For this phenomenon, it must represent the boundary of the strange world. So far, Jenkins has never tried to explore this boundary, and the church's information does not mention what is in the completely impenetrable darkness, because anyone who tries to learn the truth has never walked out of the darkness.

This time, the strange world is held in the wax museum. The original intention is to allow participants to enrich their decks with the power of wax figures while increasing the difficulty of the game. But whether it is Jenkins or the ancient elves, the richness of their own decks is enough to deal with more than 40 games, so so far they don't know what kind of magical cards the decks owned by the statues will have.

Before the break, Jenkins looked at the statue of the flower girl. Among all the statues here, some do not seem to have too much power, such as miners, flower girls, newspaper boys and other professions whose identities can be seen at a glance. In theory, it is difficult for anyone to choose such statues as assistants, but now, such statues absorb the most power of human pus.

"Why is this happening?"

Because of the existence of the World Tree, the social structure of the elves is very different from that of humans, so Miss Sylph asked this question.

"Perhaps this kind of people live at the bottom of society, have seen the most things, and are the most..."

He didn't finish, but the elves understood:

"When the pus of people really erupts, these wax figures are probably our most dangerous enemies, right?"

She said with some concern, and Jenkins nodded:

"I won't let it erupt."

In fact, he was not confident.

Because of the particularity of the disaster beast [Human Pus], this monster born in an unknown era did not leave any traces in history.

Before Jenkins finally entered the metal tower, the church gave him the collected information, including the story of [Human Pus]. In general, for those who have never known its power, the manifestation of [Human Pus] is actually no different from the plague.

[Human Pus] will first appear on an individual. When the evil of human nature flows out completely in the form of materialized black pus, it will spread through ways not limited to air, water, blood, etc., and eventually destroy the world.

People cannot summarize the reason for the outbreak of [Human Pus], because once it breaks out, almost no one survives, and no one knows why it appears in the first individual.

The only known rule is that once the body shows signs of the outbreak of Human Pus, there is no way to cure it except for the gods to take action personally. This is an irreversible process, which is quite terrible and tricky.

The black pus that flows out will combine with the intelligent life itself and mutate into a completely irregular monster. Even in the later stages of the outbreak, even plants without intelligence and stones without life will be infected.

Rather than saying that [Human Pus] is a "beast of disaster", it is better to say that it is a "plague of disaster". Perhaps a single individual is easy to fight, and a gifter above level 6 is fine. But the characteristics of infection upon contact and becoming a source of infection upon infection make it absolutely not inferior to any other disaster.

The above is just the appearance of [Human Pus]. Jenkins has not looked carefully at the more terrible information. This thing is twisted, malicious, and a disaster to all orders in the world.

The sixth year of the game means that the ten-year game has entered the second half.

This year, even though Jenkins and Miss Elf tried their best to eliminate the influence of [Steam Kingdom] and the hidden dangers of [Human Pus], it was useless. The only thing they did was to reduce the sacrifices of the people of the kingdom in the four events as much as possible, so as to reduce the amount of black ash flying out of the desktop after the year-end summary.

The four events of this year were [Dry Land], [Kingdom Orthodoxy], [Fallen Star Stone] and [Forest Disaster].

[Dry Land] and [Forest Disaster] are both natural disasters. The former is the problem of water shortage and rain shortage in the spring planting season, and the latter is the excessive deforestation caused by the development of steam industry in winter.

Both events are easy to solve. The elves' governance of nature and the knowledge Jenkins got from the princess can handle these problems. At the same time, the platinum influence [Noble Bloodline] flashed extra when Miss Sylph used the card [Natural Faith]. Although it did not change the nature of the card, it increased the power of the card.

In addition, after using this card, Miss Sylph suddenly looked up. This time, there was a physical boundary above the strange world, that is, a white ceiling without any stains.

Jenkins didn't know what happened to his companion, but he didn't disturb her. Only when she returned to normal did he ask, and the answer he got was a bit strange:

"I heard a voice, and the voice told me that I needed three powerful symbols to call on the power of the elves."

"Whose voice?"

Thinking of [Natural Faith], Jenkins suddenly pointed upwards:

"Flowers... or the World Tree..."

"No, no, although it was a female voice, I have never heard it before. It's not those two, otherwise I would definitely be able to feel it."

Jenkins guessed that there was someone outside the strange world helping him, but even if there were three symbols, such as the leaves of the World Tree, the ancient elves around him, and his own cane, it would be useless without the corresponding ritual.

Chapter 2121 Magic Sword

Without the ceremony, it is useless to prepare the symbol. But the voice did not continue to appear, and Miss Elf could not be sure whether it was her hallucination or real, after all, she was the only one who heard the voice.

"It should be true. If you listen carefully, there may be more voices. The boundary of the strange world is very stable. The information may not be transmitted in one go, but who it will be... I can't guess."

The summer event [Kingdom Orthodoxy] is an ordinary political event. A person with royal blood, like the male king and the female king, appeared in the kingdom. That person claimed that the succession process of the two kings was abnormal. Jenkins solved this incident by using only one [Personal Force]. Although it will definitely have an impact on the next three years, it at least increased the stability of the kingdom, so it is still worth it.

The most dangerous event was the [Falling Star Stone] in the autumn. A meteor streaked across the night sky, and then the meteorite fell into the territory of the kingdom. The danger of this incident is not only that there is a spreading curse in the meteorite, but also that the unknown cult from abroad was attracted by the meteorite.

The existing hidden dangers have come into play again, making the danger even greater.

Therefore, this event cost Jenkins and Miss Elf a total of 15 cards, the most important of which was Jenkins's [Plague Governance]. After Nolan's multiple plagues broke out in succession, he provided a lot of help, so this card was formed because of this experience.

But although the event was successfully prevented, it left a new hidden danger [Plague Susceptibility].

In other words, once a new plague breaks out in the kingdom, the spread of the plague will be even more terrible. This hidden danger, no matter how you look at it, is for the hidden danger [Human Pus].

The event is not only bad, the good thing is that because the event is over, the metal meteorite was successfully recovered, and thus increased the possibility of the red card accident [Starstone Forging] after the end of this round.

Luck is pretty good, the event really happened. The living statue told the two participants that they could provide a weapon to merge the meteorite in the event with the weapon to become a new card.

The weapons provided here are real weapons, not weapons in the game story.

"Once a weapon becomes a card, it is very likely that it will not be able to change back when we need it."

Miss Elf saw the trap, and Jenkins nodded:

"Then my sword and cane, your bow must be left behind, just use this one."

He pointed to the sword brought out from the last strange place.

So after the accident in the third quarter of this year, they got a brand new platinum card [Star Magic Sword].

The reason why it is not [Star Holy Sword] is because [Human Pus] played a role in the incident. Even if [Noble Bloodline] provides the elves with the forging method, it cannot suppress the power of the disaster beast. But fortunately, the description of this card itself does not mention that it will be cursed when used.

This card is equivalent to ten [Personal Force], which means that it can be used ten times. When used with specific cards, it will have a more wonderful effect, which is very helpful.

In addition to forging, the red accident this year also has two [Steam] and one [Wrath of Nature]. The two [Steam] cards did not show up as the influence of the kingdom, but were directly integrated with the card [Steam Kingdom]. It is said that this can increase the power of [Steam Kingdom].

And [Wrath of Nature] is another negative accident. It roughly means that excessive ore mining and deforestation have caused nature to punish the country with counter-force.

Neither Jenkins nor the elves have a way to deal with this accident. As a result, they were forced to throw away five cards in their hands to offset the wrath of nature.

This made the situation precarious. It was about to enter the seventh year. The two people's hands added up to less than 100 cards, including a large part of [Steam] related cards that would not be used, and there were still 12 rounds left.

Once an event occurs that requires the use of more than ten cards, they will definitely have no cards available in the tenth year.

Of course, in the last quarter of the sixth year, Jenkins did not forget to throw out [Out of Control]. The consequences of this card will be seen in the first quarter of the next year.

So the year-end summary of the sixth year is:

"Now let's start the year-end summary of the sixth year - no influence was obtained, and the hidden danger [susceptibility to plague] was obtained.

Evaluation: Even if disasters occur frequently, you are still qualified kings.

The male king mastered knowledge under the guidance of the princess of the neighboring country due to marriage. The female king used the cursed star stone to forge the magic sword and gained terrible knowledge from it. Due to the continuous influence of the Steam Kingdom, the kingdom has gained a new power."

[Hallucinogenic Potion Trend] did not give [Out of Control] again this year, but this does not mean that this [Hidden Danger] card will no longer work.

After the year-end summary, Jenkins got two [Maintain Stability] cards as usual, and Miss Elf got one [Steam Forging Technology] and one [Cursed Knowledge]. The common card they got was [Steam Engine Miniaturization Technology]. And Jenkins still did not intend to use this card.

At the beginning of the seventh year, [Out of Control] played a role, and the events of the first season were forcibly changed to the domestic political event of [General Strike].

At the same time, the influence of [Steam Kingdom] also played a role. Under the combined effect of the two, even if the general strike was quelled, the hidden danger of [unstable public sentiment] still inevitably emerged after the events of the first season.

The second quarter of the seventh year is a natural disaster event [Burning Summer], which is sustained high temperatures in most parts of the country. Because of the hidden danger [unstable public sentiment], once this problem cannot be solved, there will definitely be chaos in the next round.

This is not a problem that can be solved with the [Maintain Stability] card alone. The continuous high temperatures must be solved in practical ways. But neither Jenkins nor the elves were able to force precipitation. In desperation, Jenkins was forced to use the steam series of cards to promote the invention of a steam machine that could lower indoor temperatures, and named it [air conditioning].

If we don't do this, the country will perish in turmoil in the fourth quarter of this year, so we have to do this even if we know it's a trap.

The next two events of this year were both extraordinary events, [Vampire Missing] and [Devil's Shadow]. Vampires and demons appeared in the kingdom respectively, and both of them were related to [Doomsday Theory].

Chapter 2122 Creating Cards

He was forced to use the power of the magic sword five times to perfectly solve the [Vampire Missing] and [Devil's Shadow] incidents. However, he was so passive in dealing with these difficulties but could never find a way to take the initiative. This has given Jenkins the opportunity There is a strong sense of crisis.

Therefore, after the unexpected red unexpected card [Steam] appeared in the first quarter of this year, Jenkins tried again.

"Although I don't have that card in my hand, in fact, I do have some knowledge."

Jenkins nodded his head:

"So, as a male king, I thought I could..."

"No, you can't. The game prohibits the use of powers other than cards. If you want to violate the rules..."

Before the living statue finished speaking, all the wax figures in the wax museum moved very suddenly and looked at Jenkins. Miss Elf swallowed and moved closer to Jenkins nervously. Jenkins shook his head:

"How to make a card?"

he asked:

"Or are the rules prohibiting the creation of cards?"

The living statue glanced at Jenkins:

"The rules do not prohibit the production of cards, but only in special events, such as when you forged the magic sword in the sixth year, you can take the initiative to make cards."

"That said, there needs to be a tangible reason for making the cards."

Jenkins understood, then put his hand on the table:

"As a high-dimensional being who controls the game of cards, I want to entrust a dream to the male king and give him enlightenment."

"Of course not."

The living statue shakes its head:

"This is not okay. There is no reason for you to do this."

"Then as the God of Lies, I will entrust a dream to the male king."

he said again.


Miss Siluf looked at Jenkins doubtfully, suspecting that she heard wrongly, while the living statue shook its head again:

"The male king's faith is not you, and you cannot give him dreams."

"Who is that?"

"According to the setting, he is you, but he is not you. Therefore, his belief is the god of books."

Jenkins really can't refute this, but at least it proves that his idea is right. You need a practical reason to make a card, and if it were someone other than himself, you would have to wait for something to happen, but Jenkins has another trick up his sleeve:

"Miss Siluf, did you sell flowers when you were a child?"

"Of course, what young elf has never sold flowers?"

The elf replied immediately, and Jenkins finally let out a sigh of relief. Even though many of his stereotypes about the elves as a race, such as not eating meat, not drinking alcohol, and loving peace, are all wrong, at least the elves love nature and like flowers and plants, which is a correct impression.

"Well, I'm going to ask the female king for a dream and give her some knowledge."

Jenkins said.

"Why can you entrust her with dreams?"

the living statue asked.

"Because I am the guardian of the flower girls. Even the former flower girls are within my protection as long as I am willing. I love all flower girls, past, present and future, so I can definitely entrust her with a dream——"

Jenkins nodded seriously:

"That's what I said."

The red card pile in the hand of the living statue shook a little, and thus, in the first season of the seventh year, there were more than two accidents in one season for the first time. Jenkins and Miss Elf also started their real relationship for the first time. Intervene in the game.

The red accidental card [Unexpected Revelation], the female king received the revelation of a higher-dimensional existence in her dream, and gained brand-new knowledge as a result.

This card was thrown on the table by the living statue, and Jenkins immediately reached out to pick it up:

"I will give her new knowledge about electricity and..."

He believes that the most direct way to eliminate the influence of the [Steam Kingdom] is not to regress the kingdom's productivity back to the slave era, but to replace steam power with more advanced production methods.

But before he finished speaking, the violent shaking made the elf subconsciously grab Jenkins' arm.

The whole wax museum was shaking, as if the world was coming to an end. Jenkins sat as steadily as possible on the chair and looked at the living statue opposite, and the living statue was also looking at him.

After the shaking lasted for half a minute and finally disappeared, Jenkins asked:

"What's going on?"

"I don't know either."

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