"Do we have to rely on fate now?"

He summoned the ability light spot reluctantly and looked at the one in the center that symbolized [Unknown Road Ahead]. But he immediately remembered that Alexia gave him a second chance, which allowed him to use an ability twice in the strange land.

He subconsciously wanted to confirm whether the "second chance" was still in the backpack. He reached into the backpack and touched the small chocolate statue that Alexia gave him when he left the strange land for the first time.

While observing the gradually resurrected metal worm, he looked at the ability light spot, but suddenly frowned and moved his eyes to [Real Phantom]. When holding the small chocolate statue, the originally gray and unusable [Real Phantom] actually lit up automatically.

"Chocolate and Shadow..."

Of course it didn't mean that. It seemed that the ability itself was reminding Jenkins that it was time to use it again.

"But I didn't leave a phantom anywhere, and even if I moved to another location, it couldn't help me defeat the Scarlet Mayfly."

Although he thought so, his strong inspiration and intuition told him that this ability was the only correct option at the moment. When the spirit touched the light spot, the small chocolate statue in his hand immediately turned into a beam of light and flew into Jenkins's forehead.

The shadow power of the beast of disaster, the strange power that the future Alexia added to the statue, instantly broke through the limitations of the strange realm, connected Jenkins' soul power, and even made the [Real Phantom], the ability of the savior of the eighteenth century, undergo subtle changes.

A forest appeared in his pupils, and he saw that he had indeed left a shadow outside, a shadow that had never been used.

So, under the giant tree of the Evergreen Forest, the upside-down white shadow suddenly lit up.

Alexia, Miss Audrey, and Miss Bronion, who was still staying in the Evergreen Forest, looked up at the glowing reflection under the tree. The soft white light spread outward little by little until the entire Evergreen Forest was finally lit up.

But strangely, near the center of the glow, the three ladies were still able to open their eyes and look at the core of the white light. They saw the shadow of a cat flash behind the figure, and then the complex geometric and formula combination pattern unique to Alexia when she fully activated [Mathematical Principle] also unfolded behind the upside-down figure.

"Look, he's back again."

Alexia said with a smile.

The light gradually shrank, and the shadow of the saint who had been hanging upside down for half a year finally disappeared under the tree.

Darkness descended on the open space again, and with a plop, Jenkins fell from under the tree and plunged into the pool. This was his second time leaving the strange land. Because of the characteristics of [Real Phantom], this time he left his body and soul. But it seemed that because this was a violation of the rules to leave the strange land, after returning, those abilities that could not be used would still be unusable, instead of starting from the beginning.

Alexia, who had been prepared, had already walked to the edge of the pool and pulled Jenkins up. He "polluted" the universal potion again, and when he went ashore, he wasted some of it on the grass. Fortunately, the three ladies in the open space didn't care about it.

"Oh, Alexia, the chocolate statue you gave me is really useful, it's amazing."

He wiped the water off his face with his right hand, then looked down at Alexia's hand, thinking of the hand of the girl who had turned into a blood cocoon not long ago. Of course, no one knew that he was still thinking about messy things.

While drying his body, he briefly introduced the situation he was encountering, and then gently hugged the short lady.

"Is Finnie back?"

He didn't forget to ask.


Miss Audrey, who also came over, answered, because Alexia had said that Jenkins would appear again, so she was not too surprised by Jenkins' appearance.

As for Jenkins using the reflection of the saint, Miss Audrey and Miss Bronion were not surprised at all. After all, he directly summoned the sage a few hours ago (real world time).

"So what time is it now?"

Jenkins asked.

"Sunday morning at 11:30."

"Have you been waiting here?"

He asked in surprise. It was still morning when he left the tower last time.

"Yes, I knew you would appear again."

Alexia said, standing on tiptoe and hugging Jenkins again:

"I'm glad you're not hurt. Everyone is waiting for you."

This time he faced no small trouble. Although it was not the body of the beast of disaster that appeared again, it was part of the power of the scarlet mayfly. Even if he could barely defeat it, it would take a lot of time, and the town was already rejecting him.

Although Jenkins was thinking about going back to the church to visit his cat, he knew that time was running out. Although he came out, he had to go back within three hours. When he left, he inexplicably understood the difference between the speed of time in the ancient town and the real world. He was outside for three hours, and the strange world had almost passed three seconds. Three seconds was enough for the scarlet mayfly to completely crawl out of the house and kill him many times.

Chapter 2146 Flowers of Four Seasons

After Jenkins briefly explained his current situation to the ladies, the three ladies wanted to help Jenkins find a solution. But he refused:

"I already have a solution."

While walking with them towards the forest path that led out of the clearing, he summoned his ability light point to check:

"The hint is very obvious. The current physical condition is suitable for this step. Although there are big problems with the physical body in the strange environment, the instability of this form is also a good opportunity for me to make up for my biggest shortcoming. "

The group of four people finally stepped out of the clearing. The moment they stepped out of the clearing, all the rituals around the clearing under the giant tree were invalidated. People nearby noticed Jenkins at this moment, but Miss Bronyance used her eyes to signal them not to be surprised. . The eyes of a ninth-level demigod are still very useful, especially the intimidating power in his eyes.

"So what needs to be done now?"

Miss Audrey asked.

"I need something, let me see... I'm going to have a ceremony, yes, a ceremony."

“What is the location and required ritual items?”

Alexia also asked.

"The location is the abandoned suburban hospital. Yes, it's the one where Mr. Corpse is hiding. I need the Titan statue there."

After Jenkins defeated the opponent in the Titan's spirit, the skeleton giant he summoned and the Titan's corpse turned into stone statues and stood in the ruins of the hospital, where they are still there today.


Miss Audrey didn’t quite understand the function of the stone statue, but she still nodded:

"Other than that?"

"Alexia, please return to the church immediately and help me see if Anastasia is back. If she is, please ask her to go to the hospital immediately...and Chocolate will follow."

"no problem."

Alexia nodded, jumped up, turned into a ray of light and left.

Jenkins looked surprised:

"When will Alexia be able to turn into light and fly? She used to fly normally?"

He wondered, but Miss Audrey on the side shrugged, she didn't know either.

"Miss Broniance, I will give you a list. You ask the church to go to the old hospital site to prepare. I don't have much time to stay outside. I will rush there as soon as I have gathered the core materials for the ceremony. . In addition, before leaving the forest, please ask the red dragon to contribute some blood and scales in case my friend Anastasia does not come back."

He dictated the contents of the list, and Miss Bronyance immediately set off to prepare it. Because of the passage left by the God of Lies before entering the tower, the church knew in advance that Jenkins would come out looking for help at any time, and the church had sufficient manpower to prepare to help the savior.

After Miss Bronyance left, Jenkins said to Miss Audrey:

"I'm going back to Nolan City now to meet someone. You take me with you."



Jenkins reached out to her:

"I can't fly."

The Unicorn Summon has already been used once, otherwise there would be no need to be embarrassed and let Miss Audrey fly.

Originally, he was worried that the old elf would not come back like Feini, but after landing on the street in front of the elf's rented apartment, as soon as the soles of his shoes touched the white dust on the ground, Jenkins saw a figure flashing behind the curtains of the elf's house.

He took two quick steps and knocked on the door of the apartment downstairs. After a while, the old elf went downstairs and opened the door. Of course, the elf was very surprised:

"you already......"

"Of course not. I'm in trouble again and need your help again."

The old elf immediately let Jenkins and Miss Audrey in and led them to his home on the second floor. Professor Burns and Sigrid were also there, and the three of them were talking just now in the living room filled with books and candles. The little flower girl was not there. She was still in the strange place, working with the army of elves to clear out the monsters infected with the power of human ichor.

Although the three of them were the hosts of the ceremony for the arrival of the elves' army, their combat effectiveness was not strong. For the sake of safety, after Jenkins left the treacherous realm, the three of them also returned their consciousness to the material world.

"I want to talk to you alone."

Jenkins said to the elf, leaving the professor, Sigrid and Miss Audrey in the living room, and he and the old elf entered the bedroom.

"Do you know the ability of [Four Seasons]?"

After the door was closed, Jenkins immediately asked, and the latter was quite surprised.

[Four Seasons] evolved from the [Cycle] ability that Jenkins obtained from the twelve end-of-month whispers after seeing his father's [Evolution Key] for the first time.

In order to learn the truth about this ability, he asked Miss Bennett, the Holy Child of the Church of Nature, and the ancient Silver Dragon respectively. Although he learned how to use the ability, many attempts failed.

Anastasia believed that this ability fit so well with Jenkins that the ability itself had subtly changed. Ordinary symbols of the seasons are no longer enough for Jenkins to activate this ability. He needs to find new ways to use the [Four Seasons] on his own.

Now that I think about it, Jenkins asked everyone who might know about this ability, but he forgot to ask the old elf. And judging from the elf's expression at this moment, he obviously knew.

"Do you know my lord's name?"

The elf asked an irrelevant question.

"Lord of Flowers."

The answer came out of his mouth. The little flower girl had told Jenkins the name. Jenkins remembered it deeply and would never forget it.

The elf nodded and carefully considered his words. This at least meant that he really understood the details of [Four Seasons]:

"Jenkins, you have to know that the names of gods and masters known to mortals are not the real names of the greats, but the ways that mortals use to call the greats. For example, the Inherited Sage can also be called the God of Books. , the God of Knowledge, and my Lord [Lord of Flowers] actually has a more commonly used name among the elves in the Evergreen Forest.”


Jenkins asked. The old elf's expression was quite solemn. He drew a symbol on his chest that Jenkins didn't recognize, and then he praised as if sighing:

"Praise be to the Lord of flowers of all seasons!"

The religious and mythological stories about the Lord of Flowers cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences. What the old elf wants to express is that the master who is proficient in the way of nature actually controls the four seasons. .

This does not refer to the "four seasons of time", but the "four seasons of nature". [Nature] can extend many powers, and the core of the master of the flower forest is actually [four seasons] and [flowers].

"To put it simply, the [Four Seasons] ability under the current extraordinary system of the material world is actually the ability of a high-level benefactor under the belief of our Lord. Its essence is the natural four seasons, which means that power can be obtained from the four seasons. And according to your statement , your [Four Seasons] come from [Cycle], so it is more biased towards the 'Four Seasons of Time'. Therefore, using ordinary plants as symbols of the four seasons is certainly not enough for you to use this ability."

The old elf's explanation was quite thorough. Because Jenkins had already had the idea, he easily understood what he wanted to express.

"So, if I want to use my abilities, I need to break away from the limitations of [nature], seek more powerful symbols, and use rituals to assist when using my abilities."

He concluded, and the elf nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, that's what I meant."

"I need to use this ability now. I am facing a disaster that can change my bloodline and inheritance. I need the power of the four seasons."

"No problem, I can help you, let's go now... But have you found a suitable symbol?"

The old elf hesitated.

"found it."

Jenkins nodded and left his bedroom with the elf.

"Professor, you and Sigrid will go to the church first. It's safer there. We're going to Mr. Corpse's hospital."

He said to the three people in the living room that the professor was fine. He simply blessed Jenkins, and Sigrid hugged him:

"Come back as soon as possible."

She looked into Jenkins' eyes and said, Jenkins smiled and nodded:

"I've reached the sixth floor now. I'll be fine soon. No problem."

After kissing Sigrid's forehead gently, the five people left the apartment and parted at the dark street below the apartment, where white ashes were scattered.

Sigrid and the professor returned to the Sage Church a street away, while Miss Audrey took the hands of Jenkins and the old elf and flew to the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of the city.

Miss Bronyance and the church moved very quickly. When the three people in the air saw two huge stone statues standing in the distance, the church's convoy had already arrived near the hospital.

Shortly after the three landed, the silver dragon also came with Alexia. Alexia had a small piece of chocolate on her head and held [Mr. Hunter's fruit plate] in her hand. Hathaway originally wanted to come, but when Chocolate heard that Jenkins needed it, she jumped to Alex without any explanation. Shia's head.

Hathaway didn't want to delay Jenkins' affairs, so she could only hand the fruit plate to Alexia, but she didn't have a strong request to follow her.

Chocolate couldn't care less. After seeing Jenkins, he immediately jumped from Alexia's head to Jenkins' arms. Jenkins stroked his cat, feeling the familiar touch, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

Alexia also smiled softly as she watched this scene, confirming once again that Jenkins did have some mental problems, but she was confident that she could help him correct them.

"Why did you bring this fruit plate here?"

Jenkins then asked, and then jokingly guessed:

"Is it time for snack time for chocolate? Oh, it's not snack time now."

"Princess Sophia recognized this fruit plate as a seasonal sacrificial item for the elves, so Hathaway asked me to bring it to bring you into a strange situation. Maybe it will be helpful."

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