The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1172: It's just killing. If this king thinks, why not wait for Tu Jiner?


Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, and the holy sword would be stained with blood when it was out of its sheath.

Moreover, it was the blood of the Sect Master of the Holy Sword.

This statement, in the eyes of the Sacred Sword Sect Master Tian Xuzi, was frantic to the extreme.

He was furious, and all the six-layer primordial spirit heaven and earth manifested, making the void above the entire Holy Sword Sect distorted.

Moreover, as the supreme sect master of the Holy Sword Sect, his unparalleled fighting power is also displayed.

I saw that within his six-layered souls heaven and earth, each stood a world-shaking divine sword, and each divine sword had a surging sword aura.

It is conceivable that if the six divine swords were dispatched, they would surely be able to cut the world and destroy the earth with infinite power.

"It's interesting." Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly felt a little interested in the basic techniques of the Holy Sword Sect's cultivation. This was the first time he saw that there were six divine weapons stored in the world opened up by the soul.

The power of each Excalibur is extremely strong.

He looked at the Master of the Holy Sword Sect Master with great interest, and asked, "Are your six divine swords your magic weapon or are they condensed with your own strength?"


The Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect under the anger did not expect that Emperor Xiao Qing would suddenly ask such a question. After a daze, he said coldly, "You are too much nonsense."


As soon as he pointed out, one of the divine swords flew out from it, cutting through the void, and slashing towards Emperor Xiao Qing with monstrous power.

"First take this sword."

Originally, as the Sect Master of the Sacred Sword Sect, based on his seniority, he shouldn't do it first.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing actually held the holy sword of the Sacred Sword Sect, which shocked the supreme master Tian Xuzi, and was inexplicably shocked. At the same time, he did not dare to look down upon Xiao Qing, the'junior' of the primordial infant stage.

He took the initiative, and this sword was cut down with unmatched power, and it was definitely not something ordinary people could resist.


In the distance, the old fellow from the second ancestor Tianhuan came. When he saw Emperor Xiao Qing and the Sovereign Sword Sect master fight, his expression changed drastically, and his heart was at a loss, "Why is it such a short time? Fighting?"

"Moreover, what my eldest brother is holding is a holy sword?"

Originally, he was very nervous, but when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing holding the Supreme Sword of the Sacred Sword Sect in his hand, he relaxed.


In midair, the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect slashed in front of Emperor Xiao Qing with this sword, but was picked up and flew out by Emperor Xiao Qing holding the holy sword.

Originally, with the power of Emperor Xiao Qing, it was impossible to be the opponent of the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect. However, this was within the Sect of the Sacred Sword. He also mastered the Supreme Sword of the Sect of the Sacred Sword and even held the Sword. With the help of the power of the Holy Sword Sect, the gap between the two realms was nothing to him.

Even if everyone in the Holy Sword Sect shot together, he was not afraid.

With a sword across the air, he looked at the Sect Master of the Holy Sword on the opposite side, and said calmly, "Indiscriminately, regardless of right and wrong, just do it directly. This is what you call the style of the Sect Master of the Holy Sword?"

"Originally, this king didn't need to be fair to others, but since you didn't agree with a word, you would do it, and since you feel that this king is killing people for no reason, then how about this king killing a few more today to let you see?"

"Not good..." As soon as these words came out, the Sect Master's expression changed drastically, and he roared, "Stop..."

However, it was too late.


The holy sword swept across the void, and the invisible sword aura swept across. Below, one of the dozen young people who had just emerged from the hidden formation burst directly.

Blood was splattered, and the surrounding companions were all covered with flesh and blood, screaming in horror.

"you dare?"

The Sovereign Sovereign of the Sacred Sword was so angry that his killing intent was rolling, "Emperor Xiao Qing, you are looking for death."

Qiang Qiang!

Another three-handed divine sword flew out of his primordial spirit world, merged with the previous one, and turned into a terrifying divine weapon, with the power of the sixth heavenly primordial realm, towards Xiao Qing The emperor cut it down.

"Tian Xuzi's strength has grown very fast in recent years." The old fellow of the second ancestor frowned when he saw this scene.

Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, the old guy was a little nervous, "My eldest brother, shouldn't you lose? After all, he is only in Yuanying stage."

If Yuan Yingqi had spoken out to the Sacred Sword Sect master of the Sixth Heavenly Peak of Yuanshen Realm, no one would believe it.

However, the facts are right in front of him. Facing the Sovereign Sect Master Tian Xuzi, Emperor Xiao Qing was awe-inspiring. Facing the reduced version of the holy sword formed by the integration of the four swords, his face was indifferent. The color, "Four swords are combined into one, turned into a holy sword, with good power, but a pity..."

Lightly flicking the holy sword in his hand, sighed, "No matter how powerful the imitated holy sword is, it is useless when facing the real holy sword."


The holy sword shook, a monstrous force exploded, slashed across the air, and slashed directly with the sword of the sovereign.

Then, the Sect Master of the Holy Sword was shocked, with an incredible color on his face, "How is it possible?"

I saw that his magic weapon, which was condensed from four magic swords, was so directly destroyed.

No one can stop it!

His dignified Sect Master of the Sacred Sword, a master of the sixth heavenly level of the Primordial God Realm, although he did not use his full strength, even the second ancestor Tianhuan could not easily block the power of that sword, but Emperor Xiao Qing easily flew it. .

"Do not..."

Not only that, the next moment when the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect and the people around them were all shocked, Emperor Xiao Qing's behavior caused them to split their eyes.

"It's just killing, it's really nothing to this king."


I saw Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head slightly, and cut down three swords one after another, three invisible sword lights flashed, and instantly cut the three young people below.

Even if the elders and peak masters had already defended them, they couldn't stop them from facing the three swords of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"you dare!"

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you are an enemy of my Holy Sword Sect, you deserve to die."

"You completely irritated me for waiting."

Everyone, including the suzerain, was furious.

Repeatedly killing people in front of them, and still being so lightly understated, not only could not hold their faces, it was an obvious and extremely provocative.


Not only the Sect Master, but some other powerful peak masters also shot.

Suddenly, the infinite sword energy exploded, and one after another slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"No, he is big." The expressions of the second ancestor Tianhuan and Li Yuanji changed.

This time, almost all the strongest in the Holy Sword Sect had shot.

Even if the second ancestor Tianhuan and Li Yuanji level superpowers face this blow, they dare not say that they can be blocked safely.

However, how about Emperor Xiao Qing even holding the Holy Sword of the Holy Sword Sect?

His realm is too low after all.

Can you stop it?

"Old guy, don't do it yet?" Li Yuanji suddenly turned to look at the second ancestor Tianhuan, shouting angrily, "Today, if there is any damage to him, the emperor will definitely beat the Holy Sword Sect."

The old guy who knew Li Yuanji's identity changed his face and suddenly gritted his teeth and was about to rush to help Emperor Xiao Qing.


However, in the next moment, a terrifying sword fluctuating spread over, making him and Li Yuanji stunned.

Looking up, his face changed a lot, "This..."

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