The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1191: Fusion of magic weapons, invincible

"Your sister is really the Supreme Sword Sword of the Sacred Sword Sect, he is really the Sword Emperor."

Not many people know the name Qingfeng in the Holy Sword Sect, but anyone who knows it knows that he is a taboo of the Holy Sword Sect.

Because he was once the supreme arrogant of the Holy Sword Sect, claiming to be the most promising to break through to become the sword emperor.

However, because she fell in love with the daughter of the great elder of the Ice Demon Sect, she fell into the demon way, and was even abolished by his master in kendo cultivation.

Later, a series of things happened, and Qingfeng became a person who is also a demon.

However, he is still very clear about the matter of the Holy Sword Sect, especially the Supreme Sword Judgment, he almost got the inheritance, and he also knows that the Holy Sword Judgment is divided into two swords, one sword creates life and one sword destroys. .

The two swords contain the most basic life and death between heaven and earth.

The most important thing is that this sword art cannot be practiced by non-sword emperors!

Emperor Xiao Qing had successfully practiced the Holy Sword in this way.


He trembled, his face showed an incredible color, "It's incredible, there really is a sword emperor in this world, how can this be..."

"Boy, wait to call Grandpa."

On the one hand, the old guy gloated and patted Qingfeng on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, you might have to call me Second Grandpa."

"roll roll roll."

Qingfeng responded in an angry manner.

However, his gaze was staring unblinkingly at Emperor Xiao Qing, who was holding the holy sword and displaying the sword of creation in the supreme holy sword battle, and was inexplicably shocked.

Slashed with a sword, the void grows lotus.

Blossoms of golden lotus with infinite vitality just appeared in the void.

This scene shocked everyone.

Up and down the Ice Demon Sect, countless people were stunned, "This, like the creation of the world, how could this be..."


Then, Chuangsheng Yijian crashed into a fist full of destruction.

Two natural opposing forces burst out instantly, just like the thunder hitting the ground and fire, and like water and fire hitting each other, the terrifying and monstrous force is mighty and mighty, and the void continues to burst wherever it passes.

The living dead in the seventh heaven of the Primordial Divine Realm was also stunned, "It seems, it is really the Supreme Sword Jue of the Sacred Sword Sect, this..."

Even if it was him, his heart trembled, and a bad feeling came up.

And when he was shocked, Emperor Xiao Qing was not idle.

Rather, looking at the great elder of the Ice Demon Sect who is desperately slicing through the seventh heaven and earth, preparing to be promoted to the seventh heaven of the Primordial Divine Realm, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he whispered, "In front of this king, if you make your breakthrough successfully , Then, how does this king meet people?"


The sword of destruction was cut out instantly.

The mighty destructive aura, accompanied by the terrifying sword light, instantly slashed into the seventh soul world that the great elder had opened up.

"Do not..."

At this moment, the great elder opened up the seventh heaven and earth of the soul, it is the time to stabilize the heaven and earth of the seventh soul and make it completely overlap with the previous six.

Suddenly, a destructive force slashed into it, instantly blasting the unreliable soul world.

"Damn it..."

All previous efforts were abandoned, and the seventh heaven and earth of the soul was directly blown up, and even his original sixth heaven and earth trembled.

He turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes were splitting, his whole person was going crazy, "Junior, you **** it."

"The **** thing is you."

The cold light flashed in Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes, and he cut out with two swords.

"Di Slash!"


This time, both left and right hands shot at the same time, the emperor burning sword in the right hand cut out the emperor, the vastness of the emperor, smashed the void, and shattered everything; the left hand held the holy sword to cut out the sword of destruction.

"Junior, you **** it."

Until this time, the power of the sword of creation and the fist of destruction disappeared.

The eyes of that powerhouse in the Seventh Heaven Realm were filled with cold light, and he was extremely angry that Emperor Xiao Qing had interrupted the promotion of the great elder in the sect.

"Today, you are dead."

His body stood up, and although it looked like a normal person on the surface, when he used his full strength, the whole person was completely different from before.

At this moment, he was half dead and half full of vitality.

This is the real living dead, no matter how strong they are, they can't get rid of the two sides of life and death.

"What I saw just now turned out to be the situation after he covered it up." The old guy Tian Huan's eyes widened, and he only felt that his face was lost.

The second group of his own dignified Saint Sword Sect, dealing with the living dead, did not even have the ability to force the other party to show the real body of the living dead, which is really shameful.

"Normal, after all, your strength is relatively weak." Qingfeng found an opportunity to hit the old guy.

"Fun." The old guy was extremely depressed, and did not pay much attention to the breeze, but stared at Emperor Xiao Qing unblinkingly.

On one side, Li Yuanji had been sitting next to Fang Yuxue, looking at the two powerhouses at the same time to deal with Xiao Qingdi, her face could not help showing shock, "The two powerhouses shot at the same time. This time, it's really a bit dangerous."

Even if she is in the most peak state, she can't say that facing the attacks of these two powerful men, she can have the power of a battle.

However, in the face of the attacks of these two powerhouses, Emperor Xiao Qing still had a calm look on his face. He looked at the Emperor Burning Sword and the Holy Sword, and there was a slight smile in his eyes. At this time, what will happen, this king is very much looking forward to it."


Holding a sword in each hand, they suddenly merged.


Qiang Qiang!

Then, the monstrous sword aura continued to erupt.

A terrifying sword whistling sound spread throughout the world, and the extremely violent sword aura shot out in all directions.

Even the attack of the living dead and the great elder of the seventh heaven was blocked by this violent sword aura for a moment.

"Can the fusion of the two swords block the deity? Ignorance."

The living dead of Seventh Heaven sneered disdainfully, his figure moved, black and white, surrounded by life and death, directly smashed into the void and blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a punch.

This time, it was no longer an air attack, but directly bombarded Xiao Qingdi with his terrifying body.


The Great Elder of the Ice Demon Sect also made a very tacit move, and he also deceived his body and approached him. The ice was overwhelming and he attacked Emperor Xiao Qing.

Wherever he went, the void exploded and everything turned into powder.

On the surface they disdain, but in fact, they didn't dare to wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to truly integrate the two swords, but instead planned to kill Emperor Xiao Qing directly before the two swords were integrated.

However, can they do so?

Obviously not.

When this terrifying force bombarded Emperor Xiao Qing, the light in Emperor Xiao Qing's hand was shining, but his left hand was lowered, only his right hand was still holding the two fused divine swords.

A smile appeared in his eyes, "You guys, come to take a step."


With a flick of his right hand, an incomparable sword light suddenly pulled out.


The next moment, the sword energy volleyed, and the murderous intent was permeated.

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