The next morning, Xu Yang received a call from Feng Chai.

However, Feng Chai did not give Dongying Martial Arts information, but had an important matter to discuss with him.

The sudden appearance of a muscle mutant in the Ancient Martial Arts Society caused a huge shock among the Ancient Martial Artists.

There were three respected martial arts masters who wanted to find Xu Yang personally to learn about the situation of the muscle mutants.

"No problem. Xu Yang agreed, "However, please wait for the specific meeting time, and I will reply to you in the afternoon at the latest." "

These martial arts masters came to him, just so that they could be his disciples and witnesses.

Anyway, there is no one who can really be called a friend in the ancient martial arts world.

Ending the call, Xu Yang picked a good day on the Internet, and then called Yang Fengyi and asked her to go to the living room on the second floor.

After a while, Yang Fengyi came down from the third floor.

Today, Yang Fengyi is dressed a little gorgeously, which makes her, who is already as beautiful as a fairy, even more dazzling.

"Mr. Xu, are you looking for me?" Yang Fengyi walked to the coffee table and asked softly.

In the living room, there were only her and Xu Yang.

Xu's father and mother have already gone to work.

After Xu's father's leg injury recovered, they couldn't stay at home anymore, so they went back to work in the original company, and they all became a deputy director, and they were happy.

Xu Yang glanced up at Yang Fengyi and made a gesture to sit down: "Sister Yang, please take a seat."

Yang Fengyi walked to the leather sofa on the left, sat down elegantly, looked at Xu Yang, and waited for Xu Yang to speak.

Xu Yang said: "The date of formal apprenticeship is basically confirmed, just five days later. You call and communicate with the head of the Su family. If he can come, it's settled.

When Yang Fengyi heard this, she couldn't help but be overjoyed, and finally there would be no change.

She immediately said, "I'm going to call." With that,

she stood up and hurried to the stairs.

When she came down just now, she didn't have her phone with her.

She walked in a hurry, her plump and round buttocks like a huge peach couldn't help but twist from side to side, the hip waves were amazing, Xu Yang happened to see it, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

When Yang Fengyi went up the stairs and couldn't see, Xu Yang retracted his gaze and sighed lightly.

"Alas, you have to find a woman to vent the fire, otherwise you will go mad.

After a while, Yang Fengyi returned and said with a charming smile on her face: "Mr. Xu, my old man said that it was no problem at all.

Xu Yang nodded: "Yes."

"Is there anything we need to do to prepare?"

"No, I don't."

"Sister Yang, it's okay, you go and get busy with yours."

After Yang Fengyi left, Xu Yang called Feng Chai and made an appointment.

Feng Chai immediately said that there was no problem.

Xu Yang revealed again that he accepted apprentices that day and planned to ask Feng Chai and others to testify.

Time was in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day when Xu Yang officially accepted the apprentices.

Feng Chai and the three martial arts masters all gave face as witnesses.

Su Jianshen, the head of the Su family, brought seven or eight core members of the family to Jiangcheng a day early.

Xu Yang and Su Jianshen had a secret conversation.

Su Jianshen hoped that Xu Yang would also protect the Su family.

It turned out that the Su family was a family with a small foundation, and because of the development of the times, it had unexpectedly accumulated an astonishing wealth and hundreds of billions of family businesses.

Because the foundation is not deep enough, hundreds of billions of family businesses have attracted the eyes of some forces.

A few years ago, one of his sons, Yang Fengyi's husband, died in an unknown manner, but he could not take revenge.

Xu Yang agreed.

Su Jianshen immediately gave two billion to Xu Yang, and there was a lot of filial piety every year in the future.

As for the agreed apprenticeship, it remains unchanged.

The apprenticeship ceremony was successfully completed, and Xu Yang officially accepted Su Ying as his first disciple.

In the platinum five-star hotel, after completing the apprenticeship ceremony, Xu Yang, Feng Chai and the three martial arts masters moved to a business meeting room to talk.

In the reception room, Xu Yang basically told the three martial arts masters the truth about the situation of the muscle mutants.

These three martial arts masters have extremely high prestige and connections in the ancient martial arts world, and basically dominate the ancient martial arts world.

In the end, Xu Yang said solemnly: "I strongly suggest that our ancient martial arts world cooperate with the country to find out the secrets of the muscle mutants, and then our ancient martial artists can absorb the essence of them and strengthen us."

"Otherwise, in the near future, it will be the end of

the ancient martial arts!" A martial arts master named Yu Lao immediately objected: "Those are evil demons and crooked ways, and they must not be introduced into the ancient

martial arts world!" "What we should do is to destroy those monsters, and destroy the methods of creating monsters, so as to prevent future troubles!"

The other two martial arts masters were silent and unclear.

Feng Chai did not dare to express his opinion.

Seeing this, Xu Yang did not argue with Yu Lao.

It's ass different.

Although muscle mutants are mysterious, the discerning people basically speculate on the evolution of genetic organisms.

These three martial arts masters are old, and under normal circumstances, old people are not suitable for genetic biological evolution.

If the ancient martial arts world got the secret of the muscle mutant, according to the guess, the strength of the muscle mutated martial arts master would steadily surpass that of the martial arts master!

Because the idea was different, he didn't continue to discuss it, and the conversation ended in less than an hour.

In the afternoon of the same day, Feng Chai, Yu Lao and others left Jiangcheng.

Su Jianshen and the others also left Jiangcheng that night.

Night, Imperial River View.

Su Ying coaxed Xu's father and mother to be happy in the living room on the second floor, she called her grandfather and grandmother one by one, calling Xu's father and mother very happy.

Officially worshipped the teacher, the relationship was confirmed, and Su Ying immediately began to become active.

She was instructed by her mother that it was more useful to make her father and mother happy than to please Xu Yang.

What's more, she had already discovered that Xu Yang was usually deep and silent, and it was not easy to please.

Su Ying was lively in the living room for more than an hour, and when she saw that Xu's father and mother were a little tired, she left the living room and knocked on Xu Yang's study door.

Xu Yang was reading some information about pharmaceutical companies in his study.

All the small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies in Jiangcheng were acquired by the imperial capital Chen family, and Xu Yang had no choice but to set his sights on the three large pharmaceutical companies in Jiangcheng.

It is not realistic for a big pharmaceutical company to buy out completely, but it is still possible to consider acquiring more than 50% of the shares.

Hearing the knock on the door, Xu Yang put down the information, turned around and shouted, "Please come in." The

door opened, and Su Yingqiao's face immediately put on a smile: "Master." In

the past few days, she has been asked by Xu Yang to run every day, until she can't run at all, so that she is starting to be a little scared of Xu Yang.

"Come in. Xu Yang said in a deep voice, "Close the door."

Su Yingjin closed the door with her backhand, and then walked in front of Xu Yang: "Master, don't you like me?"

Xu Yang deliberately scared Su Ying: "So you know." Do you say I like people like you who want to go out of the sect without entering the door?"

"Master, people know it's wrong, I'm just joking with you. Su Ying walked up, picked up one of Xu Yang's arms and said coquettishly, "You must be joking with me, right?"

Xu Yang: "Hehe." "

Master, people are so cute, can't you bear not to like it?"

"Hehe. "

Master, I officially apologize to you, okay?"


Master, people are still children, don't you have a lot of

people?" "You mean to call me stingy?"

"No, absolutely not.

"You're right, I'm just stingy, and I will get revenge. Xu Yang said seriously, "So, in the future, you should be careful, don't offend me."

Su Ying wanted to cry without tears: "I will never let you be angry in the future."

Seeing that Su Ying was almost frightened, Xu Yang said seriously: "This morning, although you officially worshipped the teacher, I haven't told you the origin of our faction's inheritance.

Su Yingmei's eyes suddenly lit up: "Our sect must be very good, right?Is it the first sect in the world?"

Xu Yang said proudly, "I can beat any ancient martial arts sect alone."

Su Ying immediately cooperated with a cry of worship: "Wow——, master is invincible, the first in the world!"

Xu Yang then said solemnly: "Our master is called Shennong Guwumen." The dual cultivation of medicine and martial arts, the inheritance of medical Taoism can be traced back to the ancient Shennong. Therefore, the most important core inheritance of the master is the Tao of Medicine!"

Speaking of this, Xu Yang paused and let Su Ying digest it.

Su Ying was shocked: "It turns out that Gu Wu is not the main core of the sect.

After being taken aback for a while, she asked, "Then I will also learn medicine in the future?"

"You don't have to learn it. Xu Yang said, "Your qualifications are not good enough, and your family expects you to become a martial arts master, so the medical path has nothing to do with you."

Su Ying said angrily: "Master, don't bring such a blow to your great disciple."

Xu Yang: "Hehe."

Su Ying was powerless

: "......" Xu Yang said: "The so-called wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it." In order to pass it on, the sect never publicizes the name of the sect.

"In the future, you can make a name for yourself, but you must not reveal the name of your teacher to others!"

"Including the closest relatives around you, such as your mother."

Su Ying nodded seriously: "The disciple obeys."

Xu Yang then introduced: "There are three veins in Shimen, but there is very little contact between the people of the three veins. Our vein is the main vein.

"And I'm the doorman.

After introducing the master to Su Ying, Xu Yang said, "It's not too early, you go to bed early." You didn't run today, make up for it tomorrow. "

Huh?" Su Ying's whole pretty face collapsed, and she was very painful.

Running twice as much tomorrow, will she still be alive?"

"Master, I'm still a child. She begged for mercy.

Xu Yang was unmoved: "I know."

Su Ying turned around and walked towards the door weakly.

She thought to herself, Master was so ruthless, he must have hated her for being rebellious at the beginning.

What should I do

? How can I make the master stop care?

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and had a plan.

So, she immediately turned around and walked back to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang looked at Su Ying: "What's the matter

?" Su Ying smiled and asked, "Master, is my mother beautiful?"

Xu Yang frowned slightly, and said unceremoniously: "If you have something to say, you can say it directly."

"It's been a few years since my dad died, but my mom is still very young, only 30 years old this year, and I can't bear to let her die alone.

"Master, you are the strongest one, my mother is the first beauty, and the beauty is a hero, and they are a perfect match.

Su Ying said quickly and eloquently: "If you are combined, it is really the most perfect."

Xu Yang was dumbfounded when he heard this, what kind of apprentice did I take, in order to make me more friendly, I actually wanted to sell my own mother.

He came back to his senses and angrily retorted, "What nonsense?

Su Ying was not afraid this time, and left Xu Yang's study with a smile.

The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was a wonderful plan, anyway, there were more men who coveted her mother, and one day her mother would get married.

If her mother marries her master, it will be a family in the future.

Master dared to be fierce to her again, so she asked her mother to beat him!

Ascending to the third floor, before Su Ying entered Yang Fengyi's room, she first squeezed out tears, then pushed open the door and went in, and threw herself into her mother's arms with a crying voice: "Mom-" Yang Fengyi's

heart trembled when she heard this, and she hurriedly asked: "Ying'er, what's wrong? Did your master train you?"

Su Ying choked up half-truthfully, "I will definitely run alive and die of exhaustion, I will die."

Woo woo ...... "Woo woo, I don't want to die, I want my mother to ......"

Yang Fengyi coaxed dotingly, saying that she would find Xu Yang to intercede later.

Su Ying was still crying: "Woo, it's useless." Master, he is hard-hearted, and no one can change what he decides. "

Mom, do you know why Master is so strict with me?"

"Naturally, I want to train you to be a talent. Yang Fengyi said subconsciously.

Su Ying raised her pretty face full of tears, shook her head and said, "No, I offended him from the beginning." Then

, she said what she had said when we met a few days ago.

After Yang Fengyi listened, her eyes darkened for a while.


Fengyi seriously criticized Su Ying, and then took Su Ying down to apologize to Xu Yang.

However, Su Ying shook her head: "No, I apologized to him for this." If you take me down to apologize to him, it will only make him angry and think that we think he is petty. This matter cannot be mentioned again, and the more it is mentioned, the more serious it becomes.

Yang Fengyi calmed down and felt that this was indeed the case.

Tong Yan is unscrupulous, everyone doesn't mention this, and it gradually fades into oblivion as time goes by.

If you take it seriously, you may remember it for a lifetime.

Su Ying cried and begged: "Mom, can you help me intercede, so that Master doesn't order me to run twice as much tomorrow?"

Yang Fengyi sighed: "You girl." So

she got up and walked out of the room.

"Mom, Master is in his study. Su Ying's voice came from behind.

After a while, Yang Fengyi walked to Xu Yang's study, stretched out her slender hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in. Xu Yang's voice came out.

Yang Fengyi took a deep breath, put a little smile on her beautiful face, and then pushed the door open and went in.

"Mr. Xu. Yang Fengyi shouted softly as she closed the door.

Xu Yang stood up: "Sister Yang, what's the matter with you?"

His gaze fell on Yang Fengyi, and found that Yang Fengyi was wearing a nightdress.

The nightdress is made of silk fabric, although it is loose and comfortable, but it is a little thin and a little close-fitting, showing Yang Fengyi's mature and attractive jade body quite provokingly.

Xu Yang guessed that Yang Fengyi was unintentional, so he looked away with just one look.

However, the next moment, Yang Fengyi walked up to him, and it was relatively close.

The mature and charming woman was fragrant, and Xu Yang lowered her face slightly to look at Yang Fengyi.

The jade face is as beautiful as a fairy, the collarbone is delicate and sexy, and a small piece of plump snow is exposed under the neckline of the nightdress, and a little deep.

"Mr. Xu, I want to ask for a favor for Sakura. Yang Fengyi raised her head slightly, looking at Xu Yang's face.

It's just that seeing Xu Yang's face full of fortitude makes her feel that it is difficult to plead.

She continued, "Sakura has been running to her limit every day lately, and if she doubles it tomorrow, she will probably have a hard time eating." Please reduce your running time as appropriate.

Xu Yang was a little speechless, what a loving mother is a loser, what is it to endure a little hardship, he asked Su Ying to double it tomorrow, so that Su Ying could take the opportunity to break through the limit.

Today, Su Ying has a day off.

To improve, to become stronger, you have to break through the limits again and again.

In addition, his disciples do not like to be judged by others.

In the military, instructors have almost absolute authority, and there are even indicators of disability and death during training!

Xu Yang said with some displeasure.

Yang Fengyi thought that Xu Yang insisted on punishing Su Ying.

She hesitated in her heart for a while, feeling that this knot had to be resolved silently, otherwise if it went on like this, she would regret it if Xu Yang crippled Su Ying's training.

"Mr. Xu," Yang Fengyi's voice became coquettish, "I am the mother of the child, and I really can't help but feel sorry for her." As he

spoke, he reached out to pull Xu Yang's hand.

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