As Xu Yang asked for a change in the course of the competition, Henry Yang turned around and whispered to a leading white man.

The white man's name was Wells.

After listening to this, he said, "Ask him, did the first two groups of martial arts admit defeat, admit that their internal strength realm martial artists are not as good as our lowest-level C-level martial artists, and our B-level martial artists crush their martial arts masters!"

Henry Yang Deling, immediately picked up the horn and relayed Wells's words to Xu Yang and the ancient martial artists in a high-spirited manner.

The ancient warriors were furious and asked for battle.

Xu Yang shouted to all the ancient warriors: "Silence!"

Without a horn, his voice easily overshadowed all the noise, allowing everyone to hear it, as if speaking in their ears.

The ancient warriors immediately shut up and quieted down.

Xu Yang is a martial arts master, and he is qualified to lead them in the face of foreign enemies.

Xu Yang turned around and said to the "International Warrior": "You are prepared, we don't know anything about you, it's not fair at all."

"How do we know how to evaluate the C-level martial artists and B-level martial artists you are talking about? Maybe you say that the people with the highest combat effectiveness are B-level and C-level martial artists. When

the ancient warriors heard this, they couldn't help but shout.

"Grandmaster Xu is right, you use the strongest person to pretend to be a B-rank

martial artist!" "That is, a real B-level martial artist can't be so strong at all

!" "We were fooled!"


The ancient martial artists really didn't dare and didn't want to believe that the B-rank martial artists were so powerful and terrifying, almost crushing the martial arts masters.

Henry Young laughed contemptuously: "Haha, you can't afford to lose !!

" "Just like a hundred years ago, you are arrogant, thinking that the Heavenly Empire is superior, but in fact you are vulnerable!"

After Xu Yang suppressed the impulse of the ancient warriors, he said to the "International Warrior" Zheng Diyou: "More than a hundred years ago, we were indeed defeated, but today, looking at the whole world, who dares not to take us in their eyes?" "

Over the past five thousand years, how many nations and empires in the world have risen and declined, and even perished, and civilizations and races no longer exist.

"However, on this global chessboard, my Xia Kingdom has always stood tall and has always been the top chess player

!" "The defeat more than a hundred years ago was just a nap for us, and we were taken advantage of

!" "Now that we wake up, who dares to be presumptuous!"

When the ancient warriors listened, they all lifted their spirits, clapping their hands and shouting loudly.

As for Henry Yang, he had nothing to say for a while, so he could only say: "It's just a quibble on the lips!"

"Hahaha!" Xu Yang laughed, "Since you want to challenge, don't make up the void

, directly the strongest against the strongest!" "You are guests from afar, I allow you to send three of the strongest to fight me in wheels!" Henry

Yang couldn't agree directly, he turned to Wells and asked: "Colonel Wells, those ancient warriors of the Xia Kingdom are stubborn and refuse to admit defeat. "

Xu Yang proposed that the strongest be the strongest, and allow us to send three people to challenge him in turn.

Wells snorted disdainfully: "These Xia people are hard-mouthed." Since they have hard mouths, I'll smash their mouths

!" "Tell them that our strongest is not here, but any A-rank martial artist can defeat their strongest!"

Henry Yang immediately turned around and relayed Wells's words to Xu Yang on a loudspeaker.

After hearing this, Xu Yang sneered: "Our strongest is not here either

!" "However, I allow you three A-rank martial artists to challenge me at the same time!"

Henry Yang translated to Wells.

When the other international warriors heard this, they couldn't help but become furious, and they all asked for battle and wanted to kill Xu Yang with their own hands.

Henry Young also asked for battle.

He is also an A-rank martial artist.

Wells said to Henry Young: "Tell Xu Yang that he is the strongest ancient martial artist, don't deny it." "

Also, we won't send three A-rank martial artists to challenge him at the same time. A random A-rank

martial artist is enough to kill him!" After listening to Henry Yang's relay, Xu Yang laughed: "In that case, why are you talking nonsense

!" "Come up and see the high

!" Wells turned around and ordered a stout white man who was two meters and two meters tall: "Bartley, you go up and beat him into meat puree!" Matley

is the strongest person to participate in this operation, the top A-level martial artist, and he has already touched the threshold of S-class martial artists.

The S-level martial artist cherished it too much, and he was worried that he would be captured by a large number of troops dispatched by the Xia Kingdom, so he couldn't participate.

Bartley took the order and stepped into the ring.

Roar -

Matley clenched his fists and roared in the sky, and the muscles of his body swelled rapidly and exaggeratedly.

In the blink of an eye, Matley turned into a three-meter-tall muscular monster that spewed white vapor from his mouth and nose.

The massive bulge of muscles in his back, like a turtle's back, made his back have no weakness

, and his skin was a little keratinized, as if it had put armor on the muscles of the block.


All the other ancient warriors couldn't help but have their hearts pounding wildly, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads and backs, and their nervous hearts rose to their throats.

"The competition begins!" As

the whistle sounded, Matley immediately pounced on Xu Yang like a fierce beast, as fast as lightning, and the big fist of the wine altar blasted towards Xu Yang like a cannonball.

Xu Yang didn't dodge, he exerted his strength under his feet, jumped on the hard ground, and his towering and tall body was also like a fierce beast to pounce on the opponent, and slammed into the fist of the wine jar.

He wants to fight hard and rebuild the confidence of his fellow citizens behind him in strength.

Boom -

the sound was like a big tire cracking, and the ancient warriors who were far away under the ring felt the strong wind blowing in their faces.

I saw the muscle monster Matley take a few steps back in a row, while Xu Yang didn't move at all, only sinking a few centimeters into the hard ground with his feet.

It turned out that Xu Yang had transformed the huge anti-earthquake force to the ground.


Seeing that Xu Yang's strength was far superior to that of the enemy, the ancient warriors couldn't help but cheer excitedly.

It turned out that the strength of those muscle monsters was not so terrifying!

The power bombarded and repelled the other party, but Xu Yang obviously sensed that the strength of this muscle monster was far stronger than what he had dealt with before.

Quickly lifting his breath, Xu Yang exerted all his strength, jumped on the ground, and the person pounced on Matley as fast as lightning.

Matley retreated and could not stand on his feet, so he could only defend passively.

"Fight cattle across the mountains!" Xu

Yang's body quickly circled behind Martelly as fast as a ghost, and punched the bulging turtle shell muscles in Mattley's back, and the strong internal force penetrated the muscles that were unknown how thick, hitting Mattley's internal organs.

Unable to take it on the spot, Martley had to take a few steps forward, spurting out a mouthful of hot blood.

Seeing that Matley was injured and vomited blood, all the ancient warriors couldn't help but burst into cheers.

Taking advantage of his illness to ask him to take it, Xu Yang did not pause at all, and immediately stepped to catch up.

His right palm was raised, and under the carrying of qi and blood, his arm became about two percent longer and twice as thick, and his palm was at least twice as large, black and blue, like a stone grinding plate.

"Fan! God!India!" With

a whirlwind, he slapped the back of Mattley's head.

Matley felt a powerful wind in the back of his head, and the danger of death rose to his mind, but he had no time to turn around.

He immediately made a decision, hugged a pair of giant hands to the back of his head, and resisted Xu Yang's attack.

Bang -

Xu Yang's palm was like the most ruthless stone grinding plate, weighing more than 10,000 catties, instantly grinding Mattley's giant hands and slapping them on the back of Mattley's head.

Martelley took another three or four steps, then fell straight and died.

Before the ancient warriors could cheer excitedly, they were stunned by the spontaneous combustion of Matley's corpse.

Xu Yang was not surprised, turned around and walked to the edge of the ring, and pointed condescendingly at the group of "international martial artists": "Who else!" The

"international martial artists" all had gloomy faces, and even many people felt frightened.

Matley was the strongest among them, and he had even touched the threshold of an S-level martial artist, but he was killed by Xu Yang in the blink of an eye.

Wells' face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Although he couldn't understand what Xu Yang said, it didn't mean that he couldn't guess what Xu Yang meant.

He hesitated to send three more A-level martial artists to challenge Xu Yang at the same time, and took the opportunity to kill Xu Yang.

However, he still vetoed.

One Xu Yang can't affect the overall situation.

Now he has tentatively figured out that the strongest of the ancient martial artists is very strong, no less than the S-level martial artists.

"Let's go!"

he shouted, turning and walking towards the yacht.

Other "international warriors" followed.

Soon, they drove away in their yacht and disappeared from the sea.

The ancient warriors recovered from the shock and let out a cheer of the mountains and the tsunami.

Then, they shouted in unison: "Grandmaster

Xu, Grandmaster Xu, Grandmaster Xu......" After this incident, tonight's competition will not be held, and they will all go back to rest.

At the Shanshui Manor Hotel, several martial arts masters and some masters of the internal force realm with a relatively high reputation gathered in front of Xu Yang to ask for advice.

Xu Yang said with a heavy heart: "Those international warriors may come from the Bald Eagle Country, and their number is not rare.

"Now they dare to show their faces openly and are not afraid of being exposed, which shows that their training system is basically perfect.

"Maybe you just see that they are extremely powerful, very fast and very fast, but in fact, their muscles and skin are very tough, and bullets can't penetrate them.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but gasp.

Even a martial arts master didn't dare to let the bullet hit easily.

"Then are we really unable to beat them?" asked a martial arts master.

Xu Yang said: "They are also strong and weak, not all of them are so strong.

"Perhaps, the C-level martial artists, B-level martial artists and A-level martial artists in their mouths are really divided like this.

After a pause, he continued: "To defeat them, in addition to attacking their vulnerable and lethal parts, you can also use internal force to attack their internal organs across the mountains and cattle. The

ancient warriors said respectfully, "Thank you Grandmaster Xu for your advice."

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "They are ready to start fighting before they turn into muscle monsters, maybe they can't maintain that state for a long time."

"When you encounter them, you can not rush to fight, first wander and delay time, and then counterattack when they can't hold on."

A martial arts master smiled bitterly: "They are so fast, we may not have a chance to stall for time." Even if we can delay time, our consumption is enormous. The

others nodded their heads, feeling a great deal of pressure.

Xu Yang could only comfort: "They just appeared, and we will always have a chance to find out their weaknesses in the future."

After the ancient warriors left, Xu Yang stood up, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked out at the night sky with a solemn expression.

He knew in his heart that the ancient warrior was indeed inferior to the muscle mutant! He

seemed to have easily defeated the strongest person who had provoked tonight, but in fact, he had already used all his strength without any reservations.

In addition, he was not a Gang Jin Realm Martial Arts Grandmaster, but an Innate Grandmaster of the Bone Refining Realm!

According to Western logic, there is also an S level above A level.

In addition, as soon as the muscular mutants appeared, their growth system must continue to improve.

More than 100 years ago, when the automobile was first invented, it was as slow as a snail, far inferior to a horse-drawn carriage, but today's fastest sports car has a speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour!

For example, compared to other animals, human beings are so powerful and unreasonable that they dominate the entire earth.

Other apex predators, such as tigers and lions, depend on the mood of humans whether their species dies out.

Fortunately, the state attaches great importance to muscle mutants and is making every effort to obtain relevant secrets.

Perhaps in the near future, the country will also have access to the means to train muscular mutants.

The next morning, while eating breakfast, Han Jing whispered to Xu Yang: "I didn't catch those muscle mutants last night.

"Their yacht was specially built and very fast, and the armed police couldn't stop them, so they fled to the open sea and into South Goryeo.

Xu Yang said "um", not surprised.

Those people dare to appear, and they must be sure to retreat with their whole body.

The competition of the Guwu Club continued, but the atmosphere was not so enthusiastic.

Everyone is not stupid, and they basically know that muscle mutants are terrible, and ancient warriors are difficult to deal with.

In the evening, the competition ended, and the ancient warriors who won the ranking were all richly rewarded.

On the morning of the third day, when Xu Yang got up, he found a group of young ancient warriors guarding his door.

These people are all cutting-edge masters who won awards in this ancient martial arts meeting.

"Grandmaster Xu, these children sincerely ask for your advice. Zhao Kaizhi, vice chairman of the Guwu Council, said to Xu Yang respectfully, "I beg you to give them a point or two, the council is grateful."

Xu Yang pondered for a moment, and said, "Then I'll give you a brief pointer, I can't guarantee that they will learn anything." "

These cutting-edge ancient martial artists can stand out in the ancient martial arts meeting, and the chance of becoming a big talent in the future is relatively high.

Now point out to them, and in the future, it will be more or less an incense affair.

This group of cutting-edge ancient martial artists immediately bowed excitedly and shouted, "Thank you, Grandmaster Xu!"

As a result, Xu Yang's trip to Wangwu Mountain was postponed for two days.

Xu Yang spent two days instructing these cutting-edge masters.

These cutting-edge masters have gained a lot, and they are grateful and respected to Xu Yang.

In addition, Xu Yang did not work in vain.

The council gave him a 300-year-old ginseng and a 500-year-old He Shou Wu as a reward.

On the morning of the fifth day, Xu Yang and Han Jing left Qingdao City by high-speed train.

In the afternoon, they arrived near Wangwu Mountain.

"What's hidden on this map?" Xu

Yang had some expectations, hoping that it was something related to muscle mutants.

Thinking of the middle sect and the muscle mutants mixed together, Xu Yang had a guess in his heart:

the cultivation method of the muscle mutant people may need the medical Tao of the Shennong Guwu Sect to solve some drawbacks.

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