The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1004: The sword moves

For the ancient Qin imperial clan, the town clan gods in the clan were powerful enough to suppress any strong person.

Originally, the **** of the town clan was in the hands of the emperor. This time, in order to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, the old emperor of the ancient Qin clan specially lent the **** of the town clan to the prince.

And he lived up to his expectations, and directly used the Zhen Clan God Cauldron when he came up, just to make his name famous.

Seeing, the town's gods roared, majestic and majestic, and suppressed the Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even the great prince of the ancient Qin imperial family could not help showing a complacent look on his face.

"Today, this prince smashed the dragon king Xiao Qingdi and this, although he is nothing, but he is barely weaker than the name of the ancient Qin imperial family."

He was very proud, but his whole body strength burst out with all his strength.

Without leaving the slightest hand, he planned to directly smash Emperor Xiao Qing to death.

But I didn't see it. After the Emperor Xiao Qing below held his hands, a faint light appeared on his face.

It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the suppression of the Zhenclan gods that the great prince of the ancient Qin clan had done his best.


Seeing that the Zhen Clan God Cauldron was less than a hundred feet away from the top of Xiao Qing Emperor's head, a sword roar sounded.

Then, a three-foot nine-color sword energy slowly grew from the top of Xiao Qingdi's head.

With a dingdong sound, Nine-Colored Sword Qi jumped out, rooting in the void.

The breeze blew, the sword gas swayed.

Suddenly, suddenly broke out.


In an instant, the nine-color sword qi directly turned into a hundred zhang sword qi, which was earth-shattering, just like the ancient Qin emperor's Zhenzu gods.


The grand prince's expression changed, "Under the Nine Provinces of my clan, any cultivator's energy will be suppressed. How can he use sword energy?"

Nearby, the people of the ancient Qin imperial family were all dumbfounded, with an incredible color in their eyes.

"This is impossible..."

However, it is no use not to believe it, the facts are in front of you.

Hundred-zhang nine-color sword aura, like a sword pillar to the sky, just like this.

However, the great prince of the ancient Qin imperial family and the powerful people of the ancient Qin imperial family were a little relieved that although this sword aura was strong, it could not really stop the ancient Qin imperial clan’s gods from crushing it. the trend of.

At this moment, the golden dragon roared, and the giant cauldron still rotated and suppressed it downward.

Even if the Jiucai Sword is full of power, it can't stop the giant cauldron's suppression.

"It turned out to be just a fancy."

Some are happy and some are sad.

All the people of the ancient Qin imperial clan smiled. They liked the look of Emperor Xiao Qing's dying struggle.

Everyone in the Xiao royal family became nervous.

Even Ji Ming, who just uttered a wild statement saying that if Emperor Xiao Qing is not dead, Ji Ming who wants to call grandpa is also nervous, "No, I believe he can't stop it."

He kept comforting himself, but there was a bad premonition in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

On the contrary, the eldest prince of the Xuanyuan clan looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, who was standing holding his hand. He only felt that something was wrong. The more he looked, the more he felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was too calm.

"Sister Key, do you know him?" He looked at Ji Xinyao.

"What's the matter?" Ji Xinyao was agitating his own strength, ready to rescue at any time. Hearing the words of the prince, he responded casually, but stared at the sword energy that had been compressed by the giant cauldron for nearly half.

"He is too calm, do you think he will be so calm when he encounters such a dangerous situation, is it because he doesn't put the ancient Qin prince in his eyes at all, or is it because he has long looked down on life and death?" The prince Xuanyuan frowned. .

"Nonsense, if I knew, I would be Emperor Xiao Qing." Ji Xinyao was too lazy to pay attention to the prince, but continued to look at Emperor Xiao Qing nervously.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you are already poor."

The great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan stood on the Jiuzhou cauldron of the town clan, and his whole body exploded with all his strength, feeling that the obstruction force below was getting weaker and weaker, and a smile appeared on his face.

"is it?"

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing, whose sword aura had been compressed by only ten feet, not only did not feel nervous at all, but showed a calm smile.

"It’s almost time to make you happy for so long."

The voice that seemed to be whispering to himself sounded.

The next moment, a scene that changed the appearance of the great prince of the ancient Qin clan appeared.

Choking choking!

A sword howl suddenly sounded.

Infinite Nine-Colored Sword Qi, as if it were generated out of thin air, just appeared around Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, the sword aura that he suppressed from one hundred feet to ten feet also rose in the wind and began to explode crazily.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, what changed the complexion of the people of the Xuanyuan imperial family was that in the entire Xuanyuan imperial clan secret realm, a strong wind blew through the general and infinite spiritual energy, and they all gathered towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

The fairy island where the Xuanyuan imperial clan is located is the existence of the entire Xuanyuan clan for so many years, and the spiritual energy contained in it is so huge.

At this moment, he was plundered by an overbearing force.

Wanchuan confluence, the world is unified.

The billowing spiritual energy merged into the sword energy.

Emperor Xiao Qing still carried his hands on his back, but the nine-color sword aura above his head swelled directly into the roar.

Even the ancient Qin imperial clan’s **** cauldron trembles endlessly, no matter how the golden dragon around the elder prince roars, how powerful and unparalleled power erupts, it cannot continue to suppress it.

"The use of secret methods to plunder the aura of the Xuanyuan imperial family is ridiculous, do you know how powerful the aura of the Xuanyuan imperial family has gathered over the years?

The prince of the ancient Qin clan wore a sneer on his face.

"However, this prince will not wait for you to be blown up, but will kill you himself."

As the first prince of the ancient Qin imperial family, his cultivation base is earth-shaking, and he is also a rare powerhouse in the ancient Qin imperial family.

He has his own arrogance. Since he signed the status of life and death with Emperor Xiao Qing, he must personally destroy Emperor Xiao Qing.


In the next moment, the infinite runes burst out on the Daqin imperial clan’s gods, and every rune had a powerful and unmatched emperor's prestige circulating.

The mighty breath spread out.

"Back then, the first ancestor used this tripod to suppress Jiuzhou. Today, this prince used the tripod to suppress the aura of the Xuanyuan imperial clan. Please forgive me."

A strange imperial might burst out, these runes merged into the aura that gathered, and it was suppressed by the aura that was plundered by force.

This ancient Qin imperial clan relied on suppressing the world's Zhen Clan God Cauldron, exerting incredible abilities, even the eldest prince of Xuanyuan imperial clan was shocked.

Also impressed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

Surrounded by infinite sword energy, he looked at the gods of the ancient Qin clan, and couldn't help sighing again and again, "It's really a supreme treasure."

"It's too late to know the power of the gods of our clan." The eldest prince of the ancient Qin clan sneered.

However, when he couldn't help feeling proud, he heard Emperor Xiao Qing's indifferent voice, "Unfortunately, no matter how powerful a treasure is, it depends on the strength of the person who uses it. You are not qualified to let it play. Show the strength it deserves."


"The sword is coming!"

Then, the sword moved, and the situation began!

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