The mechanical empire that started with Naruto

Chapter 9: Controlling the Kingdom of Waves

In the early morning of the next day, when everyone in the Kingdom of Waves woke up, they discovered that the surroundings were completely clean, and there was no trace of yesterday's killing.

At this moment, the people of the Kingdom of Waves are gathering at the city gate. There is a signboard that reads:

"Yesterday, the Daimyo fought for the survival of the Country of Waves. Yesterday, he died in the battle with Cardo. Today, Qian Yuya temporarily took over the position of Daimyo. At the same time, he announced that the Country of Waves will lift shipping restrictions. In order to help the people, there will be sales at the port. Ship. Daming Mansion announced!"

People in the Country of Waves don't know much about politics, but if they understand shipping, their lives will become better. Even those who understood looked at each other and didn't say anything. Life was really difficult when Cardo was here, and they didn't want anything to happen again.

In the Daming Mansion, Qian Yuye sat on a chair, Gu stood next to him, and Hei Ren, Ling and Qianmu stood in front of him, listening to Hei Ren's report.

"After yesterday's battle, there are 850 warriors and guards in total. Although there are many new recruits, they can still be used if they survived yesterday's battle."

"Daming Prefecture has 30 million taels, Duanmulan people have 2.21 million taels, and Kado has 1.141 million taels, for a total of 1.173 million taels."

"The Country of Waves now has 51,000 people, 7.2 million kilograms of food, and 200 ships."

"Cado's company is in the Country of Fire. Since none of us are in the Country of Fire, Cardo's company in the Country of Fire is not clear yet."

Listening to Black Blade's report, Qian Yuye had a general understanding of the situation in the Country of Waves. It could be said that Kado could raise the entire Country of Waves by himself, which shows his wealth.

The reason why the daimyo's wealth was small was because he used money to recruit people. You must know that when Daimon's father was alive, there were only 500 warriors in the Land of Waves. In order to defend against Kado, the Daimyo recruited a total of 1,500 people.

"800 samurai and 20 Tang sword mechanical soldiers are all organized into the samurai order, controlled by the black blade. Damingfu Yuko leads the fighting mechanical soldiers to guard. From now on, the port will be opened, and Qianmu will lead the firearm mechanical soldiers and 150 samurai Take control, and let Zero control the sniper robot to go to the Country of Fire to explore the news.”

"At the same time, Qianmu sold half of the boats and half gave them away. Just keep a few boats as spares."

Qianmu is the first LQ001 firearms robot, and Zero is the first LJ001 sniper robot and the only female robot. Qian Yuye was very surprised by this. He had not thought that the mechanical soldiers had genders, but Qian Yuye didn't particularly care.

After giving instructions to everyone, Zabuza took Haku to the Daming Mansion. After Zabuza entered the hall, he looked at everyone in surprise.

At this time, Gu, Black Blade, Zero, and Qianmu were all wearing black military uniforms, with golden triangle medals on their shoulders, and holding their own weapons. Each station is very tall and straight, and it looks majestic at first glance.

Qian Yuye was also wearing a black military uniform, with a white cloak on his back. There was a golden triangle printed on the cloak. He was sitting on a chair, looking very solemn.

When Qian Yuye saw Zabuza, she waved to Zabuza and said, "This is Zero. She will take you to the Country of Fire to accept Kado's company. When you return to the Country of Waves, When the time comes, you can choose whether to become stronger or not.”

Zabuza looked at Zero and said nothing. When he was about to leave Daming Mansion, he suddenly said to Qian Yuye, "If you can help me take revenge on Kirigakure Village, I will be loyal to you."

After speaking, Qian Yuye turned around and left without saying anything.

Qian Yuye looked at Zabuza without saying a word, and asked Black Blade to go to the camp to train samurai, while Qian Mu supervised the entire port.

After they all left, Qian Yuye opened the core introduction:

Dominator name: Qian Yuye

Item name: Mechanical core

Item Level: World Secret Treasure

Core function: energy conversion

Building name: Lotus of Energy, Energy Conversion Pool, Fully Automated Mechanical Factory [Unlocked], Civilization Laboratory [Unlocked], Research Institute of All Things [Unlocked], Library of Truth [Unlocked]

Energy points: 1428

Civilization fire: 0

Now that we have the Land of Waves, we can carry out large-scale transformations, and the first goal is fully automated mechanical engineering. A fully automated machinery factory requires 1,000 energy points to unlock.

Qian Yuye looked at the energy points he had and unlocked the fully automated machinery factory. At the same time, he gave instructions to the core: "Create four first-level fully automated mechanical soldiers."

The mechanical core emits four blue lights, and a virtual shadow appears in each blue light. Light points continue to pour in from the surroundings. The virtual shadow gradually becomes real, gradually grows in size, and becomes the size of a normal person.

"The first-level fully automatic mechanical soldier has been manufactured."

The fully automatic robot soldier is wearing a yellow engineer uniform and a hat. Unlike combat robots with weapons in their hands, they have nothing in their hands and rely on their own abilities.

[Type: Fully automatic mechanical soldier]

[No.: GQ001]

[Rank: Level 1]

[Skill: Material Transformation]

[Weapon: None]

[Talent: Mechanical creation, not afraid of life and death, not afraid of pain, infinite loyalty. As long as the mechanical heart is intact, the mechanical soldiers will not die. When a mechanical soldier is destroyed, it can be recycled or recast according to its completeness. 】

[Advancing conditions: 50 energy points]

Fully automatic robot soldiers are a very perfect logistics unit. Their skill is material transformation, which is to transform materials into what they want. As their levels get higher and higher, more and more things can be transformed.

"GQ001 level one fully automatic robot soldier, come and report"

"GQ002 Level 1 fully automatic robot soldier, come and report"

"GQ003 level one fully automatic robot soldier, come and report"

"GQ004 Level 1 fully automatic robot soldier, come and report"

Following four voices, four fully automatic mechanical soldiers appeared in front of Qian Yuye.

"GQ001, you will be called Shanhai from now on, and the other fully automatic robot soldiers will follow your orders."

"Yes, Lord"

"Okay, you lead them to Beiying to build a fully automated machinery factory."

"Follow your orders"

"How long will it take you to build a fully automated machinery factory?"

"With sufficient resources and the current capabilities of the four of us, it will take about three days."

"Okay, I'll give you three days to build a fully automated factory."

"Follow your orders and ensure you complete your mission."

Shan Hai and other fully automatic robot soldiers immediately stood at attention and saluted. After saluting, Shanhai led three fully automatic robot soldiers to the north camp.

The four camps were specially divided by Qian Yuye. The north camp was used to build fully automated factories, the east camp was used to build military camps, the south camp was used to build energy conversion pools, and the west camp was used to build energy lotus.

Qian Yuye said to Gu, "Gu, let two mechanical soldiers transport Daming Mansion's resources to the North Camp. Don't delay the process of the fully automatic machinery factory."

"Yes, Lord"

At this time, people were coming and going in the towns of the Country of Waves, as if they had returned to the previous peaceful era.

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