The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 137 Soul Ferry Plan and Mechanical Soldier Manufacturing Update Plan

Beilihu's secret plan was a project he specially prepared for this campaign.

"Soul Ferry Plan."

Bei Liuhu discovered that in the Mechanical Empire, basically most technologies have basic knowledge.

Information on electricity, materials, energy, etc. are all available in the empire's database.

But there is one kind of information that there is little or even no information in the empire, and that is the knowledge about the soul.

When Beilihu learned that Orochimaru had joined the empire, he also had some doubts. After all, the two parties were good friends before, and Beilihu certainly knew Orochimaru's abilities.

With Orochimaru's ability, he is still very competitive to obtain the position of executive officer, not to mention that when the empire is short of talents, it can be said to be an easy task. Even Beilihu himself knows that he cannot stop it.

However, when thinking of this, Beiruhu's mind arose with the idea of ​​competing with Orochimaru.

In the past, my situation was not good, and I could only be left far behind by Orochimaru and the other two. Now, although Orochimaru is very capable, he is not weak, not to mention that I have been familiar with it for a longer time. From this point of view, , both sides have hope.

Thinking of this, Bei Liuhu's heart was filled with expectations.

However, Beilihu thought of Orochimaru's talent, so Beilihu thought about it and finally thought of a way, which was to develop something that would shock the empire.

If you want to win, you must win it in one go, otherwise Orochimaru's ability will catch up sooner or later.

So after Beilihu consulted a large amount of imperial information, Beilihu initially focused on chakra, but because the empire had a complete psionic energy system, Beilihu gave up this idea.

I picked up the second plan, which was the soul.

There are very few descriptions of souls in the imperial materials, and this is why Beilihu wants to study it.

Once you have researched it yourself, your position as a technology executive will be almost secure.

So Beilihu began to study all aspects of the soul.

At first, Beiruhu had no brains. After all, there were not many things in this area in the ninja world. It was not until Beiruhu noticed a ninjutsu that Konoha possessed that gave Beiruhu hope again.

That was the forbidden technique in Konoha that sealed away the corpses, so Beiruhu went inside the empire to see if there was such a forbidden technique. If not, he would have to go to Konoha to get it, which would be too troublesome.

Fortunately, the empire obtained Konoha's forbidden technique in the last incident, so Beiruhu began to study the mysteries of the soul after getting the corpse seal.

In this way, two years have passed, and the research on the mysteries of Beiliuhu's soul is almost complete.

In this way, the "Soul Ferry Plan" formulated by Beilihu can also be launched.

Thinking of this, Bei Liuhu looked at his score and felt that this time it should be stable.

Orochimaru was also surprised when he saw Beiruhu's score. You must know that in his impression, Beiruhu was a mediocre person, and he did not expect to get such a high score.

Then Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction. Although Orochimaru's goal now is to explore the truth, now that he sees this former friend achieving such achievements in the empire, Orochimaru also feels a little relieved in his heart.

As for surpassing himself, Orochimaru feels that he has absolute certainty, although the other party's soul ferry plan is also very powerful in Orochimaru's opinion.

But there is still some gap between it and his own plan. You must know that Orochimaru gave up many research plans for this plan.

And this plan can be said to be the most important part of the empire's grand plan.

"Mechanical Arms Manufacturing and Update Plan."

This is Orochimaru's research. What he studies is not something big or rare. What he studies is the empire's most basic mechanical soldiers.

When Orochimaru first joined the empire, after knowing the rules for running for executive officer, he did not study them in a hurry.

After Orochimaru joined the empire, the first thing he did was to study and learn a lot of new knowledge possessed by the empire. Orochimaru's study lasted half a year.

It wasn't until Orochimaru felt that he had almost learned enough that he began to choose his own research project.

Since the empire has just been established not long ago, there are a large number of research projects in Skynet, and as researchers continue to report, the research projects are also increasing.

However, Orochimaru gave up after looking at it and planned to find research projects on his own. After all, although there were many projects in Skynet, most of them were ordinary projects.

None of these projects were challenging for Orochimaru.

And if you want to rely on these projects to run for executive officer, there is no need to think about it, so Orochimaru began to look for suitable research projects in the empire.

It took another month before Orochimaru roughly selected two projects.

Since Orochimaru's observation over the past month has revealed that the military is the most important thing in the empire, so both of Orochimaru's projects are military-related.

The two projects are the "Mechanical Biological Plan" and the "Mechanical Soldier Manufacturing and Update Plan."

However, after formulating these two projects, Orochimaru also suffered from the same troubles as Beiruhu, that is, there was not enough time and he could only study one project quickly.

After Orochimaru's careful consideration, Orochimaru decisively chose the "Mechanical Soldier Manufacturing and Update Plan."

Orochimaru's choice is somewhat targeted, although the empire will not specifically support a certain candidate in the selection of executive officers.

But once Orochimaru's project is established, it will definitely receive strong support from the empire, even full support.

Orochimaru is now also a machine race, so he knows very well that although the empire is strong now, it also has limitations, and this limitation is the core energy point possessed by the emperor.

Most things in the empire require core energy points to build. This is something that the empire's senior officials know, otherwise the empire's senior officials would have wanted to sweep across the ninja world.

Although the empire needs core energy points, it cannot rely on this all the time. This is why the empire vigorously develops technology.

Orochimaru was eyeing the mechanical soldiers. As an indispensable military force of the empire, although the mechanical soldiers could be manufactured by automated machinery factories, they still needed energy points. It was because the empire had not fully studied the technology of the mechanical soldiers, so they Requires energy points.

If there was no need for energy points, the empire's mechanical armies would have been expanded long ago. How could there be only a few legions?

Orochimaru thought of this. Once his project is established, the empire will definitely support it.

In this way, your research efficiency will be greatly improved, thereby increasing your probability of becoming an executive.

Orochimaru didn't think this was cheating, it was just applying the rules reasonably.

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