The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 157 The Black Hole on the Barrier of the World

However, Qian Yuye did not read this information. For Qian Yuye, he felt relieved that Longdi Cave was run by Zero. After all, Zero's execution ability in the past two years was obvious to all in the empire.

The most important thing now is the following matter. Qian Yuye picked up the information bag below, which had the words "The Empire's Top Secret Information" printed on it.

When Qian Yuye opened the information bag, he pulled out a report with only a few pieces of paper, and its name was:

"The Black Hole on the Barrier of the World"

Qian Yuye looked at the information in his hand and began to read its contents. These were all kinds of information collected by the empire in the past two years.

Qian Yuye looked at it very seriously. It was not for anything else. Qian Yuye wanted to find out what happened to the black hole on the barrier of the ninja world.

Is it a black hole that travels through time and space?

When Qian Yuye first thought about the effect of this thing, Qian Yuye also had the idea of ​​returning to his hometown Blue Star.

However, thinking that she did not know the location of Blue Star and that Qian Yuye had no nostalgia for Blue Star, Qian Yuye gave up the idea of ​​returning to Blue Star.

Of course, if he discovers it inadvertently, Qian Yuye won't mind letting Lan Xing return to his arms.

As for why we want to investigate this thing, there is also a reason.

To put it bluntly, Qian Yuye wants to use this thing to create something similar. You must know that this thing has opened a hole in the world barrier of the ninja world.

If the empire controls this technology, then this world will not limit the empire's development, and the empire can move to a higher level.

To put it more closely, we need to figure out the reason. If this causes a sudden problem in the ninja world, the empire, no matter how glorious it is now, may be wiped out.

Therefore, whether it is for future survival or the future glory of the empire, this must be investigated clearly.

Moreover, after two years of investigation, in fact, it was not two years, but one year after the completion of the empire's infrastructure. Therefore, in only eight months, the empire's investigation did not reveal much, but it was still known. A few things.

First: The black hole on the world barrier is artificially created. Although this black hole draws a lot of energy from the world, it also makes the ninja world increasingly unbearable.

This can be inferred from the large and small things in the ninja world, that is, the improvement of strength in the ninja world is very fast, incredibly fast, but most of these methods of quickly improving strength require external objects to maintain.

Even the Otsutsuki clan in the universe needs to plant sacred trees to improve their strength. They have no idea how to improve their strength through exercise, just like a baby who is strong enough from birth.

Not to mention that the Otsutsuki clan also has a plan to create a chakra god, which further confirms Qian Yuye's speculation.

Moreover, there are also gods appearing in the ninja world, and there are all kinds of strange and weird things in the ninja world, which are not too many.

All these things indicate that in the world of Naruto, one has begun to raise his upper limit, otherwise he may one day absorb too much energy and explode.

Of course, all this was speculated by Qian Yuye based on the information in his hands and what he knew in his previous life, although Qian Yuye didn't know whether his speculation was correct.

Second: The person who created the black hole should be in the ninja world. At the same time, his condition should be bad and unable to act. Otherwise, why has there been no action yet? Is he in the vast universe? The possibility is very small, and the reason is the existence of the Otsutsuki clan.

And through this, Qian Yuye vaguely felt that he had discovered the truth, because Qian Yuye discovered through the history of the ninja world that there were gaps in history.

Although the main wars in the ninja world are cold weapon wars, they are also mixed with ninjutsu using chakra.

But in the ninja world, we can see many products of modern industrial civilization, such as Orochimaru's computer, petri dishes, Kabuto's glasses, Ichiraku instant noodles, electric lights, etc.

Therefore, a reasonable explanation is that after the peak of modern industrial civilization in the 21st century, a doomsday disaster occurred, which destroyed most of mankind's modern civilization achievements and science and technology, leaving only a handful of surviving humans who returned to the original community social form. , start development from scratch.

After many years, it developed again into the Cold Weapon Age, that is, the post-apocalyptic era, which is the background of the ninja world.

At this time, humans have forgotten what the 21st century is like. The 21st century has slowly become a legend, and even the legend has gradually been forgotten.

However, in the doomsday disaster, some modern industrial products that were not destroyed survived and were buried all over the world. Some of them will be unearthed and collected as relics of our ancestors. Some of the products have been learned how to use. to use these products, but can no longer produce them.

The other part can be imitated, but in any case the relics of our ancestors are very rare and precious resources.

So we will see that in the cold weapon age, we will see products of industrial civilization in some places, and these products are monopolized by a few people.

For example, computers, incubators, etc. are only available in Orochimaru's secret base, and they are also listed as forbidden techniques.

Then Kaguya fell to the earth and started the era of chakra.

Therefore, although people in the ninja world have recovered many products of industrial civilization, most of their basic theories of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. have been lost and can no longer be produced or studied.

And there is a huge question here, that is, how will the era of the 21st century end like this?

When thinking about the black hole on the world barrier, Qian Yuye felt that he had a rough guess, but whether this guess was correct or not would depend on subsequent discoveries.

(It is based on other people’s opinions and my own ideas. These are also some of my ideas. The dog’s head saves his life!!)

Third: The black hole is just a metaphor, not a real black hole. The black hole here is more like a door that can travel through the world, like a technological door.

This is where Qian Yuye entered the ninja world. This is also the main reason why Qian Yuye wants to know this.

I want this thing too! ! !

Looking at the report in his hand, Qian Yuye also began to think about the contents. However, after thinking for a long time, Qian Yuye could only suppress all the speculations in his mind. There was really too little information and he did not understand the situation at all.

"It seems that we still need to increase our efforts. This thing must be investigated clearly! And where is that person?"

While Qian Yuye was thinking, he simultaneously sent a message to Skynet.

After a while, a man knocked on the door of the Holy Office.

"come in!"

As Qian Yuye finished speaking, the door of the Holy Office opened, and a tall and mighty man walked in from the outside.

Because of the tallness of this man, everyone who entered the Holy Office Hall had their heads lowered.

When this person walked in front of Qian Yuye, he even shrouded Qian Yuye in the chair.

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