According to common sense, if there is no occlusion, the viewing distance of the human eye is infinite.

If you look up at the sky, you can see even the moon, which is more than 300,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Looking at the trees under his feet, even the shortest ones are more than ten meters high, and the tallest ones are tens of meters high.

Comparing it with the big tree in the distance, Su Han couldn't help being surprised.

Because that big tree is at least ten kilometers high.

This can be described as outrageous, Su Han has never heard of a tree that can grow to a height of ten kilometers.

In Su Han's impression, the tallest tree is only more than 150 meters.

Suddenly, a terrible thought rose from Su Han's heart.

How big would the world be if those appalling biographical legends in history were true?

There was once such a sentence in "Shan Hai Jing": "The world is 233,000 miles from east to west, and 215,000 miles from north to south!"

Even with today's unit of measurement discounted, that's more than 100 million kilometers.

And the circle of the equator is only more than 40,000 kilometers, which is completely different from 100 million kilometers.

In addition, this record is also recorded in "Poetry Contains Shenwu" and "Hetu Kuodixiang" at the same time.

Both "Poetry Contains God's Fog" and "He Tu Kuo Di Xiang" were written by people in the Han Dynasty, and no one cares about whether they are true or false.

However, "Hetu Kuodi Xiang" among them is a clear professional geography book.

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help but look a little stiff.

It would be terrible if the world was really as he thought.

Shaking his head, Su Han quickly threw this thought out of his head. If he thinks about it any more, his worldview might collapse.

After dissipating the flames, Su Han landed on the ground again.

Looking at the three people who were still panting on the ground, Su Han sighed and turned on the pitch black phone.

Then he clicked on the stand-alone game that had been installed earlier, and started playing.

Su Han used to use up his mobile phone data easily, and his family was poor, so when the data ran out, he could only watch.

As time goes on, he has learned to be smart, and he has already downloaded some small games he likes on his mobile phone, so as not to pass the time when there is no traffic.

Well, that's when it comes in handy.

After playing for nearly half an hour, the three people on the ground finally recovered.

Slowly getting up from the ground, the three sat on the ground, their heads dizzy for a while.

Before he could say anything, another violent cough sounded.

"Cough! Cough! Cough..."

Su Han didn't care at first, but seeing the three of them as if they were about to cough up their lungs, Su Han couldn't help showing a worried look.

Before they had time to step forward to check, the three of them spit out a mouthful of jet-black blood.

Seeing this, Su Han's complexion changed drastically.

"What's the matter with you? Are you okay?" Su Han's tone was anxious.

Right now, Su Han has no idea how to leave here. If there is something wrong with the three people in front of him, Su Han is really helpless.

By the time he finds a way to leave, the three of them will probably die.

Who knew that after the three of them coughed up the mouthful of blood, all of them looked relaxed.

Yigulu stood up.

"This great!" He Chan said while shaking his waist.

Although Xu Menghan on the side was not as unrestrained as He Chan, but his eyes were bright and he was in good condition.

Compared with the two girls, Taoist Lin Yang is in a better condition.

Taoist Lin Yang, who could be seen to be in his sixties at first glance, looked energetic at this moment.

Those who don't know may think that he is only in his forties.

Stretching his arms, Taoist Lin Yang said, "I haven't experienced this state for at least ten years."

The corners of Su Han's mouth twitched when he saw this.

Before he could say anything in the future, He Chan's voice sounded.

"Su Han, what kind of place is this?"

As He Chan spoke, he looked around, very curious.

Hearing He Chan's words, Xu Menghan and Taoist Lin Yang came to their senses.

Looking at the dense trees around, both Xu Menghan and Taoist Lin Yang frowned.

Seeing this, Su Han smiled and said, "Do you still remember the county chronicle Xiao Xu found?"

He Chan, Xu Menghan and Taoist Lin Yang were all taken aback when they heard the words.

Then he remembered the previous Liuhu county annals.

The pupils of the three shrank immediately.

"Officer Su means that this is the place described in the county annals?" Taoist Lin Yang was shocked.

Su Han frowned and said, "There should be no better explanation right now."

Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but show a thoughtful look.

"This is impossible. If it is really as described in the county annals, this place will be at least 700 square kilometers."

Xu Menghan was the first to object.

Both He Chan and Taoist Linyang nodded in agreement when they heard the words. It would be too outrageous if it was really the same as described in the county annals.

Su Han smiled when he heard the words: "How do you know that there is no 700 square kilometers here?"

Hearing this, He Chan, Xu Menghan and Taoist Lin Yang all changed their expressions.

"How do you know there is such a big one here?" He Chan couldn't help asking.

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