.

The Church of Sages will sacrifice everyone to let Jenkins enter the tower intact. But other churches certainly don't think so, so they have to discuss the most reasonable plan.

The meeting took less than an hour. After the meeting, Jenkins talked to his father again. Dad has made up his mind to send Jenkins into the tower himself. He will use the power of the key to protect Jenkins as much as possible. After Jenkins arrived at the bottom of the tower, he gave him the key so that his apprentice could inherit this cursed power.

Jenkins actually wanted to talk to Alexia, but Alexia didn't know where she went. Finally, Hathaway persuaded Jenkins to sleep before midnight. It is very useful to relax his mind in the last hour.

His original idea was to go deep into the secret library and try his luck in the end, but he couldn't resist Hathaway's persuasion and went to rest. Although she was not sleepy at all, she fell asleep unconsciously after falling on the bed.

Hathaway sat on the bed in the dark room, looking at Jenkins' face, and did not speak for a long time.

She tiptoed out of the room, closed the door carefully, and saw Julia and Britney waiting for her in the corridor.

"Is he asleep?"

Britney asked in a low voice.

"He is asleep. Wait until 11:40, and then we will wake him up."

The three of them walked towards the kitchen together, wanting to make some midnight snacks for Jenkins and Chocolate. Although the ingredients in the church kitchen were rich, they had no appetite, because they would feel uncomfortable in their stomachs when they thought about what Jenkins would face. And once they thought that this might be the last time they would get along with Jenkins, panic would even cause stomach cramps and even the desire to vomit.

This is a physiological reaction caused by panic. No matter how much they tell themselves that nothing will happen, the body's reaction cannot be suppressed by reason.

Now Alexia is making final preparations, Dolores is with Salshi II, Jessica is speaking on behalf of Jenkins at the negotiation venue, and Sigrid is helping the church to look through some of the safety documents of the beast of disaster that can be viewed by low-level benefactors.

A family of eight, everyone has their own things to do. But except for Jenkins who is sleeping soundly, the time now is a torment for everyone.

Section 2100 Chapter 2069 The First Disaster

If Jenkins is still awake, he may spend the last hour with someone imagining the time point 24 hours later, imagining what will happen after he returns safely.

But he has fallen into a deep sleep, and even chocolate cannot enter his dream at this moment, because there is already a visitor in the dream.

Returning to the island in the middle of the lake, he saw the projection of the World Tree's consciousness again. Jenkins stretched his legs and sat under the shade of the tree, with his hands on the grass looking at the clear lake in the distance. The feminine World Tree consciousness, who was as tall as him, stood beside him with her hands folded on her chest, looking in the same direction as him.

Gradually adapting to the dark sky of the material world and the gray fog that seemed to have problems with his vision, Jenkins was a little uncomfortable with such bright sunshine and fresh air. Even though the World Tree claimed that everything here was a scene projected by his own thoughts, it did not prevent Jenkins from breathing deeply and enjoying the long-lost natural breath.

"I'm here to help you."

The World Tree took the initiative to say.

"Can you show up in the material world?"

He imagined the World Tree appearing in Nolan and entangled with the tower.

"Of course not. It's not that the world doesn't allow it, but I am too dangerous to the world. But I have to help you. This world finally gave birth to the second world tree in the true sense. I can't just sit back and watch you disappear so easily. You are like my..."

Her voice is very nice. If you only judge from the voice, this is probably a young girl in her twenties. Her face is also very beautiful. Basically, it concentrates all the beautiful details of the girls Jenkins likes, so it reminds Jenkins that this is not true.

"Okay, no need to say it."

"Don't you like being called a younger brother? But I heard that you have a brother, right? Oh, I also heard that you will face the beasts of disaster from multiple eras next."

Jenkins didn't know how this tree, which was obviously outside the material world, could be so well-informed, but he nodded:

"Yes... and to be honest, I am actually very sad..."

"This is normal. Everyone who knows the truth about the beasts of disaster will feel sad about such an existence. The beasts of disaster cannot be eliminated, because as long as they appear, will become the cornerstone of the world. The sins they carry and the civilization they symbolize for an entire era have allowed them to survive forever. Even if it is only part of the power of the beast of disaster, it is not something that a new seedling like you can resist. "

Although it was strange that the other party regarded Jenkins as a sapling, Jenkins agreed with her opinion:

"And there are seventeen different beasts of disaster. Even if I want to prepare for the means of confrontation in advance, I can't be sure which one I will face."

"At least it won't be the beast of disaster in the first era, it won't be the first disaster."

The woman's voice was gentle.


Jenkins was puzzled, but he was very happy with the result. The first one is not necessarily the best, but it is definitely the most mysterious, and the "mystery" in this world represents power in a certain sense.

"Because I am the first beast of disaster. "

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