The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 68: Tailed Beast Consciousness

Under this situation, the energy fluctuations in the energy core became more and more powerful, but No. 2 discovered a problem at this time, that is, the tailed beast's own consciousness could not be cleared.

Originally, what No. 2 wanted to do was to erase Shukaku Ichibi's intention, just like before. However, during the process of erasing Shukaku's consciousness, Number 2 discovered that Shukaku's intention had not been erased. except, but always exists.

Seeing this situation, No. 2 didn't know what to do. He could only contact Qian Yuye and ask him what to do next.

When Qian Yuye received this question, he couldn't help but be stunned. In his mind, even the meaning of the tailed beast could be erased, but it might be reborn somewhere.

At first, Qian Yuye wanted to rely on this ability to block the tailed beast's bug, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

Thinking of this, Qian Yuye had a headache, so what should we do with this conscious energy core?

After all, his original plan was to use this energy core for Zero, but he didn't expect that this would happen.

Just when Qian Yuye was worried about this energy core, he suddenly thought of a person, Gaara who was being extracted from the tailed beast.

Then Qian Yuye told No. 2 her thoughts, and No. 2 looked at Gaara after listening.

At this time, Gaara was also staring outside, looking at the several energy tubes on his stomach, which made people feel very scary.

But Gaara wasn't afraid. In his opinion, since the other party didn't just want the tailed beast, there was a chance that the operation would be successful.

At this moment, No. 2 looked at Gaara and said, "Due to a problem with our expectations, a wrong core was born."

When Gaara heard what he said, he couldn't help but asked anxiously, "Did the tailed beast's stripping fail?"

"No, no, no, that's not it. I have successfully peeled off the tailed beast. There is a problem, that is, there is no way to remove the tailed beast's consciousness, which also makes it impossible to use this energy core normally."

"The tailed beast has been stripped away, so let me go. As for whether the core is useful or not, that's your business."

When No. 2 heard Gaara's words, he shook his head and said to Gaara.

"Before, we only discussed stripping off the tailed beast, but now the tailed beast has been stripped away. Now I want to ask, do you want to join us?"

"So you are threatening me?"

When Gaara heard this, he reacted instantly. Although he had expected this, when Gaara actually heard it, he was still very angry. Seeing his limbs being tied, Gaara looked vicious. looked at number two.

"No, just to confirm. Now the tailed beast has been separated successfully, but the new energy core does not meet our requirements. But in my opinion, you are the best candidate. If you join us, then this energy The core is yours.”

"I've already stripped off the tailed beast, why do I still need the tailed beast?" Gaara said with disdain. In his opinion, the other party was probably stupid.

"This is different from the tailed beast. He won't interfere with you, and you can directly extract his chakra? Are you sure you want to miss it?"

After hearing No. 2's words, Gaara fell into silence. He hated Shukaku very much, but he was also very aware of Shukaku's power.

However, hearing the other party say that Shukaku could no longer influence others, and could also extract energy to the maximum extent, made Gaara a little tempted.

"Are you really sure that this thing will no longer affect people's will and interfere with others?" Gaara wanted to confirm again, after all, this thing has a really great impact on people.

"It really doesn't interfere, so do you want to add us? Add us, and I will put it back for you now."

When No. 2 heard Gaara's words, he still looked at Gaara with an indifferent expression. After all, for him, it didn't matter whether the other party joined or not.

Gaara was silent when he heard No. 2's words, but then Gaara asked No. 2 a question, "I joined you, do you dare to accept it?"

"If you want to join, then of course we dare to accept you."

Hearing what No. 2 said, Gaara sighed. Currently, he was in the opponent's hands, and the daimyo might still be from the opponent, and he was not afraid of Sunagakure Village, so he had no choice but to join the opponent.

"Okay, I'll join you, but if Shukaku still affects my will, then we'll break up."

In the end, Gaara chose to join the other party. After all, his life was now in other people's hands. Although Gaara liked killing, he was not stupid.

"Since you agree, the proof energy core belongs to you."

In the second operation, the energy core is about to be placed in Gaara's abdomen, but this time it is different from the previous energy core.

This energy core is used as an external energy source for connection, which means that it will not be integrated into Gaara's core in the future, thus preventing Shukaku from affecting Gaara.

As the surgery progressed, the energy core entered my body bit by bit, until finally the entire energy core entered Gaara's body.

After Qian Yuye learned about No. 2's communication, Qian Yuye just nodded. For him, it was only a matter of time before Gaara would be recruited into the Machine Empire even if he was not installed with an energy core.

Moreover, the energy core harvested this time is not high. It is only a C machine energy core, which is a shadow-level existence. It is dispensable for the mechanical empire.

It was said before that making a B-level energy core requires more than just energy.

The Dragon Vein created before was only a C-level energy source, but the reason why it was able to create a B-level energy core was due to other reasons.

The energy core instrument and energy source, as well as the energy points injected by Qian Yuye, these three together can create a C-level energy source into a B-level energy core, and even if it is successfully created, this will only be a B-level energy core. Relatively low.

However, even if it is relatively low, it has improved a lot after being integrated with the original energy core of the black blade. This is why Qian Yuye said that the black blade can only fight against Nagato. After all, its own energy level is not high.

This time, Qian Yuye did not personally participate in the creation of the energy core, and no energy points were injected into it. Therefore, although Shukaku was also made into an energy core, it was only a top-notch C-level existence and would not reach B-level.

It seems reasonable to Qian Yuye that a C-level energy can win over Gaara. After all, Gaara will be quite useful in the future.

What's more, in Qian Yuye's heart, this thing will be of great use later.

The scene returned to Gaara, and the operation had been completed. At this time, Gaara was standing outside the instrument, and Gaara moved his hands and feet.

I feel that there is really no interference from Shukaku's consciousness in my body, and I feel very satisfied. You must know that Gaara has suffered a lot because of Shukaku's interference, and in this situation, Gaara is naturally very happy.

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