Chapter 486

What caught her eye was a recording. Fang Shuhua opened it with trembling hands and heard a familiar male voice coming from inside, "Luoluo, is the cake delicious?"

"It's delicious." Fang Shuhua heard clearly that it was Ning Luoluo's voice when she was a child, and it was the male voice again.

 “Then Luoluo, would you like to play a game with your brother?”

 “What game is it?”

 “You’ll know in a moment Luoluo.”


“Brother, it hurts, I don’t want to play anymore…”


Fang Shuhua didn't know when she finished listening to it. She only knew that except today, she didn't want to listen to this recording again in her life.

She would never have imagined that everything Ning Luoluo told her was true.

"Hello, Dad, Mom. Maybe by the time you see this recording, I am no longer here, because I really can't hold on anymore. In this world, the person I once cared about the most has never believed it. Pass me.

I remember that when I was young, I once made a wish and said that I hope my parents can trust me all my life. When I grow up, I will support my parents and support each other's lives.

I remember very clearly that you promised me at that time. I was very happy. I felt that since you promised, you would definitely do it. But later, it seemed that things were not like this.

They all say that if you say your wish, it will not work. I often wonder if I had not said it out at that time, it would not have turned out like this.

 Mom, I didn’t know about this until I was in the first grade of junior high school.

Only then did I realize that it was wrong. It turned out that this kind of thing should be punished. However, because he is my cousin and because we are related by blood, I know very well that even if this matter comes out, it will not be punished. No one will do anything to him.

I know very well that apart from scolding him, you won't do any real harm to him. In this world, the word "relative" is sometimes too dirty, so dirty that I can't bear it. I am willing to recognize anyone as a relative. I once selfishly thought that except for my grandparents and you, everyone else is irrelevant.

 Whether they live or die has nothing to do with me.

I once thought that if one day no one really believed me, then I would kill him myself.

 But, at this point, I realized that I didn’t have the courage.

 Because, when I see him, I feel sick, and when I see him, I feel scared.

 That day is my birthday, so do you know why I don’t want to celebrate my birthday?

Because, I feel that the most reluctant thing for me to face in these 365 days of the year is my birthday. If possible, I hope that this day will never come and let me forget it. How wonderful .

You always say, don’t read those messy novels and don’t make friends with those messy people. However, I know that this matter is wrong and should be stopped. It is from the messy novels and messy friends you say. learned.

 I’m also thinking, if you had given me relevant knowledge about this kind of thing when I was a child, wouldn’t I be like this today?

However, this is also the current environment. You always feel that this kind of thing should not be said prematurely, or you feel that this kind of thing should not be exposed to the sun.

 But, you are just, it is because of your thoughts that we can no longer see the light and the future.

I am very grateful for the books I have read, the authors who wrote them, and my friends. Without them, I would not know until a long, long time or even after I get married. "

 (End of this chapter)

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