The Mech Touch

Chapter 2418: MeChapter Designers With Integrity

Ves succeeded in making Master Willix hot.

As soon as she expressed her intent to move their conversation to a more private channel, he knew he had succeeded in arousing the great MTA Master's desires.

While he knew that he did not present a flawless case, he managed to persuade her just enough to gain a chance!

Still, just because she pushed out Master Drexel did not mean that she was onboard with Ves' proposal. He knew he still had some ways to go before he gained her support.

Ves did not receive any indication that they changed to a different channel. He had no control over how the Darkbreak module worked.

"Can we speak.. more openly now?" He tentatively asked.

"I cannot guarantee that no one else is listening in." She warned. "However, I am confident that none of the other Masters from the Komodo Branch should be able to patch in. There are others within our vast organization who can do so, but unless they vastly outrank me, we will receive a warning if they attempt to intrude."


"We take privacy very seriously within the MTA." She said with a straight face. "Many mech designers within our ranks collaborate with colleagues who are located many light-years away. Our internal network is designed to be extremely secure and resistant to any unauthorized intrusions. This is the only way we can facilitate earnest cooperation without burdening ourselves with concerns that our work will be leaked."

Yeah, right. Ves would be a fool to take her at her word! Not a single network was truly secure as far as he was concerned. When two people wanted to communicate to each other, there was always room for others to sneak in and intercept some crucial tidbits.

He had little choice but to continue on his current course. After successfully working Master Willix up, he needed to do his best to take advantage of her receptive state.

She had opened herself up to Ves. How could he refuse her generous invitation?

The two began to enter into a deeper discussion. Ves put down his guard a bit and revealed a little more information.

"One of the goals that Gloriana and I are pursuing is to find a method to increase the chances of breakthroughs."

Ves felt very nervous about saying this, but he knew that Master Willix would not be satisfied anymore with his usual routine of misdirection and obfuscation.

This was not the time to flood her with nonsense about proto-gods and divinities!

His serious and plain approach may have been one of the reasons why she paid more attention to his words. He usually wasn't as straightforward about his specialty.

"Go on. Please explain why you think that the two of you are able to accomplish a feat that many other mech designers have failed to achieve. What gives you the confidence that you have any chance to succeed."

Ves raised one finger. "One battle."

He raised four fingers. "Four expert pilots."

He raised ten fingers before lowering and raising one of his palms. "Fifteen expert candidates."

For her part, Master Willix looked intrigued. "That is certainly a persuasive argument. The issue is that it is difficult to attribute these outstanding outcomes on whatever innovation you have claimed to develop. I am sure you agree that there are many other factors that may have played a role in facilitating those breakthroughs."

"You are free to inspect our data once you meet me in person, but only if we can come to an agreement."

She frowned and tapped her heel against the deck. "You are putting me in a difficult situation. While I am inclined to accept your views on the implications of your groundbreaking research, it is very difficult for me to deny it from the rest of the MTA. What you are asking is not normal procedure. I will face considerable pressure from my colleagues and supervisors if I insist on breaking protocol to accommodate your requests."

"I believe in you, ma'am. You're a big shot within the MTA, right? I am confident you can make things done."

"..Perhaps." She conceded, but she did not soften her expression. "That does not mean that I am willing to do so. I will have to cash in many favors and expend a considerable amount of political capital in order to keep our cooperation between ourselves. This is a private deal that breaks many rules."

"I disagree. That's the wrong way to look at it. Even if our arrangement breaks some rules, you can justify it as long as it serves the greater interest of the MTA. Some of my experimental innovations are literally head-popping. Do you think that faced with the temptation of unlocking the secret behind producing more expert pilots, your fellow mech designers within the MTA could resist the urge to conduct experiments on a massive scale?"

The silence was deafening. Though she did not explicitly deny his prediction, her silence was a very obvious signal in itself.

Ves inwardly grinned. He knew it! From what he heard about their secret manipulations and unethical experiments on unwitting mech pilots, the MTA was hardly as pristine as outsiders thought.

Those lurid tales shared by fellow mech designers made Ves suspect that the researchers of the MTA may not be so different from their counterparts from the Five Scrolls Compact!

Of course, Ves did not think that his own kind were too unscrupulous. Unlike the nutcases of the secretive cult, the mech designers of the MTA generally served a greater cause. An organization as strong as the MTA probably invested a lot in indoctrinating its members.

This was why Ves never phrased his suggestions in a way that gave Master Willix the impression that she would be turning against her own organization.

He needed to delude her into thinking that his attempt to bribe her would actually serve the MTA's overall interests!

The opening was small, but as long as it existed, Ves was confident he could succeed!

Since Master Willix didn't say anything, he proceeded as if she tacitly consented with his words. He continued to paint a distorted picture.

"Mech designers like us are greedy for progress. That is not inherently bad. I am sure that Masters such as you have managed to achieve great feats that have elevated the standard of mech design. Yet the pursuit of knowledge can easily go astray. I am also plagued with temptations."

"Are you saying that you are filled with unclean desires?"

"I wouldn't put it that way." He frowned. "Many of my ideas are both great and terrible, but that does not mean I am eager to try them out. You are lucky that I am someone who possesses excellent restraint. As a classically-trained and educated mech designer, I follow the scientific method to a tee. I have never let my intense desire for progress override my sense of what is right. We have seen how depraved researchers can be during the Age of Conquest. We have moved beyond that and become better humans as a result."

"Well said, Mr. Larkinson." She offered him a warm smile. "Many people take this for granted, but it is truly important to safeguard our current standards. When we no longer show any restraint, we devolve into monsters."

"I feel as if you and I are like-minded mech designers." Ves quickly continued. "While we are completely different in terms of age, background, design philosophy and many other details, we are still mech designers who humbly wish to serve mech pilots. How many of your fellow Masters will keep this mission in mind when they have gained access to one of my dangerous new methods?"

"The Association holds its mech designers to a higher standard."

"Do you truly stand by this statement? Can you seriously tell me that the MTA is truly filled with virtuous mech designers?"

While it was difficult for Master Willix to acknowledge the MTA's dirty laundry, she possessed too much integrity to say anything disingenuous.

"It is not wise to speak of this. As with any large organization, the Association has its fair share of bad apples and skeletons in its closet. As a whole, the MTA still serves a noble cause. The proliferation of mechs is key to pacifying humanity. The advancement of mechs offers everyone the hope of moving beyond warships. Developing the minidrive has brought us one step closer to phasing out destructive warships as humanity's ultimate weapon of choice."

She was simply waving the flag at this point. Her words were largely hollow to Ves. She merely wanted to restore some dignity.

"Let's be real. If I told you that my method can potentially double the chance of breakthroughs, but can also backfire and kill 10 percent of the mech pilots who participate in an experiment, will all of your fellow mech designers really show restraint?"

Ves certainly wouldn't, that was for sure!

"You have made a very persuasive argument." She conceded. "However, it is not enough for me to take you at your word. If your experiment is truly dangerous enough to warrant withholding your research data from the rest of the MTA, then I will need to inspect your complete records in person."

"Does this mean you agree to my proposal?"

She shook her head. "Not so fast. While I am open to studying your complete research data, that does not automatically mean that I am receptive to collaborating with you. Aside from the substantial gap between us, the services of a Master of my stature is immensely valuable. You do not deserve my help."

"I disagree. Sharing some of my research with you and letting you see me at work during our collaborative mech design projects should be enough, right?"

Ves began to fear that Master Willix would suggest that he pay her with much of the merits that he had earned from defeating the Allidus Alliance.

This was not acceptable! Ves needed to steer her away from this topic as soon as possible!

"Don't discount the value of my accomplishments just because I'm a Journeyman. How many Journeymen developed something as unique and effective as glows? How many Journeymen produced mechs with enhancements that have contributed to the sheer amount of mech pilots breaking through during just a single battle? Even if my methods are still rudimentary, my radical paradigms are completely unique and unlike any other established methodologies. In the future, my methods will only become more effective. Wouldn't it be better for you to get in on the action before they have lifted off? With you involved, you can also make sure that I do not go astray."

Master Willix raised her palm. "Enough. You have made your case. While I have not made any definite decisions, I am open to make some exceptions if it turns out that this course of action is truly the best way forward. Let us meet when you reach Cinach. I need to comb over all of your research data and study your mechs."

Yes! While she hadn't accepted his proposal, Ves knew that he had passed the most difficult hurdle. Her willingness to do this much already showed that she was inclined to accept his proposal!

The thought of gaining the services of one of the best Master Mech Designers in the star cluster in his expert mech design projects already made him salivate!

There were hardly any other mech designers who could fulfill his need better than Master Willix!

Though Ves no doubt had to make a lot of concessions, it was worth it if he gained her support!

"Can you keep the rest of the MTA off my back?" He asked. "As I have already stated, I work best if I have ample space to innovate. Too much meddling and intervention will only slow me down and rob the mech community of my revolutionary new solutions."

"I can do that, but remember, you better make sure that you can justify these extraordinary measures. I do not enjoy breaking or bending the rules without a good cause."

Ves grinned. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. My mechs will prove you have made the right decision!"

It was at this moment that he truly began to relax. He succeeded in hooking Master Willix! Now he just had to reel her in so that he could have fish for dinner!

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