Zero watched the huge monster appear and disappear outside, and guessed that this was the trump card tailed beast of Sunagakure Village - Shukaku Ichibi.

However, because the sealing technique is not good in Sunagakure Village, they want to find someone with a personality that can suppress Shukaku. Just like the previous jinchūriki ascetic, he was as quiet as he could suppress Shukaku, prevent him from going berserk, and still have enough strength.

But this time the only jinchūriki is Gaara, and now Gaara is only 14 years old. Although people in this world are very precocious and go to the battlefield at a young age, but when you go to the battlefield and return to the battlefield, can your heart bear it? It’s not necessarily true if you get it.

Because he was assisted by Shukaku, Gaara often had to suppress distracting thoughts in his heart, which made him extremely exhausted physically and mentally.

But because the Fourth Kazekage thought he wanted to judge Gaara's so-called value, in order to observe whether Gaara could suppress his emotions and control Shukaku, he sent Yashamaru to assassinate Gaara, and lied to Gaara that he had never Loved Gaara.

He only did this hoping to avenge his sister who was Gaara's mother, and also said that Gaara's mother also hated Gaara, in order to destroy Gaara's love and longing for his mother.

Yashamaru died at Gaara's hands. Gaara was extremely shocked and sad when he found out that it was Yashamaru who came to kill him, causing Shukaku to lose control and was easily suppressed by the Fourth Kazekage.

Since then, Gaara's position in Sunagakure Village has been very embarrassing, and there is no war now, so Gaara has no chance to play out as Sunagakure Village's trump card. At the same time, due to previous events, Shukaku often goes berserk, even if The Fourth Kazekage suppressed it, but it still dealt another heavy blow to the economy of Hidden Sand Village.

Zero looked at the Sunagakure Village that was gradually getting quieter. Zero returned to his bed, while thinking about a method in his heart. After confirming that the plan was feasible, he then conveyed the plan to Qian Yuye.

After a while, Zero received Qian Yuye's clear instructions, and Zero gradually fell into a state of sleep.

The next day, the sun just shined into the house from outside.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, and then a voice came from outside the door.

"Guest, the Kazekage invites you to the Kazekage Building."

Zero opened the door and walked out. Seeing that he was still the same ANBU as yesterday, he couldn't help but think about it and deliberately asked about yesterday's events.

"I wonder what happened in your village yesterday? Why was it so noisy at night? There seemed to be explosions."

Zero's question also made the ANBU pause, and then continued to lead Zero to the Kazekage Building. At the same time, he coldly answered Zero's previous question, "This is confidential and I am not in a position to disclose it. If necessary, you can ask Kazekage." film."

Then the ANBU stopped talking and just walked faster towards the scenery building. From here, Zero also heard the other party's disgust for the tailed beasts, but due to his own reasons, he couldn't say anything.

After arriving at the Kazekage Building, after Zero entered the Kazekage's office, he first saw the Kazekage Rasa, the elder Chiyo and Ebizo.

But unlike yesterday, there was another person in the office, and this person didn't look like a ninja. The last words the Kazekage said also verified Zero's idea.

"This is the caravan leader, Miss Ling, and this is Mr. Tamaki who came from the capital of the Kingdom of Wind. He also wants to discuss yesterday's mission entrustment from you."

With Feng Ying's introduction, both parties also understood each other's identity and understood that the other party was their opponent this time.

At this moment, Tian Mu also stood up and asked Zero with a serious face, "If your Free Trade Company wants to be our sole supplier in the Kingdom of Wind, then there are few conditions.

And if you want to use our Country of Wind to establish distribution, you have to pay taxes to our Country of Wind. We can discuss this, but it is impossible to hire the entire Sunagakure Village. "

Listening to what Tian Mu said, Zero secretly praised in his heart that this is the correct attitude of the Kingdom of Wind. To be honest, this time he came directly to Sand Hidden Village instead of the capital of the Kingdom of Wind for this reason.

It is impossible for the Kingdom of Wind to agree to all of Zero's mission conditions, but Sand Hidden Village can do it for money. After all, judging from the current problems of Sand Hidden Village, no matter how bad it is, how bad can it be.

Although it is not expected that Sunagakure Village can make the entire Wind Kingdom's idea, there is zero hope that Sunagakure Village can influence the decision of the Wind Country's daimyo. After all, the Kazekage is nominally the military commander of Wind Country. Very vocal.

In fact, in various countries, the status of Ninja Village is relatively large in the country, and some can even be equal to the daimyo.

However, in the Country of Wind, since the economic situation of Sunagakure Village has always been restricted by the daimyo, Sunagakure Village is considered inferior to the daimyo. It is truly controlled by the daimyo, and it is also the most controlled by the daimyo among the five major countries. .

Unlike Kazekage, who still has a certain say in the village. After all, he controls the entire Ninja Village and is the only owner of Magnetic Release in the Ninja Village. Luo Sha's voice in the Ninja Village is still quite high.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the Kazekage informed the daimyo of the situation here when they held a meeting yesterday afternoon, and then hurried from Tamaki from the capital to negotiate with Zero.

Zero just looked at Tian Mu with a calm face and said calmly, "So do you, the Country of Wind, have any good ideas? Or is it that you, the Country of Wind, and Sunagakure Village don't want this task entrustment?"

Tian Mu smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the price you offered is too low. If you are sincere enough, we will agree to this task entrustment."

Tamaki threw the ball directly to Zero and asked Zero to make a bid.

"You must know that we have more than one set of plans. We can not only cooperate with your Country of Wind, but we can also cooperate with other countries. We have many choices, but I am the only choice for your Country of Wind and Sand Hidden Village."

Tian Mu was troubled, and this was what he was most worried about. Before coming, the Daimyo of the Country of Wind had given him a death order to complete the deal.

After all, the economic situation of the Country of Wind can be said to be extremely poor. If free trade companies join, the situation of the Country of Wind will be much better.

It's just that the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind is also worried about the Free Trade Company peeking into the Kingdom of Wind, so he wants Tamaki to come and renegotiate the terms.

However, looking at the other party's appearance, it was difficult for him to bargain, so he could only try his best and follow the thoughts in Tian Mu's mind.

Tian Mu also said, "The first condition is that if you want to be the only supplier of our Country of Wind, I hope that all of your company's goods can be sold to us in the Country of Wind at a 15% price reduction.

The second condition is that a branch can be established in the Kingdom of Wind, but 50% of the branch's personnel must be from the Kingdom of Wind, and the branch's security will be solely responsible for the Sunagakure Village.

As for the third condition, after Sunagakure Village retains its basic defense strength, all other forces can accept your mission entrustment. However, as a price, all the ninjas hired by you need to pay for their food, clothing, housing, transportation, training weapons, etc. Provided by the Free Trade Company, the mission rewards issued to each ninja at the same time must be handed over to Sunagakure Village and must not be given directly to the entrusted ninja. "

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