The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 95 Lu Liang’s academic fraud? Questions from foreign scholars

12:00 am Beijing time, 11:00 am New York time; 6:00 pm London time.

A message of about 12,000 words, including pictures, and a size of about 485kb was sent from a computer in Copenhagen.

Text and pictures are quickly converted into optical signals and transmitted along the optical fiber to the base station. The whole process takes about 0.25 seconds.

Then the base station compiles the optical signal into an electromagnetic wave signal again and sends it out.

The electromagnetic waves penetrated the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere, and were finally captured by communication satellites as far away as 3580km in the exosphere.

It took the communication satellite 0.02 seconds to complete the capture of all electromagnetic wave signals. It did not need any translation or editing, it only needed to relay the signals and send them out.

The electromagnetic wave signal sent by the satellite is received again by the base station on the ground, and the base station quickly converts the electromagnetic wave signal into an optical signal.

The light signal is sent along an optical fiber to a server in Alamos.

At this point, the entire process takes no more than 1 minute.

As the database in the server is refreshed.

00:01 am Kyoto time

A paper appeared quietly on the arXiv website.


Fang Meng made a cup of tea in his own thermos cup, then slowly walked to the computer and sat down.

He is an associate professor in the Department of Physics of Pharmaceutical University and a member of the Academic Committee of Pharmaceutical University.

An organization such as an academic committee is established in every university to serve as an academic review and review body.

But the biggest role of the academic committee is to monitor academic misconduct such as plagiarism and fraud.

But in fact, there are not many cases of academic misconduct in universities.

After all, for any scientific researcher, plagiarism or fraud is a high-voltage red line.

Once discovered, it often means the end of future academic careers.

Unless there is sufficient profit motivation and temptation, no one will bet on their academic career.

Fang Meng turned on his computer and prepared to continue the work he had not finished yesterday.

He opened the arXiv website.

arXiv is a website that collects preprints of papers in multiple disciplines such as physics, mathematics, computer science, and biology.

The so-called preprint refers to the first draft of a paper that has not been peer-reviewed and has not been officially published in a regular scientific journal.

Whether it is a first draft of a paper that has not yet been submitted or a paper that has been rejected, you can upload it here.

However, because no peers participate in review, the quality of these preprint papers is not guaranteed. The publication of the first draft of the paper on arXiv does not mean that the paper has been officially published.

One of the biggest functions of arXiv is to claim the originality and priority of one's scientific research work.

When the first draft is posted on arXiv, it has already shown to peers that the work was done by you, which can prevent your scientific research results from being plagiarized by others before they are published.

The best example is the LK-99 superconductor.

Part of the reason why they immediately uploaded their superconducting paper to arXiv instead of sending it to top journals such as Nature and Science was because they were worried that their scientific research results would be plagiarized.

Although the final result of LK-99 superconductivity was a mistake, it also proved the role of arXiv.

As a scholar in the field of physics, Fang Meng uses arXiv more often than researchers in other fields.

Browsing the arXiv website every day to see the latest work of colleagues has become one of Fang Meng's daily tasks.

Fang Meng opened the arXiv website as usual.

However, when Fang Meng saw the situation on the arXiv website, he raised his eyebrows.

Normally, on the website interface, in the biology column, it is rare to see anyone sharing results.

But today, under the biology title, a rare paper appeared.

This immediately aroused Fang Meng's interest. He glanced at the title and found a keyword that attracted Fang Meng.


Hey, isn't this a coincidence?

When Fang Meng was chatting with several other colleagues yesterday, he talked about Lu Liang, a student from their school who published a paper in the official journal of Nature.

Fang Meng remembered clearly that the research results published by Lu Liang in Nature were a new drug for the treatment of hemophilia.

Has anyone started doing research on hemophilia now?

But this kind of thing is understandable, after all, it is a new direction.

Thinking of this, Fang Meng glanced at the title of the paper carefully.

However, when he thoroughly read the title of this paper, Fang Meng's hands suddenly shook.

The thermos cup in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and the tea splashed all over the floor.

This sound brought Fang Meng out of his daze, and he didn't even bother to deal with the tea all over the floor.

He quickly took off his glasses and wiped them vigorously on his clothes. After putting them on again, he took a closer look at the title of the paper.

After confirming that he had read correctly, Fang Meng's fingers began to tremble violently.

Something big happened!

In the food stall.

More than a dozen men and women sat down at a table. This was a dinner party after a social event.

Everyone exchanged cups and cups, and bursts of cheers broke out from time to time.

After three rounds of drinking, someone looked at Cheng Ming and asked, "Cheng Ming, I heard that Lu Liang is your current roommate. Is this true?"

"Lu Liang, is that the college student who published a paper in the official journal of Nature?"

Everyone started talking about it, and as the news reports started to make a fuss on the Internet.

Nowadays college students know something about the situation.

After all, which college student doesn’t have access to the Internet these days?

It is precisely because of this that everyone's interest was immediately aroused, and everyone focused their attention on Cheng Ming.

This feeling of being the center of attention made Cheng Ming start to feel a little carried away: "That guy Lu Liang is indeed my roommate."

After seeing Cheng Ming's admission, everyone was amazed. After all, they rarely come into contact with such people in their lives.

But Cheng Ming is different. Cheng Ming lives directly with Lu Liang.

"What kind of person is Lu Liang in real life? I heard that geniuses like them usually have weird personalities in their daily lives?"

"What does he look like? I heard that people like them are usually unkempt?"

"I've also heard that people like them talk to themselves and are immersed in their own world every day. Is that true?"

Everyone present was very curious. They often learned about people like Lu Liang through online rumors and film and television subjects.

So it is natural to form stereotypes.

Faced with these strange questions, Cheng Ming didn't know which question to start with.

"Well, let me call Lao Lu first and ask him if he would mind if I answer these questions."

Cheng Ming stopped everyone's questions.

"Then call him quickly. If that doesn't work, we'll ask him directly on the phone." Someone said jokingly.

Cheng Ming didn't waste any time. He picked up his phone and unlocked the screen.

But before he could bring up the dialing interface, he saw the pop-up window constantly reminding him of new messages.

Cheng Ming clicked on the message in confusion. As the screen jumped to the scarf interface, the message also appeared on the screen of Cheng Ming's mobile phone.

However, when Cheng Ming saw the message on his phone, Cheng Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

Something big has happened. You must tell Lao Lu about it quickly!

This was the first reaction in Cheng Ming's mind after seeing the news.

"Sorry, I have something urgent to do, so I have to leave first!"

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Cheng Ming couldn't care less about the current friendship.

After saying these words, he hurried out of the food stall, leaving only a confused look on his face.

After everyone came to their senses, someone asked in confusion: "What happened?"

"No, look at the hot searches!"

At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed.

After hearing this exclamation, everyone picked up their mobile phones and opened the hot search. At the top of the hot search was a conspicuous title.

"Foreign scholars published research papers showing that Shuyoulile cannot treat hemophilia. They believe that there is academic fraud in the paper published by Lu Liang and asked Nature to retract the paper!"

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