"[The Oath of the Book]


A miracle used by those who are tied to ancient books.


Able to slowly gain the power transformed from recorded knowledge.


It is said that this is the story of the God of Books and the God of Lies. "

After finishing writing, he closed the book again:

"Is there any better way than to personally participate? What is going on now is the myth itself. Regardless of whether the savior of the eighteenth century succeeds or fails in the end, this story is enough to become a new myth. My responsibility, It is to record the legends and stories of this world and preserve the power of the past.”

Inexplicably, Jenkins really felt that the other party had created a new ability called [Book Oath].


Jenkins tried to speak, but the woman began writing again:

"[False advice]


A miracle for those who long for the truth.


Able to receive advice from unknown beings.


There are two things people need to know about the God of Lies.

He never lies, don't believe anything he says.


Therefore, so-called advice is nothing but false comfort. "

After she finished writing, she tore off the paper and threw it under the stage. The paper fluttered through the dark space, and when it was about to fall into Jenkins' hand, Ovia stretched out her hand to catch the page.

"The disaster beasts of the first three eras are different from the disaster beasts that followed. They are not just disasters, but also the embodiment of world rules. To a certain extent, they complete the original world. The World Tree of the first era, The width, thickness and breadth of the world are enhanced; the mythical witches of the second era continuously summarize the power of the birth of the world; the end of the third era truly determines the rules of life and death in the world.

The one before us can compile the power of the past under the power system of any era. Corresponding to the grantor system, she can bypass all restrictions, create brand new abilities from mythology, and let this power be passed down. "

Ovia shook the page in her hand that recorded [False Suggestions]:

"Once you get this piece of paper, the magical ability that belongs to your believers will really appear. She will never set traps on the myths she made up, but you have to know that if you take her things, She will definitely ask for something in return.”

"forget about it."

Jenkins immediately shook his head, and Ovia threw the page out. The page fluttered back into the hands of the woman in black robe on the stage. She stretched out her fingers to hold the page:

"I am the one who compiled the myth. As long as it is compiled by me, there is no way it cannot be used. Even if he does not come into contact with this piece of paper, sooner or later he will obtain this power on his own."

Folding the pages back into his book, Jenkins asked:

"So what exactly do you want to do? I can see that you don't want to kill me, and you don't seem to be interested in stopping me. So what exactly do you want to do?"

"I just wanted to observe the biggest surprise since the beginning of the world."

She closed her book and pointed to the aisle on the left side of the third row of seats:

"You can leave now."

A white light door is formed, which is undoubtedly the door to leave.

Jenkins did not move and looked at Ovia beside him. The smile on her face was still so gentle:

"You can leave first and leave this place to me. After everything is over, if you still have anything you want to ask, I will answer you. And...this time, I can't leave suddenly."

"Fini and Louise..."

The smile on Ovia's face became even stronger:

"They'll be fine, maybe they'll get back faster than you."

Jenkins nodded, picked up his things and walked towards the door. No one spoke during this period. Until Jenkins actually got through the door, the mythical witch on the stage did not stop him.

"So, what exactly are you here for?"

Only after Jenkins completely left this world did Ovia ask this question again.

"I have already said that I am here to witness the myth of the eighteenth century. Ovia, do you still remember the first time we met? You asked me for strength to find people who do not exist at all. I I have given you strength, and all you ask for in return is that when the person you are looking for appears, he can witness the myth he created with you."

"If you want to witness the story of the end of the era, there is no need to die in person in the 18th century."

"Ovia, you are no longer that mortal girl. Could it be that, having personally participated in all this, you still don't know what I really want to see?"

The witch sneered:

"The World Tree was born with the birth of the world. Theoretically, it is absolutely impossible for a second World Tree to be born. But now the second World Tree has really appeared. Although it is only a seedling, it is indeed the real second one. World Tree. What does this mean? The sage who has been watching all this, the sage holding that power in his hand, doesn’t understand? You are a personal god and a natural god. When you are high in the sky, you are pure rules. The incarnation of , and when you set foot on the earth, you are the mortal girl seeking someone who does not exist.

You definitely understand the significance of his appearance better than I do. After all, apart from that cat, you are the most lasting love. "

Chapter 2133 Chapter 2102 The Castle in the Shadows

Ovia kept silent after hearing the words of the witch in black robe, so the witch lowered her head and wrote again:

"[Challenge of the Tower]


A miracle used by those who defeat fate.


Call a nine-story tower to smash the enemy.


Legend has it that this is a miracle created by a god who desires to become a god.

When he stepped into the first floor, he already knew all the fates."

He wrote and read at the same time, and after finishing, he tore off the paper and threw it to Ovia:

"Use this as my ticket to watch all this. I will sit in the audience with you and witness the birth of the myth. I can promise that I will never participate again."

Ovia caught the paper:

"No matter what happens, you can only stand in the audience."

"Of course, you stand with me, I think this can also be considered a miracle."

The curtain closed, blocking Ovia in white robe and the witch in black robe on both sides. Because the curtain closed, the lights on the stage were blocked, and the place returned to darkness and tranquility again.

But in this darkness, someone sighed, maybe two people sighed together.

Jenkins on the other side had successfully entered the fourth strange realm. Just like before, he lay on the ground, feeling dizzy and uncomfortable due to the space transfer.

Although he did not get up for the time being and could not see the surrounding environment, he could already judge that the light here was very dim, but he could still catch the red fire at the edge of his vision.

There was no special smell in the air. If you have to say it, it was just the smell of damp soil and mold. There was soft soil under his body, but it was not in its natural form, but had been compacted by someone, so he guessed that he probably fell on a dirt road.

"Did I fall on a small path in the forest?"

He guessed secretly, but he could not feel too many life spirits around him. Even if there were plants, there was definitely no forest nearby. Instead, the power of the shadow was extremely strong, and it didn't even feel like it belonged to the shadow world.

It took a while before he touched his head and climbed up. When he looked up, he saw the castle standing in front of him.

The castle at the end of the dirt road perfectly matches Jenkins's imagination of "the castle in the fairy tale". The exterior is black brick, the windows are of different sizes and all have curtains drawn, and are blocked by hideous iron fences. Most of the windows are not on the same horizontal line, which seems to indicate the complexity of the internal environment.

Looking up, the castle has towers on both sides, and the center is a thin triangle. Stepping back, you can see the gargoyle statues standing on the roof. Although they are not seen moving at present, Jenkins believes that these statues will definitely become the next enemy.

The sky background of the castle is a deep and frightening black like most of the strange realms. However, there is a very inconspicuous moon hanging in the black sky, which is a bright yellow moon.

"Oh, I understand, the power of the disaster beast-the swallowing moon spirit cat will appear in this strange realm!"

He thought to himself, but immediately became troubled. The third strange realm was so exaggerated that he needed to summon a sage to defeat it. Now even if the fourth one is not the real swallowing moon spirit cat, he may have to use additional means to defeat it.

Thinking of the last strange world, Jenkins still couldn't help sighing. Even though he had already prepared that Ovia was a sage, he still felt very complicated when the truth was revealed.

Now the situation is probably all clear. In the distant past, after Jenkins met the fortune-teller girl and defeated the blood-sucking species, Jenkins left because the dream ended. Even though Ovia had learned from Jenkins that he came from the distant past, she still wanted to find him.

In the process of searching, she saw a lot of things, gradually clarified her own path, and like Alexia now, she used her own power to become a god. When she first became a false god, she probably chose the path of destiny, just like when she was a mortal.

But when she had the opportunity to be promoted to a true god, Ovia did not choose to inherit the path of destiny, but opened up a new path alone and became the tenth true god-the inherited sage.

Because she was once a fortune-teller, she had an indissoluble bond with the God of Destiny, and the process of becoming a god probably also received the help of the God of Destiny, so the relationship between the Sage Church and the God of Destiny Church is particularly good. This also explains why the church did not oppose the pagan's proposal when Miss Audrey wanted to become Jenkins' teacher. It was probably because of this origin.

Jenkins didn't know what kind of feelings he should have towards Ovia. Should he treat her like a friend in the past or like a sage?

In the past, the gods of this world that he knew were similar to rules and had no worldly feelings. But now he knows that the gods of this world are not natural gods in the full sense, but gods with certain emotions.

"No, maybe only some gods who become gods through special channels have such emotions."

He didn't believe that the gods of nature and the gods of death had emotions at all.

"Forget it, such a troublesome thing, I will think about it after I defeat the differential machine. If I am distracted by such a ridiculous thing and accidentally make a wrong judgment... Well, this matter is not ridiculous at all."

This psychological activity, which was similar to asking and answering questions, adjusted his mood very well. He stood up and sorted out his backpack, then reached into his pocket and found the third coin as expected. Probably because this time it corresponds to the [Fate Stage], this is actually a colorful gemstone coin.

Jenkins is not sure whether there are naturally formed colored gemstones in this world, but the coin in his hand does not show any traces of processing and mosaic. The side that is considered to be the reverse side has the pattern of the sage's holy emblem, and the front side is the emblem of the [Fate Stage].

Combined with the rules of the coins obtained in the previous two times, it can be basically determined that the front side represents the savior emblem, and the reverse side is the method used to defeat the strange world.

But he cannot be sure that the coin obtained is obtained according to the rule of "you must gain something after passing through the strange world", or whether this is a conspiracy of the difference machine.

"Maybe the difference machine wants me to condense the power to reverse the fate of the savior, and then take it to the ninth floor to give it."

Although he thought so, he still put the coin away.

Just now, I was only concerned with the main body and the top of the castle, and I didn't have time to look at the situation nearby.

He stood on the dirt road facing the castle entrance. On both sides of the dirt road stood evenly spaced wooden sticks, on which were inverted cone-shaped bonfires fixed with wires, about twelve in total.

The firelight was not very bright, but it allowed Jenkins to see clearly, at least much brighter than the moon that was looming in the sky.

However, the firelight could only illuminate the castle and the dirt road. Turning around and looking back, or looking at both sides of the road, it was all darkness that could not be seen in any way.

There was no wall outside the castle, but there was a circle of iron fences that looked like they had not been maintained for many years. At the castle gate facing the dirt road, the fence door was open, and a humanoid creature was waiting for Jenkins' arrival in front of the door.

"At least this time I don't need to climb over the wall or find a key to open the door."

He comforted himself in his heart, counted the items in his hand again, slowly exhaled a breath to calm down, and then walked over.

But he stopped as soon as he took a step:

"The power of the shadows around is so strong, could it be a real phantom? The first phantom tried to make me sacrifice the 'twin demons', the second phantom was the death of the undead, the third phantom wanted to defeat me on the stage, then the fourth one..."

After thinking for a while, he turned his back to the castle again, and then used [Real Phantom] in the shadow to leave the shadow in place, and then walked towards the direction of the castle again.

There was a bonfire next to the fence gate, so the people under the firelight could be seen very clearly.

From a distance, he looked like a dwarf, but in fact he was an old man who was hunched over and looked like a butler. Half of his face was made of metal, and the other half was a normal human face with almost drooping skin.

Before Jenkins came over, he had been standing there rubbing his hands nervously. Of the two hands, the left hand was made of metal, and the right hand had a black and blue mark, but it was a normal human hand.

"Oh, adventurer, you're finally here."

It wasn't until Jenkins stood in front of him that the hunched old man seemed to have just discovered him:

"The lord's castle has been invaded by terrible monsters, and I must clean up those monsters before the lord comes back. Adventurer, are you willing to accept my commission?"

"What's going on? Role-playing game?"

Jenkins was skeptical, but still nodded:

"Okay, but what can I get in return?"

"The terrain around here is complicated. If you can help me clean up the castle, then I can tell you how to leave here!"

The old man said, his hands still rubbing each other.

"Tell me how to leave? Well, that makes sense. But what's in the castle? And the lord's castle is so majestic, I don't think I can clean it up by myself."

If this strange place requires him to break into the castle and clean up and kill the monsters in every room one by one, he might really have to consider using additional means immediately.

"No, there is no need to clean up the entire castle, and the lord will not like strangers to break into every room. In fact, among the monsters that break into the castle, there are four that are the most dangerous, you just need to clean them up."

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