The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1195: Luo Xia in danger


On the endless sea, a figure ran away quickly in front.

"The lord of the prince has already come down, and you are the only one left in the bloodthirsty blood line, Luo Xia, don't struggle, accept death obediently."

Accompanied by a roar of rage, a tall, stubborn and hideous man of the blood race chased and killed him in the rear.

The one who ran away was not someone else, but Luo Xia.

Behind Luo Xia, the pair of wings were in tatters, and his whole body was bleeding, and he was like a blood man.

He gritted his teeth and ran wildly.

"Why, why is it so, Master's strength is earth-shattering, why can anyone kill Master?"

Recalling that half a month ago, he received a message from the master, asking him to hide quickly, and then, there was no news of his master.

When he was worried about rushing to the ship of the Prince, what he saw was that on the Prince, countless people all died tragically on the spot, and even his master disappeared.

Originally, the Prince had been drifting on the sea and would stop to supply supplies from various countries and take care of important people from various countries to board and play. At this moment, it turned into a ghost ship.

There is really nothing but blood and corpses.

While he was in despair, he was discovered by a group of kinsmen who were patrolling the sky.

A fight happened instantly.

Even if Luo Xia's strength is already very strong, his time to become a blood clan is too short after all, and the opponent is not only strong, but the number is more than ten times hers.

After a battle, he beheaded the opponent's small half-blood powerhouse, and he was seriously injured and ran away frantically.

He flees in the front, and more and more blood clan powerhouses are chasing and killing him behind.

This chase lasted for more than ten days.

Luo Xia has become a mouse crossing the street, wherever he goes, everyone of the blood race must chase him.

"Why is this?"

In the past, although the bloodthirsty line was not seen very much in the blood race, it was not as good as a mouse crossing the street.

The sudden change made Luo Xia still very at a loss.

"Run, I must escape, my sister is still waiting for me, Master's hatred, all the hatreds of everyone on and off the Prince are waiting for me to find out, I absolutely can't just die.

Luo Xia roared in his heart and tried his best to urge him to continue to run forward.


Suddenly, in front of Luo Xia, a white young man wearing a suit with a handsome face and blond blue eyes appeared out of thin air. He stood in the air, looking calmly at Luo Xia, who was running away frantically, "Even your master saw this prince. Can't run, let alone you."

He waved his hand at will, as if driving a fly, but there was a terrifying force bombarding Luo Xia.

Amid the roar, Luo Xia's whole person was like a cannonball, and was instantly blasted into the sea.

In an instant, blood stained the sea.


A group of strong blood races from behind caught up and hurriedly saluted the youth.

This young man is a terrifying existence of the blood clan, a real old antique.

The prince of blood, aloft, powerful.

This is a super power comparable to the Yuanshen Realm!

"Catch it up, take it away." The young man said calmly.


A group of blood clan powerhouses are about to rush down.


However, the next moment, the sea exploded, and a figure rushed up and continued to flee forward at the fastest speed.

It is Luo Xia.

After taking a blow from the opponent's Yuanshen Realm powerhouse, Luo Xia still had the strength to escape.

"The little bloodthirsty descendant has a real ability to escape." The handsome young man in a suit showed interest. "This king wants to see how long you can hold on."

So, he waved his hand gently and didn't let other people kill him. Instead, he wandered in the air with his hands on his back, and followed Luo Xia's slowly.

He took people and kept a kilometer away from Luo Xia. When Luo Xia is fast, he speeds up, and Luo Xia is slow, and he also slows down.

"He is going to kill me, to let my blood flow to death."

Luo Xia was bleeding all over, especially, in the position of the lower abdomen, a stab wound almost cut him in half, and even his intestines fell.

But he was still running away desperately.

However, no matter how he escaped, the other party followed closely at a distance of one kilometer. No matter how firm Luo Xia's will was, he was desperate over time.

"The opponent is a powerhouse at the level of the blood prince, who has surpassed the Nascent Soul stage practitioners and reached a more terrifying level. Who else in this world can help me?

Luo Xia immediately thought of his good brother Xiao Qingdi.

However, immediately he shook his head, "Even if it is death, I can't hurt my brother. Since there is no escape, then let's make a break here."

Then, he turned around abruptly, stood on a rock, and looked at each other with such a calm expression, "Come on, isn't it just killing me? Do it."

Desperately with each other?

Obviously it is impossible. The other party is a high blood prince. With such existence, Luo Xia can be wiped out with a single breath. For Luo Xia, he still knows this.

Since you can't resist, then the left and right are a death.

However, when he closed his eyes and waited for his death, he found that not only did the other party not kill himself, but no one came up to capture him. Everything was quiet and calm, a bit scary.

"If you want to die so quickly, you definitely don't want to hurt those close to you."

The young prince said with great interest, "The bloodthirsty line is all dead, right? You, the blood clan who has just transformed into the bloodthirsty line, are there any human relatives and friends?"

"No." Luo Xia roared, with a firm look in his eyes, "I have no father and no mother. I am an orphan. I met Master by chance. Apart from Master, I know no one in the world."

"It must be so nervous."

The young prince smiled slightly and called a subordinate, "Check out who is around him. If there are relatives or friends, just grab them."


The kinsman master hurried to the side, holding his cell phone and calling someone to investigate.

They knew very well that this terrifying prince and powerhouse had a very big hobby, that is, to kill not to directly behead the other party, but to capture all the relatives and friends of the other party first, and a little bit in front of the other party. Torture to death.

Then, in the desperate collapse of the opponent, the opponent was pinched to death.

This kind of fun is nothing to the blood race, even if this young strong man is not a prince, they will be very happy to execute it.

After all, as a member of the blood clan, life is long, if you don't have some fun activities, how can you spend their time?

"Wang, the investigation is clear. Luo Xia has a sister named Luo Jing, who is from the East, and a very good friend named Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, who is quite famous."

After a while, he got the news he wanted.


The young prince flicked his fingers and said with a smile, "Within a quarter of an hour, this king will see those two people."

"This may be a little difficult."

The blood clan master whispered, "According to the news, Luo Jing has long since disappeared, and Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, is also not in Yanhua. However, Dragon King Island is less than a thousand miles away from the forces created by Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king. On the sea."


The words of the blood clan master fell, and suddenly the whole person burst out of thin air.

The expressions of the other masters of the blood race changed drastically, and one by one respectfully bowed to the young man.

"It's not clear once, **** it."

The young man waved his hands at random and smiled indifferently, "Since the so-called Dragon King Island is nearby, then, take him to Dragon King Island."

In that indifferent smile, there was a ray of murderous intent looming.

"Do not..."

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