Ding Chengfeng and Lan Yueyi personally tested the effectiveness of You Longsheng's trump card, and then they briefly discussed how to act after meeting the Bodhisattva of Great Joy, and then agreed on this.

After all, judging from You Longsheng's trump card, they have a great chance of victory.

"If it fails, Brother Ding and I will stay here to break up the rear, and you two will run away quickly.

If we are caught, you should go to Hebei to find Mr. Ding, and then go to Tianshan to find my master for help. "You Longsheng said.

"Why!" Ding Baiyun said with raised eyebrows, "Do you look down on me? I want to stay too!"

"No, if Brother Ding and I stay, we won't die even if we can't escape. You and Sister Lan can't escape, but they definitely won't survive."

"Why did you just..."

Ding Baiyun said half a sentence and then stopped, but Ding Chengfeng turned pale, "How about we return to Hebei quickly..."

You Longsheng put his arm around Ding Chengfeng's shoulders, "Brother Ding, didn't you just say you wanted to meet this heroic girl?"

Ding Chengfeng had always felt that You Longsheng's description of the female Bodhisattva of Great Joy was a bit exaggerated. It was not until Lan Yueyi, a person who had met the true master, described the real female Bodhisattva to him that he realized that You Longsheng was still conservative.

To be honest, even if he could defeat the Great Joyous Female Bodhisattva, he would not want to meet her face to face.

Ding Chengfeng pulled You Longsheng's hand away, "I like to eat pork, do I have to raise pigs first?"


Several people laughed loudly, and then rode out of the town together, continuing north to Luoyang without deliberately speeding up.

But Ding Baiyun stopped laughing soon.

Because Lan Yueyi was riding a horse, she and You Longsheng walked side by side. The two even flirted with each other from time to time. You Longsheng introduced Lan Yueyi to what happened after he and she separated.

"It turns out that this is how Taoist Yuxiao died."

Because You Longsheng and Ding Chengfeng were indeed very powerful in martial arts, and they had never been heard to be good at using poison, people in the world thought that Taoist Yuxiao was forcibly killed by them and Ding Baiyun.

"If we don't use poison, although we can win, we probably won't be able to kill him." Ding Chengfeng said.

"And it's hard for us to escape unscathed. There is a hidden weapon hidden in his jade flute, and he is also the Demon Cult's Panchabana King of Love." You Longsheng never underestimates his opponents.

Lan Yueyi shook her head and said, "How can there be so many what-ifs in the world? If you win, you win. The death of Donghai Yuxiao in your hands is an irrefutable fact. Who dares to question it? Let him kill a "Weapon Spectrum" Top ten masters!"

Then Lan Yueyi heard You Longsheng talk about the business with Qian Gang, and complained that Ding Baiyun stared at them for not letting him sleep with Qinhuai Oiran, so she couldn't help but chuckled, "Yeah! You don't want to leave such a beautiful woman next to you, What do you want from Qinhuai Oiran?"

Having said this, Lan Yueyi pulled the reins of the horse and came to Ding Baiyun's side.

"Sister Baiyun, as a person who has been here, I want to say a few words to you, don't you not want to hear it."

Lan Yueyi said to Ding Baiyun, "Don't overestimate men's ethics. They are all lustful guys. The more powerful they are, the lustier they are. What seems serious is not that they are not lustful, but that they have no courage."

Lan Yueyi's martial arts skills are not inferior to Yi Lai's, and she is also one of the top ten characters in "Weapon Spectrum". Ding Baiyun can still listen to what she says.

"If you want to find someone who only loves you, he will definitely not be a powerful character." Lan Yueyi said, "And the person you are interested in must not be an ordinary person. This kind of person cannot have too many people." Lots of restraints.”

Ding Baiyun didn't speak, but You Longsheng spoke.

"What do Li Xunhuan and Ah Fei say? Li Xunhuan's martial arts are among the best in the world, but he has only loved Lin Shiyin for decades. Not to mention Ah Fei, who was directly attracted by Lin Xian'er..."

"Little rascal!" Lan Yueyi glared at You Longsheng fiercely, "I'm speaking for you!"

Ding Baiyun couldn't help but smile, and also glared at You Longsheng fiercely, "You also know that you are not as good as Li Xunhuan and A Fei!"

Then Ding Baiyun pulled Lan Yueyi over and chatted with her about his experiences in the world. Then he also learned about Lan Yueyi's past stories and how You Longsheng turned enemies into friends with her.

"Although the little villain is bad, he is also the only one who knows and understands me. How can I not cherish such a person?" Lan Yueyi looked at You Longsheng riding a horse in front of her, with tenderness and sweetness in her eyes. .

Ding Baiyun looked at Lan Yueyi and then at You Longsheng, and couldn't help but think of his previous evaluation of the relationship between Li Xunhuan, Long Xiaoyun, and Lin Shiyin, and how he easily turned enemies into friends with Huang Fei.

"He can always see through what many people are thinking at a glance and explain many complicated relationships in a simple way." Ding Baiyun said, "But his words are always very irritating."

"This is great wisdom and foolishness." Lan Yueyi said with a smile.

Ding Baiyun rolled his eyes, "I think he did it on purpose!"

You Longsheng turned around and saw Lan Yueyi and Ding Baiyun gathered together, talking in whispers, and couldn't help but shake his head with emotion.

He never dreamed that Lan Xingzi, the cruel and ruthless evil man in "The Sentimental Swordsman", would actually get together and whisper with Ding Baiyun, the lady from the aristocratic family in "Border Town Prodigal Son".

Another thing that he never expected in his dreams was that that night, Ding Baiyun actually pulled Lan Yueyi to hold a candle and talk to each other to sleep!

Co-author Lan Yueyi said to you during the day, you didn't listen to a word, right?

You Longsheng was lying on the bed in a daze, and then heard the sound of the door being opened.


"Hehe, I changed the incense burner in the room with some incense." Lan Yueyi got into You Longsheng's bed and chuckled, "The little girl is still a bit young to fight with me."

So You Longsheng spent another happy night, two nights, three nights...

"We're almost at Nanyang Mansion."

"After passing Nanyang, Luoyang is not far away."

"I don't know if Mr. Tian Qi misses me, but I saved his three lives!"

"Yichou, a five-poison boy, doesn't he have two lives?"

"I convinced Li Tanhua to turn enemies into friends with him. Isn't Li Xunhuan's flying knife more terrifying than Yi Lai and the Five Poison Boys?"

"It seems... makes sense?"

"Three lives, asking him to help me open the trade routes between Guanzhong and the northwest, isn't it considered a favor? What's more, I won't miss out on the benefits that should be given to him."

"He will definitely happily agree."

Four people and four horses were trotting on the road. The sun was gradually setting, but they could reach Nanyang Mansion before sunset.

However, they suddenly discovered that there was an extra wall in front of them.

A group of carriages stopped in front, completely blocking the road. Smoke rose from the road, and a group of people started preparing dinner on the road!

As they got closer, they heard a gentle voice saying, "When I want to eat, I can't wait even a moment."

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