The Mech Touch

4205 Meeting the Envoy

In the end, Ves grew too curious at what Tristan and the Fridaymen had to say. He agreed to the suggestion of meeting the Fridayman envoy in person.

Even if Ves held no interest in reconciling with the Fridaymen, he still wanted to get in touch with Tristan again and learn how the man was doing these days.

Perhaps it might not have been appropriate for Ves to regain contact with Tristan while the Komodo War had entered its hottest period, but that was already in the past.

Seeing as certain elements of the Friday Coalition no longer treated the Hexers as strictly enemies, it should be okay for Ves to renew his personal friendship with Tristan!

It did not take long for the diplomats from both sides to hammer out the details. Since the Larkinsons held the dominant position in this negotiation, it was up to them to decide the meeting venue and circumstances.

"Let's invite him over to the Cat Nest, Benny." Ves decided. "I think it would be best if we meet him at a site where we are able to exert maximum control."

"Which structure or area of the Cat Nest do you prefer to sit down with Tristan?" Gavin Neumann asked. "The exact site will have a large influence on the atmosphere and setting of the upcoming talks."

"Hmm. Let's go with the fanciest option. We need to impress the Fridaymen, after all. Schedule an appointment at one of those fancy ceremonial meeting rooms on the upper levels of the Ascension Gallery. Tristan will definitely gain a deeper impression of our power once he tours the different wings underneath."

"Good choice. We will schedule the appointment as soon as possible."

The Fridayman diplomats had no objections to this choice. It was not as if they could change anything anyway. They were already happy that Ves finally deigned to speak with them in person.

On the fated day, Ves had dressed up in one of his more ceremonial outfits. Though he wanted to meet with Tristan as a fellow mech designer, the stakes were too high for him to take this meeting too lightly.

By putting up a costume that was not only bedecked with symbolic icons but also increased his stature by adding a rich maroon cape, Ves automatically assumed a different attitude and demeanor.

Lucky also received a bit of care and attention. A special bot hovered over his metallic form to clean and polish his exterior plating to a shine.


Minister Shederin Purnesse, who had dressed himself up in a more muted brown business suit, was also present at this time. He had already spent an hour coaching Ves on how to approach the coming meeting.

"It is up to you to decide how to approach your first formal talk with the Friday Coalition, but I suggest you put your personal whims and feelings aside, at least for this session. You are not only representing yourself, but also a clan that encompasses over half a million members, many of which are highly skilled and highly educated. Each of them have entrusted their lives and their futures to you. Don't betray their trust by fooling around and conceding more than is necessary. In fact, it is best not to make any agreements in the first meeting. You should always come back to us in order to hold rational discussions on how we should best proceed. Decisions taken at the heat of the moment rarely work out well."

"I understand." Ves said as he examined his dashing and heroic appearance in front of a mirror projection. "I will be speaking with Tristan alone, right?"

"Yes. Representatives from both sides will be listening in, but we will all be staying in another room. We will always be able to provide clarification or answers should you ask."

"Good. Let's get this going."

Ves moved to the ceremonial meeting room that the clan had prepared for this occasion.

Totems of the Golden Cat along with other custom decorations significantly elevated the rich decor. Dramatized paintings of the glorious battles that the Larkinson Clan had fought and won along with the pristine banners of every mech legion gave the room a martial vibe.

Everything in this ceremonial chamber was designed to project the strength of the Larkinson Clan.

The implicit message was anything but subtle. The time where the Larkinsons had to cower and run away from the Fridayman had passed.

This time, it was the visitors who had to grovel in front of the host!

While Lucky jumped onto a table and settled in a comfortable position, Ves approached the wide and ornate windows and looked out over the expansive campus of the Cat Nest.

The large and expansive compound situated in Industrial District 2 had been his home for the past five years.

He gazed at the Blue Cat Estates where many of the clansmen resided. The idyllic houses and apartments had charmed so many Larkinsons that many of them had applied to transfer to the Davute Branch in order to make this part of their lives permanent.

The massive Hammerworks Manufacturing Complex dominated much of the space of the Cat Nest. The amount of industrial activity that took place within its productive halls had ramped up so much after successive investments that over 2000 mechs rolled out of the production lines each standard day!

The Genesis Lab where the entire Design Department had worked at for 5 years also turned into a formidable institution. Hiring over a thousand mech designers and a bunch of other specialists had turned it into a mecca of mech design in this neighborhood.

Aside from these prominent structures, the surface of the Cat Nest was also prized by many Larkinsons and visitors. The green parks and plazas not only granted people an opportunity to relax and enjoy the pleasant sights, but also granted them the opportunity to interact and play with all of the cats that made the place their home!

The abundance of cats and other pets that resided or regularly dropped by had turned the Cat Nest into such an eccentric site that it had practically become a tourist attraction of Davute!

"How fun."

He would be lying if he said that he hated his time here. Davute had done wonders to give him and his clan the rest and stability that they craved. The rigors and dangers of space travel could wear away the sanity of any human.

Perhaps Ves truly needed this vital period of rest and recuperation. He noticed that he had become a lot less restless and prone to making extreme decisions as of late.

"This can't go on much longer." He whispered to himself.

Returning to sanity and normality might be great if he wanted to live a normal life, but that was not his goal. He wanted to become a Star Designer and reach the pinnacle of mech design. It was impossible for him to work his way up this height without exposing himself to a sense of urgency and pressure.

Ves increasingly missed all of the stimulation he received back when he was still journeying from one dangerous place to another. The Trailblazer Expedition was primarily meant to ignite his drive again so that he could design much more brilliant mechs in the coming years.

A chime sounded in the room. Ves turned around just as the double doors automatically slid open.

Two guests had arrived at the upper levels of the Ascension Gallery. The smartly-dressed woman that accompanied Tristan up to this point had carefully schooled her emotions and body language, but the same could not be said for the man of the hour.

Ves knew that the little ploy to give Tristan a brief tour through the Cat Nest and the Ascension Gallery had succeeded.

Hardly anyone could remain calm after touring all of the impressive display mechs and large depictions of every design spirit. The power and accomplishments of the Larkinson Clan exceeded that of many organizations that had arrived in the Red Ocean in the past few years!

Though Tristan had already read and heard a lot about the rapid growth of the Larkinsons, the impact was much greater if he became exposed to the splendor up close.

However, Tristan was not a dummy who could be fooled so easily. He not only received expert instruction, but also possessed the maturity and life experience to recognize the game that was being played.

Journeymen were clever and observant people as a rule. Tristan may have been affected by the earlier displays, but he did not want to let down the people who invested him with responsibility.

The Fridayman took a deep breath and steadily strode forward.

Just like Ves, Tristan dressed up by wearing a ceremonial dress uniform. While his outfit was not as opulent as that of a clan leader, he looked handsome as his neatly combed blond hair paired well with his white ensemble.

The double doors closed, giving the two men the illusion of privacy.

"Welcome to the Larkinson Clan, Mr. Wesseling." Ves greeted his visitor in a slightly officious tone. "I hope that your visit to the Cat Nest has been pleasant."

"It is definitely a unique experience, Patriarch Larkinson." Tristan mildly replied. "The Red Ocean has presented me with many new sights. It is interesting how visiting this new dwarf galaxy makes one realize how small their home states actually are. Places such as the Friday Coalition and the Garlen Empire do not carry as much weight all the way over here. One of the lessons that I have learned is that everyone who has arrived in the new frontier has to start from scratch."

"That is both the charm and the pitfall of the Red Ocean. Many dreams have come true in this dwarf galaxy, but many more have been relentlessly crushed by the ruthlessness that dominates this region of space."

Tristan swept his gaze around the ornamental room. "Your clan doesn't appear to have been crushed at all. Starting anew in the Red Ocean has done you and your clan a great favor."

"No thanks to the Friday Coalition." Ves pointedly said.

History could have proceeded a lot differently if Ves and his clan never got into conflict with the Fridaymen. So much death and misery has ensued after the Bright Republic abruptly turned against one of its prestigious military families due to receiving instructions from their unofficial masters.

Of course, it didn't help that Ves started to hook up with a Hexer, but that was besides the point.

Ves was growing tired of this dance. He decided to address the reason for this meeting.

"My people have been telling me that you have come to me in order to convey the Friday Coalition's words, is that correct?"

Tristan nodded, though he did not look particularly firm while doing so. "That is… correct. The central government has turned me into an envoy and has invested me with certain powers, rights and responsibilities. The state that I am representing wants to hold a serious discussion with you and your clan."

"What kind of discussion?"

"About peace."

"Hasn't the Komodo War ended a long time ago? The Hexadric Hegemony who I have supported is gone."

Tristan did not look amused. "You know what I am talking about, patriarch. The war back at our home star sector may have ended, but the war that is boiling in the Magair Middle Zone has continued to intensify over time. Fridaymen and Hexers are still fighting against each other in a time where it makes little sense to pursue old grievances. We may have driven the Hexers out of the Komodo Star Sector, but don't forget it is ultimately them that have started the entire conflict in the first place. We were never the aggressors. We have always maintained a defensive posture and only attacked when we were compelled to retaliate. Even you should be able to acknowledge that we have always been saner than the Hexers."

Ves snorted. "I am not interested in the rights and wrongs of the long-standing rivalry between the two sides. From my perspective, you Fridaymen have screwed me over time and time again while the Hexers have always supported me. Nothing you say can change that. Given that your state has tried to wipe me and my clansmen out, I don't feel like being generous to you. Don't think that the fact that quite a few years have passed since then will make me look at the Friday Coalition with rose-tinted glasses. I still take pleasure in imagining the demise of your state."

What could Tristan say to that? While the Friday Coalition had managed to achieve real progress by getting to meet with Ves in person, his harsh tone made it a lot more difficult to achieve reconciliation between the two sides!

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