The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1134: Two worlds, separated by a seal

"Human Demon Race is actually a branch of the Wild Human Race, and at the same time, the Demon Emperor, one of the Wild Sifang royal families, controls the Human Demon Race.

However, the difference between the human beings and demons is that they are all practitioners of the magic way, they are a branch of the ancient magic way, and they are extremely cruel by nature.

If we want to go through that passage to Liangjie Mountain, we must go to the palace of the Demon Imperial City. "

They did not immediately enter the realm of the human and demons. They stood on the backs of the red eagles and looked ahead. The devilish energy was overwhelming, almost dyeing the sky black.

This is the territory where the human and demons are located.

These human demons, except for the appearance of human beings, are actually not humans anymore, but real demons.

Li Ba talked about what he knew very dutifully beside Xiao Qingdi, with a hint of respect.

Since living with ordinary refugees for three days, his worldview has changed drastically. It turned out to be a complete endorsement of Emperor Xiao Qing's philosophy, and from his heart, he completely recognized Emperor Xiao Qing as his teacher.

This made Xiao Qingdi also a little surprised.

"The identity of the emperor cannot be revealed, so please bear with me."

Along the way, although Li Yuanji's identity as the empress of the Li royal family was not clearly stated, everyone already understood it.

However, as a queen, it seems a bit unreasonable to come to the palace of the Demon Emperor.

"Don't worry, we won't talk about it." Wang Mo nodded quickly.

Here, his identity is the most embarrassing, weak, and there is no strong backing. The old guy doesn't care about him, he is naturally very active...

"Then, let's enter the city."

Then, everyone entered the city together.

However, the towns of the humans and demons are different from the Li royal family. As long as you are strong enough, you can rampage and kill at will.

Even if you walk on the road politely, others will think you are a weak person, some strong people are upset, and it is possible to kill people walking on the ground at will.

This is the real magic way, where the weak will eat the strong, and the killing will not stop.

The red eagle flew past as much as it wanted. Although its aura was not strong, Li Ba stood on top of the red eagle. He didn't retain the slightest momentum to release his own original spiritual realm. For a while, wherever he passed, No one dared to beat the red eagle down.

"Who? So strong, we don't even know?" Someone whispered, curiously approaching, "Dare to ask..."


Li Ba shouted loudly, a violent force blasted out, and instantly blasted the powerhouse of the questioning pseudo-prime divine realm.

His deeds are not uncommon in this human-devil territory, but no one dared to step forward anymore.

"Go straight to the imperial city." Li Ba's voice is like Hong Zhong, not afraid of everyone's gaze. At this moment, he is the real prince of the wild Li imperial family.

The breath of the whole body is extremely violent, even the masters of the Yuanshen Realm two or three soaring to the sky, separated from a long distance, all feel shocked, and do not want to come up to him as an enemy.

It's the easiest to walk in the land of humans and demons.

Strong strength is a pass.

The rampage, no one dared to stop him anymore, rushed directly outside the Demon Palace of the Human Demon Race.

"Well, it's time to come down."

The red eagle shrank and turned into a small bird the size of a palm, flying around Emperor Xiao Qing in this way. Everyone stood on the ground, looking at the Devil Palace ahead.

Compared with the imperial palace in the Li imperial city, the devil palace is less like a palace.

"Who? Why did you come?"

Immediately, someone burst into a big shout, it was the strong guarding the Demon Palace, a group of masters of the Demon Dao in the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, volleyed, and the deputy immediately surrounded everyone.

"So it was you."

When Xiao Qing emperor sensed the breath of these people guarding the Demon Palace, his eyes condensed, and his eyes showed coldness.

Originally, when he saw the humans of the Li imperial clan, he was still wondering where the demon heads that broke the seal and rushed out as the so-called Emperor Xuanyuan came from. Now, in the realm of humans and demons, he finally understands.

Those demon heads rushed out from this realm of demons.

"Is the human-devil domain close to the sealed land?" He looked at the old guy and Li Yuanji.


The old guy nodded and said, "The place where the human-devil domain is located is connected with the secular world."

He pointed to the sky and smiled indifferently, "Actually, you can think of the wild as the back of the outside world. The wild sky is actually a seal. Through the seal, you can reach the outside world directly."


As soon as he said this, even Emperor Xiao Qing condensed his eyes, with nine-colored sword light jumping in his eyes, raising his head to look towards the sky.

However, with his current power, he couldn't see what the seal in the sky looked like.

"Don't waste your energy. Although your strength is extraordinary, it is impossible to see through the seal. After all, the Emperor Xuanyuan was a real arrogant talent, and his strength is actually no weaker than that of the emperor, just because of certain things. The reason is not becoming an emperor."

The old guy smiled and said, "These seals are almost impossible to see through."

"Is there any way to break the seal?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Slowly grind it." The old guy said, "As long as you have patience, the iron rod grinds into a needle. This is what you said, and the same applies here. I have always guessed that the Demon Palace is actually a huge formation, just for It exists by breaking the seal."


As soon as this remark came out, Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes changed.

"Dare not answer what I am waiting for, you are looking for death."

Seeing the unscrupulous dialogue between Emperor Xiao Qing and the old guy, and did not put the Demon Palace in his eyes at all, the guards of the Nascent Infant Realm couldn't help it immediately, one by one burst out a powerful devilish energy directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing and the others. come.

"Take them to death."

The formation was activated, the monstrous demon flame was ignited, and the roar directly turned the space where the few people were into a magic land.

"You solve it yourself." The old guy looked at Emperor Xiao Qing cheerfully, without any intention of doing anything.

"That's because you didn't dare to do it. After all, you just sneaked into the wild. If you let the Demon Sovereign know that you are here, you will be dead." Li Yuanji sneered.

"Mutual each other, you are the same." The old guy smiled.

Obviously, neither of them dared to do anything in the Demon Palace easily.

Even if Li Yuanji is the emperor of the Li royal family, theoretically, she is also one of the wild and square emperors, but she is also very afraid of the demon emperor.

"In that case, you can only let Li Ba do it." The other people looked at Li Ba one after another.

The latter looked puzzled, "Why is it me again, my master can do it too."


However, as soon as his words fell, Emperor Xiao Qing slapped him.

"If something is going on, the disciple will take care of it."

I saw Emperor Xiao Qing's expression indifferent, holding a silk scarf in his right hand and wiping gently.

Li Ba, "..."


Since he couldn't resist, he could only do it, and the power of his whole body exploded, and roared, "I came to the Demon Palace to borrow it, do you dare not borrow it, do you want to die?"


Li Ba was brave and fierce. He directly tore the formation and rushed out. After a few strokes, he directly killed all dozens of guards.

But this is just the beginning.

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