While Sara was transitioning to the Women's Kingdom, Zero also returned to the Kingdom of Wind. This time he and she went to the Kingdom of Wind. Dragon Vein was only a secondary goal. The most important thing was to go to the Kingdom of Wind to discuss cooperation with Sand Hidden Village. And this It is also Zero’s current main mission.

But in fact, the direction Zero headed to was not Sunagakure Village, but the border of the Kingdom of Wind, at the junction with the Kingdom of Rivers.

After a while, Zero arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Wind, and when Zero arrived, the Free Trade Company's convoy had not yet arrived.

Zero went to Sand Hidden Village to talk to Sand Hidden Village as the person in charge of the Free Trade Company. You must know that when Cardo was still there, Cardo was responsible for the grain trade in the Country of Wind, and it was also the largest trade in the Country of Wind. One of the businessmen.

You must know that the Kingdom of Wind is located in a desert, and most of the food needs to be purchased from outside. As a rich man in the Naruto world, Cardo will definitely have a hand in this.

Therefore, when Qian Yuye asked Zero to take over Kado Company, he valued Kado Company so much. Mastering Kado Company is equivalent to controlling the second largest food supplier in the Kingdom of Wind. At the same time, Kado is also the sand supplier. Guests sit in the hidden village.

If you negotiate as the person in charge of a free trade company, then the identity issue can be easily resolved, and it is reasonable and well-founded, so no one will doubt it.

Not long after Zero arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Wind, he saw a pair of long convoys, which were loaded with cargo and slowly drove from the Kingdom of Rivers to the Kingdom of Wind.

This convoy was officially a new caravan sent by the Free Trade Company. When Zero saw this, he walked towards the person in charge of the caravan.

When the person in charge of the caravan saw Ling coming, he quickly got out of the car and said hello. You must know that Ling was the boss of a free trade company before. Although he is now represented by Yingshan, no one will underestimate Ling.

Moreover, when he was at the headquarters of the Free Trade Company, Yingshan also explained this transaction. Zero was the person in charge of the caravan and had to obey her orders.

When Zero saw the person in charge, he asked, "Nothing went wrong along the way. Is the cargo complete?"

Hao Yi, the person in charge of the caravan, said, "Sir, don't worry, there will be no accidents along the way. The goods will be well preserved."

Zero looked at the back forces around him and nodded. This time, as the strategic target of the Mechanical Empire, Yingshan naturally issued a death order, but Zero just asked cautiously. When he heard that there was no problem, Naturally, I felt relieved.

This time the caravan escorts a total of six ninjas trained by Zabuza, 80 samurai, and more than a dozen logistics personnel. It can be said that the strength of the escort this time is definitely very high.

You must know that in normal times, there are only one or two ninjas and a few samurai, but not like now, with such a high defense force. Even if there is a need, you can also find the local ninja village and issue tasks. Let the other person help.

Seeing that there was no problem, Zero said to Koichi, "Since there is no problem, let's go to Sunagakure Village."

Everyone responded one after another, and at the same time Zero also ordered the mechanical soldiers to be scattered around the caravan to prevent emergencies from happening.

So a caravan loaded with goods slowly moved towards Sand Hidden Village in the glittering desert.

At the same time, in Sunagakure Village, the fourth generation Kazekage also heard the news that the caravan was coming and felt very happy.

"I didn't expect the caravan to arrive so quickly this year. This is a good thing."

You must know that in previous years, Caddo's caravan only came twice a year, once near summer and once near winter.

If necessary, additional supplies will be provided, but under normal circumstances it is twice a year. After all, Sunagakure Village has more than one supplier, and you can find others if necessary.

Chiyo nodded. The arrival of the caravan also meant that Sand Hidden Village was about to live a relatively prosperous life.

But she was also curious about the caravan coming to Sand Hidden Village. After all, the caravans used to go directly to the capital of the Kingdom of Wind, and then the Ming Dynasty would issue supplies to their Sand Hidden Village.

Unexpectedly, this time it was different. The caravan did not go to the capital of the Kingdom of Wind, but went directly to Sunagakure Village.

"Master Kazekage, I suggest you arrange for some people to greet you to prevent any accidents."

After hearing Chiyo's suggestion, Luo Sha nodded. After all, if something unexpected happened to the caravan, the losses to the Country of Wind would be great.

You must know that these materials were purchased by the Kingdom of Wind. If the materials were lost in the Kingdom of Wind, then the responsibility of Feng Ying will be great, and the Daimyo will definitely be held accountable.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to pick up the caravan."

After Luo Sha finished speaking, he asked the ANBU people to greet the caravan to prevent accidents. After the ANBU people went out, Luo Sha also started his own work. After all, as the shadow of a village, he still had a lot to do. It's impossible to say just staring at the people in the caravan.

The sky was getting dark, and because the caravan's speed was too slow, the caravan did not reach Sand Hidden Village before sunset, so it had to choose a place to camp on the spot.

After the caravan was stationed in place, in the large tent in the center, No. 1 entered the tent from the outside.

When No. 1 enters, he reports the surrounding situation to Zero.

"You said there are people from Sunagakure around?"

Zero heard the report from No. 1. When No. 1 said that there were people from Sunagakure Village guarding the area, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, there are three teams around, patrolling the area."

"Okay, you call back the mechanical soldiers scattered around, and let the mechanical soldiers and the sand ninjas meet, let alone let the two sides have a dispute or fight."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

As No. 1 walked out of the tent, Zero was also thinking about these issues. For the time being, the people in Sunagakure Village cannot know the characteristics of the mechanical soldiers, otherwise it may be possible for Sunagakure Village to know who captured Dragon Vein. There will be great obstacles to this transaction.

And last time, because they were not sure whether the ninjas in Shayin Village they intercepted on the 1st had sent back the information, they could only let the mechanical soldiers not meet with the people in Shayin Village for the time being.

As the mechanical soldiers walking around gradually returned, Zero felt relieved. After all, the target this time was very important and there could not be any mistakes.

After a night of repairs, the caravan set off at dawn the next day and continued to the Sand Hidden Village.

Two hours later, the caravan also arrived at Sunagakure Village. After reporting at the gate of Sunagakure Village, they entered the interior of Sunagakure.

I have to say that compared to the Country of Fire, the number of people in Sunagakure Village is still small, and most of the houses in Sunagakure Village are specially built with sand. It can be said that the entire Sunagakure Village is better than that of the Country of Fire. Konoha is much different.

While walking, Zero also followed the ANBU people to the Kazekage Building. After being interrogated by the guards at the door of the building, the ANBU took Zero into the Kazekage Building.

When Zero saw the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, sitting next to the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, there were a pair of old people, they were the two elders of Shajing Village, one was Chiyo and the other was Ebizo. This person is the elder of Sand Hidden Village, and can also be said to be the foundation of Sand Hidden Village.

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