"【End of the Era】."

Then, the influence [Steam Kingdom] floating on the table automatically absorbed this card, and the living statue continued to announce:

"When absorbing enough power and thus reaching the edge of transformation, the great event [End of the Era] came. This round, under the fate of the spiral, the creation that should not have existed will be born. Two kings, you have created a miracle creation at the final convergence-"

All the cards related to [Steam] in Jenkins's card pile flew out automatically without his control and merged with [Steam Kingdom]. He just watched this scene and did not stop the cards from flying.

"Miracle Creation [Great Wisdom]."

The influence card flashed with inexplicable colorful light. In the strange and dazzling light, the power of machinery and steam was emerging. This was not the power that descended from the strange realm, but the power hidden in the living statue by the differential machine. Once that power was formed, it meant the destruction of the kingdom and Jenkins' side was directly eliminated.

In other words, the living statue, as the host of the strange realm, was going to print cards.

Seeing this, Jenkins sighed and released his hand covering the key card.

Since the other party wanted to print the card, he could do the same. Reading and writing were too low-level, and he disdained to do so. What he had to do was to play the ready-made cards.

The card under his hand was slightly smaller than the card in the strange game, and the style was also different.

Jenkins read out the name of the card:

"Everything is impermanent - the world."

Chapter 2125 Maintaining stability

"Everything is impermanent?"

Obviously, Miss Elf also knew about the Impermanence Card. In her time, the rumors about this set of cards were more widespread than in the Eighteenth Century.

"But is this really okay?"

She understood Jenkins' idea, but because she still couldn't move, she couldn't speak. But Jenkins seemed to have guessed what she was thinking at the moment and shook his head:

"I think any special card-like item can probably play a role in the game. This is of course cheating, but the extent of our cheating is obviously stronger than the opponent who directly prints the card."

The living statue did not speak, but stared blankly at the [Great Wisdom] card constantly absorbing power in the light. This is the 40th round. Once [Great Wisdom] is really born, Jenkins and the elf will not even have the opportunity to make a decision in the next round, so Jenkins immediately threw the card in his hand.

The Vientiane Impermanence card fell into the center of the table and immediately emitted a little light. Although Jenkins did not know what specific role this card could play, its appearance did suppress the light that merged many cards.

Even if there is no "fusion removal" effect, [World] does have a suppressive effect on [Great Wisdom].

"This is not a card in the game."

The statue finally spoke.

"Yes, it's not, but it's also a card. If the game doesn't allow it, you can tell me."

"...This card can only be used once."

But it was obviously accepted as one of the rules, and Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief. He was sure that this would work, in fact, he found that the other party was manipulating the game at will, so he judged that the restrictions on his side in the game should not be strong. But because it was just a guess, he could only throw it out in the last round, otherwise once it was useless, it would make the other party alert, and then it would be more difficult to find loopholes in the rules.

The Vientiane Impermanence Card also rose above the table in that little bit of light, and came to the same height as the fusion light that was about to be [Great Wisdom]. Both were glowing, and although the brightness of the glow was different, they both contained extremely powerful power.

The three people on both sides of the table remained silent and waited for the result. The light sprinkled on their faces and on the faces of many wax figures around them. They were all waiting, so no one planned to speak before the result came out.

Miss Elf was particularly nervous. The reason she didn't speak was that she really couldn't speak. She was thinking about how she should convince Jenkins to sacrifice the platinum influence card if the Vientiane Impermanence Card was useless, but fortunately, at least for now, her worries were unnecessary.

The light of the Vientiane Impermanence Card finally suppressed the fusion light. The cards that were absorbed and fused to form [Great Wisdom] were affected by the power of Vientiane Impermanence at the last moment. As hundreds of cards related to [Steam] fell from the table to the table like snowflakes, the fusion light disappeared completely, and all these cards related to [Steam] lost their power.

Even at the last moment, a black shadow appeared on the fusion light that almost stopped the hearts of the two living people present, but in the face of impermanent fate, the final fusion did not succeed.

Vientiane Impermanence-World did not fully exert its power, but the fate deviation caused by the stimulation alone saved Jenkins once.

The many [Steam] cards scattered on the table meant the failure of fusion, which lasted for forty rounds. The constant manipulation of the game caused frequent [Steam] accidents, and the attempt to become a living statue was finally shattered.

The Vientiane Card flew back to Jenkins's hand, and Jenkins put it away again. He looked at the living statue. After the power of the differential machine in the statue partially flowed into the disappeared light due to the Inka, the living statue seemed to have lost its energy and its activity was much worse than before.

"Forty rounds, is it over?"

Jenkins asked.

"No, it's not over yet. In the fortieth round, you still need to experience another event."

[Human Pussy Eruption] cards also flew from the deck to the table, and the dark light instantly dyed the used cards piled up on the table black.

Black dust floated out from the central table and flew into ink lines towards the wax figures in the wax museum. Jenkins sorted out the cards in his hand, put [Elf's Wind of Freedom] and [Crazy Heart of Elf Tree] aside, and then took a total of thirty cards of [Maintain Stability] in his hand. Part of these [Maintaining Stability] are obtained by the elf lady through dreams, and part are obtained through the effects of [Marriage] cards.

"The pus of man breaks out and the kingdom falls."

The living statue announced, his voice no longer as emotional as before, and now it sounded very much like the way a differential engine spoke.

"No, the kingdom has not been destroyed yet, I still have a way."

Jenkins threw all the [Maintain Stability] cards to the center of the table.

[Maintain Stability], which was originally just an ordinary effect card, entered the center of the card table and overlapped, like a big net, pressing against the [Human Pussy] that exuded black light.

"I use thirty [maintain stability]."

"It's useless. Once [Human Pussy] breaks out, there is no way to recover it."

"But now it's just erupting, it doesn't mean it's really erupting. As a male king, I exert [maintain stability] influence on the country, let people stay at home, stay calm and optimistic, and let public opinion representatives go to the streets to give speeches , promoting truth, goodness, beauty and chivalry.”

"It's useless, human pus is a beast of disaster."

repeated the living statue.

"No, [Human Pussy] is just a card."

Jenkins' eyes seemed to be shining. He held the table with one hand and looked towards the center of the card table. Golden light flowed from his hand, [Human Pussy Eruption] also wanted to blacken the thirty [Maintain Stability], but it couldn't do it at all. Similarly, [Maintenance of Stability] also wants to suppress [Eruption of Human Pussy], but they can't even stop the power of this card from venting towards the wax museum outside the table.

"You underestimate me too much. You have the final right to interpret this card game, so I can't even influence the direction of the duel by explaining the power of the cards."

Jenkins said, watching the power of the cards on both sides confront each other. Judging from the current situation, it is indeed the thirty cards [maintaining stability] that have the upper hand:

"But there's actually one thing you don't want me to realize. That is, no matter what happens, the card game is not reality after all, so it must be played according to the rules of the card game. Therefore, even in reality, [Human Pussy] cannot be manipulated by humans. The idea is suppressed, but in a card game that is more idealistic than reality, everything can be realized as long as it is reasonable, and whether it is reasonable or not does not seem to be solely up to you.”

He took a deep breath:

"The rule of a country cannot be restored with a game of cards, but I have really experienced that even epidemics that affect the whole world will always be suppressed by reasonable governance; even disasters that are rare in a thousand years will always be suppressed. There was a group of people rushing out...I said too much, but you have to understand, don't underestimate the people's hearts, and don't underestimate the history that I know. I won this round."

Chapter 2126 Sacrifice

After unilaterally declaring himself the winner, Jenkins narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to look at the "struggle" on the table. Now the cards he spilled still have the upper hand:

"The outbreak of human pus is the outbreak of the evil of human nature. Correspondingly, if the evil thoughts in people's hearts can be suppressed, then the outbreak of human pus can be prevented. This is my idea, and it is very reasonable. These thirty cards [Maintain Stability], on the one hand, it comes from my own experience, and on the other hand, it comes from the princess’s practical teaching. This is a combination of the two worlds and a common method for both worlds. I don’t think I am a good king..."

He paused and continued:

"But I think these are enough to suppress human pus."

"You think that's reasonable?"

The living statue asked, its eyes no longer looking at the card table, but at the dense black lines extending from the card table. Those lines are giving a new change to the wax figures in the wax museum.

"Of course it's unreasonable."

He pressed his right hand on the table and leaned forward slightly:

"But don't underestimate the power of human beings. Although I am not a qualified king, I am surrounded by people who help me wholeheartedly. In Gambling, although the protagonists are me and Miss Silufu, in the kingdom of Gambling, our There should be people around who are wholeheartedly loyal to the royal family, or who want to change society wholeheartedly, right?"

A strange light appeared around Jenkins, and the emblem of the [Uncrowned King] appeared above his head. It was originally only the size of a palm, but quickly grew in size until it covered the entire table.

"The difference engine wants to rely on card games to prove that I am not the king of mankind. It is a bit simplistic."

He said softly, his tone was not anxious, he knew that he had won the game. The emblem of [Uncrowned King] expanded to the entire table, and [Uncrowned King] was directly engraved on the card of [Maintain Stability].

"I don't think I'm a very good king, but that doesn't mean I don't think I'm really capable."

He straightened up while holding on to the table and looked at the living statue opposite. The latter seemed determined not to speak, or even to pay attention to the final battle on the table.

"The outbreak of the human pus was finally stopped by the king's measures. From the first year of the era to the tenth year, the two kings devoted almost all their strength to the kingdom."

Jenkins said, leaving only the magic sword card and two symbol cards on the left, and the rest of the unused cards on the right:

"The domestic situation has changed, various disasters have followed one after another, and social development has made the lives of the poor more miserable. But even so, in just ten years, our country has made rapid progress and has been reborn from the last destruction. Ten years cannot solve too many problems, and the problems accumulated in ten years will also require more ten years to solve. But the efforts of the two kings are obvious to all..."

He didn't actually want to deliberately praise himself:

"Although ten years is a short time, the people have already known the efforts and determination of the kings. Therefore, when the king suddenly announced in the last winter of the tenth year that he would do his utmost to maintain stability, even if people were reluctant, they still did it. Because people know that the existence of the king is the order of this era, even if they yearn for other things, they know order is the first priority for survival.

Therefore, the outbreak of human pus only occurred in a limited number of individuals. More people responded to the king's call, trying to think about some good things and suppress their evil thoughts.

In the last winter of the tenth year, because of the outbreak of human pus, the kingdom suffered a great disaster, which even spread to the whole world, and the world almost fell into doomsday again. But because of the uncrowned king, because of the efforts of the uncrowned king wearing the crown, even though the power of the beast of disaster was terrifying, people finally led them to the eleventh year. Even if they were facing ruins and the bodies of their loved ones, life always had to go on.

People can be knocked down, but they will continue to stand up. If you underestimate human beings themselves, it would be really ridiculous. "

Jenkins picked up the three unused cards and said to the living statue:

"The tenth year is over, the year-end summary is over, and the kingdom has entered the eleventh year. This game is good, but we won. "

The card [Human Pus Outbreak] is still exerting its power, and [Maintain Stability] is still suppressing it. But just as Jenkins said, the game was over. Even though the Human Pus had the upper hand in the season when it broke out, it did not have a complete upper hand, so the kingdom was not destroyed in the 10th year.

According to the rules, Jenkins won.

He looked at the black line flying out of the table and asked:

"Where is the exit door?"


The living statue pointed behind him. On the wall behind him, a door with an unstable flashing white light had appeared.

But before Jenkins and Miss Elf set off, the space around them suddenly changed. Gray fog suddenly spurted out from the table, blurring the vision in an instant.

Jenkins felt dizzy, not because of the gray fog, but because the space around him was changing.

He held the table and quickly helped the elf to straighten out his spirit. Miss Elf stood up suddenly without complaining about Jenkins's behavior just now.

The gray fog dissipated, and the wax museum seemed to have expanded at least a thousand times as a whole. Even though most of the area was still in darkness, the darkness was visible.

Because of the change in space, the location of the door seemed to be thousands of meters away. But what was even more serious was that all the wax figures in the wax museum moved while holding their necks. Black fluid flowed out from their fingers and fell to the ground, like a pool of black ink on the soles of their feet. The black fluid was wriggling like a living thing, covering the bodies of the wax figures.

The scene in front of us was the outbreak of human pus.

"You want to break the rules? The game is over, and we have to leave here."

"You did win, but the game can only end when I declare it over."

The living statue still sitting at the table said that the table did not expand due to the expansion of space, so they could still see each other clearly in the center of the vast space.

The living statue took a card from the red accident card and threw it on the table without even looking at it:

"The game is not over because there was an accident in the fourth quarter of the tenth year. That is the most dangerous card that appeared."

The card says [Dream Reality], and the pattern on the card is the wax museum before the expansion:

"This is the most terrifying of all event cards. Its effect is to make the last event before this card appear on the card table and appear in this wax museum. The last event is [Human Pus Eruption]. Savior, I have not violated any rules, including the expansion of the wax museum, which is also the effect of this card and has nothing to do with me."

"But this card appears now, aren't you the one who is playing tricks?"

Miss Sylph scolded, but the other party kept silent.

"Then how can we end this incident?"

Jenkins asked.

"It's very simple. The outbreak of human pus directly contaminated these wax statues. As long as you solve all the statues here, the incident will be solved."

The current outbreak of human pus has not completely contaminated the wax statues, so Jenkins does not know how strong a complete human pus monster is. Moreover, the scary thing about human pus is not those monsters. What is scary is its infectiousness and the twisted power that is produced when human puss merge with each other and truly originates from the essence of the soul.

Miss Silufu grabbed Jenkins' arm and reached out to grab the platinum card representing her bloodline from the air:

"There is no other option now, sacrifice me."

The wet sound around was the sound of black fluid dripping continuously. Those flowing out of the holes in the soul and body not only polluted the wax figure itself, but also polluted the world. I don't know when a layer of black fungus blanket appeared on the ground. These disgusting things seemed to be giving birth to life.

"In the fourth quarter of the tenth year, the rapid outbreak of human pus formed an army of human evil."

The living statue made an emotionless voice. As it narrated, the area of ​​the wax museum continued to expand further, and the door on the wall was almost invisible.

[Dream Reality] not only allows the wax museum to discover what happened in the kingdom, but also allows the wax museum to overlap with the kingdom in the game, so the area will expand.

Now this place is almost equivalent to a plain. Jenkins even saw the shadow of a tall building in the distance. Maybe in a few dozen minutes, they will have to face a whole army of black fluid here.

"World Tree, please sacrifice me."

Miss Sylph pulled Jenkins' sleeve, and Jenkins shook his head.

He touched the platinum card in Miss Elf's hand and pressed it into her chest:

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