The gift of the magic lady hanging on his chest, the six-pointed star pendant, has been fully activated. This gift is very versatile and can be used to assist the ritual, serve as a rare ritual symbol, and even cooperate with divination.

But in Jenkins' hands, it has only one function. As the charging is completed, the purple energy beam gushed out like a light cannon, and the giant ape, who had never expected this move, had his entire head evaporated in the next second.

Chapter 2137 Battle Sister

Jenkins broke free from the restraints of the giant ape's hands and jumped back to the ground, then watched the headless huge corpse fall down, but soon turned into a pool of blood, and then dyed the dusty ground red.

"If the containment potion just now had been saved until now."

Jenkins thought to himself, then took back the magic sword, and walked back to the nun sitting next to the altar with the sword:

"Is this all right?"

"It's all right, a very neat and beautiful battle."

She reached to the side of the nun's uniform, took out a small bag from somewhere and handed it to Jenkins. In the bag were 50 blood-red dice, the reward for this mission.

Jenkins did not open the small cloth bag to count carefully, but looked at the bag carefully to confirm that it was exactly the same as the one given by the bell ringer:

"Do you know the bell ringer under the bell tower?"

Otherwise, the townspeople in the town all have such standard cloth bags.

"I know him."

"The bell ringer told me that I should not explore the secrets of the town."

"Then you should listen to him and leave here as soon as possible."

The cold voice seemed to have no emotions. Jenkins nodded and pointed to the cardboard again:

"Try to inject blood this time."

While speaking, he stuffed the bag into the backpack.

The nun touched her side again and found a metal object that was exactly the same as the syringe in the old woman's hand. It was also rusty and the liquid inside was also dirty.

Jenkins took the syringe from the nun and stabbed the needle into his arm:

"Do you know the invader some time ago? A machine with steam coming out."

He asked while pushing the piston.

"I know."

The nun said very little, but her voice was surprisingly pleasant.

"The bell ringer said that the other party set a trap for me here. Do you know what the trap is?"

The cold liquid has entered Jenkins' body. With the abnormal increase of spirit, he can already see illusions in front of his eyes. But this does not prevent Jenkins from chatting with the nun. It is not difficult for him to do two things at the same time.

"That machine is also afraid of the town. Its trap is near the outer exit, but I don't know the exact location."

"If that's the case, that would be great."

He asked again while looking at the illusion in front of him:

"So, do you have a map of the town?"


"Then how far is my current location from the town?"

"If you can find the nearest road, then you have only walked one-tenth of the way from the clock tower to the town."

"So, the number of dice in my hand is enough to support me to leave here?"

"The farther you are from the town, the more complicated the road is. Without a map, even if you get all the dice I can provide, you can only barely leave, and even barely leaving depends on luck."

Jenkins nodded in understanding, and suddenly frowned, but said nothing. The two stopped talking, and the church suddenly became quiet. After five minutes, he sighed and returned the syringe to the nun:

"Then I will start to describe what I saw...Is it about your story?"

The illusion he saw was the story of a nun living in the modern times of the 18th century. In the illusion, the nun's appearance could not be seen at all, but Jenkins believed that it was the nun in front of him.

"Yes, you injected my blood."

"Your blood? Have you just arrived here?"

"The time and space of the town are completely distorted, savior, maybe when I was alive, the time was very close to yours, but when I came to the town, the town had just been established. What you saw is a long time ago for me."

Jenkins sighed, without asking any more questions, and described in detail the scene he saw about the complex love, religion, country, friendship, and family. The nun listened quietly, and when he finished, she just handed over the cloth bag containing 30 dice again without expressing any opinion.

That was a long time ago for her. Although she could recall the taste, it was not worth worrying about those things.

Jenkins looked at the other party with some regret, and then pointed to the last line:

"I want to challenge you."

"Are you sure?"

The voice was still cold, and after getting Jenkins's confirmation again, she slowly stood up. It was only then that Jenkins realized that the other party's height was almost the same as his.

The nun stretched out her hand to the side, and just like Jenkins took out the white bone holy sword from the air, she took out a blood-red metal long stick from the air.

It was the first time that Jenkins saw someone using a long stick as a weapon in this world. He did not dare to be careless, and threw the magic sword and the luggage backpack aside, and turned to use the more familiar white bone holy sword.

"If I kill you, you lose."

The nun said.

"Do I have to kill you to win?"

"No, if you can really beat me, I will surrender."

"Then can I surrender too?"

"No, you can't."

The nun answered while tiptoeing and rushing towards Jenkins silently, but just when Jenkins swung his sword to meet the attack, the opponent suddenly disappeared into the air.

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, blinked, and then turned to look to the side:

"Why not stop being invisible and fight me head-on."

He kindly gave advice, swung a sword and collided with the air, there was a sound of metal clashing, sparks bloomed in the air but disappeared immediately. The traces of the sword blade whistled in the wind, and the long stick and the nun disappeared again.

In general, in unarmed combat and cold weapon combat, although Jenkins has had special unarmed combat courses, he is more experienced in the use of cold weapons because of the [Hero] ability.

In close combat, no matter how good the skills are, one's own physical fitness and reaction speed actually play a key role. The town's nun didn't know what kind of creature she should be classified as, but although her opponent's use of cold weapons was slightly better than Jenkins', her physical fitness was far inferior to his, so from the moment they fought, Jenkins knew that he would win this battle.

The ability shown by the nun, in addition to excellent use of cold weapons and short-term invisibility, can also use a blood-red light to add a similar "enchantment" effect to her weapons. Although the long stick with blood-red light could not destroy the white bone holy sword, every time the two weapons collided with each other, Jenkins could feel the blood in his body boiling.

In addition, the nun is also proficient in some simple blood-related spells. If someone else were her opponent, they might be defeated because they didn't expect the cold weapon master to suddenly chant a spell, but Jenkins manipulated his vitality to affect his own blood, so he was not afraid of those curses and negative effects.

Chapter 2138 Shops and Beggars

The fight between the two did not last long, and ended with the nun's active surrender. They didn't even leave any obvious scars on each other, as if it was just a training just now.

Jenkins stood up panting, while the nun remained calm like a spirit. After retracting her weapon, she sat back on the chair next to the altar and handed the reward to Jenkins.

He had 18 dice before entering the church. He gave up the task of exploring the church and only completed three tasks. Now he has a total of 17+51+30+100=198 dice.

Jenkins did not leave immediately, but thought about buying some good things from the nun.

Of course, he did not forget the reason why he chose this road, so after collecting the dice, he asked:

"I just saw a person wearing a blood-red robe near the corner of the street. Is that a resident here?"

"Yes, this is a special event unique to this street. If you can find that person before leaving the range of this street, you can get a special item trading list. If you can't find it, you will be more hated by the townspeople before leaving the town, and all subsequent transactions will have a 5% reduction."

That is to say, you have to pay more dice to buy things, and the number of dice obtained by performing tasks will be reduced.

"Then do you know where that person is?"

The nun sat there quietly without saying anything, just shaking her head.

There are many tradable items in the church, even more than those in the pharmacist. Jenkins is now rich, but he is not willing to spend money indiscriminately. He prefers to find items that can allow him to leave the town as soon as possible, or that can significantly improve his strength.

After choosing and choosing, he used up 60 dice and bought a wooden compass that looked very worn out. Of course, the pointer was metal. There are not many patterns on the compass, and it does not look like the vicissitudes and sense of age that an antique should have.

Although this compass also has a strong aura, it can only be used in the town and cannot be taken out of the strange world. It can roughly point out the nearest road to leave the town at every intersection.

But because the compass is worn out, the road pointed out may not be correct. But for Jenkins, it is better to have it than not, and he is gambling on luck.

"Speaking of which, I wonder if [Unknown Road Ahead] can point out the way out at once."

He was still thinking when he said goodbye to the nun, but when he returned to the road, he did not use this ability. After all, all abilities can only be used once. This very useful ability may play a key role in the decisive battle with the difference engine.

The length of this street is about the same as the street where he started. Jenkins can leave after about 3 to 4 more dice. But he was really curious about what kind of exchange list the guy in the blood-red robe could provide. Therefore, when he threw the dice, he was still thinking silently in his heart that the next number should not be too large. He wanted to explore this street more.


The number of the dice thrown was 10, which was exactly the middle value. Jenkins waited until the slate in front of him was all dyed blood red before he set off again. After stopping, the building opposite was an ordinary building. After knocking on the door, the head that stretched out was still an old woman:

"Despicable stranger."

After the familiar speech, there were no surprises. There was no one in a blood-red robe here. He injected blood, earned 4 dice, and set off again.


Jenkins was worried that he would throw out 20, shortening his number of actions on this street. But this time he actually threw out a 1, which was something he never expected.

"Although I don't want to leave this street so soon, is throwing out 1 a bit too much?"

He shook the small cloth bag in his hand and took a step forward, then turned his head to look at the dilapidated building without a door.

"This is..."

He took a step to the side to expand his vision and observe the whole picture of the building:

"Store? This town has a complete range of functional buildings."

The building has two floors, but after entering it, you can see that the stairs leading to the higher floors have been broken and blocked by miscellaneous items such as cabinets.

Inside the store, there is only a dim oil lamp on the counter facing the door, and the light of the oil lamp is only as big as a soybean.

A young man in a black robe stood there expressionlessly. In addition to this fairly neat yellow solid wood counter, the rest of the store is full of various garbage and skeleton debris, and in some places you can see the broken legs of furniture or part of a drawer. Obviously, the cabinets and shelves that should exist here have long disappeared into history.

Jenkins came to the counter and saw that the other party did not respond, so he tapped the table with his fingers. The expressionless young man looked up at him, then took out a piece of cardboard from under the counter and placed it on the table.

Like the pharmacist, only sales services are provided here, and there are no tasks that can allow Jenkins to earn dice. The variety of goods is rich and varied, but before asking about each stick figure icon, Jenkins is more concerned about the map.

But after scanning from top to bottom, he did not see any signs that looked like maps:

"No map?"

He asked unwillingly.


"Aren't you a store?"

"There are more than one store in the town. Outsiders, please respect the rules here."


The most expensive item in the store is the "Purification Potion" worth 200 bloody dice, which the pharmacist Jenkins met did not have. This potion can return the state of outsiders to the moment they entered the town. In other words, it can even change the subtle effects brought about by frequent injections of blood through metal syringes.

But obviously, Jenkins couldn't afford it.

The most special product, or service, of the store is an exchange service that can exchange dice for another currency, that is, sin currency - [blood currency]. But the exchange rate is 100 dice for one, which is ten times the price of 1 blasphemous seed for 10 dice that Jenkins asked from the bell ringer.

On the one hand, this shows that [blood currency] is more popular with the townspeople than [blasphemous seed], and on the other hand, it shows that although the bell ringer is friendlier, he is definitely a profiteer.

Jenkins has enough dice in his hand to exchange one, but he still has to move around in the town, so he didn't choose to exchange. Of course, he didn't buy any goods in the store. He reluctantly gave up the space item [Ancient Town Backpack] worth 67 dice, and Jenkins chose the old compass needle worth 40 dice.

This pointer can repair the worn-out compass that Jenkins just bought at the church for 60 dice. This will not only repair the compass and make its function of guiding the way clearer, but also allow the compass to be taken out of the town and continue to be used in the material world.

Because of the newly added pointer, this compass has the ability to "search for items that the holder wants to find in a small range." And the "small range" is actually just the area of ​​a store, not even as big as Jenkins' living room.

But at least it will be very convenient to use this compass when you can't find your keys or wallet before going out.

Jenkins also wanted to get some information from the shop owner about the person wearing a blood-red robe he saw at the intersection just now, but the shop owner was obviously not as friendly as the nun in the church and kept silent about Jenkins' questions.

So Jenkins tried to ask the other party if he would buy the items, but he only got the answer that "the items of foreigners are all dirty, and I can't sell them even if I buy them."

After thinking about it, he took out the bottle of blood wine in his backpack that he bought from the wine cellar for 1 dice. This is the property of the town itself, and the other party did buy it, and the price was 5 dice. Although there are still very few, the price has increased five times.

"Some items have completely different prices in different occasions. Maybe I should buy some extra things to bring with me when I have a chance... I'll consider it when I have more dice. Now is not the time to think too much."

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