This is the power of faith and magic. The righteous gods use the power of believers to take action!

The city became silent again, and no one seemed to notice the earthquake and dazzling golden light just now.

In the field of vision of the Eye of Truth, under the night sky, the giant demon hand summoned by the incomplete summoning array was wrapped in a golden net. It struggled left and right, revealing a stone wall at the end of its arm that was inlaid with countless ferocious faces. Flames burned around the giant hand, and another black lightning flashed across, and hideous cracks appeared on the arm of the giant hand.

What flowed out from the cracks was blood-red magma and patches of pale soul mist.

In the material world that everyone could observe, Beryl raised his hands and shouted loudly, spitting out a black stone from his mouth and falling to the ground. The ground of the square shook again, the stones melted into the stone slabs on the square, and a high platform rose from the center of the square, lifting Beryl to a higher position.

"In the name of the Asyash family!"

The pale man stood on the high platform and shouted. As he shouted again, an illusory dark door opened behind him. Dark hands stretched out from inside the door, pulled out Beryl's heart as he screamed, and then stuffed a black stone that seemed to be able to absorb light into his chest.

"What's happening here?"

Jenkins lowered his head in pain, and blood flowed from his eyes as soon as he saw the giant hand. He opened his eyes of reality and saw things he couldn't see again. The vague temptation in a low voice and the strong head pain made him extremely painful, and the bloody and evil knowledge that flooded into his mind made him nauseous.

The warm feeling coming from his forehead and the light of the purifying candle finally allowed him to stay sane, and the sage's blessing was still there.

I never expected that just coming to arrest a low-level gifter who summoned demons would actually cause such trouble. The demon in the sky was apparently summoned by Beryl, and it wanted to break through the boundaries of the real world and come to the material world. The feeling that the devil gave her was far less than that of the Lord and the gods, but there must be a reason for provoking six righteous gods to take action together.

Although the gods did not show up, I could feel that they were watching.

The benefactors of the Righteous God Church also fell down the moment the devil tried to appear. People with high levels or strong spirits could quickly try to get up, but a few people never had the chance.

PS: The reward is in the book review area, there are not many manuscripts saved, the upper limit can only be so low, sorry.

Chapter 199 Chapter 195: Creatures and Gifts

The moonlight quietly hid behind the clouds, revealing only a small patch of light that illuminated the high platform at Beryl's feet. The cat hid on the roof of the clock tower and watched the lively scene happily.

Supporting Captain Binsi, he whispered in Jenkins' ear: "This is B-06-5-7340, the gladiatorial platform for the brave. The Church of Starry Sky and Equilibrium has this extraordinary material. It is specially set up for duelists. Once the arena rises, it will automatically absorb the surrounding creatures for a duel. In addition to being beaten to a near-death state and exiting, only the final winner can leave standing. This arena will drain the life energy of the loser. , provided to the winner..."

While the two were talking, the Gifters who recognized what this was one after another began to retreat. But the people closest to the front obviously had no time to push.

Beryl laughed and faced the first challenger.

This was not a fair duel. The appearance of the big devil gave the gifters a more or less mental shock, while Beryl, who was even more crazy, seemed extremely excited.

The replaced heart took root in his chest, and thick black blood vessels emerged on the surface of his body. With just a flying kick, the first person to enter the stage was kicked off the stage and was about to die.

Jenkins unexpectedly ran out of the safe range and stretched out his hand to pull the dying middle-aged man back before the second giver who had no time to retreat was sucked onto the stage.

"Damn it, why didn't you choose me?"

He thought vaguely that the twin demon's ability light had been trembling ever since Beryl summoned the demon. After being hit by mental pollution, Jenkins now only had the idea of ​​killing Beryl with his own hands.

He reached out and held down the injured person to activate the ability, and at the same time looked up at the stands. The green seedlings also trembled as they were activated, instantly suppressing the temptation of the [Twin Demons].

Jenkins shuddered violently, looking at the person he was treating as if he was waking up from a dream, and then realized what he had just done.

"Can the ability still control the owner?"

He thought in horror, but his treatment actions did not stop.

The second challenger was also defeated instantly and kicked off the stage, and then the third person who had not left the dangerous range in the three seconds of lightning came to the stage.

He noticed the box left by the second challenger on the stage and ducked behind it. Subsequently, the entire silver box with flowing light was kicked into pieces, and the helmet, breastplate, wrist guards, shield and other items inside fell to the floor.

The challenger and Beryl were stunned at the same time.

The former is a middle-aged man of about thirty years old with a standard build, with the holy emblem of the [Ashless Moon] on his chest. His expression changed, he looked at his opponent in disbelief, then he took off his windbreaker and shouted loudly: "Who dares to kill me!"

Beryl covered his chest and took a step back. The black blood vessels exposed outside the body surface continued to spread, forming a layer of black liquid armor that enveloped his whole body.

"I am already invincible!"

He yelled, waving his fists in vain at the sky.

Now both challengers are on the stage, and in the dark night, the faint moonlight illuminates this strange scene.

A low whisper came from the sky again, and a huge, polluting mental shock struck for the second time. But the two people on the stage seemed not to be affected and were still roaring crazily.

Jenkins recovered somewhat, and together with a level 6 benefactor who woke up in time, he quickly pulled the second loser out of the safety line.

He stretched out his hand to activate the ability again, but was surprised to find that the suitcase owner's coat was torn, and the emblem of [Eternal Blazing Sun] was actually embroidered on the collar.

As those armor parts were exposed to the air, the atmosphere became more and more wrong. The awakened benefactors more or less felt the change in their own emotions, and finally someone recognized what it was.

"Damn it, why is the full Valor suit here!"

Captain Binsi was next to Jenkins. He looked at the man being treated by Jenkins in panic: "No, we have handed over the Arrogance Shield to the people of the [Sun and Justice] Church. Why haven't they left Nolan yet?"

Voices were also heard from the other side of the square. At this moment, there was more than one believer of [Eternal Blazing Sun] here.

When B-09-4-2912 was discovered in the underground space, it had no impact on the surroundings in its untouched state. But now that the nine items are gathered together, its impact on temperament has reached an incredible level.

"Isn't it said that 9 pieces combined into one are a gift?"

Jenkins asked quickly as the person he treated also woke up. This is a level 7 benefactor, and even has 1 blue and 1 green special ability. [War and Victory] The church is obviously very cautious about the delivery of items, but it did not expect such a thing to happen in Nolan City.

"Only for those who are selected by [Armor of Courage], it is a gift, otherwise it is the mysterious thing A-09-2-0099 [Sin of Pride]!"

He said weakly, raising his head to look at the high platform in the distance.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? Why did you bring the remaining 8 parts with you when you came to get the shield?"

Captain Binsi asked again. The encirclement was still retreating, and had even reached the edge of the square.

"The Armor of Courage has been lost for at least three epochs, and these data are inherently incomplete. The remaining eight parts should be in a sealed state. The day we got the shield, the entire set of armor appeared automatically, along with the outer layer of shielding The [Psychic Blocking Metal] appeared together, and time caused problems with it, and now we don’t even know if we can call it a gift anymore!”

The injured man spoke in a weak voice, his lips turning white. Jenkins turned around and saw that what was on the stage was a set of strange objects emitting black spiritual light.

These few words of dialogue only took a few dozen seconds, and the shadow of the arm in the sky was completely locked by the golden net and could not move.

A rumbling sound came from the sky, and Jenkins' eyes blurred, as if he could see the wound on the shadow of his arm being covered by a layer of black mist. Afterwards, the shape of the wound continued to distort, turning into an eye embedded in the arm.

When those eyes met Jenkins, he screamed and fell to the ground.

With the appearance of those malicious eyes, the material world in everyone's eyes was overlaid with a dark shadow. Jenkins had seen this situation when he used [Astral Perception], so he knew that this was a certain world that overlapped with the material world.

Chapter 200 Chapter 196 Demons, Humans and Gods

The two lunatics on the duel field were still yelling and cursing crazily, and the granters off the field had already gathered together. They were no longer able to leave the Central Civic Square. God's power not only blocked the leakage of dangerous breath, but also prevented them from leaving.

The world in his eyes gradually blurred, and sourceless fire rose from the ground. The sound of gurgling bubbles exploded in my ears, and many cracks appeared on the ground at some point. Under the cracks, there was blood-red magma, and souls stretching out their hands from the magma and wailing.

Jenkins collapsed on the ground and twitched unconsciously. His mind was still normal. He also knew that if he waited any longer, this matter would be even more troublesome. The ground began to vibrate again, and the obsidian-like material was gradually replacing the original land.

Everyone spread out to avoid the cracking ground.

Jenkins gritted his teeth and saw that no one was paying attention. He rolled a few times and then summoned the black robe to reappear in the form of a black-haired young man. He stood up like a carp.

At this moment, the third challenger was finally knocked off the stage by Beryl, who was laughing wildly. At this time, he had completely lost his human appearance. A pair of bat wings sprouted from his back, and a pair of goat's horns were slowly protruding from the sides of his face, which was wrapped in turbid black liquid.

Jenkins walked over and, as expected, was sucked onto the stage.

For a moment, a crazy and twisted feeling came from the demon opposite. But what attracted the spirit even more were the parts of the armor scattered on the stage.

Far from affecting Jenkins' temperament, they were actively attracting him.

I originally wanted to use [Profane Production] to sneak attack on the demon, but now I have a new choice.

Jenkins stood there and watched as the demon gradually flapped its wings and rose into the air. He walked forward slowly, answering the armor's call with his own spirit.

As he walked, nine silver parts scattered on the ground swirled and flew up, forming an empty complete set of armor behind Jenkins.

With the first step, the armor disintegrated, and each part broke into pieces, as if a huge figure was supporting it from the inside.

With the second step, the metal that was broken into pieces but still kept the shape of the armor was attached to Jenkins' body, but not completely close.

With the third step forward, the fragments merged inward, and a knight in silver armor, holding a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand appeared on the stage.

"Hahahaha, today is your death day."

Jenkins said something that he thought was very embarrassing to the demon in the sky, and then he felt that this was not his style of speaking. A full sense of power surged from his body, followed by a great sense of satisfaction and weird self-confidence in his heart.

Looking at his own dress through the thick helmet, white and black auras were attached to the armor at the same time. Just like the last time in front of the Gate of All Things, the three gifts were responding to Jenkins, and the armor was still the same this time.

But it still has flaws. Jenkins can feel that he is sliding from "bravery" to "arrogance".

Without further ado, Jenkins closed his mouth and tried to jump into the sky. When he was just above the demon who was still laughing wildly, he leaned back, stretched his right foot forward, and kicked the demon at a 60-degree angle.

At least 50 people around the arena saw this scene. The knight's physical function obviously exceeded the scope of ordinary people, and from beginning to end, the demon contaminated by the power of armor and crazy ideas did not fight back.

The power of the sun attached to the armor was completely transmitted through this kick. After Jenkins landed, the magma, soul and lingering black smoke all disappeared. This place is still the central square of Nolan City.

"Can't laugh, can't laugh."

He suppressed his idea of ​​laughing wildly in his heart, first looked at the stunned people around the square, and then said in a trembling voice: "I have no ill intentions, I just went out for a walk and passed by here."

While saying words that he didn't believe, he walked towards the fallen demon step by step.

"What are you going to do?"

Someone shouted, but Jenkins ignored him.

"Profane production!"

This kind of bargain cannot be missed.

It still didn't die, but a dent was kicked out of its chest. Black blood flowed out of the dent, gurgling like boiling.

Put a few coins into the pocket through the gap of the armor, then searched for the contract on the demon, put it on the chest, and burned it completely with the flame of a candle at an angle that no one could see. Stepping back, a dark figure stood behind the silver knight, and then pounced on the ugly demon with only one breath left.

After the explosion, the black flames splashed around the stands, and Jenkins summoned another black shadow to prevent danger. Those flames were the last power that erupted from the demon's body. Instead of extinguishing, they became more and more prosperous.

And as the contract was burned by Jenkins, the shadow of the arm in the sky let out a last sigh.

In the sigh, the golden net stretched out in the void pulled in six directions at the same time, and the demon's arm was pulled into six pieces.

Golden light burst out from it, and twisted runes followed the largest ball of golden light.

The big net disappeared, the phantom disappeared, and a small golden light fell in front of Jenkins.

The burning flames and the silver mask blocked his face at the same time. The man who endured the desire to laugh wildly and roar quickly took out some metal pieces.

Cut his finger with a sword and wiped a blood mark on one side of the hexahedron.

"My blood!"

The metal block that was about to fall apart closed up.

Turn the hexahedron over and cover the coin just taken on the second side.


The junction of different metals showed a tendency to melt.

Turn the hexahedron over and let the third side be burned by the dark flame.


In the vision of the Eye of Truth, a faint golden light emerged.

Turn the hexahedron over and use the fourth side to hit the chest of the armor.


The six sides shrank inward at the same time and gradually flattened.

Turn the hexahedron over and let the fifth side be burned by the purification candle.


The metal block in his hand vibrated violently.

Turn the hexahedron over, and draw the holy emblem of the sage with your finger above the last side.

"My God!"

All the strange phenomena disappeared, and the palm-sized black standard hexahedron stayed in the palm of Jenkins' left hand.

"Don't laugh, calm down!"

Looking at the metal block in his hand, he could no longer suppress the joy in his heart and laughed wildly.

The gifters surrounding the square looked towards the center of the square. In the black sea of ​​fire, a silver figure and a black figure stood back to back in the center of the high platform, one raised his hands to the night sky, and the other lowered his head with no expression.

The flames became higher and higher with the laughter, and suddenly, the bell of the bell tower rang, and in the violent explosion, the two figures disappeared.

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