Jenkins frowned. He didn't have any cards related to sending troops in his hand. Then he looked at Miss Silufu. Unfortunately, she was just an ordinary elf ranger, not a big shot like a ranger commander.

At this moment, using [Personal Force] again may solve the problem, but Jenkins only has a dozen [Personal Force] in his hand, and Silufu only has 7 in his hand. They cannot waste this almost omnipotent card too much.

"There is something wrong with this. Since we are kings, of course we must have a deck that can command the army. Didn't you give us the basic deck?"

He immediately questioned the living statue, and this time the other party responded:

"Basic deck? No, there is no such thing. I am just playing cards with you. If you can't find a way, you can ask the wax figure for help."

Chapter 2116 Influence and Hidden Danger

Although the wax figures in the wax museum only have names of people, their occupations can be easily distinguished from their clothing, so it is not difficult to find generals and other figures who can cope with the situation now. But Jenkins still shook his head:

"Do you think I'm a fool? There's something wrong with these statues."

He looked at the cards in his hand:

"Really, I hope there won't be a second [border unrest]."

With that said, he threw out a new card [Marriage]. He knew without even thinking about which of his life experiences the appearance of this card was related to.

"Is it enough?"

he asked, and the living statue remained almost still for a second before nodding. Immediately, [Marriage] took off and lined up with [Steam Breakthrough], becoming the new kingdom's influence.

"You married the princess of the Northern Kingdom, successfully brought the two countries to the negotiating table and resolved the border dispute. Within thirty rounds, the probability of territorial, economic and other disputes with the Northern Kingdom decreased, and [marriage] became a new influence. "

"Did you really marry the princess?"

The elf on the side asked in a low voice. She was very curious, so Jenkins squeezed out a voice through his teeth:

"I'm just a fiancée. We plan to get married next summer. But be careful, I'm not eating soft rice. Do you know this word? Also, I just married a princess, so there is only one [marriage]. If the Southern Kingdom If there is a war with us, or there is a large-scale rebellion in the country, then I really have no choice. "

Then the third season entered, and while the living statue was checking the black card, a card slipped down from the red "accident" card pile again. This card will not be revealed until the end of this round.

"Unknown era, first year, third season, [Golden Autumn]. This is the first harvest season, and unknown disasters are hidden in the kingdom's wheat fields. You have two seasons to solve this trouble. If the second If it is not resolved when the second quarter of the year comes, there will be subsequent developments due to the arrival of the harvest season, and there will be no events such as [famine] in the four rounds.”

It threw the card to the center of the table. After both Jenkins and Miss Elf saw it clearly, the black card also rose into the air. But unlike the two influences of [Steam] and [Marriage], the black card is face up.

Of course, if Jenkins and Miss Elf don't succeed in solving it, then maybe new negative influences will arise as a result.

"I'll do it this time."

Before Jenkins could speak, the elf said. She took out two cards from her own and threw them into the center of the table, mixing them with the other cards:

"[Farmland inspection] and [Basic knowledge of elves], I understand these, can I find unknown hidden dangers?"

After finishing speaking, he explained to Jenkins:

"Before I became a ranger, I worked as a field inspector in my hometown for several years."

Jenkins wanted to ask how old the other person was, but because he had experience in this area, he refrained from asking.

"You have discovered danger. In the golden autumn, strange creatures that rely on the joy of harvest as food have appeared in your country. Please choose whether to play the cards. This will determine your understanding of the monsters you detect, and will also determine The next battle."

"I'll play my cards."

The elf said again, choosing two identical cards and throwing them out:

"[Basic Occultism]."

The description of the mastery ability in the card is very vague, so it doesn't explain anything in detail.

"You discovered that it was not an entity, not even a spirit. It was a piece of information, attached to the world, swallowing up the joy of the harvest. Due to the detailed intelligence obtained, you issued a decree and canceled the harvest festival, thus killing the monster and canceling the harvest festival. Battle session. However, due to the cancellation of the festival, the people of the kingdom are dissatisfied, and the probability of event cards such as [Civil War] increases.”

The floating black card fell on the table, representing the elimination of hidden dangers.


The living statue was about to turn over the red "accident", but Jenkins interrupted it:

"I still want to play my cards, [Compulsory Education] [Sage's Teachings]..."

"You have resolved the incident. Only cards targeting the incident can be played."

The living statue stopped Jenkins and blocked all of Jenkins' whims. If it doesn't stop him, Jenkins is confident that a comprehensive reform of the kingdom will be achieved before the fifth year.

"In the third quarter of the first year of the unknown era, the kingdom ushered in a great harvest. Although the grand harvest celebration was cancelled, you also eliminated terrible enemies. At the same time, the Kingdom Academy of Science successfully realized the miniaturization of steam engines, and steam technology once again Pushed to another peak, the appearance probability of all event cards related to steam technology increases until the end of the game.”

The [Steam] in his hand rose into the sky again and lined up with the first [Steam].

Seeing as neither Jenkins nor Miss Elf commented on this, Season 4 begins:

"Unknown Era, Year 1, Season 4, [Severe Cold Winter]. The arrival of winter has caused the temperature to drop rapidly. This winter is extremely cold and extremely difficult. Due to the existence of steam technology, even if you fail to solve this incident, Negative effects such as [a decrease in the net birth rate] will not appear after this season.”

"Do you have any idea?"

Jenkins asked Miss Elf, who shook her head regretfully:

"There is never a cold winter in the forest where I live."

"Okay then, here I am..."

He didn't have a good response card in his hand, so he could only throw out the only one [Infrastructure Transformation]:

"Only this one."

The appearance of this card is not because he is well-informed, but most likely because he successfully promoted the installation of urban street lights last winter. Otherwise, simply knowing the importance of infrastructure is not enough to create this card.

But after he threw the card onto the table, two [Steam] floating in the air actually cast light on it. The card description of [Infrastructure Renovation] has been changed to [Infrastructure Renovation—Steam Pipe Laying].

“Impact making.”

The living statue said that since the red accident did not appear this time, it directly announced the result of this season:

"In the fourth quarter of the first year of the unknown era, an unexpected cold winter swept across the central continent. However, due to the active promotion of the king and the efforts of the Royal Academy of Sciences, during this winter, you basically achieved the laying of major urban steam pipelines. Although it was not popularized Across the country, people are still dying because of the cold winter, but people know that the king is working hard, so the king’s reputation has not been affected.”

After saying that, he did not start the fifth round, but folded his hands together and looked at the two people across the table:

"Now let's start the first year's end-of-year summary - gained influence [Steam] [Steam] [Marriage], but did not gain [Hidden Danger]. Evaluation: Even if you cannot save the death of the people, you are still a qualified king.

As a result of their marriages, male kings acquired more knowledge about country management under the guidance of neighboring princesses. The female king received blessings from the earth while inspecting the farmland. "

Two rays of light flew to Jenkins and Elf respectively, and they both received brand new cards after the year-end summary.

The cards belonging to Jenkins are two [Maintain Stability] and one [Military Command], while Miss Sylph only has one card, but it is more useful than Jenkins' three cards combined [Earth Church].

The other cards they have are all white, but this [Earth Church] is actually platinum and gold. Just by looking at its appearance, you can tell that it is different, but Miss Elf looks a little unhappy:

"In my time, the Church of the Earth was the main competitor of the elves in their missionary work."

Although she did not say which one the elf believed at the time, Jenkins could probably guess what was going on.

"This is a strange place, even if you use the power of pagans, it doesn't matter."

Jenkins comforted, and then asked the living statue:

"What's going on with all this black smoke?"

After the year-end summary, some black smoke drifted from the table to all corners of the wax museum. The black smoke adhered to the surface of the wax figure. Although it did not change the color of the wax figure, Jenkins could feel that the wax figure had indeed changed.

"Your management of the country has produced both positive and negative effects on the people of the kingdom. The positive effects have condensed into your new strength, while the negative effects have turned into black smoke."

"What is all this smoke and dust?"

Jenkins asked again.

"The negative force in your heart can be anything you want."

Jenkins didn't ask again. This sentence directly verified his initial guess about this strange situation.

What follows is the second year of the Unknown Era. In four rounds, the [Drought], [Scorching Sun], [Pirate Invasion] and [Underground Kingdom Ruins] events occurred respectively. The first incident was solved by the platinum card [Earth Church], and thus a new influence appeared [Faith-Earth Church]. The second incident was another mysterious incident, but was solved by Jenkins' three [Basic Occult Knowledge] solve.

[Pirate Invasion] was even simpler. After using the only [Military Command], it even connected with the influence of [Marriage]. As a result, the two kingdoms and the Northern Kingdom together destroyed the group of pirates.

As for the [Underground Kingdom Ruins], it is a little more complicated. After using the card [Earth Church], the probability of a series of mysterious and ancient events that were not easy to occur increased, and this incident occurred.

The living statue made it very clear that it doesn't matter if the [Underground Kingdom Ruins] incident is not resolved, but it will definitely lead to bad results. Miss Siluf is worried that there will be an event like [Underground Man Invasion] in the future, while Jenkins is worried that monsters will be "refreshed" in the ruins, or thieves will bring strange objects from it.

So they took the initiative to solve the last event of the year. This event cost a total of 14 cards for the two people, including Jenkins' two [Basic Mystic Knowledge], two [Alchemy], one [Personal Force], one [Stargazing], Miss Sylph's three [Basic Mystic Knowledge], three [Ancient Knowledge] and two [Explorer].

Chapter 2117 Platinum Card

As a ranger, the elf has been to more places than Jenkins, who has spent almost all his life in Nolan.

This is the event that has cost the most cards so far. Even if it weren't for the chain effect of platinum affecting [Faith-Earth Church], they would need to play more cards. But at least there was no tail left for the event, and even because of solving this difficult event, the stability of the country was greatly improved.

As for the three red card accidents encountered in the second year, all of them were [Steam]. Five steam floated together and became a new influence [Steam Revolution].

"Now let's start the second year's year-end summary - lost influence [steam], gained influence [steam revolution], did not gain [hidden danger].

Evaluation: Even if you can't save the innocent people who died because of the invaders, you are still qualified kings.

Male kings mastered knowledge under the guidance of the princess of the neighboring country due to marriage, and gained mysterious knowledge because of the exploration of the ruins. Female kings gained mysterious knowledge because of the exploration of the ruins. Due to the steam revolution, the kingdom has gained a new power."

So Jenkins got three more [Basic Mystic Knowledge], two [Diplomacy], and one [Maintain Stability], and Miss Sylph got two more [Basic Mystic Knowledge] and one [Antique Appraisal]. In addition, there are three [Steam Transformation Plan] and two [Steam Promoter] cards held by the two of them at the same time. In the end, Jenkins kept the five cards and decided when to use them.

"But it's best not to use them. If the development of the kingdom always leans towards steam, terrible things will definitely happen in the end."

Because she learned from Jenkins what the Eighteenth Century was facing, Miss Sylph was very worried about this.

"I'm more worried about these black smokes."

At the end of the second year, while obtaining new cards, the desktop released black smoke into the wax museum again.

"If we choose to let the wax figures help us, the influence of these black smokes will only be apparent, right? If we don't use their power, the black smoke will naturally not touch us."

The elf guessed that Jenkins did not refute her, but it was obvious that he did not agree with this point of view.

The four events that occurred in the third year of the Unknown Era were [Southern Spy], [Summer Plague], [Ruby Murder], and [Black Cult Rumor]. The Southern Spy and Summer Plague were both very simple events, which were overcome by Jenkins' personal force and Miss Sylph's basic knowledge of elves. The Ruby Murder was more complicated. This was another event that occurred in the palace. If it had not been stopped in time by Jenkins, the North Princess, who was the target of the marriage, would have almost died.

And if the North Princess died, then the influence of the [marriage] would disappear, and it might even lead to the [Northern Invasion] event. Therefore, although the [Ruby Murder] did not involve any extraordinary elements, it was the most dangerous type.

The last [Black Cult Rumor], in a sense, has not been completely resolved.

This incident refers to a cult called [Black Cult] that preaches the coming of the doomsday and appears in the kingdom. This is another incident that doesn't matter if it is not resolved for the time being, but it will definitely become a timed steam bomb explosion later.

Jenkins and Miss Sylph both tried to solve it at once, but after using a total of eight cards, they gave up when they saw that there was still no sign of resolution. There are a total of 40 rounds in the game, and now it is only the twelfth round. If they waste more, they are likely to face the embarrassing situation of having no cards available in the ninth and tenth years.

In fact, if it weren't for the cards obtained in the annual year-end summary, they might have encountered this situation in the eighth year. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons between "leaving a huge hidden danger" and "being forced to rely on the power of the wax figure", both of them chose the former.

In the third year, there were only two unexpected incidents involving red cards, one of which was [Steam]. This card did not merge with [Steam Revolution], but floated together with [Steam Revolution] [Marriage], as if waiting for more new influences to appear.

The second accident was finally not [Steam]. The bad news was that this accident was a negative accident [Doomsday Theory].

[Doomsday Theory] appeared in the third season of the third year. It was also because the appearance of this card increased the probability of some cards appearing that directly led to the appearance of [Black Church Rumors] in the fourth season.

[Doomsday Theory] was suppressed by Jenkins relying on [Maintaining Stability] and the influence of [Faith-Earth Church], but because [Black Church Rumors] were not completely resolved, although [Black Church] was not fixed as a hidden danger, [Doomsday Theory] was fixed as a [hidden danger].

In addition, there was a small episode in the third year. After discovering the unique platinum card [Faith-Earth Church], Jenkins has been thinking about why there are no platinum special cards in his and Miss Sylph's initial cards, and even after the [Steam] attached card group was added, he did not get platinum cards such as [Lord of All Machines].

This may be a deliberate restriction by the living statue, but it is more likely that he has not yet fully understood the hidden rules of the game.

So in order to verify his idea, Jenkins asked Miss Sylph to deliberately mention that she is a pure-blooded elf many times when solving the events of this year, and try to use cards with the [Elf] affix. Sure enough, his guess was verified at the end-of-year summary.

"Now let's start the third year-end summary - gain influence [steam], gain hidden danger [doomsday theory].

Evaluation: Even if you can't eliminate those terrible rumors, you are still qualified kings.

Male kings have mastered knowledge under the guidance of princesses from neighboring countries due to marriage, and have gained mysterious knowledge because they have entered the Church of the Earth many times. Female kings have discovered their own blood power and discovered their true self. Due to the continued influence of the steam revolution, the kingdom has gained new power."

So Jenkins got an extra [Noble Tradition] and an extra [Basic Mystic Knowledge]. In addition to an extra [Natural Faith], Miss Sylph also has a platinum card [Elf Bloodline].

"Sure enough, at the beginning of the game, we will only discover the power that belongs to us, which is possible for a normal [king], and summarize it into cards. If you want to surpass the realistic limitations of the game, you must reasonably show your own power in the game."

Jenkins said to the Elf lady with satisfaction, and the latter was also very excited:

"In this way, as long as you show the power of the World Tree, can you make the kingdom a [country blessed by the World Tree]?"

Chapter 2118 Human Pus

In the simpler thinking of the elves, once blessed by the World Tree, it is equivalent to not caring about any disaster.

"It is difficult for a male king to show the power of the World Tree. I think it is difficult for me to find an opportunity to show the power of the World Tree."

Jenkins said with embarrassment. In his deck, there is not a single card with the [World Tree] affix. Unless the red accidental deck can add a [Nature]-related subsidiary deck to the game, the identity of "World Tree Seedling" is probably useless in this strange world.

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