This time, oil paintings were still used as the stage background, and the content of the oil paintings showed ordinary family bedrooms. In the center of the oil painting is a four-poster bed with a curtain, surrounded by dressing tables, tables, vases and other furnishings on both sides. On the far left of the oil painting is the door, and on the far right is the window. There is a birdcage on the windowsill, but there is no bird in it, only a few messy white feathers.

There is nothing unusual about the bedroom decoration style shown in the oil painting, and judging from the appearance of gas lamps and some metal supplies, this should be an era similar to the current point in the material world. This not only made Jenkins wonder whether this third mystery was the same as the first two, but also related to reality.

The painting style used in the oil paintings tends to be children's paintings, and when it appears here, it has an element of eerieness and a bit of horror.

Jenkins let out a breath and leaned back on the soft seat to wait for the start. He doesn't know what he will encounter next, but this strange place has been too comfortable so far. Although he will not relax because of this, he still has a moment of peace in his heart because he guessed that the difference engine will have little impact here. easy.

And this relaxation soon disappeared because of this drama.

The "doll" as the protagonist of the performance also fell from the top of the stage to the stage in the same way as "falling from the sky". This doll looks exactly like the one when the rules were introduced, only the style of the clothes and the paint on the face are different. In other words, these are all the same style of dolls.

Upbeat music came from the back of the stage, and a doll in a skirt began to sing with a woman's voice. There is nothing wrong with the music, but the singing voice is hard not to remind people of characters like "Old Witch".

This voice is not just unpleasant, it contains power, which is enough to distort the minds of ordinary people. Jenkins had learned about the fighting style of music believers from Hathaway, so he knew a lot about the means of using sound to cause attacks.

"Fortunately I didn't bring any chocolate."

He endured the sound and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Chocolate's ears were very "delicate" and could not bear this kind of sound.

"A good day starts with a good breakfast. I am more beautiful today than yesterday."

The puppet sang while spinning on the stage, and finally stopped in front of the dressing mirror on the oil painting. But it does not face the mirror in the oil painting with its back to Jenkins, but faces Jenkins and its back to the mirror:

"Mirror, mirror, am I the most beautiful girl in the world?"

The puppet looked at Jenkins and asked. Jenkins didn't react at first. When the music continued and the puppet stopped singing, he realized that the stage and the audience were actually interactive.

"Didn't you say that as an audience member, I can't make any noise during the performance?"

He turned to look at the metal doll sitting next to him. The latter's head was rotated ninety degrees, and his face was facing him with a weird smile on his face.

"Mirror, mirror, am I the most beautiful girl in the world?"

The puppet on the stage sang along with the melody again, but this time there was obvious impatience in the tone. Jenkins knew that he must not delay it any longer. If the puppet show could not proceed due to his own reasons, he doubted that the metal puppet sitting next door would directly pull out a dagger and stab it.

Find the melody of the music, speak accurately, and start singing with the melody. Jenkins is actually not good at singing, neither the original owner nor he was good at it, past or present. Even though Hathaway tried to teach Jenkins some singing techniques, such as breathing methods and the difference between throat sounds and chest and abdominal exhalations, Jenkins was still not good at it.

But fortunately, there is no one he is familiar with here, so even if his singing is not very good, no one will know:

"Oh, yes. You are as bright as a star and as delicate as a flower in early spring."

Chapter 2124 Chapter 2093 Puppet Show Attack

In fact, Jenkins cannot tell whether a doll is good-looking based on his own aesthetic standards, but it is never wrong to praise a female creature for being beautiful. He has confirmed this many times in many aspects.

Sure enough, the puppet on the stage continued his "self-narcissism" after he finished singing. It takes a full five minutes to praise one's beauty, and the lyrics use a large number of grammatically complex epithets and metaphors, which is something even Jenkins can't do.

"But since I am involved, it will definitely have an impact... Where will the danger of this strange situation come from?"

After intoxicating himself in the bedroom, the puppet sings as he walks towards the door on the left side of the stage background. After arriving near the door, a brand new background oil painting fell from the sky with a swoosh sound, replacing the original background, and the puppet then turned around and walked towards the center of the stage.

The second act begins, and this time the background is the living room. Not only has the background oil painting changed, but even the background music behind the stage has disappeared.

The puppets came to the center of the stage in silence, and then a sofa and two brand-new puppets sitting on the sofa landed on the stage. Judging from the costumes, if the original puppet was a girl puppet, then the new two are probably her parents.

"where are you going?"

asked the father puppet.

This is a dialogue with no music or melody, just dialogue with a strong stage style.

"I'm going to get on with my show."

The girl puppet answered while holding up the hem of her skirt and spinning it around.

"Are you going to wear this dress?"

the Mother Doll asked, speaking in a very uncomfortable voice, like the other two voices.

"Yes, Mr. Mirror said, I am beautiful."


The father puppet and the mother puppet sighed at the same time, and at the same time, a rapid drum beat came from behind the stage. The lights on the stage suddenly went out, and only two beams of light remained, one shining on the father puppet and the other shining on the mother puppet:

"Mirror, how dare you say that!"

They looked at Jenkins in the audience at the same time. Jenkins didn't know why:

"You praise your daughter, but you still have objections?"

He squirmed uneasily in his seat, and then when he saw the two puppets, he actually jumped off the stage. Two beams of light falling from the sky from unknown sources also followed them.

One took the left aisle and the other took the right aisle. They approached Jenkins' third row from two directions and successfully blocked him in the center. Sharp knives appeared in the hands of the two puppets. Under the rapid drum beat, they quickly rushed towards Jenkins along the space between the seats.

"Isn't this too much?"

Jenkins immediately stood up, holding a silver table knife in each hand. No matter how powerful the puppets are, they are controlled through those threads. As long as the threads are cut off, they lose their ability to move... Of course, if they can still move, Jenkins has other means.

"You can't leave your seat."

The metal doll next to him suddenly reminded him in the darkness.

"Of course I know."

"You cannot interfere with the continuation of the puppet show."

It said again.

"What's the meaning?"

"You can't destroy the puppet as an actor or the play won't go on."

In the midst of this explanation, two puppets that seemed to be sliding on the ground came to Jenkins' side, one on the left and one on the right, and simultaneously raised their daggers to stab him in the waist.

"Oh, that's not fair, I can't destroy them and they want to kill me!"

In order not to break the "no loud noise" rule, he expressed his opinions as quietly as possible. At the same time, he threw away the knife in his hand and held the knife hands of the two puppets with both hands. Although their power is not as powerful as Jenkins, they are still surprisingly powerful. Not only ordinary people, but even ordinary low-level gifters may not be able to compare with them.

Seeing their hand being held, the puppets raised their other hand, which also held a sharp knife.

"Why do they have knives on them? This conflicts with the story setting of this puppet show!"

Jenkins protested again, and this time the metal doll who had hid in the row of chairs behind him actually explained aloud:

"It does not conflict with the story setting. We are a professional puppet show troupe."

"It will only explain it to me when it comes to the logic of the story... Also, since there is no conflict, it means that the family environment where the three puppets live is definitely not simple!"

He only had two hands, so he was unable to stop another assassination attack. Two short knives penetrated the waist on the left and right sides respectively. Jenkins groaned, endured the pain and smiled:

"You don't think I would be afraid of such an attack, do you?"

Even though the two daggers were poisonous as expected, and they were very powerful poisons, he was now immune to all poisons. There must be poisons in this world that can still affect him, but at least the ones on the two daggers are not the ones.

He grasped the puppets' hands, lifted them up, and threw them toward the stage. Unexpectedly, under the control of the puppets' silk threads, the two puppets actually changed directions in the air and rushed towards Jenkins again as if they were flying. This time they took out brand new daggers. This time the daggers were actually strange objects with black aura.

"The way to change the situation is not to defeat these two puppets, and the metal puppets behind me will not stop them from attacking me, so the way out is..."

He looked towards the dark stage, and due to dark vision, he saw the girl doll standing still in the center of the stage:

"It's time to go."

He sang loudly, trying his best to make his voice sound like he was singing even without the melody:

“The mirror reminds you that it’s time to go out and perform, or it may be too late.”

As soon as the sound fell, the lights on the stage were instantly turned on, and the girl puppet began to move again, and said to Jenkins on the stage in an excited tone:

"Yes, Mr. Mirror is right, father and mother, I'm going out!"

The two "flying" puppets changed direction again in the air, turned around and landed on the stage:

"Oh, that's not possible. You can't go out now. Go back to your room."

said the father puppet.

"You can't go out, let alone perform. Go back now."

Mother Puppet also said.

The music started again, and the girl puppet sang:

"You will never understand me. I know my things. Now I will show you my magic. Look, how wonderful my magic is!"

Her wooden fingers made a snapping motion, and then the ear-splitting sound really came out.

As the voice fell, two wooden boxes fell from the sky, covering the father puppet and the mother puppet. The girl doll turned around and came to the oil painting, standing in front of the painting of a floor-standing cabinet. Stretching out her hand, the girl puppet's hand penetrated the oil painting and took out a hacksaw with a cold light from behind the oil painting.

Chapter 2125 Chapter 2094 Terrifying Speculations

"Magic, my favorite."

The girl puppet holding the hacksaw turned around and sang, but the background music had stopped. Jenkins, who was off the stage, covered his waist and looked at the stage, watching the lights change from warm to cold, watching the girl puppet holding the hacksaw, singing and spinning while walking towards the two shaking wooden boxes.


He said, swallowing his saliva:

"Why do you always make such stories?"

Under his gaze, the girl puppet used the hacksaw to skillfully saw the two wooden boxes into twelve pieces in just a few minutes, accompanied by the screams of the other two puppets and the girl's singing.

Then, it used the combination method to swap the positions of the twelve wooden boxes.

With a deafening snap of the fingers, the two wooden boxes rose into the sky and disappeared. The puppets that were rearranged and "arranged" were still standing there. There were no signs of cutting or patchwork on the puppets, but the puppets looked completely different, as if they were replaced with new ones, even their clothes were different:

"Father and mother, I'm going out."

The girl puppet casually threw the hacksaw at the hole in the painting, and thus smashed a bigger hole, and then said in a monologue.


It was a very simple answer, but there was no emotion in the tone of the two new puppets.

Standing still, they rose into the sky, and the girl puppet walked towards the door of the painting. Then the background painting changed again, which meant that the third act had begun.

The number of acts of different scripts was written on the ticket. "Magic Girl" only had four acts, and this puppet show was halfway through.

Jenkins sighed, and the wound on his waist had almost healed. According to the rule that he interacted with the girl puppet in the story once in the previous two acts as "Mr. Mirror", he would probably participate in the next third and fourth acts for inexplicable reasons.

In the first act, he just answered a question, and in the second act, he was forced to fight with the puppet. He didn't know what the third act would be like, and while he was thinking, the third act had already begun with a complex background sound.

The background painting reappeared, it was a lively and noisy street, shrouded by a layer of gray fog, and the characters depicted in the painting were not puppets but real people. The background sound was not music, but various voices and carriage sounds came, as if there was really a noisy street behind the stage.

The girl puppet walked from the side of the stage to the center of the stage with a cheerful step, and she could sing the music even without music. The content of the lyrics is not important, it roughly expresses a happy mood, and of course, she did not forget to praise herself as the most beautiful girl and the most outstanding magician.

Brand-new props fell from the sky, a carriage that matched the proportions of the puppets and a coachman puppet sitting in the carriage waiting for guests. The girl puppet came to the carriage and said in a chanting way:

"The stage is about to open, and the magic show is urgent. Please take me to the stage."

The coachman puppet jumped off the carriage with exaggerated movements, and replied while turning around with the girl puppet:

"The stage is about to open, you are the scheduled performer, but please pity me, the coachman, and pay the reward before going on the road."

"Of course the reward can be paid, but please tell me what you need."

The girl puppet sang with it.

"Since you are a magician, please take their hearts."

Three beams of light fell on the stage, and then in the light, three new puppets landed. On the far left is a man puppet looking down at a newspaper, standing in front of the street lamp pole in the oil painting; in the middle is a middle-aged woman puppet holding a bag of bread, standing in front of the intersection in the oil painting; the closest to the carriage is a flower girl puppet carrying a basket, and the puppet's head shakes left and right, as if observing whether there are any customers.

Jenkins completely couldn't understand the connection between "magician" and "getting a heart", but the girl puppet readily agreed.

Then, the lights on the stage suddenly went out, leaving only four beams of light, shining on the girl puppet and the three passerby puppets:

"The magic show is in a hurry, look at me, the most beautiful magician, and easily get their hearts."

The girl puppet first sang and turned around, and came to the three puppets respectively, then took out a knife from somewhere, and then performed the puppet disassembly process and carpentry work in front of Jenkins, and really got three wooden hearts.

She praised her superb magic skills and wanted to return to the carriage with the three wooden hearts. But suddenly stopped again, accompanied by the flashing lights on the stage and the sudden sound of creepy and rapid violin, the three disassembled puppets, as if time was going backwards, reassembled. However, the restored puppet turned black, and the girl puppet's voice sounded:

"It's really unlucky, it's the resurrection of the dead. Oh, mirror, mirror, please help me deal with these dead spirits."

The light shrouding the girl puppet suddenly disappeared, and the three black puppets in the cold white light all looked at Jenkins under the stage.

He looked uneasily at the metal puppet that had sat back next to him at some point:

"I dismantled them this time, so it shouldn't affect the development of the story, right?"

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