Jenkins smiled when he heard this:

"So, they are not a civilization that was destroyed because of the system."

"But according to my calculations, if that whale does not appear, the probability of them destroying their own civilization is much higher than the probability that I can defeat you tonight. Therefore, it can be considered that they were destroyed because of their own system."

Jenkins shook his head noncommittally:

"So are there any other examples? You have witnessed so many, there should be other examples. Just treat it as if you want to further delay time."

"Purely due to institutional reasons, there is indeed no civilization that has collapsed without involving extraordinary power. After all, if extraordinary exists in this world, it must penetrate into every corner of civilization. But there are still many similar examples. You know the original moon ?"


Jenkins didn't react yet, but the cat in his arms did.

"I know, the bright yellow moon is very beautiful... yes, very beautiful."

Chocolate immediately fell silent and pretended that he was not actually here.

"In ancient times, people gained power in the process of worshiping the moon. That was a very ancient moon worship church. There should still be some in modern times, but most of them have turned to the modern moon god."

That is the [Lightless Moon].

"Although they worshiped not gods but only the moon, and there was no god representing the moon at that time, there was no risk in simply worshiping and gaining strength from this natural phenomenon. People of different races became famous because of this worship. They gathered together and established a sacrificial society that is almost completely equal... I think you, as the legitimate Son of God, should be able to understand what I describe."

"Of course, what happens next? The prosperity turns to decline?"

"I like the description you used. Yes, people's hearts are always complicated. Too much worship has allowed the power of faith to converge on the concept of the moon, and then naturally, living beings were born."

In this wonderful world, even if a spoon is worshiped by a civilized person, life will be born sooner or later.

"But the human heart polluted it, so the moon fell and turned into a huge black halo in the sky, venting its anger towards the ground. The original moon disappeared and was taken away by greedy cats that can devour everything. This is the fate they deserve. "

The cat in his arms yawned. Although it literally broke out of its shell after Jenkins left, when it was in the egg, it actually already knew what was happening outside, so that period of history has no impact on it. It’s not unfamiliar to say.

Chocolate was born in an era earlier than the difference engine was created, so the difference engine's description of that period of history is not very accurate, so chocolate yawns out of boredom.

"I have heard many stories about the moon-swallowing civet. It was also an era that was destroyed because of greed. It seems that the occurrence of disasters in history is all due to the greed of intelligent races."

"Of course not, it's just that greed is the easiest sin to manifest externally. After a profound analysis, in fact, every time it is not because of greed alone."

"So are there any sins that have nothing to do with greed?"

Jenkins asked, his tone becoming more soothing.

"Of course, do you know about Ouroboros?"

"Ouroboros... didn't appear because of greed?"

He called out his golden ring. This ring was obtained in the strange situation of "knowledge is gold". The specific effect is to increase Jenkins' wealth. Although it is not commonly used, it is undoubtedly very useful for Jenkins who has just come to this world:

"You see, even the gift knows that the appearance of the Ouroboros is associated with the intention of greed and wealth."

"But when Ouroboros was first born, it was not because of greed. It was an era long ago, so long ago that even I have not seen any written records."

In other words, Ouroboros was born near the Fourth or Fifth Era, and probably belongs to the same scourge of the Ancient Era as chocolate.


Chocolate sensed that Jenkins had just thought about it, but couldn't read what he was thinking.

"The appearance of Ouroboros is actually quite accidental. It was born from the idea of ​​a very creative alchemist. This idea has not been handed down, but occultists and mystics have many different speculations... ....”

The gear man mentioned two professions that he had never heard of before, which were probably the names of extraordinary beings in the past era.

"The guess I agree with is that in the process of observing the world and thinking about himself, the genius alchemist thought of [the back and forth of construction and destruction], [the alternation of life and death], and thought of some quite philosophical speculations. Question. According to a short story constructed by ancient sages, the alchemist was sitting on a grassy field one night observing the starry sky, and suddenly he had a new idea about this cyclical and self-consistent world. Using his own power to create a life, a snake that can only hold its own tail forever. Creating life is a miracle in any era, but compared with the birth of that snake, creating life is not worth mentioning at all. Quite a philosophical thought, and Ouroboros was born.”

Chapter 2214 Fierce Fight at the Top of the Tower

Regarding the story of Ouroboros, Jenkins thought for a while before speaking:

"How accurate do you think this story is?"

"Less than one percent, but this is already the most ideal of all speculations. Only the gods know the truth about these past stories, but obviously they won't tell me."

"So where is the Ouroboros now?"

Jenkins was curious about this.

"If I knew, I might be able to move some of its power here, but unfortunately I don't know. There are too many unknowns in this world, and we are all too small."

"Indeed, we are all too small."

Jenkins also sighed, tossed the gem in his hand, and then threw it to the gear man:

"It has been delayed for so long, I think you are almost ready."

The gear man reached out to take the gem thrown to him and put it in the secret compartment in his heart:

"It's almost ready, so let's get started?"

Jenkins put the cat in his one-handed arms on the windowsill. The moonlight in the real world can never shine on chocolate, but the moonlight in the weird world can illuminate the cat's hair very well.

He took off his backpack and put it under the window, holding the Star Magic Sword in one hand, and stepped into the darkness that the moonlight could not illuminate.

The gear man had no weapon in his hand, and he and Jenkins were looking at each other.


When the sound of Chocolate yawning sounded, the gear man completely disappeared in the darkness.

Jenkins did not try to find the other party with the Eye of Truth, but closed his eyes. Then he stabbed the sword to his right front side, and when the blade touched the hard object, he raised his right foot and kicked forward fiercely.

The gear man appeared at that position, with his arms together to block Jenkins's feet. But under the huge force, the gear man was forced to slide back. The metal soles grabbed the ground and made a harsh friction sound.

"Not long ago, in the strange world, I also met a woman who could be invisible. That person is a real master of close combat, and you can't even hide your evil thoughts about me."

Jenkins said, swinging the sword forward. Although the gear man's arm was slightly deformed by the kick, as the arm glowed, the metal squirmed like liquid and plasticity returned to its original state. The hands tried to grab the blade, and it succeeded, but the sword light attached to the sword rushed straight to the gear man's head.

The metal head immediately folded back, like a hood or skull that was lifted up, which was impossible for humans to do. Jenkins had expected this to happen, so he didn't expect to be killed in one move. The wrist rotated, and the blade that was held in the metal palm rubbed sparks. The directions of the forces of both sides were completely opposite. For a moment, no one let go, and with the strength of the magic sword, it could withstand the distortion of this force.

The few moves so far were simply a contest of strength. Seeing the stalemate, Jenkins frowned and stepped forward suddenly. The green arc of light hit the gear man like a sharp blade. The latter did not dare to take it easily, so his legs deformed and dispersed into countless dense small gears in an instant, avoiding the attack of the life force from the seedling of the world tree.

But the dispersion of its lower body meant that there was no place to borrow force. Jenkins did not take the opportunity to draw his sword, but thrust it forward with force. The blade instantly jumped out of the palm of the gear man, and the surging sword light left a wound with a flash of dark silver starlight on the opponent's body.

This is a curse from the starry sky, but before the curse spread, the gear man abandoned this body and turned it into a discarded gear ball and threw it on the ground.

Ignoring these, Jenkins wanted to stab the magic sword again, and the gear man's lower body had been reassembled at this moment. A punch was thrown, and the metal fist was mixed with high temperature heat and inexplicable black aura. Jenkins dodged to the side, but instinctively felt that there was something wrong with this punch.

Looking at the fist, under the extremely fast nerve reaction ability, this punch was actually almost like slow motion. But even so, the closer the metal fist got, the more it seemed to be constantly enlarged, and finally it seemed that the fist itself was larger than Jenkins's size, pressing towards him like a mountain.

"Fighting ability? Can you also learn the abilities of human benefactors?"

Jenkins was surprised, knowing that he couldn't dodge it now, so he simply didn't dodge. The right foot stepped on the ground to gain leverage, the right shoulder leaned forward, the body first arched forward and then suddenly retracted backward. At the moment when the retracted force was exhausted, the shoulder was leaned forward again, and the shoulder directly collided with the metal fist of the gear man.

At that moment, both parties felt that they had hit a mountain, and the floor under their feet was stepped out by two pairs of footprints due to excessive force. The footprints spread cracks in all directions, which was still a result they could control. If they did this again, this floor would collapse.

The two separated as soon as they touched, Jenkins kept rubbing his shoulders, and the gear man quickly reassembled his cracked fist.

"I didn't expect you to deliberately learn fighting skills."

Jenkins said.

"There is no need to learn this deliberately. For me, as long as the body I created is given a special structure and a unique spiritual circuit structure, some fighting skills that require skills and training can be used directly."

Feeling that his shoulder had almost recovered, Jenkins swung the sword forward again. This time, the flames spread on the sword, and the fire finally illuminated this floor of the clock tower.

The collision between the two parties just now caused the metal-structured Gear Man to be more seriously injured. It was still recovering from the cracks in its body, so it did not make any dodge movements. But the magic sword approached it, and a strange deflection force made the sword slide, avoiding the gear man's body, only rubbing a string of fire on the side of its shoulder.

"magnetic force."

Without Jenkins guessing, the gear man gave the answer directly:

"Since I arranged the treacherous situation, I naturally guessed that the old housekeeper in the castle could not stop you, and this sword might be taken away by you. Unfortunately, this is an iron alloy sword, and the fused star stone is also made of iron alloy. "

Jenkins swung the sword hard again, this time the force was enough to prevent the sword from being deflected, but the speed of the sword was affected by the magnetic force, and the sword was once again held by the Gear Man. The two sides fell into a stalemate, but the head of the gear man suddenly cracked open at this moment. As the clicking gears rolled, a human eye was embedded in the center of the group of gears that were constantly moving and involved with each other, like pomegranate seeds. An eye appeared in it.

"The magic eye again?"

Time suddenly slowed down, and the magic eye was able to interfere with time. Jenkins frowned. Although he was not affected by time, the sword in his hand did not move.

"I know you're not affected by time, but this eye is specifically for dead things."

"But there should be a limit to the upper limit of the target's power, right?"

A fiery red light extended from his hand, and the flame of the spiral sword suddenly lit up, and then the arc of light directly smashed half of the gear man's body:

"If you can stop the magic sword, can you stop this sword?"

The power and history of the Star Demon Sword are completely inferior to this spiral sword, so Jenkins has the confidence to say this. Under the light of the ignited sword, the Gear Man's body was smashed to pieces like tofu, but then the remaining gears were reorganized on the ground, and within a few seconds the Gear Man reappeared not far away.

"Hmph, immortality in another sense."

Jenkins commented.

The recovered Gear Man stretched out his palm towards Jenkins, and the magic eye had been transferred to his palm. Jenkins' coat immediately lit up in gold, representing the power of Ovia's magic:

"How despicable, you actually tried to fix my clothes!"

Jenkins scolded, while the cat behind him covered his face with his little paws and laughed. It doesn't plan to take action here. Since the core of the difference engine will appear at the end, it is natural for Jenkins to solve such a simple battle by himself. The cat has to appear at the most critical moment, so that Jenkins can realize its importance.

As the spirit flows in, the white ash coating on the surface of the spiral sword is completely burned away by the fire. Purple traces of light flickered in Jenkins' eyes. Although the creation of the Difference Engine was different from the golem and did not have an exact energy core, the creation of the Difference Engine must have a miniaturized steam engine as a power source. Both mechanical creations and flesh-and-blood creations have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the biggest disadvantage of the former is that it loses power. Even if every gear structure of the differential machine creation can move, its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The Gearman's steam core was constantly moving among the fine gears, but after Jenkins saw it, it didn't matter how it moved.

The sword light burst out along with the firelight on the top of the clock tower, and the dazzling light even temporarily illuminated the Civic Square. But no one in the square raised their head. After all, they were just citizens simulated in a strange environment and would not react normally.

After the fire broke out, the battle in the clock tower did not end with Jenkins' victory.

Jenkins held the sword with one hand and pointed forward, but the spiral sword was blocked by the magic sword. The Gear Man's hands did not touch the magic sword, and the sword flew directly into the air.

"I said, I expected that you might take this sword away, so I asked you to bring this sword to me."

The gear man said, and then watched the magic sword be cut off directly by the spiral sword.

"Only Class B extraordinary beings can be controlled by you, so did you expect that I would ask the guardian of the furnace to transform the [Fire Sword of Sin Karma] into a gift?"

"I really didn't expect the guardian of the furnace to be so bold, but so what?"

After cutting off the demon sword, the spiral sword continued forward, melting most of the metal structure of the Gear Man's head, and then crushing its body like a torrent.

Jenkins was not happy about this. The special alloy of the differential engine was definitely not such a fragile thing.

Chapter 2215 Evenly Matched

Suddenly, I heard a click, and then I looked at the mechanical structure behind the huge dial on the side of the platform with the cat on the window sill. Along with the sound, brass-colored light gathered deep in the gears and levers, and a huge circular emblem like a dial appeared almost close to the back of the dial. This appearance was similar to the emblem of the savior and Yali. The emblem of Kshia [Principle of Mathematics] is very similar.

The gears behind the dial were running wildly. In the light, the gear man slowly walked out and stepped onto the platform again. This time, all the alloys in its body have been replaced with the strongest special alloy of the differential engine. The body just now was just a test, and now it is the strongest body of the Gear Man.

Without saying too much, Jenkins slashed down with his sword. After the blade of the sword was held, he hit the gear man's head with his free left fist.

The gears in the metal head rotated quickly, creating a large hole in the center of the head, just enough to catch Jenkins' fist. Bronze light appeared on the body surface along with the flow of spirit. Even if [The Principle of All Machines] could no longer trigger the active effect, the passive effect of restraining the differential machine creation was still effective.

The gear man's movements seemed to be paused for a second, and this second was enough for the flaming sword to lower the metal arms. When the gear man reacted, the flaming sword almost touched its metal head.

"Do you think I can't think that you might bring this sword and avoid my control?"

The original metal sphere's eyeballs turned inward, and then another magic eye appeared.

"How many magic eyes do you have?"

As the spirit bloomed, the flames on the spiral sword immediately went out, as if it didn't exist at all. At the same time, the spirit flowing through the sword was also "frozen" in the sword, as if the whole sword was "dead".

Immediately put the sword back into the spirit, and you can feel it recovering slowly, but it can't be used again in a short time.

"What kind of magic eye is this?"

"A-02-2-9321 [Swordsmith's Hateful Eyes], restrains all sword-type numbered items."

"You always come up with new ideas."

"This is not new, I have considered all possibilities. After reducing your abilities and weapons in the first eight levels of the strange realm, how much strength do you have left to use now?"

The gear man strode forward to approach Jenkins, and with a fine click, his right arm transformed into a brass-colored long sword. Because it is made of gears, the sword body looks hollow, but the inside of the hollow sword body is a string of ancient runes. Steam spurts out from the gears, and the gear man swings his right arm to chop at Jenkins.

"Even if I don't have much strength left, your body can't resist it."

He punched the sword, and the pure physical strength collided with the long sword accelerated by steam and extraordinary power. Jenkins immediately felt the bones of his arm broken, and then realized that it was a comminuted fracture of the right fist bone with epidermal bleeding and soft tissue contusion.

The long sword on the gear man's right arm was also deformed, but it returned to its original shape after just waving it in the air.

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