"Am I thinking too much?"

PS: In this chapter, an annual income of 1,000 pounds is enough for a single person to do this, and it is not just written casually.

Chapter 194 Chapter 190 Banquet

Jenkins struggled with the idea of ​​"a lie to make up for the lie" and opened the other letters and read them. Because the mailing addresses were specially selected to be in shopping streets or high-end accommodation areas, the recipients were all literate and able to write to a certain extent. The replies received were all carefully filled out questionnaires.

"Do you really need to reply to a letter? If you reply to a letter, you can't just reply with one letter..."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was extremely troublesome, but he had to deal with it.

After thinking about it, he still wrote a reply. He was worried that the progress of his thesis would be revealed because he had never written a sociology thesis. So in order to avoid such a thing from happening, he made a new questionnaire himself. This questionnaire still investigated customs and living habits, but it was more detailed.

In order to appear authentic, Jenkins wrote the same letter to all 37 responders. In order to prevent the gentleman from No. 12 Greenery Avenue from writing a reply again, at the end of the letter, Jenkins made up the predicament he was encountering in the tone of a poor female student, and asked the recipients to reply to the letter. , mail two shillings, or the equivalent in currency, to help you tide over the difficulties. He, no, she would thank you later.

"That'll be fine."

There were not many letters, and I used reading and writing to finish them in half an hour. But Jenkins thought about it again and thought it should be more real, so he printed 100 more letters, but this time only 50 of them included a 1-shilling note, and then he printed 100 more letters. At the end of the letter, he told about the difficulties he faced and hoped that the other party could help.

"This way no one will reply! Who would trust a stranger?"

He thought happily, prepared fake envelopes and fake stamps for each letter, and went to the post office in disguise.

After the letter was mailed, Jenkins forgot about the matter and concentrated on preparing for the dance the next day.

Early the next morning, Jenkins got up, worked and studied at his father's place as usual during the day, and prepared to go to the dance in the evening. This time I couldn't take the chocolate with me, so I had to leave it at home. Dad also asked Jenkins to make more friends and not sit in the corner all the time.

Originally, Jenkins thought it was a bit weird that the ball was held in a hospital banquet hall. But after arriving in a carriage, he saw carriages carrying various family crests scattered throughout the woods, and well-dressed men and women walking hand in hand on the red carpet outside the main building of the hospital. He suddenly had the idea that this was a noble somewhere. Manor Illusion.

The waiters at the door accurately called Jenkins' surname and title, and then led him into the hospital.

Unexpectedly, the entire first floor, except for the load-bearing walls and pillars, was completely opened up and turned into a huge banquet hall. Professional decorators decorated the load-bearing walls that were in the way, and hung huge oil paintings and gold elegant decorations, which actually made it unique.

"Am I so proud?"

Jenkins stood at the entrance with some confusion, but no one came to greet him. He looked around and saw no one he knew. In fact, he only had two acquaintances, so he picked up a goblet of red wine on the table and casually found a place to sit down in the corner seating area.

About half of the men and women attending the banquet were young people, and many of them Jenkins had seen in the newspaper. An orchestra sat on a high platform in the center of the banquet hall, playing elegant music under the command of an old man with gray hair and a black formal suit.

The guests talked, laughed and greeted each other. The gentlemen talked about current hot political topics. From time to time, some people held their chests high and greeted acquaintances with the word "sir" as an honorific.

Along the east and west walls are a string of newly installed copper gas lamps. The pipes are not installed inside the wall, but are bent outside the wall into mechanical patterns to decorate the wall. Above everyone's heads, there were bright candles on the crystal chandelier. The faint aroma spread in the air as the candles burned, making the atmosphere of the scene more noble.

A group of young people were sitting next to them, seeming to be talking about something. Jenkins turned sideways, unaccustomedly taking off the white gloves on his hands, and put his hat and cane aside. Originally, the servant wanted to take these things away with the outermost windbreaker, but Jenkins said that the hat and cane were portable items, so he could just take them with him.

"...that strange bang bang bang sound will sound on time every night..."

The young people sitting around seemed to be telling stories, and they were horror stories. The beautiful ladies made exclamations from time to time. A young man wearing a tan jacket who was closest to Jenkins took the opportunity to grab the hand of his female companion. The other party was panicked but did not object.

"...The evil spirit can only remain in the same posture as before death, but the poor one..."

Another sentence floated into Jenkins' ears, and the more he listened, the more familiar the story became.

"Wait, isn't this the horror story I told the other night?"

He couldn't help but chuckle, moved on the sofa, and blended in with the crowd listening to the story.

The story was not long, and the young man telling the story quickly noticed Jenkins in the crowd. He was also a member of the reading salon invited by Little Wellington that evening. Jenkins vaguely remembered that his father was a viscount, but compared to the down-and-out Viscount Augustus, this viscount's family was very wealthy. Mr. Viscount was not only a member of the Kingdom's House of Lords, but also owned a large tobacco company.

"What's his last name? Abbot, by the way."

Jenkins tried to remember, then nodded to Mr. Abbott Jr.

Abbott, who was stealing other people's stories, immediately turned pale.

Just in time, the story reached the most critical point. Coupled with the pale complexion of the storyteller, several timid girls screamed.

Not all women were like this. The woman who was dressed the most seriously, and even the blue skirt could be described as "simple", had no reaction at all. Jenkins thought this was the most distinguished person among all the people present, not only because of the attitude of others, but also because of the pair of purple earrings.

He has been studying with his father for some time, and he has some experience in appraising such items, at least he cannot buy them with his wealth.

Without interrupting Mr. Abbott's story, Jenkins got up to get some food. For today's party, he came without dinner.

While he was sizing up the tropical fish on the table, someone patted him from behind.

Chapter 195 Chapter 191 Beryl and Asyash

"Good evening, ma'am."

Jenkins turned around and saw that it was Hathaway who was supposed to greet him.

"Good evening, sir. You are dressed very tastefully today."

She teased Jenkins with a soft laugh. Of course, this outfit was designed by a professional designer when the Son was canonized a few days ago. It is Jenkins' best outfit.

The red-haired girl also looked hungry. Without saying a few words to Jenkins, she took a white plate and picked up the food on the long table.

This was a buffet-style dinner, and the two of them ate a little. They both felt that a large audience should not make too indecent actions, such as taking too much food at once.

"I'm really sorry. Originally, Blainey wanted to find a marriage partner for you. There are many good girls among our friends."

He wiped the corners of his mouth with a white napkin. The whole action was extremely elegant. This is the temperament that can only be cultivated by aristocratic families.

"I don't know what's going on, but everyone actually thinks that you have a chance to become the bishop of the Church of [Knowledge and Books] more than thirty years later, so more and more people want to come to the party. The social butterflies are out, and Attracting some more sociable people, and then more people, Brienne originally wanted to reject them. As a result, Duke Douglas Jerrod heard that there would be many young noble heirs attending the party, so he also wanted to come. Fortunately, Prince Michael decided that he would host the party, so you became a supporting actor."

"Supporting role? That's fine."

Jenkins wished for this. He thought about it again and realized that the duke the girl was talking about was probably the butler of the current queen of the kingdom, who appeared when he was conferred an honorary baronet that day.

"What is he going to do?"

"how could I know?"

Hathaway waved his hand, "Apart from talking to several powerful nobles in Nolan, he has not done anything else. What? Are you very interested in this matter?"

"Yes. This is the first time I have seen a Duke. People of my background don't often have the opportunity to see such a great nobleman."

Hathaway reached out and picked up the goblet in the passing waiter's tray, which contained red wine. "Speaking of this, I want to remind you. Two of the Duke's guards can be sure to be the benefactors, so be careful."


He nodded, also holding a goblet in his hand, which was also filled with purple-red liquid. But this is grape juice. Jenkins rarely drinks alcohol. Before traveling, he was poor, but now he is worried about drinking and getting into trouble.

"Eh? Why is the color of your wine different from mine?"

Hathaway noticed this, too.

"Well, maybe the varieties are different."

There is absolutely no way to admit that this is juice.

Although Hathaway Hathaway is an heir to an earl without the right to inherit, she still has to face social obligations that she cannot shirk. After talking to Jenkins for a while, she had to leave.

Before leaving, she told Jenkins that Brienne Mihail was upstairs—which had been converted into a lounge—accompanying her father to meet Mr. Earl and would come to see him later. She knew that Jenkins knew almost no one, so she would come back after dealing with things here.

"It's not easy."

Jenkins watched the girl in the long skirt leave and sighed softly. Looking at the fish on the table, he thought of the chocolate at home again. As a cat, it is surprisingly not interested in fish, but likes sweets.

He had not forgotten about the Demon Summoner, so he stood at the edge of the hall and opened the Eye of Truth from time to time to check if there was anything abnormal.

Among the bodyguards or guards, there are indeed several benefactors, including two level five ones upstairs. Among young people, nothing has been discovered yet.

After asking the waiter for the direction of the bathroom, Jenkins walked out of the hall with his cane and turned around the corridor, where he happened to meet Abbott who was telling a story just now.

"Mr. Williams, long time no see."

He smiled awkwardly.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Jenkins also responded in the same way. He didn't mind his story being stolen. In fact, it was not theft. He looked up and down at the noble young man. He was not a gift giver and had no special items, so he turned sideways and motioned him to pass first.

"Oh, Mr. William, I'm really sorry just now."

It seems that the conversation here will continue.

"Let him go, Mr. Abbott, I'm not a person who cares about everything."

The thought in my mind is that as long as I don't make a profit from the story, I'm not a person who cares about everything.

"That's good, you are really generous, oh, this... Actually, I want to ask you something."

He said hesitantly, looked around, and pulled Jenkins to a remote corridor.

"Mr. William, Baron William, I heard that you have a good relationship with the church?"

He asked in a low voice, with a look of horror.


Jenkins looked at him hesitantly, then nodded.

"It's like this, I found a..."

He stopped talking and looked behind Jenkins with some horror.

Jenkins turned his head and found that it was a pale young man with dazzling blond hair that set off his handsome face. His clothes may not be more expensive than most people in the banquet hall, but under the background of his own temperament, he has a different charm.

This person gave Jenkins a weird feeling.

"Mr. Baron, we'll talk next time."

Abbott explained in a panic, and then strode to the other side of the corridor without looking back. Although, that side was not the open area of ​​the hospital at all.

"Jenkins Williamette."

Ignoring Abbott who escaped, Jenkins nodded to the young man who had just appeared. A fourth-level gifter, with a short and thin special item on his waist, and a red aura pendant on his chest. The whole back is glowing, but the color is very light, is it a tattoo?

"Dimen Beryl."

He also said his name, and then looked Jenkins up and down wantonly: "Are you the great writer?"

Beryl didn't look very good, stretched out his right hand and tapped Jenkins' chest very impolitely: "Don't meddle in other people's business, understand?"

"I know."

He answered in a low voice, not daring to look at Beryl's eyes.

At the moment when the two came into contact, the twin demons' ability light suddenly jumped violently.

Beryl nodded, wiped his fingers with the white handkerchief in his chest pocket, and then turned away. A red ability light flashed in front of Beryl. In a trance, Jenkins felt an extremely subtle cold feeling in his chest, but it soon disappeared in the trembling of the candle.

"So arrogant?"

Jenkins stroked the clothes on his chest and narrowed his eyes.

PS: I heard that Shuke has an event on Double 11. I will find out clearly before announcing the update.

Chapter 196 Chapter 192 Social occasions and distant murders

He remembered that this was a stronghold of the Church of All Things and Nature, so he did not return to the hall immediately, but walked around. After a while, he saw a familiar face, the person who appeared when he tested the spear last time.

Not long after returning to the hall, Miss Michael and Hathaway came over together.

"If you want to apologize, forget it. Miss Hesha has already apologized."

He raised his hands to his chest and said with a smile.

"If there is a chance, I will hold another party."

The blonde girl touched her nose. She wore a fluffy golden cake skirt today, so this action was not only not impolite, but also particularly set off the charm of the lady.

Jenkins took the opportunity to inquire about Dimen Beryl, but he didn't expect that both girls knew him. He is 25 years old and is not a noble, but he is very famous in the upper class of Nolan City.

This seems to be a very sociable person. Except for the strange temperament caused by illness during this period, he has always been very likable. He has his own fixed circle, and a group of boys and girls often gather around him.

"By the way, he seems to be very interested in mysticism, but Britney hates this man and thinks he is very weird, so she never talks to him."

Miss Hesha mentioned this matter.

If Miss Miller had not deceived Jenkins a few days ago, then this Mr. Beryl might be the target that the church is looking for. Miss Michael turned around and talked to her friends. Jenkins immediately lowered his voice, stretched out his hand to adjust his collar, actually covering his mouth, and asked in a low voice:

"Is he a gift? I mean, is he just a fan of mysticism?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

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