Xu Yang drove away from the hospital, and within a few hundred meters of the hospital, he found a good hotel to make sure that the place was big enough and hygienic.

When he entered the hotel, he did not open the room immediately, but sat on the sofa in the welcome lobby of the hotel and called Zhang Xiao.

"Xu Sheng, what do you command?" Zhang Xiao's respectful voice came from the mobile phone.

Xu Yang: "I'm in the Regent Hotel, you immediately send a group of people to help me." Then

he gave a brief account of the situation.

He needed someone to take over the hotel and prevent outside interference.

The families of the poisoned students who believed in him needed to be assisted in order to smoothly transfer the poisoned students to the hotel.

It is necessary to prepare the urine of the child and go to the pharmacy to buy medicine.

It is also necessary to keep an eye on suspicious people around the hotel.

Those students were killed by the carrion corpse Gu, and they were obviously ordered by someone.

No matter what kind of evil intentions the Gu people have, the carrion Gu is broken by him, and the Gu people will definitely appear.

After hearing this, Zhang Xiao immediately said: "Xu Sheng, please rest assured, the manpower will arrive within twenty minutes."

"Also, the Regent Hotel seems to be our property. After

ending the call with Zhang Xiao, Xu Yang immediately called his eldest cousin Lu Chenghai.

"Big cousin, you immediately take Xin'er to the Jingli Hotel near the hospital, and I will wait for you in the hotel.

"Also, inform the other family members. It's a good idea to post a message on the parent group. Lu

Chenghai: "Got it, we'll take Xin'er to you right away." Ending the

call, Xu Yang walked to the hotel front desk and prepared to open a room first.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white shirt and black trousers hurriedly ran over and said to Xu Yang, "Sir, are you Mr. Xu Yang?"


I'm the hotel manager here. Our boss had instructions and the hotel was completely at your command. "

The Regent Hotel is really an industry controlled by Zhang Xiao, which saves a lot of trouble.

So, Xu Yang unceremoniously ordered: "Stop customers immediately, and vacate all the guest rooms on the second and third floors." Hotel

manager: "Okay, Mr. Xu.

So, the hotel manager immediately went to carry out Xu Yang's order.

Xu Yang returned to the sofa and waited.

After about seven or eight minutes, people began to arrive and stay in front of the gate of the welcome hall.

As time went on, more and more people gathered in front of the gate.

About sixteen minutes or so, a middle-aged man with a little evil spirit walked into the welcome hall and walked in front of Xu Yang.

"Xu Sheng, hello. My name is Song Qiangdong, and Brother Xiao asked me to come here to listen to your command.

"The people outside are all our brothers, about eighty people.

"Brother Xiao will be there in about six or seven minutes.

Xu Yang stood up and ordered: "Send half of the people into the First People's Hospital of the city to assist the families of the students with food poisoning to transfer the poisoned students here."

"The others are on guard outside the hotel to stop all the distractions!" If

a large number of students with food poisoning are transferred, the hospital and the police will definitely stop it.

The second is to prevent the police from thinking that he is a liar and want to come in and arrest him, so as not to "harm" him.

Song Qiangdong

: "Obey!" Xu Yang added: "The people sent to the hospital should be clever and don't scare the families of the poisoned students."


Song Qiangdong turned around and strode out to carry out Xu Yang's order.

After another six minutes, Zhang Xiao hurried over.

He brought with him only a few hand retinues.

Of course, Zhang Xiao's younger brother is more than that, it is Xu Yang who restricts the number of people to prevent bad influence.

It's a pity that at this time, the eldest cousin and others have not been able to bring Xin'er out of the hospital here.

After about ten minutes or so, Xu Yang finally saw his eldest cousin and others sending Xin'er to arrive.

Xu Yang personally walked out of the welcome hall and came in.

The eldest cousin sweated profusely and explained: "The hospital did not give the hospital, and after a long time, with the help of some well-wishers, we finally forcibly took Xin'er out of the hospital. The

eldest cousin was very nervous and said, "Cousin Xu Yang, you must cure Xin'er." "

The hospital said that once you leave the hospital, the hospital is no longer responsible, and even if you want to return, the hospital will not accept it.

So, they're a lonely bet.

Xu Yang said affirmatively: "Cousin-in-law, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to cure Xin'er." I can't play with my own relatives.

With the help of the hotel staff, Lu Xin'er, who was still unconscious, quickly carried her to a guest room on the second floor of the hotel.

On the way, Xu Yang asked his eldest cousin: "What about the other students?" "

Most of their family members don't believe it, and only a few family members wait and see, and I don't pay much attention to the specific situation." Lu Chenghai said truthfully.

Xu Yang sighed a little heavily.

According to this situation, there must be a student who will die.

Right now, what he urgently needs is to wake up Lu Xin'er first, and use it as a demonstration to attract other family members to send the poisoned students over.

After entering the guest room and letting unrelated people out, Xu Yang asked his aunt and sister-in-law to take off Lu Xin'er's shirt.

Xu Yang quickly inserted seven golden needles into Lu Xin'er, and then asked his aunt and sister-in-law to help Lu Xin'er sit up.

Then, Xu Yang imprinted one palm on Lu Xin'er's back, directly using his strong internal force to drive away and kill the Gu poison.

Time is pressing, and Lu Xin'er is urgently needed to demonstrate, so he can only use "brute force".


aunt and cousin almost burst into tears.

The use of acupuncture was quite reliable just now, but what is it now

? Is it making a movie?

For a while, they regretted it very much, and even regretted it.

Why did he believe Xu Yang?

He obviously had never studied medicine, and he hadn't even studied in college! If Xin'er had

three long and two short ......

The eldest cousin's eyes were full of tears, and in the blink of an eye, she burst into tears.

Fortunately, they understand that they can only continue to believe in Xu Yang and make a decision after seeing the next step.

After about seven minutes, Xu Yang's palm suddenly nudged forward.

Lu Xin'er's upper body couldn't help but lean forward, and spit out a large mouthful of black mucus with "wow", which was extremely rancid.

When the eldest aunt and eldest cousin saw this, they were first surprised, and then overjoyed.

This situation is very similar to what is on TV, Xu Yang really has internal strength, and forced out the poison

in Xin'er? Xu Yang took the credit and said to his aunt and cousin-in-law: "You can let Xin'er lie down." The

eldest aunt and eldest cousin hurriedly helped Lu Xin'er lie down carefully.

When Xu Yang pulled out the golden needle, the eldest cousin couldn't help but ask: "Cousin Xu Yang, Xin'er, she ......" "It's

no problem, she will wake up in a while." Xu Yang replied.

The eldest aunt and eldest cousin immediately burst into tears of gratitude, and exclaimed, "Thank you, Xu Yang (cousin)! Thank you so much."

Xu Yang cleaned up the dirty, threw it into the trash can, and then tied the mouth of the garbage bag.

The stench of rotting corpses was disgusting.

After Lu Xin'er got dressed and covered with a quilt, her uncle and eldest cousin came in to see the situation.

After waiting for about seven or eight minutes, Lu Xin'er woke up quietly.

For a while, the uncle, the eldest cousin and others were excited.

"Mom, I'm so hungry. Lu Xin'er shouted.

She was washed into her stomach, her stomach was empty, and of course she was hungry.

The eldest cousin kept wiping her tears and replied with a smile: "Mom will go buy you food right away."

Xu Yang explained: "She can only eat white porridge and steamed buns, and she must not touch meat within two days."

"Okay. "

Thank you, cousin Xu Yang, thank you so much. The

eldest cousin couldn't help but say a word of gratitude, and then hurriedly went out to buy something.

Xu Yang said to Lu Chenghai: "Big cousin, quickly take a video for Xin'er and send it to the parent group, so that the poisoned students can come over for treatment." "

Yes, yes!" Lu Chenghai immediately responded.

Lu Chenghai immediately took out his mobile phone and took a small video of Lu Xin'er and sent it to the parent group.

Xu Yang looked at the time, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening, and he hoped that those parents would be decisive, otherwise it would be really too late.

Walking out of the guest room, Zhang Xiao, who was guarding outside, greeted him and reported: "Xu Sheng, the boy urine, silver needles and medicinal materials you want are ready."

"Those Chinese medicines have already begun to suffer. "

Hmm. Xu Yang bowed slightly, and then asked, "Are there any poisoned students in the hospital who want to be transferred?"

Zhang Xiao replied: "There are currently two poisoned students who are being transferred, and it is estimated that they will arrive soon."

"As for the families of the other poisoned students, there is basically no movement.

After a pause, he proposed, "Why don't I send someone to forcibly transfer the poisoned students here?"

Xu Yang refused, "Life and death are fate, maybe the hospital already has a way." In

the hospital, as Lu Chenghai sent a video of Lu Xin'er waking up to his parents, the anxious family members immediately boiled.

They had to take the poisoned students out of the hospital.

Doctors and nurses hurriedly dissuaded them, and the scene was chaotic.

Zhou Huaquan, as the vice president, automatically asked Ying to keep an eye on the situation, and he immediately shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Parents and families, please trust the hospital and don't panic.

"We have gathered the city's leading experts here to ensure the health of your children.

"At present, the children's condition is basically stable and there will be no problems.

At this time, a family member shouted: "Someone has been rescued." We're going to find

that doctor for treatment!" Zhou Huaquan immediately guessed that the doctor in the family's mouth was Xu Yang: "Forcibly waking up the child is not really cured, but very harmful."

"That person is a charlatan, not a doctor, and we have called the police to arrest him."

"Please don't be deceived! Please believe in science and modern medical technology."

"If you are forcibly discharged from the hospital, our hospital will not be responsible for what happens!"

"Also, after you are forcibly discharged, if you want to come back, our hospital will never accept it again!" For

a while, the family members couldn't help but hesitate and entangled, and they didn't dare to impulsively take the poisoned student out of the hospital to find Xu Yang for treatment.

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