The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 105 Summary after the war

When Zabuza found out about this, although he was a little surprised, Zabuza didn't say much.

After all, the selection of Mizukage is not a test of ordinary ninjas and ordinary people, but based on the Jonin of Kirigakure Village. Otherwise, someone from the Oniden clan would have become the fourth generation Mizukage.

However, through this incident, Zabuza also improved his plan. When he looked at the constantly improving plan in his hand, Zabuza's hope gradually rose.

In Zabuza's plan, if he can complete it, then in Zabuza's view, his ascending to the position of Mizukage will be unstoppable, even if the Genshi objects.

Just when Zabuza was about to implement his plan, Terumi Mei and Kiden Mangetsu also started their own plans.

Although Kiden Mangyue was surprised that he suddenly became a candidate for Mizukage, Kiden Mangyue did not panic too much. After a period of thinking, Kiden Mangyue also started his own plan.

In this way, when the Mizukage candidates were wary of each other and other candidates, they all started their own plans.

The eternal city.

Jiumu Muhai stood in the execution hall and reported to Qian Yuye, who was sitting on the throne, about this period and the previous work content.

"Your Majesty, after counting these days, the approximate data of the second district has been calculated."

"The second district has 1.1 million residents. Most of them have no resistance to the rule of the Machine Empire. Some people are resistant because of the closed policy implemented by the empire."

"As for wealth, most of the wealth in the second district is accumulated in the hands of the nobles, about 1.6 billion. Although the empire cannot use it, it is a good support for the empire's plan."

“However, most of the citizens in District 2 currently live in mud houses or dilapidated houses, which need to be built by the empire.

Although infrastructure construction will be carried out in the empire's plan, now is the time to win people's hearts, so I suggest that grassroots construction can start early. "

"The resources in the second area are probably..."

As Jiu Muhai finished his report, everyone in the execution hall nodded. The resources in the second area were still sufficient.

You must know that the main reason that limits the development of the empire is resources. Once the empire has enough resources, everyone feels that the empire's strength can overwhelm the entire ninja world.

"Black Blade, how is the situation in Takigakure Village?"

After Jiumu Hai finished his report, Qian Yuye looked at the black blade and spoke to the black blade at the same time.

This report is also a daily report for everyone, although most Qian Yuye can understand things through Skynet.

But Qian Yuye was not very clear about the specific situation, so there was a meeting once a week, and this time it was this month's meeting.

As Qian Yuye spoke, Black Blade also stood up, saluted Qian Yuye, and then began to report to Qian Yuye about the situation in Longyin Village.

"In this attack on Takigakure Village, the First Mechanical Legion lost 500 mechanical soldiers, killed a total of 1,000 ninjas, and captured 500 ninjas. Now all of them have been imprisoned."

"Takigakure Village is not as wealthy as the empire imagined. After our search, we did not find any local resentment. At the same time, Takigakure Village's trump card, the Water of Heroes, is also very rare."

"In this battle, only 500 ninjas and a large number of ordinary villagers and a small amount of money are left in Takigakure Village."

"But this war is for the country of Taki, so this gain is still acceptable."

Just when Black Blade finished speaking and was about to return, he suddenly remembered something and continued, "After this war in Takigakure Village, Nanao has surrendered. So far, she has performed well..."

After saying that, Hei Ren sat back in his seat and finished his report.

Shennong also stood up directly and reported to Qian Yuye, "Your Majesty, my mission has been completed very well this time. This war can be said to have reduced Konoha's potential a lot."

Speaking of this, Shennong was also full of joy and pride. You know who made Konoha look like this after so many years of establishment, and only he, Shennong, could do it. How could he not be proud?

"I took advantage of this war to bring back the entire Hyuga clan, but the secret of Konoha failed. I hope your Majesty will forgive me."

After Shennong finished speaking, he bowed his head to Qian Yuye and admitted his mistake.

However, Qian Yuye expressed satisfaction with Shennong's completion of this mission. To be honest, Qian Yuye did not expect that Shennong would go so smoothly this time. You must know that Shennong relied on the power of the Nine-Tails to completely defeat Konoha.

Not to mention that Shen Nong also gave Qian Yuye a big surprise this time, and actually captured the entire Hyuga clan.

Then Qian Yuye asked Shen Nong whether it was us who could capture the entire Hyuga clan.

As the first family in Konoha, the Hyuga clan also has its own dignity. Maybe when it comes to life and death, the Hyuga clan may live and die with Konoha.

Regarding Qian Yuye's question, Shennong said disdainfully, "Although the Hyuga clan still has some dignity, the members of the clan of the Hyuga clan do not have this awareness."

"The main reason this time is that I met an elder of the clan, and then held him hostage and forced the members of the branch to surrender. The old man was very cooperative, so..."

Although Shennong didn't finish what he said, Qian Yuye also knew what happened next. The dignified No. 1 family in Konoha was collectively captured like this.

This is almost the same as Uchiha's situation, which makes people feel incredible.

While Qian Yuye was thinking, Bei Liuhu also stood up and reported the situation, but compared with Shennong's, Bei Liuhu's record was still relatively small.

As Bei Liuhu's report was completed, everyone began to report on the recent situation in the empire.

This report lasted until the afternoon. In the afternoon, everyone returned to their work places, and Qian Yuye also walked into the palace.

After arriving at his office and sitting on his chair, all kinds of information and the situations reported by the ministers kept flooding in his mind.

As someone with a mechanical core, Qian Yuye has a lot of knowledge in his mind, but these contents only occupy a small part of his mind.

At the same time, Qian Yuye's hands were not idle, and he began to write his plan on the paper.

It can be said that this plan went very smoothly. The country of Taki was obtained, the country of wind was controlled, Kirigakure Village was also infiltrated, and Konoha was severely weakened.

Moreover, this war also caused turmoil in the ninja world, causing Kumogakure and Iwagakure to focus on Konoha and ignore the existence of the empire.

It can be said that, so far, the Empire's plan has been successful.

Thinking of this, Qian Yuye found that what the empire needed most now was accumulation. After these few wars, it could be said that it was time for the empire to accumulate again.

Not to mention that no one in the current ninja world dares to move casually. Once there is a big move, the fourth ninja war may occur.

Thinking of this, Qian Yuye decided on the subsequent development of the empire. He must first accumulate a certain amount of foundation and then push the entire ninja world across the board.

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