"But Jenkins is really awesome."

Britney also took a small piece of snack from the plate on the table:

"Let everyone forget that he is God and only retain his identity as the Son and Savior."

"He doesn't want to give up his current life."

Dolores said:

"He said that this was a wish he made to the gods, and he used his own power to tell a lie to the world. However, do you think he really only told a lie? About the identity of God."

"He said he wouldn't lie to us."

Julia reminded quietly.

"Yes, yes, you all have a very unusual relationship with him."

Dolores was angry and sulking again.

"But I don't understand why he doesn't take this opportunity to let the world accept the fact that a king can marry multiple queens?"

Brienne asked, poking her cheek with a slender finger.

"I know this," Jenkins said. He wanted people to truly accept and bless his marriage to us, rather than accept the truth under a lie. Not to mention, now that he has the identity of Son, King and Savior, this matter It shouldn’t be difficult to implement.”

Dolores said.

At this time, cheers came from outside the train, and it seemed that someone important had arrived. The weather is exceptionally good today, the sun is shining brightly, and people are happy to come and see off His Majesty the King.

Nolan station is still very busy even though there is currently only one King's train waiting to depart. It seems that people from the entire city and the entire continent are crowded here, waiting to say goodbye to His Majesty the King.

"Will your father come?"

Dolores asked Blainey.

"The Nolan Navy has just received the title of 'Royal Navy'. My father and Earl Hesha are very busy together and have no time to deal with matters here for the time being. To see them, I'm afraid I have to wait until the end of the year for the investiture ceremony. Jenkins said that his father should be promoted to Duke and Earl Hesha be promoted to Marquis as a reward for their support and...our wedding gift. "

Seeing Britney's smile, Dolores curled her lips and looked boredly at the busy servants outside the window. Everyone has something to do. Only Dolores, as a foreign princess, does not need to do anything, so she is here with Julia.

"Since Jenkins is not here, let me go find Hathaway. I remember she has a very good box of foundation. When you see him, help me ask about the Flower Girls Guild. Do you need to know him in Nolan?" Take those little girls to Belduran as well.”

With that said, the blonde girl stood up and said goodbye to the princess master and servants, and the maids hurriedly helped arrange the heavy dress.

"Hathaway went to the back car to talk to Jenkins' family."

Julia did not forget to remind. Britney nodded. Just as she was about to take a step, she looked back at the maid:

"The beautiful black and white maid outfit you wore last time. If it's convenient, introduce the tailor to me..."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Her Royal Highness the Princess waved her hands impatiently, and her look even made the other maids who were serious about laughter laugh.

Although Britney left, Dolores still looked at her head maid with strange eyes.

"Your Highness, do you have any questions?"

Julia is still so calm.

"Speaking of which, I've wanted to ask you a long time ago, where was your...shameless dress made?"

"I know a lot of good tailors."

Julia told the truth that as the princess's head maid, she had reason to know tailors who specially designed clothes for the royal family, and it was normal to entrust one of them to make the clothes.

Dolores tilted her body slightly and asked with a blush:


"You're not that old yet."

Because it was so familiar, Dolores just said a personal pronoun, and Julia knew what she was thinking. Similarly, the maid also knew that Her Highness the Princess would be angry about this, so she lowered her voice and added in a low voice:

"But I can get you some magazines... off-the-record magazines with pictures of what you consider to be 'shameless' clothing."

"Is there such a magazine?"

Dolores's eyes lit up.

"Yes, but it is only circulated privately among noble ladies and ladies. It is said that some men will also read it."

Chapter 2242 Epilogue - Goodbye, Jenkins

"What are you talking about?"

The door at the junction of the carriages was pushed open again, but the sound was muffled by the noise outside the carriage. In addition to carrying the Jenkins family and other members of the royal family, this train also carried some nobles who came to Nolan with Queen Isabella and were also returning to Belduran.

Sigrid entered the door. She was also wearing a heavy dress, but compared to the two dresses worn by Hathaway and Britney, the style she wore was simpler and did not require a servant. People walked along to help hold up the skirts.

"Talking about Jenkins, I wonder where he went!"

Dolores spoke first to prevent Julia from bringing up the topic.

"Isn't Jenkins here too? Really, everyone is looking for him."

Sigrid held her forehead in worry, and the maid invited her to sit down and drink a cup of tea.

"So why are you looking for Jenkins?"

Dolores looked at the other party's dress and felt that the green leaf pattern decoration was very beautiful.

"It's a matter of the church. I met Dad just now. Dad told me to remind Jenkins that he must hand in the resignation report within three days and asked me to bring this letter of introduction to him."

Jenkins is leaving Nolan because of his status as king, and will be based in Belduran in the future. This is equivalent to his church work relationship being transferred to the Diocese of Belduran. The Church of the Sages is of course happy with this. As the savior, the Holy Son can be permanently stationed in the large diocese where the Holy See is located, which is also what the church hopes.

Therefore, he had to submit a report to formally leave the Diocese of Nolan, and as usual, he had to hand in a letter of introduction signed by the bishop of the region to the diocese he was about to enter to complete the transfer of working relationships.

"Isn't it okay for dad to give the letter to Jenkins when he gets to Belduran?"

Dolores said, while Julia called the maids to get more refreshments:

"Dad is going to Belduran anyway, didn't Jenkins say that. Will dad take the train next week?"

Although Dad lost the key to evolution, he is still a demigod-level gifter. Without the key, there is no curse and therefore transfer to the more important parish of Belduran. As for the three-day life curse, it was resolved after Jenkins came back. Jenkins is not yet a master, but the power of the rules of the other world that he manifested due to the "blessing of books" has been recognized and he can exert part of his dominance power.

The Curse of the Evolution Key is out of the question.

Of course, Dad is not like Jenkins who can leave without any worries. He has been operating locally for many years and still has many things to deal with. Not to mention, the antique store that has invested many years of hard work also needs to complete the handover.

Dolores heard from Jenkins that the church had arranged for a new antique shop owner to take over the work that Jenkins and Dad had done in the past. Jenkins also joked with the girls at home that Aunt Sally from the souvenir shop next door would probably be very reluctant to leave his father.

Therefore, Dad will not set off with Jenkins. He will leave after handling Nolan's affairs.

"I heard from Hathaway that Miss Stillwell, another student of my father's, seems to be going to Belduran as well."

Dolores somehow figured it out.

"Although Hathaway didn't mention it, I heard some inside stories. It seems that there are some problems within the music church."

Sigrid said cautiously, it was actually the other three leaders who began to doubt Miss Stivell's identity. The entire Children's Music Order will actually go to Belduran City to station, not only because of the new treaty signed by the Orthodox Church and the False God Church, allowing them to open churches, but also because Archbishop Lydia Burnry, who is not an Archbishop, Miss Special, and Miss Briley Harms, the "composer of the music score", made up their minds to use the opportunity of members of the Order to become queens to expand the influence of the Order.

Of course, Hathaway is also happy to help his sect develop.

“I also heard news from within the Orthodox Church that in a few months, a meeting will be held in Beldiran, a collective meeting of all religious orders, to further adjust the terms that have been drawn up, and to add regulations for aspects that are not involved. "

Sigrid said again, and after thinking for a while, she added:

"Actually, it's normal. Even the "Tower Agreement" has been revised many times. The new terms drawn up at the end of the 18th century will of course have to be revised many times. But this is quite busy."

"Speaking of which, has the Natural Church agreed to your permanent residence in Beldiran City?"

Dolores asked the nun again.

"I agree. I have already written and submitted the report. I will receive a formal notification soon."

Speaking of this matter, the nun's face burst into smile:

"It's impossible for the church to disagree."

"That's right. After all, you and Jenkins..."

Dolores showed an ambiguous smile, and everyone saw what Sigrid meant to Jenkins. After Jenkins came back that day, except for Dolores who slept in the guest room with her cat in her arms, the other girls all went to participate in... group sports, including Sigrid of course.

The girls accepted her into the family. As for her relationship with Jenkins, not to mention that the two were actually distant relatives three generations apart. Even if they were real cousins, Dolores actually didn't care. After all, cousins ​​got married in a royal marriage. , it’s nothing new.

Sigrid also guessed what Dolores was thinking and blushed. The nun was very thin-skinned. Dolores was very angry with the other girls just now, and now she can make fun of others. Her Royal Highness the Princess is very proud.

"The Church of Nature asked me to be responsible for connecting with the Elf Mission. From now on, I will be mainly responsible for this aspect."

Sigrid wanted to change the subject, and Dolores also knew how to leave things alone, so she didn't mention that matter again.

Among the girls in the family, Sigrid has the closest relationship with the Orthodox Church, so she knows more about the church. While having tea with Dolores, she also mentioned that she had heard that Miss Bevanna of the Sage Church might also be transferred to Belduran, and there would be a formal order in about a few months.

Miss Bevanna performed outstandingly in this disaster, and after the beast of disaster was dealt with, Nolan's importance was significantly reduced, so it was necessary to transfer him to the Holy See and entrust him with important tasks.

"It seems that Bishop Parrod is also going to Belduran."

This is Julia speaking:

"When I saw His Majesty (referring to King Salshi II) off to Loen a few days ago, I heard people talking about this. Bishop Palod plans to resign from the Archbishop's seat of the Nolan Diocese ahead of schedule, and the Holy See arranged for him to take up a sinecure in Beldilan, it seems..."

"I heard about it too, it seems to be the director of the Palace Library."

Sigrid added.

"Will everyone I know go to Beldilan? That way Jenkins will be very happy."

"But some people don't go to Beldilan."

The door was pushed open again, the maids bowed to the door, and the three ladies also looked there. It was Alexia who came in. She rarely put on light makeup today, but she didn't wear a dress like the others:

"Jenkins' friend, Captain Binsi, will stay in the Nolan Diocese, but it is said that he has also been promoted. And Jenkins' neighbor..."

"Mr. Goodman and his family, I remember this name."

Dolores said, and then moved aside to make it easier for her teacher to sit down.

When Alexia walked to the sofa, she sniffed her nose suddenly, just like Jessica did not long ago, and then looked at Julia's bright red lips, and the latter's face turned red again.

The short lady smiled and said nothing, but sat down, and the maids immediately brought new teacups.

"I thought that Jenkins, who was nostalgic, would find a reason to let his neighbors move to Beldiran."

Sigrid said.

"I also asked him, and he said that not everything has to change according to his wishes, otherwise the world would be too boring. Besides, he didn't want to disturb other people's peaceful lives for his own reasons."

"When he moved there, Mr. Goodman's family was there; now he has moved away, Mr. Goodman's family is still there. For the Goodman family, Jenkins is the hurried passerby."

Dolores commented, and the short lady looked at her student with a smile:

"This really sounds like Jenkins' tone."

"That's what Jenkins said, he said in the morning."

"In the morning?"

Alexia and Sigrid looked at Julia's red lips together. The former was like a god, and the latter was a gifter who was well versed in the way of nature. Her sense of smell was quite sensitive and she could guess what happened in the morning.

"What happened in the morning? Jenkins just let Julia drink some strong tea."

Dolores said dissatisfiedly, reminding the two not to tease their maids too much.

"Your Highness..."

But it was Dolores's metaphor that made Julia more shy.

"Have you seen Jenkins?"

Alexia also asked this question:

"Audrey and Miss Bronion want him to add a carriage. They want to predict the future during the train journey. It is said that they have a new inspiration."

"We are all looking for Jenkins. No one knows where he went..."

Dolores suddenly laughed evilly:

"Maybe he is with Chocolate."

The ladies all laughed tacitly and reservedly. They have been teasing Jenkins for having ideas about his cat in the past few days.

Of course, Jenkins blushed and stammered and strongly opposed it. Even though Chocolate didn't want to turn back into a cat and kept pestering him in human form, he didn't touch the petite and cute girl.

Although Chocolate turned into a human, and a beautiful girl, everyone was surprised, but they naturally accepted this fact. After all, the relationship between Jenkins and Chocolate was quite unusual before. Now it's just that the cat has turned into a human. This unusual relationship has also become normal from abnormal. Therefore, unexpectedly, the girls only teased Jenkins.

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