The country of waves.

Under night, in a remote small village, several hunters were walking in the small village carrying their prey.

"What does Qian Yuye do with live prey?"

"Who knows, he wants these live prey since asking two days ago."

"Why do you care so much? Just take it if you have money."

"Nowadays, life is difficult, so it would be nice to have this job."

"Good luck today."

"Yes, it's really good. I caught this prey without any trouble, and I can get some money in exchange for it."

Finally, several hunters stopped in front of a cabin and knocked on the door.

"Qian Yuye, open the door, the prey you want is here."

At this time, a thin man with black hair and black eyes opened the door, and while giving out ten pieces of silver, he said, "Thank you for this time, uncle."

The hunter took the money and carried the prey into the house and said, "It doesn't matter, they are all from the same village. Call me next time if this happens."

Qian Yuye watched them leave, closed the door, and looked at the prey on the ground. It was a wild wolf. The wild wolf was struggling violently, but its legs and mouth were tied with ropes. Qian Yuye took a knife from the table and said, "We can finally start."

A knife was aimed at the wolf's eye and stabbed directly. The wolf struggled violently, and after a while there was no movement. When the wolf died.

A blue light point quickly flew from the wolf's body into Qian Yuye's body, and the wolf's body gradually disappeared.

[Energy +5]

Qian Yuye said, "It's okay. At five o'clock this time, the energy is finally enough, and the mechanical core can also move."

Qian Yuye looked at his mechanical core introduction interface:

Dominator name: Qian Yuye

Item name: Mechanical core

Item Level: World Secret Treasure

Core function: energy conversion

Building Name: Fully Automated Machinery Factory [Unlocked], Civilization Laboratory [Unlocked], Research Institute of All Things [Unlocked], Library of Truth [Unlocked]

Energy points: 101

Civilization fire: 0

Introduction: The wealth of a civilization, a treasure that everyone wants to get.

Qian Yuye looked at these 101 points and gave the instruction to the mechanical core to "create a first-level combat robot."

As the command is given, the 100 energy points return to zero, leaving only one energy point.

The mechanical core can be manufactured directly using energy, but manufacturing it in the void requires ten times the energy. You can also unlock a fully automated machine factory and use materials to build a machine factory. The machine factory can manufacture everything from pistols to battleships.

"There are still things missing. If there is a mechanical factory, you can create a special mechanical soldier with 10 energy points."

The mechanical core emits a blue light, and a virtual shadow appears in the blue light. Light points continue to pour in from the surroundings. The virtual shadow gradually becomes real, gradually grows in size, and becomes the height of a normal person.

[The first-level combat mechanical soldier is manufactured. 】

Standing in front of Qian Yuye was a man about the same height as him, about 20 years old, with an upright body and a cold, expressionless face.

Wearing a black military uniform, black shoes, a black hat, and an epaulette. On the silver epaulette is a golden triangle mark, and the whole body matches the military uniform. He was not wearing a gun and was barehanded. Although he was not carrying a weapon, he was wearing a pair of black gloves.

"LG001 level one combat robot, I've met the Overlord."

The fighting robot walked up to Qian Yuye, stood upright, and saluted Qian Yuye.

Although the mechanical soldiers are mechanical creations and have no intelligence, they have intelligent templates and can carry out simple communication and commands.

Of course, the higher the level of the mechanical soldier, the higher the intelligence. But there are other ways to increase wisdom, and that is to integrate the fire of civilization. A mechanical soldier with the fire of civilization cannot be regarded as a mechanical soldier, but a mechanical race.

Qian Yuye opened the mechanical soldier information interface.

[Type: Combat Mechanical Soldier]

[No.: LG001]

[Rank: Level 1]

[Skill: Mixed Martial Arts]

[Weapon: Alloy Gloves]

[Talent: Mechanical creation, not afraid of life and death, not afraid of pain, infinite loyalty. As long as the mechanical heart is intact, the mechanical soldiers will not die. When a mechanical soldier is destroyed, it can be recycled or recast according to its completeness. 】

[Advancing conditions: 50 energy points]

"From today on, your name is Gu, and you will be my guard."

"Your safety is the highest order, and I will protect you with my life."

Zai Gu walked to the door and stood on guard while Qian Yuye packed the items in the room.

In fact, there is nothing to deal with. I just came to this world and for my own safety. In order to accumulate energy during the past three days, Qian Yuye not only went out to set traps for hunting, but also used money to make purchases.

Tomorrow he would leave the village and head to the town.

After simply packing up his things, Qian Yuye lay on the bed, looking at the dark roof, and gradually fell asleep.

Qian Yuye is a time traveler. His name was Li Hua in his previous life. He grew up in an orphanage. Because he was appreciated by Li Baiyu in the orphanage, he funded his studies. He graduated at the age of 22 and worked in the company. He became the CEO of the company at the age of 24. He passed away at the age of 27. He resigned as CEO at the age of 29 and went abroad to establish LG Group. He is a successful person and an outstanding entrepreneur.

On the surface, such an outstanding entrepreneur is secretly the protector of the largest armed smuggling group in Country M and the coastal areas of Southeast Asia.

Originally everything was going smoothly. But seven days ago, Interpol accidentally targeted Li Hua through a traitor. After three days of non-stop arrest, Li Hua was captured and shot the next day.

People who have never died can never truly understand the great terror that death truly represents, the loneliness and nothingness that is like an eternal night, and any language is feeble to describe it.

The mechanical core is the fusion with his soul when it is floating in nothingness after death.

The Kelad Civilization is the first unified civilization in the universe, and the mechanical core is a creation of Kelad at its peak.

Due to the collapse of the universe, Caillard's universe has come up with various self-rescue methods, such as artificial universe, two-way foil, high-dimensional evolution, universe rebirth plan, etc., and the mechanical core is the one selected when the self-rescue plan fails. Civilization Tinder Project.

The final result is that the Caillard civilization still did not escape the collapse of the universe. The universe collapsed, and the artificial universe also perished. The two-way foil plan, the high-dimensional evolution plan, and the universe rebirth plan all failed with the collapse of the universe.

The mechanical core is made under such circumstances, and all the essence of a universe is gathered like this. Even so, the mechanical core cannot theoretically escape the collapse of the universe.

Dr. Yagai, chief scientist of the Kelad First Research Institute, proposed integrating high-dimensional evolution and artificial universe plans into the mechanical core.

Because the rapid collapse of the universe caused 1/3 of the universe to turn into nothingness, this plan was officially established.

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