Chapter 217 Chapter 213 Spies and Liars

"Third, when completely immersed in liquid and not in use, the ear is in a state of suspended animation. When it is out of liquid for more than seven minutes, it will fully recover its activity and, through an unknown means, cross space and directly attach to the human closest to it. If attached in this way, it will function as characteristic one regardless of whether the object of attachment is the gifter or not."

After speaking, Miss Audrey casually placed the bottle on the desk beside her, and then shook the ear that was still dripping with liquid. The water dripped onto the ground, making a clacking sound, and then quickly evaporated without leaving any trace:

"Mr. William, are you going to do it or am I going to do it?"

Jenkins thought that the word "gentleman" was quite appropriate to describe himself this time. Although he agreed with the idea of ​​ladies first, he still had some self-knowledge.

Miss Audrey is a beautiful and clean lady, which can be seen from her home style and clothes; Miss Audrey hates this strange thing, which can be seen from her expression just now; Miss Audrey's level of benefactor is higher than Jenkins, which is the most important thing.

"Let me do it."

He said without hesitation, "How can such a thing come into contact with people like you? I will listen and then repeat what I heard."

"Mr. William, you are indeed a qualified gentleman. I wish our friendship will last forever."

She was not polite to Jenkins either, because the conversation had already delayed some time.

When A-01-4-9155 was exposed to the air, it did not cause discomfort to Jenkins except for its disgusting appearance. He originally thought that this was a rare strange thing that would not spread mental pollution to the outside world, but as soon as the wet ear was taken in his hand, a buzzing and meaningless sound came into his ears.

Jenkins is very good at controlling his emotions, which also helps him better integrate into the life after crossing, but at this moment he suddenly became irritable.

He knew that this was a side effect of the item in his hand, so he silently recited a few words from the Advanced Mathematics and the teachings of the sage, and then put the piece of meat against his ear.

He felt cold immediately, and then itchy and numb. He resisted the urge to scratch it, and began to eavesdrop and repeat.

A full-bodied and extremely proud voice sounded first. It was the voice of the strange benefactor.

"......The three special items I hold are the foundation for me to gain a foothold here. Although you are an ordinary person, you should also know that money is not the most important thing for the benefactor. If you want to ask me to treat that damn disease, you should pay a price."

"Mr. Robinson, kind sir. For the sake of my being your spy for so long, please save me. Sir, I really don't have what you need, only gold pounds, some crowns and antiques."

"Humph~ I said, don't mention the matter just now on any occasion. This is the Kingdom of Fidictli. Do you think they haven't tracked down us, the spies of Hampavo?"

In Jenkins's ears, the fear in this sentence was greater than anger. He didn't expect that these two people were spies.

"Sir, really, sir, please tell me what you need, as long as you can save me."

"Well, aren't you surprised to be mixed up with the followers of the [Prince of Lies]? Tell me, what is their way of accumulating spirits. Don't tell me you don't know, I know very well that they have decided to absorb you!"

Jenkins repeated Mr. "Robinson"'s words to Miss Audrey, and was surprised that he was involved in that group of liars again.

"Sir, really, sir, I can't say, I signed the contract."

There was already a sobbing sound in the voice, "I don't know how this damn germ was infected, why am I so unlucky, God, why... I know something else, the followers of the [Prince of Lies] are planning something, something very important. Sir, you still need me, I can't die! I know you are very powerful, you can definitely save me, right?"

To be honest, Jenkins didn't think that Mr. Robinson could cure people infected by gear germs, which was something that the Orthodox Church couldn't do.

"How is that thing going?"

This was still Robinson's voice.

"Before I came to see you, I went over there to check. The house was still empty, and there was a single woman living next door. I didn't dare approach her house, but today I saw that she had a cat. I can be sure that she didn't have the same abnormality as the house next door."

"Very good, the onset of the gear bacteria is very long, you don't need to worry about your own death... Let's put aside the matter of the followers of the [Prince of Lies] for the time being. You have to investigate the purpose of Marquis Michael's coming here now. We need an important military document in his hand, and this may be the breakthrough point."

"But sir..."

"No buts, this is an order. As a spy, you know the meaning of the word order. The Bronte Club is a base we can trust, but don't let your guard down..."

The conversation ended here, and then there was a rustling sound, as if someone was rummaging through some documents or papers.

And this matter is almost clear. The man infected with the gear bacteria, whose name Jenkins still doesn’t know, came there today because of the house next door to Miss Audrey’s house. He and Mr. Robinson are both spies of the Hampavo Kingdom and have an up-and-down relationship. The unlucky man is currently hanging out with the scammer, and has initially gained trust, but at this moment he accidentally discovered something strange about himself...

Jenkins looked at Miss Audrey and saw her thoughtful look, so he patted her arm: "What should we do now, report directly to the church, or continue to explore? Madam, I think this is enough ”

"Yes, that's enough. I finally understand why divination leads to..."

Before she could finish her words, Jenkins covered her mouth.

Jenkins stretched out his free left hand and raised his index finger to his mouth, signaling her to be silent. He didn't realize how rude his action was.

There was another strange sound from next door, like metal gently hitting the door lock, followed by the door next door being pushed open, and then a woman's surprised voice:

"Hey, there is someone, damn, that information dealer is lying to me!"

Chapter 218 Chapter 214 An unexpected situation

"Who are you?"

The rough growl came from Mr. Robinson.

"Oh, sorry, wrong way!"

The woman said lightly, and then there was the sound of the door being closed immediately...

After a while, the sound of fighting came from the corridor. Even without the aid of that ear, loud gunshots and screams from nearby rooms could be clearly heard.

"what to do?"

Jenkins stopped looking at the wall, turned his head, and his face immediately turned red.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

Quickly let go.

Miss Audrey looked at him angrily and tossed a coin again. This time the coin was not caught by her, but fell straight to the ground, and then stopped there vertically.

"not good."

Her reminder was obviously too late. With the burst of the door panel, first Robinson with a gun flew in and hit the closet, and then a woman wearing sunglasses and a lace hat walked in step by step.

She ignored Robinson who was trying to get up, but looked at Jenkins, or rather, his ears.

"Sex toys. Is something okay?"

He pretended to be panicked while approaching Miss Audrey.

"What do you say again!"

He roared at himself in his mind, feeling overwhelmed by surprise.

The woman shook her head, took off her hat and eyes, and it was Miss Miller.

"You should know who my employer is. Hand over that thing now, otherwise I don't mind collecting the reward. Hampavo's spies are worth more than Chesland's spies. This is a good thing. Good thing.”


Robinson pointed the pistol at Miss Miller and pulled the trigger sharply, but no other sound was heard except the sound of the firing pin.

"So, you still want me to do it myself?"

Miss Miller elegantly took off the long white hollow lace glove on her left hand, and then faced the man with her palm. At this moment, a large number of footsteps could be heard not far away. She frowned and suddenly took a step forward and clasped Robinson's neck. He blinked at Jenkins, and then rushed towards the window.

It looks like the club's guards have finally shown up, but there's no legal reason for Jenkins and Miss Audrey to be there either. There was no need to cause trouble here. Regardless of where the people infected with the mechanical virus went, he took Miss Audrey's hand and the two of them followed Miss Miller towards the window.

The latter turned to look at them, then roughly reached out to push open the window, threw the unconscious Robinson down, and then jumped out himself.

"I have a bad feeling."

Even though Jenkins was holding her hand, the woman who still didn't take the initiative to break away frowned: "This is very wrong."

Before he had time to say so much, Jenkins actually discovered that three of the people approaching were the Givers. It's definitely not just the club guards who came to check, maybe the Marquis' bodyguards came too.

The two climbed up to the window sill together, and then jumped down without hesitation.


In mid-air, Jenkins marveled in his heart. He finally understood what Miss Audrey meant by the "doors" and "windows" mentioned earlier: On the ground facing the window on the second floor, there was an impressive figure embedded in it. A hole of endless white light.

The two people jumped in together with the previous two people.

Familiar white light, in a space where time cannot be judged, all kinds of strange illusions come one after another.

When he finally touched solid ground, Jenkins jumped up suddenly, feeling as if his body was on fire.

There were flames all around, and beneath him was a piece of charred land. All four people landed here, and in front of them was a yellow wooden round table.

A young man was already sitting at the round table. He was wearing a black robe, frowning and staring at his hands, which were skillfully repeating the shuffling action.

There are four chairs next to the round table, obviously prepared for four people.

Within 3 meters of the table, there was a raging sea of ​​fire with no edges visible. The flames danced and turned into ugly human faces, peering at the people here from the edge of the sea of ​​fire.

Jenkins wiped the sweat off his face and put his sweaty hands into his pockets. The talisman that disguised his identity had broken. It could have lasted for at least 3 hours. It seemed that entering the strange world had an impact on the talisman itself.

The other three people, including Mr. Robinson who was knocked unconscious, also woke up. The short Miss Miller stood up leisurely, wiped the sweat off her forehead, and then looked at the boundless red flames curiously.

"It's really interesting."

She looked up at the sky. There was nothing there, just a black cloud.

The last time the two met was a week ago. It was impossible for her not to recognize Jenkins. Not saying hello at this time obviously meant that he had other thoughts.

Jenkins helped Miss Audrey up gentlemanly, and then secretly glanced at Robinson, who was excited in fear.

The four people did not have a conversation, but shut up and sat silently on the red chair with cushions beside the round table. This chair is very comfortable, with golden armrests, and warm backrests and cushions. After sitting on it, the originally nervous mood was immediately relieved a lot.

"Is it a special item?"

Jenkins guessed in his heart, looking at the host of the strange world who was still shuffling the cards and looking at everyone.

It looked like the strange world creatures that Jenkins had experienced the first and second times, and it didn't seem to have any human emotions. The straight dark blue formal suit with the white collar made people feel that this was a dealer or card dealer working in a high-end casino. It was so hot here, but there was no sweat on his face.

The third train strange world, the train attendant was obviously different from the three.

As the sound of shuffling cards was repeated, the originally boring tone gradually changed. Everyone's heart beats, and with this rhythm, it began to change. Miss Miller and Miss Audrey, who were of higher levels, were fine, but Jenkins and Robinson's faces gradually turned pale.

The white and dexterous hands suddenly stopped moving, and the four people who were about to adapt to the tone spurted out blood at the same time. This blood splashed four arc-shaped red areas on the yellow wooden table. Jenkins covered his chest and subconsciously wanted to try treatment, but then he remembered the rule that abilities can only be used once in the strange realm, so he had to give up.

Miss Audrey reached out to support Jenkins and wanted to say something, but Jenkins shook his head and refused.

Miller on the side also looked at Jenkins and pursed her lips. She didn't want this writer who could talk to her about mathematics to die here so easily.

The environment became more and more sultry.

PS: Playing poker is too boring. We play cards with the characteristics of the gift.

Chapter 219 Chapter 215 The card game of the gifters

At this time, Audrey was on the far right, followed by Jenkins, Miller and Robinson. Robinson rushed to sit next to Miss Miller because Jenkins and Audrey were obviously companions. In this case, he must find an ally, an ally who is also alone.

"Do you know how to play cards?"

The man asked in a calm tone.

Jenkins carefully glanced at his eyes, and then immediately looked away. Those were not human eyes at all, but two huge emeralds.

What was even more terrifying was that the pair of emeralds could actually rotate like eyeballs. When stared at by it, the whole body seemed to be soaked in cold water. This was not an illusion, these eyes could really take away the temperature.





The four people answered him in turn, but the man seemed to not care and quickly cut into the next topic.

"Rules: Each person's turn is carried out in turn. During the turn, the owner of the turn can use a card on any target, and the user can also throw a card to fight back or defend. Those who are successfully attacked once fail, and each card can only be used once.

Your winning condition: Defeat me.

Your failure condition: Be defeated by me, or none of you have any cards in your hand."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the four people in turn with his pair of terrifying emerald eyes, and then threw a stack of cards to each of them.


The four people screamed at the same time, and the originally quiet spirits suddenly became agitated. At the same time, the ability light spot appeared in front of the body, and then turned into a physical entity and appeared in the real world, and sank into the cards in turn.

The gift in Jenkins' body, the strange thing on his ear, and the special items with spiritual light carried by the three people around him all turned into light spots and fell into the cards. But the talismans and other things did not move, still hidden in the clothes.

Jenkins felt that he had not lost these abilities and items. If he wanted to use them, he could still use them, just in a different position.

He calmed the restlessness of the spirit, stretched out his trembling hands and picked up the stacked cards, a total of 13+5+1=19 cards. The pattern on the top card was an ugly human ear.

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