12+19=31. (Note)

Jenkins picked up a dice and threw it again. This time his luck was still good, 16, and he continued to walk forward, observing the surrounding situation while walking.

The stone slab under his feet was dyed blood red, reminding Jenkins where he needed to go. The various buildings on the street were basically the same. There will definitely be unique buildings later, and in ordinary buildings, most people in them will probably take out syringes... At least Jenkins hopes so.

After stopping, this time it was the door of the two-story dilapidated building on the right side of the street. This house is obviously better than the old woman's house just now. Not only is the brick and stone color of the building darker, but more importantly, the door is well stuck in the door frame without any gaps.

"You can tell at a glance that the status of the townspeople living here is different from the ones just now."

Jenkins said in his heart, and then knocked on the door as he did just now. After a while, a voice came from the door, but the other party did not open the door:

"What's the matter?"

The man's voice should be very old.

"I want some dice."

He was honest.


The man inside the door asked in confusion, but without Jenkins' answer, he said again:


This time it was an affirmative sentence.

"Yes, I am a stranger, can you give me some dice?"

"Of course, but you need help to do something. I am the pharmacist in the town. If you help me get something from the well in the backyard, I will give you 5 dice."

"Backyard? How do I get to the backyard?"

"From the front door to the backyard, of course."

As he said that, the door creaked open a crack. Jenkins tilted his head and thought about it, then shook his head decisively:

"Sorry, I won't do it."

Five dice are not many, and he doesn't want to rush into the homes of these small town residents. Of course, if the reward is too much, he still won't choose to help the other party, because more dice represent more risks. Only if the reward is in the range of 7 to 15 will he consider it.

"So, would you consider buying something from me? I also take those dice."

A piece of cardboard was handed out from the door. After Jenkins took it, the person inside the door immediately let go. Jenkins never saw the pharmacist from beginning to end.

The cardboard was a price list, but it was ridiculously illustrated with pictures. On the left side of the cardboard were different numbers of stick figures of dice. Some rows of dice were densely packed together, while others were very loose; in the middle of the cardboard were rows of equal signs, parallel to the dice on the left; on the right side of the cardboard were different numbers of medicine bottles, the sizes and shapes of the medicine bottles were also different, and the positions of the medicine bottles were parallel to the equal signs.

"What does the medium-sized square potion bottle mean?"

"Coagulation potion type II. If you are accidentally scratched by a monster in the town, this potion can exempt you from a medium or lower bleeding curse. One bottle can be used twice."

"What about the small-sized conical bottle?"

"Containment potion. After some things die in the town, their bodies can be made into dice. If you don't know how to process, you can just sprinkle the potion. One bottle can be used once."

The pharmacist answered fluently.

"In other words, the first line of the cardboard means that 15 dice can be exchanged for two bottles of Coagulation potion type II and one bottle of Containment potion."

Jenkins understood.

Not all potions are divided into models. For example, the Coagulation potion has four models, which means that the square bottle on the cardboard has four different sizes, while the Containment potion has only one size, that is, only one model.

Jenkins then asked about the meaning of other bottles. The most expensive potion is worth 300 dice. It is the escape potion type IV of the pentagram bottle, which can directly allow the user to leave the town. The lower-level escape potion allows the user to directly advance a certain number of numbers.

There is also an antidote potion in the potion, with a total of six models, and different models can solve different types of multiple toxins. Among them, the "blood mosquito curse" that Jenkins encountered in Beldiran City was actually classified as a toxin here, and it can be removed by type I to III antidote potions.

"Could the strange thing [blood mosquito curse] that drifted into the material world originate from this ghost place?"

He thought to himself.

In addition, the metal syringe that the old woman asked Jenkins to use just now, and the blood collection bottle for drawing blood, are also provided by the pharmacist here, and the price is very cheap, a whole set is worth 1 dice.

The pharmacist admitted that the blood collection bottle allows Jenkins to collect dice from himself. But because he was not very clear about the disadvantages of this collection, Jenkins did not buy it.

In the end, Jenkins did not even buy the escape potion, but spent 9 dice to buy a bottle of containment potion separately. He wanted to try his luck. After all, since the pharmacist said there were monsters in the town, he would definitely encounter them.

The containment potion is a conical bottle, and the liquid is burnt yellow, like urine. But there were some blood streaks in the burnt yellow, so it looked like bloody urine.

As for other potions, Jenkins didn't buy any because he had a limited number of dice. Fortunately, although there were only three pharmacists in the town, some townspeople also had some potions in stock at home, which Jenkins, a "despicable outsider", could buy.

However, buying potions from townspeople was much more expensive than from pharmacists.

Chapter 2133: The Yard Without a Door


After bidding farewell to the pharmacist and starting again, Jenkins rolled the dice again and showed the number twelve, which was still above the average. Although [Stage of Destiny] failed after the Puppet Theater due to over-stimulation, Jenkins' luck still seems to be very good.

The length of the stone slabs on the streets of the ancient town is very exaggerated. Basically, two stone slabs are the same distance as a house. And because the buildings on the left and right sides are staggered to each other instead of facing each other, each stone slab actually corresponds to a certain door.

After the third throw, Jenkins had walked close to 40 buildings, very close to the next intersection on this street. He could even see that there was a T-intersection next, and he could only choose to go diagonally to the right or diagonally to the left.

After stopping this time, he saw the wall of a certain building on his right, which he could not enter. On the left is a yard separated by a crooked fence. It is as dilapidated as the street and filled with all kinds of messy things. Jenkins even saw an overturned chicken coop near the fence. Unfortunately, there were only some bones inside and no original creature.

"Is this an open space used by the townspeople on this street to raise chickens?"

Jenkins thought.

He then looked around the yard and saw a well near the wall of the house adjoining the yard. The mouth of the well was covered with a large stone, and because the edge of the well was very low, the stone was almost integrated with the ground.

After hesitating for a moment, Jenkins walked into the doorless yard and came to the well. First, he felt vaguely, and after confirming that there was no sense of danger, he carefully bent down and removed the big stone slab at the mouth of the well.

When only a crack was exposed at the mouth of the well, he immediately smelled a foul smell, like rotten eggs. Along with the smell, some green mosquitoes flew out of the well.

This is the first additional creature on the street that Jenkins comes into contact with, besides the old woman and the pharmacist. These strange things were obviously not friendly. After flying out of the well mouth in groups, they immediately pounced on Jenkins.

But then flames burst out of Jenkins' pores and burned the bugs completely. The bugs did not completely disappear after being burned, but turned into some blood-red pus and dripped to the ground. Judging from the smoke on the ground, the consequences of being stung by these bugs would probably be serious.

The pus still lingered on the ground, so Jenkins immediately thought of the containment potion he had just purchased. But the containment potion was worth nine dice. These green mosquitoes were so weak that Jenkins was worried that they wouldn't be able to make nine dice at all, so he hesitated and didn't use it.

After getting rid of the mosquitoes, I continued to move the stones. Unexpectedly, this was not a dry well. The water in the well almost rose to the edge of the wellhead. The dark well water barely reflected Jenkins' reflection in the dim light of the surrounding moss and filthy walls.

Then the reflection spoke:

"Do you long for blood? Do you long for power? Then why not..."

Slender blood-red tentacles stretched out from the well water, and the top of the tentacles resembled the front end of blood collection equipment.

"Then why not let me relieve you."

Jenkins said, reaching for the water, grabbing the physical substance and immediately lifting it out of the water. It was a soaked and whitish thing that looked like human skin, with tentacles extending from the back of the human skin.

Without giving this thing a chance to speak again, green light and golden light flashed in the hand together, Human Skin screamed, and the tentacles behind the face immediately clung to Jenkins' arm.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Don't you want to know the secrets of this town?"

The way the human skin talks is extremely weird.

"Of course I don't want to know."

Jenkins said, not caring about the black bruises left by the tentacles on his arms, summoning flames, and under the combined effect of magical power, life force and flames, the human skin finally stopped moving.

This time, there was no hesitation and the containment potion was directly poured onto the human skin. The burnt yellow potion fell, dyeing the yellowed human skin after leaving the water into blood red. Then the human skin began to tighten and shrink, and finally five blood-red dice were left in Jenkins' hand.

"Oops, I still lost money."

He said annoyed.

As the human skin disappeared, the phantom of the well water also disappeared, revealing the real underground scene.

The well was not deep, and silt accumulated at the bottom, emitting a smell even more terrible than the smell of rotten eggs just now.

Although wearing a monocle cannot clearly see the specific situation at the bottom of the well, there is obviously something at the bottom of the well.

Jenkins was not stupid enough to jump into the well. He turned around and rummaged in the yard, finding the bamboo pole in the middle, the broken windlass, the rope stained with mud, and the bucket with two and a half boards missing, and summoned the Creation Pencil. I came out and drew it myself, equipped with a hammer and a handsaw, and repaired it a little with rough carpentry skills.

Afterwards, he first searched the bottom of the well with a bamboo pole, and then reluctantly scraped up a pile of suspicious-looking junk from the bottom of the well with a bucket.

Most of the items have been ravaged by time and moisture, and can no longer be identified. What can be identified is a withered skeleton with many bones missing, and a blood collection bottle held by a withered hand bone. In addition, the mud There were two scattered dice and a bullet inside.

There was nothing special about the dead bones and the blood collection bottle. Jenkins took possession of the two dice. The bullet is not an ordinary metal bullet. The bullet is long and slender, and the whole body has a strong yellow aura. Just the warhead itself is already a numbered item.

"This should be yours, right?"

He asked the bone on one side, but the other person was already dead and it was impossible to answer the question.

So the bullet was also taken away by Jenkins, but he buried the bones and the blood collection bottle in the yard, so that Jenkins would not feel guilty for taking the other person's relics.


The remaining things in the yard were all debris, and the treacherous environment could not be infinite, so Jenkins could not waste too much time. After dealing with the dead bones, start again. After throwing the dice, the number shows 7. Although the result this time was below average, fortunately the number 7 exceeded the length of the street, and Jenkins could choose the next path.

Although both the left and right roads were optional, before Jenkins started walking, he leaned out and took a look. The road on the right was filled with blood-red mist, which looked quite suspicious. There was no fog on the road on the left, but in the darkness beyond the street, I could barely see something blocking the middle of the road.

"Isn't the road on the left a dead end?"

Jenkins thought hesitantly, but finally chose to go left. The blood-red mist on the right side of the road gave him a rather unpleasant feeling, so for safety reasons he went left first.

Chapter 2134 The old woman’s transaction catalog

I walked forward again in the dilapidated streets of the town. After stopping this time, I saw that the doors next to me were ordinary buildings. After knocking on the door, another old woman stuck her head out. She also asked Jenkins to donate her own blood or inject other blood.

Jenkins still chose to inject blood, and then saw some terrible pictures again. These pictures were of two young teenagers fighting for a beautiful young girl. Although the scene is not shown to the end, the blood that appears in the hearts of the teenagers has already indicated that the next development will not be a comedy.

Although the sight was distressing, it was not spiritually damaging to Jenkins' strong soul. But the injection of suspicious blood did have an impact on Jenkins' body.

His body is close to the World Tree itself, but close does not mean the same, so it is theoretically immune to all toxins, but there are some exceptions. The suspicious blood was an exception, although it could not kill Jenkins or leave him permanently disabled.

But Jenkins felt that while his spirit increased slightly, his flesh and blood also changed due to the injection. This is an extremely difficult to detect and almost harmless change. It is Jenkins's extreme sensitivity to the spirit of life that allows him to feel such a change.

To put it simply, because of the influence of the blood, his body will be extremely susceptible to changes from outside influences. This is of course a good thing for transfiguration. For example, Jenkins can turn into a mouse faster while the effect lasts, and he can even try to transform into creatures that he could not transform into in the past.

But similarly, those negative influences are more likely to affect him. As a World Tree, he should not be affected by the negative changes of his body, but there happens to be the power of [Scarlet Mayfly] in this strange place. This kind of terrifying thing happens to be aimed at the body and blood.

"It's just right that the Difference Engine throws the power of [Scarlet Mayfly] into this strange situation. Against this kind of enemy, you can't relax for a moment."

Jenkins sighed, and then looked around again:

"Speaking of which, where could the Scarlet Mayfly be?"

In the first five treacherous places, the power of the beast of disaster appeared at the end of the treacherous place. Jenkins could not successfully escape even if he wanted to avoid it. Therefore, he no longer has any hope that he can avoid the scarlet mayfly here.

"The bell ringer said that the difference engine failed to change this strange situation, but only set a trap. Where will the trap be?"

The second time he injected blood through a rusty metal syringe and described what he saw to the old woman, Jenkins gained four additional dice. So when he starts again, the number of dice in his hand is 26+4=30. (Note)

Although there are many, the end of the town is still far away. Jenkins didn't know whether he was now one-half of the way or one-twentieth the way, so he had to be careful about everything.

In addition, before leaving the old woman's door, because of what the pharmacist said just now, Jenkins wanted to know if the old woman had any additional items that could be traded.

It's a pity that the other party didn't give Jenkins a chance. He just cursed "despicable foreigner" and slammed the door. Jenkins did not continue to ask for trouble, but continued to set off.

The number thrown out after continuing to set off was 11. After advancing 11 large stone slabs, Jenkins did not first look at the building on his right, but looked ahead.

When he was choosing a direction to turn at the intersection, he vaguely saw something blocking the middle of the street. Now I finally saw what it was. It was a simple roadblock made of wood. The thick wooden columns were sharpened and tied together and placed on the ground.

No one was seen in front of the roadblock, but there was a sign with 10 dice painted on it, and a crudely made wooden box placed under the sign.

"Is this... a toll?"

Jenkins was startled and felt that this scene was a bit ridiculous, but then he looked at the box under the wooden sign:

"I don't know how many dice there are in this."

He thought to himself, but he was not stupid enough to rob the box. Besides, the roadblock was not within this journey, and he would probably encounter it next time.

After stopping this time, the door of the building I encountered was on the left side of the road. Although it was still a one-story building, it was no longer an ordinary residential building. There was no door panel at the door, which meant that it could be entered at will, and the architectural style was not obvious. Although it was different from the style of the two old women's houses, it was generally not special.

He walked in with a backpack and a sword on his back, summoned a candle to illuminate the dark room, and found that there was no furniture here except for some crooked wooden shelves placed by the wall.

There was a thin layer of dust on the ground, but at least it was not as dirty as the street. Jenkins turned around and saw a trap door on the ground that was almost integrated with the dust. After hesitating for a long time, he bent down and opened it.

As the trap door gradually opened, a strange smell of blood and alcohol rushed up directly from below. Jenkins did not like drinking, and he did not like blood even more. He suppressed the urge to feel sick and opened the door completely:

"Why do I encounter disgusting smells in almost every strange world?"

Going deep into the basement behind the trap door, he found that there was actually a wine cellar below. The blood-red liquid was packed in exquisite dark brown glass bottles, corked with oak corks, and stored in wooden boxes filled with soft straw.

Each wooden box was hung with a cardboard to mark the dice price and function of the blood wine. However, because the wine cellar was unattended, there was a lack of explanation, so Jenkins could not understand these stick figures very well.

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