Jenkins petted the cat while looking around. Seeing that it couldn't fight for the time being, Chocolate slumped again.

"No, I didn't choose this place. The place is already here and I haven't changed that."

The Gear Man replied that this was also true.

"But why are you here? The initial location of a special strange situation I experienced was also near Dad's antique shop. Is this a coincidence?"

The gear man didn't answer immediately, as if he was calculating:

"Maybe this is the so-called destiny. Nolan City on the west coast is the vortex of destiny at the end of the eighteenth century, and in this city, there are always some special places. It is like a complete opera, no matter how many places there are, There is always one place that is most important.”

The gear man gave his own explanation, and Jenkins thought about it:

"It's something like this, a special place, a vortex of fate, the center of the stage... it's really interesting."

He looked down at the Nolan map on the counter, down to the last location. That is the Nolan Clock Tower in front of the Civic Square. Because the Nolan corresponding to the strange world is the Nolan from a year ago, this clock tower still exists. In real time, it has been replaced by the nine-story metal black tower of the Difference Engine.

In other words, the location where the final adventure takes place is actually the location of the strange place in reality. This is also the result of Jenkins' deliberate choice.

The brass statue next to the red dot of the clock tower is of a short man holding a chain of keys. Jenkins knew him as the keeper of the bell tower.

In the blood therapy town not long ago, the town's clock tower needed a bell ringer, but the Nolan clock tower was a completely mechanical clock that rang the bell on time on the hour without human intervention. It just needs to be inspected by mechanics every now and then, and a caretaker needs to be hired to keep the bell tower clean, prevent bad guys from running in, and cooperate with the city hall during festival openings.

Of course, the caretaker of Nolan Clock Tower was very unscrupulous. For example, on the night when Mr. Hood arranged the party at Nolan Clock Tower, the reason why the caretaker did not show up was not "solved" by Mr. Hood. , but he went to the pub to drink by himself.

Similarly, on the night when the clock tower was destroyed by the first floor of the metal tower of the Difference Engine, the watcher was also not in the tower and was therefore lucky to survive. Jenkins later knew the man from seeing his picture in the newspaper.

At the end of the summer of 1866, he was not prosecuted for malfeasance in his duties. The newspaper stated that after the destruction of the bell tower, the caretaker was given a new job, seemingly to represent the city hall and to guard the tomb of the Church of the Dead. Together they went to guard the city's public cemetery.

At the end of the summer of 1865, he was still working as a bell tower keeper with no future.

"Speaking of which, I'm very curious. You chose the location of the Nolan Bell Tower as the location to raise the nine-story metal tower because the core of your body is directly under the Nolan Bell Tower. So the last civilization that sealed you , does choosing to seal you here have any special meaning? For example, Nolan's location is conducive to the survival of the sealing ceremony."

Jenkins asked again.

"It doesn't have any special meaning, it just happens to be here. At the same time, the whirlpool of fate at the end of the 18th century also happened to appear here, which made me feel that the beast of disaster must be me."

This sentence makes some sense. After all, even the difference engine cannot accurately predict the form and position at the end of the era thousands of years in advance. Therefore, all this is really a coincidence. It can make this kind of machine believe in the existence of fate. It can only be done by such a coincidence.

"Is there anything else you need to say? Just to delay it a little longer."

Jenkins asked again. The gear man thought about it and shook his head:

"there is none left."

"Okay then, let's go...wait a minute."

He picked up the cat, who had fallen into an emotional depression again because he realized that he would not do anything now. Then he turned around and scanned his father's antique store again. He was familiar with everything here. He had countless stories here and had scrubbed almost every shop. A corner:

"The next time I see Dad's antique shop, I'm afraid my mood will be very different."

If he fails, there won't be a next time. If he succeeds, he will return to earth as a god. In any case, even though his father and he had never talked about it, Jenkins' apprenticeship in an antique shop could be considered over.

That's why he sighed loudly at this moment, but he just looked around and didn't linger much. He put on his backpack, picked up the sword and cat, and jumped into the map.

The gear man was not so emotional. Seeing that Jenkins took the first step, he followed closely.

The map on the counter gradually faded in color and disappeared after both of them left...

Finny's hand reached out and grabbed the map that was trying to disappear. Ovia unfolded it and laid it on the counter again. Behind her, the mythical witch in black robes also walked to the counter.

Ovia's body seemed to be enveloped in a layer of light, while the witch's body seemed to be absorbing light. When she grew up, Fini's body was about the same height as the Witch, but their temperaments were completely different:

"Is this the end of the story?"

The witch's slender fingers traced the edge of the map:

"Compared to the last exciting battle in the last strange place, the final adventure is not thrilling at all. I still prefer the scene of the savior, standing on the Iron World Tree, waving his sword to face the enemy under the dusky sky... ..You have really good taste.”

They had actually been looking at Jenkins, but neither Jenkins nor the difference machine realized this. Of course, in the final battle that affects whether the civilization of the entire material world can continue, they are not the only ones watching this scene.

"It's not just exciting battles that make for magnificent stories. Isn't your favorite story about twists and turns? Or are you actually just like that aggressive cat?"

Ovia teased, but the witch didn't answer. She lowered her head and looked at the map:

"So, do you already know how Jenkins wants to win?"

"Don't you also know? We are here just to witness this moment."

Ovia threw the map on the counter. This map is the control center of this world. It is preserved and can be used as a new strange place in the future. But neither she nor the witch care about such small things. There is a big difference between the eyes of gods and humans.

Jenkins and the Gear Man on the other side have landed above Nolan City Civic Square. They were delayed for some time talking in Dad's antique shop, so when they landed on the Civic Square, it was completely dark. At this time, Nolan had not yet installed public street lights, so the largest light source nearby was probably the light coming from the windows of the shops and buildings surrounding the square.

In addition, the night patrol policemen have already started working. Civic Square is in the core of Nolan, so it is the focus of police patrols. It is generally very safe here.

Although it was late summer, the night was still a bit cool because of the rain in the afternoon. There are not too many people in the square. Although it is not popular to take a walk after a meal in this era, it is still very good to go nearby to cool off at night.

The fountain in the center of the square is shaped like a child holding a water bottle, and the sound of falling water is very pleasant. Because the temperature on the ground is not low, the moisture brought by the light rain has completely evaporated.

This was the night when Jenkins arrived a year ago, the night that seemed peaceful but led to the death of the original owner, Jenkins. Of course, even if the mystery can perfectly restore the day one year ago, the escape route taken by Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Barnard when the accident happened is far away from here, so there is no need to worry about the past interfering with the present.

The people in the square had nothing to do with Jenkins and the Gear Man, and the two walked through the crowd towards the clock tower on the edge of the square. After not seeing this clock tower for a long time, Jenkins still missed it a little.

Nolan's bell tower does not ring every hour, but at early morning, noon, eight o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening. Although you can't hear the sound of the bell ringing at all on St. George's Street, which is adjacent to the dock area, the bell is still very pleasant to hear when you occasionally run errands in the city center.

It was now past seven o'clock in the evening, so the ringing of the bell had long since passed. Arriving at the foot of the tower with the Gear Man, Jenkins made a gesture of invitation, so the Gear Man pushed gently, and the lower door of the clock tower that was supposed to be locked was immediately pushed open.

Chapter 2208 The Regretful Tower Keeper

The clock tower in Nolan participated in many major events from the summer of 1865 to the spring of 1866. For example, in the vampire incident, when the vampires launched the Mystery Lock for the first time, the clock tower was used as the center of the ceremony. Later, in the "Duke Antarcs' Attack on Nolan" incident, the clock tower also served as the highest point in the city center, resulting in a fierce gun battle nearby. Even when fighting the holder of the Skeleton Sword, a wall of the clock tower was destroyed, but that wall was quickly repaired, and at this point in time, no trace of repair could be seen.

Jenkins was no stranger to the environment inside the clock tower. Not only had he been here during Mr. Hood's party, but some time ago when dealing with the "Doomsday Nolan" that was about to overlap with Nolan, the old man was also in the clock tower. Meet Jenkins at the top.

Although the tower guard is not very responsible for the guarding work, at least he does a good job of cleaning. As you climb up from the first floor of the clock tower, you won't be able to see any dust without looking carefully. If you wipe your hands on the walls and stair railings, the dust that your fingers come into contact with is also within the acceptable range.

The tower keepers are not on the first floor, not the second floor, or the third floor. After climbing to the highest floor of the tower, you have to go up the escalator to see the tower keepers behind the huge dial and mechanical structure of the clock tower. It smells like oil, but at least it shows that routine maintenance has been done well.

The tower keeper was probably forty or fifty years old. Jenkins forgot his name, but remembered that he was a man who had never been married.

When Jenkins followed the Gear Man with the cat in his arms and saw him, he was standing on the platform behind the dial mechanism, holding on to the window and looking out. The window is very small and not in the shape of an ordinary window.

Because it requires constant maintenance, this space has a very heavy smell of engine oil and lubricants. But because the windows are open, the cool late summer evening breeze is really pleasant.

This should have been a very ordinary late summer evening, but whether it was a year ago or in the strange situation now, it was destined to be anything but ordinary.

"What's the final goal?"

Jenkins asked after looking at the metal parts, various oils, and tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches stacked on the front wall.

"A peaceful and indifferent heart."

"Peaceful and indifferent?"

Jenkins turned his head and glanced at the Gear Man. There was no light on this level. The moon had just come out and it couldn't illuminate this place through the small window. With dark vision, Jenkins was able to see clearly the face of the Gear Man, who still looked the same:

“You won’t criticize human society this time?”

he asked, who didn't answer.

So Jenkins transferred the chocolate he was holding to his shoulder, and then came to the small window and saw the tower guard looking out. There was a bottle of dirty wine and a wine glass on the window sill at hand.

This location is quite high, and the weather today is particularly good. Even as the sky darkened, Jenkins could still look out into the distance and see the black smoke billowing from freighter chimneys on the Westminster River in the distance. Rows of houses are hidden in the darkness. The streets and alleys are like a maze, housing thousands of Nolan citizens.

"looking at what?"

Jenkins asked, glancing at the label on the bottle. It was a bottle of 40-proof brandy. Fruit wine is a powerful alcoholic beverage that is usually mixed with ice or juice for drinking. But the tower guard didn't do this. Although he didn't seem to have drunk much, Jenkins thought that the tower guard might not be able to do his duty as a guard tonight.

"No specific goal, just looking around."

The tower guard replied casually, with a Nolan accent. He had probably never left this city in his life.

Jenkins followed his gaze and looked out, but saw no interesting target. The Nolan Clock Tower is very high. Looking at anything from this height is like looking at ants, so you can only look at the scenery.

"Do you often look out like this?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Yes, this is one of the few joys of this job."

Some old tower keepers pointed out the window:

“Watching the sunset and then the lights coming on from house to house is the best way to relax after a long day’s work.”

It sounded like a pretty comfortable life, but since what he was asking for was "peace and indifference," Jenkins was very suspicious of what the other party was thinking.

"Do you do this every day?"

"No, only two or three times a week. After all, even if you eat too much delicious food, you will feel uncomfortable. When you are in a bad mood, look at the sunset, look at the burning clouds in the sky, hold on to the window sill and listen The buzz of the city, it’s great.”

Jenkins was also attracted by the picture he painted, imagining himself holding chocolate, standing here and watching the sunset while the wind blew. At that time, the afterglow of the setting sun will definitely dye the little cat's hair into golden yellow, and the fluffy cat hair will be very beautiful.

The tower guard was wearing very ordinary clothes, with black pants on the lower body and a long-sleeved shirt without any pattern on the upper body. He seemed to want to pick up the wine glass and take another sip, but he moved his hand and still did not touch the wine glass or bottle.

"That sounds really good. So, how long have you been here, as the keeper of the clock tower?"

It’s always useful to use a life of purpose as a breakout point.

"I've been doing this job since I was 16."

The tower guard lowered his head and looked down the clock tower through the window. Of course, the people in the square could not see the two people in the window. If you look at a high place, you may see ants at a low place. If you look at a high place, they may just be two blurry black dots.

"16 years old?"

Jenkins imagined the scene when the boy first stepped into the clock tower.

"Yes, that year my father told me to find something serious to do. Although I was literate and knew some arithmetic, I didn't want to be someone else's apprentice or work. I just wanted a stable life. In my youth Some of my friends went out to make a living and wanted to try their luck outside while they were young; some wanted to be apprentices and wanted to go out on their own after learning the craft in a few years. I didn’t want to be so tired. It happened that the previous tower guard, Nolan, had just died. The city hall is recruiting new people, so I’m here.”

The young tower keeper was able to get this job not because of luck, but because the job did not pay much and required physical labor. Young people are unwilling to do it, middle-aged people look down on it, and old people can't do it, so a 16-year-old boy suddenly got the position of tower guard.

He has been doing this for more than thirty years. For thirty years, he has been watching Nolan from this window, but no one even knew that there would be anyone looking at him from the clock tower.

If you only listen to the story of the tower guard, then he is undoubtedly a "hermit"-like figure. Moreover, the location of seclusion is in the city center of a big city like Nolan, which further shows his "indifferent and peaceful" mentality. But combined with the requirements of the task, things will definitely not be that simple.

"So, do you like this job?"

"I like it, why don't I like it? I have lived on this job for 30 years."

The tower keeper replied softly, thinking of the past and the years he spent in this clock tower:

"When I first came here, the mechanization level of the clock tower was not so high, and I had to manually ring the bell on the hour to tell the time. At that time, there were no gas pipes, steam pipes, or even running water pipes in the tower. Every day I The first thing I do after getting up in the morning is to carry a bucket to an alley a street away to fetch water..."

"In the blink of an eye, it has been thirty years, and you are standing here, watching the whole thing develop in front of you."

Jenkins leads the conversation.

"Yes, for thirty years, I have watched all this. The city, the citizens, everything is changing, and I have watched these changes..."

"Do you feel like you are isolated, like an audience member watching a stage play, but unable to participate?"

The tower keeper pursed his lips, turned his head to look at Jenkins, and then nodded. He picked up the cup filled with wine and drank it all, and then he choked and coughed because he drank too quickly.

I don’t know if it was because he choked or because the wine was too much, his face had an abnormal maroon color.

Since the tower keeper admitted Jenkins’s guess, it means that although he is still guarding the tower at this time, he has actually had the idea of ​​leaving.

“My friends in my youth, no matter what choices they made, they have seen the world. Regardless of whether the plans in their youth were correct, they have experienced their own stories. And I have been watching this tower here since I was a teenager, and I have been here... If someone is willing to write a memoir for me, it only takes one page - he has been guarding Nolan’s clock tower.”

He was a little excited, and Jenkins fully believed that this was because of the glass of wine just now.

“Are you regretting your choice when you were young?”

Jenkins asked again. He had already held the cat in his arms and gently stroked the fur on the cat’s back. Chocolate squinted comfortably, but in fact, he imagined Jenkins’ surprised expression after he saved Jenkins in a while.


The old tower keeper laughed dryly:

"For countless days and nights, I have been thinking about what my life would be like if I had gone out to try my luck or learned a craft when I was young, just like my friends. Now I am free, but I feel that I am imprisoned by this tower. Look at the world outside. Everything has changed in just thirty years. When I first stood at this window and looked at Nolan, I never thought that there would be such a view today.

Look at the smoke column in the distance, look at the steam pipes spreading on the wall, look at all this. All this is in front of me, but it has nothing to do with me. I am guarding the clock tower, but it seems that my time has also stopped. My whole life has been here, completely still and completely useless. How can I not regret it?"

Chapter 2209 The Tower Keeper's Wish

The tower keeper's emotions were a little out of control, as if he had finally found an opportunity to speak his mind. But he was not talking to Jenkins, but looking outside, not knowing whether he was talking to himself.

"So, what are you thinking now?"

"It would be great if I could go back to 30 years ago."

His eyes were a little blurry, and he seemed to be drunk.

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