The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1232: Overbearing, no one can beat


Above the Xiao family villa, Emperor Xiao Qing volleyed with a sword, and instantly penetrated the package of the Heavenly Star's Celestial Armor, piercing his palm.

Then, with a slight shock, the palm of his hand was directly shattered.

When the halberd landed, Emperor Xiao Qing's foot was stamped, and the halberd directly turned into a light and flew towards Li Ba.

"Refining it."

The cold voice came over, making Li Ba's face look excited, "Haha, thank you Master."

He had already taken a fancy to this set of Celestial God suit. Now, seeing Emperor Xiao Qing's appearance, he planned to give him the Celestial God suit. How could he not get excited?


The star roared, "Damn it, you dare to **** the magic weapon of this seat, you **** it."

At this moment, everyone in the field was silent.

Especially the strong men of the Heavenly God Sect, all staring fiercely at Li Ba who was refining the Heavenly God's Halberd, roared, "Let go of the Heavenly God's Halberd, otherwise, die."

"Who said that this battle is just a personal grievance, and no one can participate in it?"

The old guy Tian Huan spoke with a calm expression, his eyes swept across the people of the Heavenly God Sect, and a faint threatening color flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed.

Tianhuan's words were not threatening, but the cold light in his eyes made everyone understand that if they dared to participate in it, Tianhuan would never stand by.

"Ancestor Tianhuan, this Heavenly God suit has always been only the secret guardian of my Heavenly God Sect." Someone shouted unwillingly.


Tianhuan said calmly, "The unwritten rules of Liangjieshan since ancient times, the treasure of the loser is the victor's for both sides in the war."

"However, this battle is not over yet."

The man continued to speak loudly.

"Yes, can you participate before it's over?" Tian Huan looked at him with a smile, "If you speak again, my ancestor will treat you as a fair duel against the ancestor's appraisal. , To destroy you on the spot, do you believe it or not?"


The man took a cold breath, his face turned pale, and he didn't dare to speak any more, so he could only close his mouth quickly.


A roar came, and then the painful roar of Skystar rang out, "No..."

Under the silver armor, a blood mist continued to burst out. Everyone looked at it and saw that the other hand that was clearly a star was shattered by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Nashen Tiandi, give me suppression."

Tian Xing roared, his primordial spirit standing on the four-layer primordial spirit heaven and earth, exploded with the strongest force, and slammed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

It turned out to be planning to hit Xiao Qingdi with Yuanshen Heaven and Earth.


Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, his own two vast and boundless Yuanshen heavens and earths were unfolded, and the four Yuanshen heavens and earths were directly wrapped in them, and then, with the help of powerful power, they began to refine the four Yuanshen heavens and earths.

"No, your primordial spirit world is obviously just two heavens, why is it so broad?"

Tianxing was completely desperate.

The soul of the soul was swallowed, and even the soul of the soul was unable to escape. In addition, the injuries on his body were so severe that he could not exert much power at all. At this moment, his heart trembled, and his whole person was about to collapse.

At the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing had an extremely calm expression. He looked at the sky star with a look of despair, and said calmly, "This king should thank you for your fourfold soul heaven and earth, which has provided a lot of energy to this king."

"Do not..."

Tian Xing snarled, "Give it back to me, you give it back to me, you are against the Heavenly God Sect, you **** it, you are dead..."

"Don’t yell, the ancestor is here to testify, you said yourself that there is a personal grievance between you, and it has nothing to do with the gods of the sky. Jianzong feels sorry."

Tian Huan on one side glanced at him.

"You... deceive people too much..."

Tian Xing choked with words, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with grief and anger on his face.

"Deception too much?"

Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose and smiled slightly, "The bullies are still behind."


Then, a sword volleyed into the sky, slashing into Tian Xing's neck in an instant, and the sword aura exploded, and under shock, it instantly shattered Tian Xing, a super powerhouse of the fourth heaven of the Primordial God Realm.

Xuemo flowed and escaped from the empty silver armor.

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Xiao Qing directly threw the entire suit to the side of Li Ba, looking at everyone in the field, with a calm expression on his face, "Everyone, who else is troubled by this king?"

Everyone, "..."

At this moment, all these powerful men who came with such a mighty face turned pale and did not dare to look up at Emperor Xiao Qing.

Especially, the chief elder of the Yanhua Empire's clan elders was trembling, and the whole person was almost scared to death.

"When did he become so powerful?"

It is really hard to imagine that Xiao Qing emperor is such a junior, it was difficult to fight the dean of the immortal gate before. Later, even if the dean of the immortal gate was cut, it was not very easy.

At that time, Emperor Xiao Qing was only in the Yuan Ying period.

Now, it has reached such a terrifying realm.

I regret it in my heart. If it were to start all over again, the Great Elder would never dare to be rude to Emperor Xiao Qing. At this moment, just ask Emperor Xiao Qing not to trouble him.


When everyone was shocked, they suddenly felt something wrong, and the aura on Xiao Qingdi, who was originally powerful and incomparable, began to fall.

Starting from the fourth heaven of the Yuanshen realm, falling a little bit, to the third heaven, then the second heaven, and then...

All the breath disappeared.

Obviously, after Xiao Qing emperor sensed the fall of his own cultivation base, he quickly concealed his aura so that everyone could no longer sense his powerful cultivation base.

"In fact, he is not as strong as he imagined, but he doesn't know what means he has used to rely on external forces."

Someone whispered that the confidence that had been blown back after seeing Emperor Xiao Qing so powerful.

"It's possible that the ancestor Tianhuan of the Holy Sword Sect lent his power to him. Have you noticed that the ancestor Tianhuan was sitting directly on the ground before, obviously the power has disappeared."

"Yes, exactly."

"It turns out that his true cultivation level is actually only the second layer of the Yuanshen Realm. No, maybe he just entered the Yuanshen Realm for the first time, even in the Yuan Ying stage."

"His place has been able to kill the elder Tianxing, precisely because of the ancestor Tianhuan."

"This matter must be reported to the sect, so that the lord and ancestors will be the masters of the elders."


Especially the people of the Tianshen Sect, although they dare not say much here because of Tianhuan, they have already ‘understood’ everything in the private voice transmission communication.

"This time we came to the secular world, the time we stayed is not short, we have a chance to kill him."

Someone was even more fierce and made up his mind that he must quietly kill Emperor Xiao Qing in order to avenge Tianhuan's murder.

"These guys..."

But I don't know that at this moment, the ancestor Tianhuan sighed, "The ancestors presided over justice, in fact, it is not for my elder brother, but for the safety of your Tianshen Sect."

"Annoyed him, unless the ancestor of the Heavenly God Sect was born, who could stop him? And..."

While thinking about it, Tian Huan's face turned weird, "What's even worse is the cultivation of those strong men above and below my Holy Sword Sect..."

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