The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 121 Sasuke's Shock

After hearing Zabuza's words, Sasuke was stunned for a moment. Looking at the confused Sasuke in front of him, Zabuza couldn't help but snorted.

"Hmph, how about it, is this thing okay?"

Hearing Zabuza's snort, Sasuke reacted from his confusion, but he ignored Zabuza's words and asked Zabuza a question.

"How is it possible that there is armor that can directly make people become shadow-level strength... No, it is a battle armor, but this is impossible. How can you create such a thing."

You know, the life potion is different from the armor. Although there is nothing the same as the life potion in the ninja world, there are still many similar things. That's why Sasuke did not doubt Zabuza at the beginning. After all, this thing is real.

However, the armor is beyond Sasuke's imagination. You know, the shadows in the five great ninja villages are only at the shadow level. As a result, the other party now says that one armor can create a shadow. This is something Sasuke cannot imagine.

"You have to know that you don't have the potion of life. What's wrong with the appearance of a armor now? Is it possible for the things you think can appear? Sasuke Uchiha, your vision is still too low. You must know that the water in the ninja world is very deep."

When Sasuke heard Zabuza's words, he also retorted, "Although we don't have the life potion in Konoha, we still have something similar to the life potion, but it has side effects, so we don't distribute it on a large scale."

"As for my vision, I am the one who owns the Uchiha clan's collection. I can find out everything in the ninja world."

"No matter how much you say, it's useless. Why don't you put it on and try it on and you will know."

Zabuza was annoyed and asked Sasuke to put on the armor, so that the other party could naturally understand the strength brought by the armor.


Sasuke looked at Zabuza's impatient expression, and then looked at the armor in the box, with an undisguised look of questioning on his face.

Zabuza looked at Sasuke, his tone full of disdain, and said to Sasuke, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago. Don't worry, I'm lending you this this time because of the request we made before. Don't worry. I won’t let you die until you complete your request.”

As soon as Zabuza finished speaking, Sasuke felt relieved. He was really afraid that the other party wanted to kill him, but after hearing what the other party said, Sasuke felt that there was nothing wrong with him. After all, there was no benefit in killing him now.

"How do you get this thing?"

However, then Sasuke asked Zabuza how to get the armor. Just now, Sasuke walked to the box and reached out to take out the so-called armor inside.

As a result, in Sasuke's indifferent mood, Sasuke didn't take out the armor. Sasuke looked at the armor in front of him and felt a little curious in his heart.

Could this thing really enhance my strength to the shadow level?

Then Sasuke tried to take out the armor with great hope, but failed, which made Sasuke feel incredible.

However, Sasuke also thought that he couldn't get it out now, so Sasuke went to Zabuza and asked him how he got the armor.

"Without my permission, you can't take out the armor, even if you smash the box."

Zabuza said as he came to the box and put his hand on the armor.

"The battle armor is lifted, prepare to plant equipment!"

"Beep! The battle armor has been lifted and will be installed soon! Please pay attention!!"

"Come here, just stand in front of the box. You don't need to take the armor."

Seeing all this, Sasuke walked to the box and saw that there was nothing on the armor, but now it was covered with blue lines, which looked particularly mysterious.

"Please note that it will be installed soon!"

"Please note that it will be installed soon!"

As the sound in the box fell, the armor that had been motionless in the box just now flew out.

I saw that the armor had red eyes and a silver-grey body. The armor was covered with lines of psionic energy. At the same time, there was a huge knife on the back of the armor.

Sasuke looked at the armor in front of him, his pupils narrowed, and his face was full of shock. Just now, when he was guessing what the implant was, he found that this thing flew out directly.

As Sasuke looked shocked, the armor flew directly towards Sasuke, and during the flight, the armor suddenly turned into parts.

Then before Sasuke could react, the armor had already begun to reorganize on Sasuke.

By the time Sasuke reacted, the armor had been reorganized on Sasuke. After the armor was successfully installed, Sasuke stood quietly in the armor.

As Sasuke's consciousness returned, Sasuke discovered that what he saw in his eyes had instructions.

At this moment, a voice came out from the battle armor: "Beep, since you are not the owner of "Silver" and do not have the right to drive, the battle armor is about to..."

Beep! "Silver" has granted you the right to drive. Since it is your first time to wear the armor, the armor will introduce you to the armor. "

As time went by, Sasuke also understood everything in the armor. Looking at the data analysis of the armor in front of him and his own figure, Sasuke also completely controlled the armor.


As a voice sounded, Sasuke suddenly rushed out. Sasuke looked at his speed and felt full of power in his body.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

However, Sasuke did not spend too much time returning to Zabuza. As soon as he came back, Sasuke said to Zabuza, "I want this. With this, I will be able to take revenge."

"This thing is just lent to you, so you don't have to think about it."

Just when Sasuke was happy, one sentence brought Sasuke back to reality.

This reminded Sasuke that Zabuza had indeed said that he would just lend it to him, which made Sasuke think about how he could own this armor.

But after thinking for a while, Sasuke gave up. Even with the armor, he might not be able to kill Zabuza, not to mention that the armor belonged to the opponent. He still saw the sentence on the armor just now.

In an instant, Sasuke became decadent.

"I can't give this to you. After all, this armor is very precious."

After hearing this, Sasuke nodded subconsciously. In his opinion, this was simply an artifact.

"But now this armor belongs to you. If you don't have this armor, you won't be able to complete the mission I gave you."

At this time, Sasuke realized that the other party gave him a task this time.

"What's the mission?"

"Haha, you won't shirk this task. If you weren't the most suitable for this task, I don't believe you can complete it."

Sasuke was also stunned. He couldn't kill the opponent even though he put on the armor. Sasuke thought for a moment and slowly said a name.

"Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Do you want me to kill Uzumaki Naruto?"

Zabuza shook his head, and then his tone became serious, and he said to Sasuke word for word, "This time your mission is also your revenge target, Uchiha Itachi!"

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