Chapter 96 Sky Lake!

The sun in the sky was very bright, and it made people feel a little annoyed when it shone on the ground.

It has been three months since the global earthquake.

Su Han sat on the treetop and looked at the new members of the Huaan Bureau who were full of excitement, and couldn't help feeling a little bored.

Since the earthquake, the whole world seems to be clean.

The occurrence of abnormal events became rare.

However, this may be due to the narrowing range of human activities.

At this time, Su Han received a temporary task to protect the twenty new members of the Huaan Bureau in front of him.

They were in a forest on the outskirts of Bay City.

At this time, the mountains and forests are completely occupied by wild animals.

- There are no people at all.

The massive earthquake four months ago did more than shift the continental plates.

It has raised the aura level of the entire planet to an extremely high level.

Ordinary people nowadays can easily advance to the Houtian realm of martial arts.

Facing some giant beasts that are not very special, they all have the ability to resist.

It can even be used to kill it.

This is an effect that Jiang Chaozong did not expect.

All the people are armed, which directly strengthens the entire Zhongxia nation.

And in the Beijing Academy of Sciences, a thirty-year-old academician became an awakened person.

What he awakened was not force, but brain.

His brain can be overclocked, and he can completely use all the knowledge he can absorb for his own use.

At this time, several sufficiently black technologies have been invented.

The first one is the compass in the hands of all the new members of Huaan Bureau at this time.

It says it's a compass, but it's actually just a monitor.

This display has no other function, it can display the breath of life.

This also means that when a mission is launched, the control over the situation will be reversed in an instant.

Because of this compass, the entire Huaan Bureau did not know how many sacrifices were avoided.

The second black technology is the toy gun-like weapons in the hands of these members.

These weapons, as long as mana or internal energy is input, can be converted into energy rays with high efficiency.

This also means that even a child can have considerable attack power.

At this time, Zhongxia could be said to be all soldiers.

The last one is the ball around Su Han.

This ball has no other function, it is for live broadcasting.

Follow by the breath of life.

The energy comes from the aura between heaven and earth.

The appearance of this thing is actually related to Su Han.

A month ago, Su Han was on a mission by the seaside of Bay City, and a jellyfish bigger than a mountain appeared in front of Su Han.

It's just that it is different from other jellyfish in that its body surface is all black armor.

Its temper exploded, and after violently destroying the high-rise buildings that had become scenic spots, it was killed by Su Han.

But its organs remained.

After research by the Beijing Academy of Sciences, the reason why the jellyfish can grow so large is because it has evolved an organ that can continuously absorb spiritual energy.

And the academician who awakened the brain used this organ as a blueprint to create the aura engine.

It took another week, and the academician created engines of various sizes.

This also makes the Reiki engine can be applied in various aspects.

In other words, as long as the aura in the whole world is not exhausted,

Then what the aura engine brings is endless labor.

And this kind of labor can be called a perpetual motion machine.

The power of the brain is truly intimidating o

Although the invention of the academician of Beijing Academy of Sciences can be said to have contributed much more than Su Han's contribution.

But it can't surpass Su Han's status in the hearts of the people.

Just because what Su Han represents is a kind of spirit.

No matter what the future history is, there is no denying that Su Han is the one who brought them hope.

It was Su Han who made everyone see that man can conquer the sky.

"Are you afraid of Nima? You shiver, these things are like wild dogs in front of you. If you do this, when will you have dinner?" Su Han spoke loudly to the new members of the Huaan Bureau in the distance Said. Hearing Su Han's words, everyone couldn't help turning their eyes to the young man at the front.

This made the young man a little embarrassed.

Just because they have discussed the way of action long ago.

What the young man said to them was that the test must be the scrupulousness with which they approached their task.

But judging from Su Han's scolding, they thought too much.

After hearing Su Han's words, the young man was the first to draw out the gun from his waist, and rushed straight into the forest.

Seeing this, the people around glanced at the people around them, and then rushed in one by one.

Soon, the shouts of killing sounded.

Seeing this, Su Han couldn't help showing a cautious look.

He has to take care of these people so that there will be no casualties.

This is the time for growth, and these people will be the pillars of the Huaan Bureau in the future.

But to Su Han's surprise, the newcomers in front of him were much stronger than the group he brought before.

It has been fighting until sunset on the western mountain, and the roars of beasts in the mountains and forests gradually become rarer.

— A group of twenty people walked down the mountain talking and laughing.

But Su Han has already started cooking.

Smelling the aroma of rice, everyone's eyes lit up and they started running.

"If you're quick, you'll get it, but if you're slow, you won't get it." The staff who served everyone couldn't help but smile when they saw this.

In an instant, twenty people moved quickly, as if they were robbing, filled their plates with food, and then sat on the portable chairs beside them and began to eat. Seeing this scene, Su Han couldn't help but smile.

He had urged them to hurry up, not because he was bored.

Although this is one of the reasons. But more, Su Han wanted to cultivate their fighting consciousness.

Combat itself is an aura of life and death.

If you are cautious, you will naturally be a head shorter than your opponent.

Under the crushing force, naturally there is no problem at all.

But if it is evenly matched, this will inevitably become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

This is what Su Han doesn't want to see.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. If you don’t fight with the mentality that you must die, then you must die in the end. This is the first lesson Su Han taught them.

As long as it is fighting, there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Okay! Go back I."

After seeing that everyone had eaten well, Su Han said to everyone.

Hearing Su Han's words, everyone couldn't help cheering.

There's no place like home.

The relatives at home are still waiting for me.

At this time, a huge spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky.

Like a flat bus.

Only the head is pointed.

It looks like an airplane, but a bit bloated.

The spaceship came to the top of everyone's heads at an extremely fast speed, and then hovered very abruptly.

Looking at the spaceship above their heads, everyone did not show any surprise.

Obviously, this is not the first time everyone has seen this spaceship.


There was a slight fluttering sound.

The spaceship actually landed vertically.

After the spaceship landed, the hatch opened.

Everyone filed in in an orderly manner.

But Su Han did not choose to enter it.

Because he disliked the speed of the spacecraft was too slow.

With this time, he could go back to his residence with just a few feet lift.

Waving to the spaceship, Su Han signaled to the pilot that it was time to take off.

Seeing Su Han's waving, the pilot wearing noise-cancelling headphones gave a thumbs up and then controlled the spacecraft to lift off

Then it shot out towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

However, it directly broke through the speed of sound in ten seconds.

"boom! ! ! "


The sky was filled with an extremely loud sonic boom.

Su Han looked at the spaceship going away and pursed his lips.

Then he stepped out and used "Shrink the ground into an inch".

But it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But a minute later, Su Han came to a community full of bungalows.

With Su Han's speed of ten kilometers with one foot, this is not an exaggeration.

Walking on the road in the community, the street is very quiet, only some sparse figures.

When these people saw Su Han, they all smiled and greeted Su Han.

Su Han also smiled and nodded politely.

In this neighborhood, everyone knows Su Han.

No matter who it is, they are very familiar with Su Han's face.

Back in her bungalow, Su Han skillfully looked at the hidden camera.

"Welcome home, Master!"

A deep and magnetic male voice sounded.


Then there was a sound of the door opening.

Pushing open the door, Su Han walked into the room.

Although the room is cramped, it is very clean and bright.

There is a modern and simple style everywhere.

The bright and clean room makes people feel relaxed immediately.

Putting on clean slippers, Su Han took a few steps forward.

When I came to the sofa, Ge Youlai came directly.

"Xiaoyan, turn on the TV." Su Han said.

Hearing Su Han's order, the smart assistant immediately replied: "Understood!

Then the screen in front of Su Han instantly brightened.

Then a very evocative picture appeared.

It was the MV screen of an overseas girl group.

These exquisitely sculpted beauties are all wearing bikinis, constantly poking their heads towards the screen.

Seeing this scene, Su Han couldn't help being speechless.

"Why does this happen every time I turn on the TV?"

"You won't secretly look at this thing to satisfy your hunger when I'm not at home?" Su Han said helplessly.

Hearing Su Han's complaints, the artificial intelligence named Xiaoyan said very calmly: "Because every time the owner sees this picture, the hormone secretion level in the body will suddenly increase."

"From a human point of view, these secreted hormones give the brain pleasure and relaxation."

"If the owner thinks this will bother you, you can set push notifications separately.

"Would you like to stop pushing similar videos?"

Su Han's mouth twitched when he heard the intelligent assistant's explanation.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Han said helplessly: "No setting..."

Indeed, as this smart assistant said.

Although these women were all artificial, they were indeed made into the appearance he liked in his aesthetics.

Seeing these girls does bring joy to Su Han, too.

And stronger than ordinary people.

After all, Su Han's body is much healthier than ordinary people.

The secretion level of hormones will naturally be more than others.

"Yes!" The smart assistant replied after hearing the words.

Then he stopped talking.

Su Han is not surprised, because he has long set the language concise mode for this smart assistant.

After watching the mv with peace of mind, the screen suddenly changed.

"The establishment of the first Huaan Bureau mission point in Syracuse has been completed, and a new life has slowly come to the people of Syracuse. Let us congratulate Syracuse.

The host in the TV applauded and said.

Seeing this, several professors around laughed and applauded.

Seeing this scene on the TV, Su Han couldn't help but muttered in surprise: "As expected of Zhongxia Speed.

This Snow City, he vaguely remembered was the last stop.

He thought it would definitely not be finished this year.

Unexpectedly, the flag of the Huaan Bureau had covered the entire land of Zhongxia so soon.

Smiling, Su Han was naturally happy in his heart.

Don't look at his standard of living has improved again.

This is simply because he is qualified to enjoy this level of life.

And more ordinary people, although not in dire straits, are not living so well.

The current situation is enough to show that even if the times change, Zhongxia will still develop.

"Jingle Bell?"

At this moment, Su Han's cell phone rang suddenly.

The black cell phone was the one that Su Han had received from the Huaan Bureau before.

From the outside, it still looks new.

Su Han took good care of it.

Looking at the contact name displayed on the phone, Su Han couldn't help frowning.

Because there are two big characters "Wang Xiong" on it. At this time, the director of the Huaan Bureau called, and no one could guess what it was.

Although he was a little puzzled, Su Han picked up the phone nimbly and swiped the answer button.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Su Han looked a little serious.

Because he knew that Wang Xiong personally notified him, it must be a big event.

But the next moment, Su Han was stunned.

Because the news Wang Xiong brought him was not an abnormal event.

It was Li Chunxi's news.

"Hey? "

"It's not a big deal."

"It was your girlfriend who submitted the application to join the Huaan Bureau."

Hearing this, Su Han was taken aback.

"girlfriend? "

"Li Chunxi?" Su Han asked hesitantly.

Wang Xiong on the other end nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Yes, that's Li Chunxi."

Hearing this, Su Han couldn't help but asked a little speechlessly: "What's the matter? Did she ask you to come to me to open the back door?

When Wang Xiong on the other end of the phone heard the words, he suddenly became as confused as Su Han.

"Huh? What kind of brain circuit is this?"

"Shouldn't she be looking for you first when she wants to open the back door?"

"Why did you change the order and find me first and then you?" Wang Xiong couldn't help but be puzzled.

Hearing this, Su Han said, "Besides this reason, I can't think of anything else that could cause you to call me specifically."

Wang Xiong on the other end couldn't help but sighed when he heard the words: "You're thinking too much... I just made this call to ask you if you want her to join the Huaan Bureau." Hearing this, Su Han was slightly taken aback.

But he reacted quickly.

He understands Wang Xiong's thoughts, and his current status is like a parent.

Li Chunxi's life track has been completely linked with Su Han.

Any decision she makes has a lot to do with Su Han.

After thinking for a while

Su Han nodded and said:

"Let her join, as for the mission, the safer the better.

Hearing Su Han's words, Wang Xiong on the other end of the phone nodded silently and said, "Okay, I understand.

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Su Han put the phone down.

"This road is not so easy to walk." Su Han murmured with a sigh.

On the other side, Luo Ming, Lu Yuan and Pei Yuanqing smiled and congratulated Li Chunxi.


"I didn't expect that you got the of of the Huaan Bureau so easily." Luo Ming thanked Li Chunxi.

Although the smile on his face was very festive, the content made Lu Yuan and Pei Yuanqing cover their heads involuntarily.

The meaning of these words is too directional, which is really embarrassing.

Although the answer in their hearts was also that Su Han made a move, they never thought of saying it.

Both Lu Yuan and Pei Yuanqing couldn't help looking at Li Chunxi, and Li Chunxi's reaction had already been imagined in their minds.

But to their surprise, Li Chunxi's reaction was very calm.

Hearing Luo Ming's words, he just nodded slightly, then smiled and said, "oo? Thank you."

Seeing Li Chunxi's appearance, all three of them couldn't help but glanced at each other, and couldn't help shivering.

Li Chunxi's character, they have been such a dog's leg for so many days, they are naturally very clear.

The calmer it is, the bigger the problem is.

When Luo Ming saw this scene, his complexion turned pale in an instant.

"No, I was wrong, sister!"

"I did not do it on purpose."

"You also know that I am a fast-talking person, and I speak without going through my brain."

"You have a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as us.

While talking, Luo Ming almost folded his hands together and paid homage to Li Chunxi.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan and Pei Yuanqing couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Regarding Li Chunxi's character as the Great Devil, they can be said to be afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

After seeing the performance of the three people in front of him, Li Chunxi couldn't help but turn dark.

She really wanted to ask them, is she really that scary?

"Are you itchy? Brush treasure in front of me???" Li Chunxi looked at Luo Ming in front of him and said coldly.

Hearing this, Luo Ming, Lu Yuan and Pei Yuanqing were taken aback for a moment.

But then I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Li Chunxi in front of me is the real Li Chunxi.

It's just that what they don't know is that Li Chunxi's performance is purely for show, for them to see.

When she saw her Huaan Bureau of, she was not so happy the first time she saw it.

Her purpose of joining Huaan Bureau is nothing but to get closer to Su Han.

As for rights and money, although she likes them, she doesn't desire them.

The calm expression just now is also the true thought in her heart.

It is not a surprise to Li Chunxi to join the Huaan Bureau.

And she is sure that there must be a shadow of Su Han in it.

The three people in front of them will join the Huaan Bureau in the future, and Su Han will inevitably be behind them.

Even if Su Han himself didn't pay attention, many people would satisfy Su Han.

This is how it is to enjoy the aftermath.

As long as your figure is tall enough, your shadow can bring a sense of security to those around you.

Just when Li Chunxi was happy for the Huaan Bureau, something unusual appeared in the world-famous Tianhu Lake in Liangzhou Province in the land of Zhongxia.

The people from the Huaan Bureau cooperated with the Beijing Academy of Sciences to carry out in-depth exploration of Tianhu Lake.

The reason is because a huge lotus blossomed on the sky lake.

And the huge concept is pretty outrageous.

The entire Tianhu Lake stretches for ten kilometers, like a flawless mirror.

But the bloom of this lotus is nearly one kilometer in size.

A lotus flower is one kilometer in size, so one can imagine how exaggerated this is.

At this time, a leader in charge of the Huaan Bureau stood under the lotus, looking up at the big and outrageous lotus with a heavy face (Li Dezhao). Intuition and experience told him that under this lotus, there must be hidden With a huge mystery.

"Xiao Wang, what do you think?"

At this moment, the leader in charge glanced at a man in his thirties beside him, and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Wang, a man in his thirties, is one of the few masters in the Huaan Bureau with super perceptual ability.

However, at this moment, Xiao Wang really looked at the huge lotus in front of him with a serious face, silent.

Because, he, who has always been proud of his perception ability, could not perceive any abnormality in the lotus.

"Is there really no vision?

Xiao Wang, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly, obviously not.

The diameter of an ordinary lotus, 20 to 30 centimeters, is the extreme, but the diameter of this lotus has reached an astonishing one kilometer. Even ordinary people know that there must be something strange in it.

The leader in charge naturally noticed Xiao Wang's abnormality, and couldn't help but be surprised. Unexpectedly, even Xiao Wang, who was ranked among the top three in the Huaan Bureau, could not detect the mystery. That is to say, the origin of this lotus is amazing.

"Captain Wang, let me go and have a look."

At this moment, a young man with a fierce face introduced himself confidently.

Leaders in charge]

Glancing at the young man, he nodded slightly. This young man, Xiao Fei, is extremely fast. If there is really danger hidden under this lotus, Xiao Fei still has the ability to protect himself.

At this moment, the dozen or so members of the Huaan Bureau present all set their sights on Xiaofei.

The corners of Xiao Fei's mouth curled up slightly. For him, this was another chance to show off, but it was normal. Young people wanted to show off, especially in the Huaan Bureau where capable people came out in large numbers.

I saw that Xiao Fei's figure suddenly rose from the ground, like a shooting star, heading straight for the lotus.

"So fast.

Under the lotus, all members of the Huaan Bureau were amazed at Dao Yu.

However, just when everyone was amazed by Xiao Fei's speed, it was already an instant. Xiao Fei, who had just landed on the lotus, seemed to have seen a great horror, with a look of horror on his face, and his body almost instinctively reacted. Get out of the lotus.

However, even if he is one of the top five speed experts in the Huaan Bureau, his reaction is still too slow.

I saw that the lotus closed almost instantly, and Xiao Fei's figure was also wrapped in the huge lotus. "Not good." The leader in charge looked at the accident in front of him with a heavy face, and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Fei only let out a scream, and then disappeared.

After the lotus is closed, it opens instantly, and the whole process takes only a few seconds.

Looking at the beautiful and huge lotus flower reopened in front of me.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was dead silent.

After a while, the leader in charge said with a heavy face, "Look for Su Han.".


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