The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1154: Kill you in despair

", your body?"

Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man who was blown away with a punch, showed an incredible color on his face.

He didn't expect that Emperor Xiao Qing, who originally looked like an ant in his eyes, was so powerful in his physical body that he would be blasted away with a punch.

This is too fantasy.

Even if his primordial spirit is trapped by Emperor Xiao Qing, and even if his cultivation is also sealed by the two emperor shadows of Xiao Qing, he is still a strong master of the primordial spirit, at least Biyuan Divine Realm double heaven.

With his current strength, how could he be bombarded by a junior in the Nascent Soul Stage?

But this is the fact.

Emperor Xiao Qing strolled in the courtyard, surrounded by wind and snow, but he could not get close.

He walked towards the silver-haired man Xuan Peng, with a light smile on his face, "This king also wants to thank you for the Yuanshen Realm four heavens and earths you gave me. Although it only swallowed the energy in your one heaven and earth, Ben The king’s physical power has also undergone a qualitative transformation."

Yes, the heaven and earth of the four-fold primordial divine realm was originally the gathering of the energy of the silver-haired man Xuan Peng.

During this period of time, Emperor Xiao Qing's supreme divine body had swallowed one of the heavens and the earth, and with such a powerful energy push, his physical strength increased.

Although there is no substantial progress in the realm, it is also unmatched. This punch, the silver-haired man Xuan Peng who has no preparation at all, is beyond the expectations of others, but it is normal to him.

"the host."

The servant guard of the Second Heaven Realm of the Yuanshen was at the side of Emperor Xiao Qing and walked towards the silver-haired man Xuan Peng with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Boy, can you dare to leave your name?"

The silver-haired man Xuan Peng gritted his teeth, his eyes flickering with cold light.

"Dead people are not qualified to know this king's name."

Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose and revealed a shallow smile.

This smile, combined with his peerless demeanor, made people feel like a spring breeze in this ice world.

However, in the eyes of the silver-haired man Xuan Peng, it was like death smiling.


Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, didn't hesitate any more, his whole body burst into the void, his figure instantly rose into the sky, turning into a ray of light and fleeing away.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing had already prepared for it, his figure volleyed, and he directly chased after him.

Beside him, that Yuanshen Realm Erzhongtian subordinates also chased up at the fastest speed.

Even if the silver-haired man Xuan Peng was such a strong man, even if he had been prepared long ago, he was destined to be unable to escape in the face of Emperor Xiao Qing who had mental arithmetic and unintentional.


In the void ahead, a dense array of sword energy suddenly appeared out of thin air, directly blocking the silver-haired man Xuan Peng.

"damn it."

The silver-haired man Xuan Peng's face changed, and a long knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed it amidst the roar.

Those sword auras were instantly destroyed, but, with such a delay, the powerhouse of the second heavenly realm and Emperor Xiao Qing had blocked him one after another.

"You have been prepared for a long time, set up your sword aura here and stop me at the critical moment?"

Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of shock in his eyes.

Before that, when Emperor Xiao Qing fought with him, he had always been at a disadvantage and was suppressed by him. However, Emperor Xiao Qing had already been prepared to seal the void around him.

Could it be that the strength shown by Emperor Xiao Qing is fake?

While he was inhaling a cold breath, he felt the two powerful and incomparable murderous encirclement from the front and back, and he felt a little flustered in his heart.

"Boy, this seat admits that this time this seat is planted, but this seat is the ice saint of the fourth heaven of the Ice Demon Sect's Primordial Divine Realm, and there is a strong person on the record in the Ice Demon Sect. The Demon Sect will definitely investigate thoroughly, no matter what your origin, you will definitely die."

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and his tone started to soften, "Let me leave. I don't care about each other's affairs today. How about exposing them?"

"is it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing clasped his hands together, squeezed his fingers, and smiled, "Don't you want to return to the four heavens of your soul?"

"Naturally want it, but will you give it to me?" The silver-haired man Xuan Peng showed a gloomy look in his eyes.

If there is no Four Heavens and Earth, even if his realm is still there, it will take at least a hundred years for him to return to cultivation again. If Xiao Qingdi is willing to return it to him, he is naturally very happy.

"Of course not to you."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head and said.

"Then you still ask."

Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, was so depressed that he almost wanted to vomit blood. Since he didn't give it, he said so much nonsense. Isn't this making himself sad?

However, at this time, the situation is stronger than that of human beings. Facing Xiao Qingdi, who is just like an ant in his eyes, he did not dare to be rampant. Instead, he slowed down his tone as much as possible and said in his most peaceful words.

"One more friend is better than one more enemy. Although this seat is planted in your hands today, I am a powerhouse in the four heavens of the Yuanshen realm. If you are willing to return the four heavens to me, in the future You and I are brothers."

He patted his heart with an expression of assurance, "As one of the nine ice saints of the Ice Demon Sect, my strength is second, and I am also famous for my loyalty. As long as you are willing to return everything I have Give it to me, then, you are my best brother. In the future, as the world is so big, no one dares to treat you."

"How qualified are you to be my master's brother?"

In front of him, the subordinate of the Yuanshen Realm of the Second Heaven Realm sneered, "A master of the Yuanshen 4th Heaven Realm who has lost the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth, and has been abolished, even the Yuanshen Realm First Heaven can't compare with it. I don’t even have the qualifications to lift shoes for my master."


Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, turned pale with anger.

"Well, in that case, the mountains and rivers will never meet from now on."

He roared, and his figure was about to rush to the side.

However, how could Emperor Xiao Qing let him leave?


Emperor Xiao Qing and the men of Yuanshen Realm Erzhongtian shot at the same time, and the two erupted with unmatched power, one after the other, directly bombarding the silver-haired man Xuan Peng.

A violent force exploded instantly.


Xuan Peng, who wanted to escape, spurted blood, and his escaped figure was stopped again, with a look of despair in his eyes, and he roared in a low voice, "You guys, do you really want to do nothing?"

"It's not that we want to do things absolutely, but today, you must die."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was indifferent, and he stepped in the air, punching out one after another.

"The emperor kills!"

Within a square inch, I am invincible.

In front of him, the subordinates of the Yuanshen Realm Erzhongtian also made successive moves, blocking the attack of the silver-haired man Xuan Peng.

In this way, Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, recovered nearly 50% of his strength. When facing Emperor Xiao Qing, he was also restrained and suffocated.

"Boy, do you really want to kill them all?"

The silver-haired man Xuan Peng roared again and again.

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, still blasting the opponent with one punch after another.


Under successive sieges, even this silver-haired man Xuan Peng was also severely injured. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, he suddenly gritted his teeth, no longer fleeing, but rushed in the direction of Li Yuanji amidst the roar.

"What about Phoenix Nirvana? Today, even if I die, I will drag you down."

Touch... Boom!

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and in the circumstances that Emperor Xiao Qing hadn't expected, this powerful man in the four-fold heaven realm of the Primordial God Realm suddenly exploded.

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