"Student, help me put my luggage."

Li Chunxi said coquettishly to Su Han.

Hearing this soft and waxy voice, matched with Li Chunxi's disastrous face.

As long as it's a man, I'm afraid he can't help but imagine things.

But Su Han couldn't help but find it a little funny.

This senior sister is good at everything, but she likes to act like a baby with him too much.

It was fate that they met.

The two are from the same city, but the school is different.

The day we met was the night of summer vacation.

After high school, most people will naturally experience things they have never tried before.

Li Chunxi was eating the barbecue stand in the early morning with his girlfriends, but unexpectedly a few drunk men came over with wine to strike up a conversation.

Even if they sternly refused, those drunks were like dog skin plasters.

Li Chunxi, who had never seen such a scene before, turned pale with fright on the spot.

Su Han, who was having a meal with his best friend, naturally wouldn't stand idly by when he saw a beautiful woman.

Step forward to stop this matter.

Of course, the price to pay is the injuries to him and his buddies.

Since then, Li Chunxi's attitude towards Su Han is different from others.

on the train.

Picking up Li Chunxi's suitcase with one hand, Su Han is as easy as holding a plastic cup.

Seeing this scene, Li Chunxi couldn't help being a little surprised.

Su Han didn't have this kind of strength when he rescued her.

Touching Su Han's biceps with his hand, Li Chunxi smiled and said: "It really is much stronger."

Li Chunxi only thought that Su Han was just the result of exercising.

Seeing Li Chunxi's unscrupulous appearance, Su Han couldn't help but sigh.

If he is not on the train now, Su Han will not suffer a loss if he is not fully prepared.

The two sat down leisurely and did not communicate too much, because Li Chunxi started her live broadcast.

Seeing this, Su Han quickly turned his face away.

He doesn't like live broadcasts and rarely watches them.

It was really because seeing a live broadcast of a certain person eating poop made him sick.

Since then, the live broadcast has left a shadow in his heart.

Li Chunxi also invited him to broadcast live together, but Su Han flatly refused every time.

After a long time, Li Chunxi will also subconsciously avoid taking pictures of Su Han in his live broadcast.


The train started, faster and faster.

Su Han folded his arms and began to close his eyes and meditate.

And Li Chunxi said to her mobile phone: "Hi, everyone, I'm leaving for school now, and I'm ready to start my college life."

While talking, she smiled like a flower, very beautiful.

Looking at the blessings on the barrage, the smile on Li Chunxi's face never stopped.

The sweet smile constantly attracts people who watch the live broadcast to come in and stop.

Su Han on the side seemed to be resting his eyes with his eyes closed, but in fact, the blood in his body was constantly surging.

He is not an ordinary person.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or related.

Ever since Li Chunxi was rescued, his golden finger appeared.

Goldfinger is a system called [God-Level Lottery System].

Hearing the name of this system for the first time, Su Han thought he was going to become a generation of gods.

I even got a little excited about it.

But after seeing the detailed introduction of the system, Su Han immediately showed a black question mark face.

Because the function of this [God-level lottery system] is the ability to win the heavens and the world.

And if you want to win a lottery, you must win a lottery point.

But for so long, Su Han has tried various ways.

Kill ants and burn cockroaches. Kill fish and chickens, butcher cattle and sheep.

He has tried everything that can be done in the novel, but his lottery points are always zero.

Su Han once thought that he should have sent the wrong system to himself.

Fortunately, the system still has a novice gift package.

[God-level lottery system] The novice gift package is the "burning fruit ability without side effects" from the world of One Piece.

Su Han is naturally very clear about this ability.

In the Dingshang War, Su Han, like everyone else, was very upset about Ace's death.

After gaining the ability to burn fruit, Su Han naturally knew that he was destined to walk an extraordinary path.

So this month, Su Han didn't slack off in the slightest.

He is constantly exercising his burning fruit ability every day.

The way to exercise is also very simple.

It's just enough to constantly release the ability.

Because this ability is directly linked to physical strength.

In the beginning, Su Han could feel obvious fatigue after releasing the flame for three seconds.

Later, after exercising again and again, Su Han's physical strength increased exponentially.

Soon the so-called Fire Fist was developed.

Now it is also possible to use flame jets to fly into the sky.

Su Han's physical fitness can grow so crazy, all because of the existence of the system panel.

The existence of the system panel made Su Han's physical fitness increase without the so-called human body limit at all.

After a month of frenzied squeezing, Su Han's physical fitness has reached ten times that of ordinary people!

It's not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Ten times the fitness is more than ten times the strength or ten times the speed.

But bones, tendons, muscle fibers, and even cells are ten times stronger than ordinary people.

As you can imagine, Su Han is a little Superman.


Just when Li Chunxi was live broadcasting Ansheng, Su Han was resting with his eyes closed.

The fast-moving train suddenly braked suddenly.

Li Chunxi's cell phone flew out immediately, and the whole person almost jumped out.

Fortunately, Su Han had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he reached out his hand to stop Li Chunxi, otherwise this pretty face would hit the car seat in front hard.

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