The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1237: Two glib brothers

"Kneel down."

Buddhism, a sect passed down from the West in the legend, takes goodness as its mind and its mission to slay demons and eliminate demons.

However, at this moment, a group of big bald heads knelt down on the ground under the pressure of two young bald heads, and looked at the two bald heads with an angry expression one by one.

These two little bald heads have indomitable expressions on their faces, and their eyes are even more angry. "We are wronged. We have not done anything. Why do we treat us like this?"

"We were born in a poor family since we were young. The reason why we entered Buddhism as a handyman was to be able to eat enough. But you actually look down on the poor in this way. Is there any reason for that?"

"Because of the theft of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion, if you can't find anyone, it's too much to investigate us."

The two men refused to admit it all.

They are not others.

It is Atari and Kong Shuai.

At this moment, the two seem to be wronged and angry on the surface, but in fact, they are extremely depressed.

"This group of bald heads are really thieves. Didn't they just enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to get some inheritance, and eat some pill from the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion? The young master didn't dislike whether your pill was expired, you even beaten up ."

At this moment, the two people are very upset.

If it hadn't been for the medicinal power of their pill that they hadn't fully exerted, and if their inheritance hadn't been thoroughly learned, they would definitely beat the group of bald heads.

Too stingy.

"Say, who let you in?"

There was another shout of anger, and an old bald head in a red monk robe glared at the two.

"We have all said that we did not steal the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion."

Atari spread his hands and said helplessly, "You can see for yourself, with the strength of the two of us, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion must be heavily organized, how can we get in?"

"Yes, Buddha Zong is the top super sect of Liangjieshan. Let alone it is impossible for us to steal the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion, even if it is true, go out and tell the people in the world, saying you If the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion were stolen by two weak people, wouldn't they be laughed out of their teeth?"

Kong Shuai also sighed, "As a member of the Buddhist sect, we still want to become superior elders or suzerain in the future. How can we do this kind of stealth and abduction?"

"I have hated this behavior since I was a child. I take good deeds as the foundation, cross the road to help the elderly, respect the old and love the young, kindness is my nature, and I can't do evil anyway."

Atari looked righteous, if it were not for conclusive evidence, the people of the Buddhism would really be deceived by the two.

"Well, it seems that if you don't show the evidence, you refuse to admit it." The red-robed old bald smiled angrily.

Then, he directly took out a stone, waved his hand, and a picture appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

I saw that outside the Treasure Pavilion, two small bald heads covered their faces, sneaking to the door and looking around, suddenly, one of them pulled the other abruptly and disappeared.

Then, in the second picture, inside the Treasure Pavilion, two figures came out of the void, and after careful investigation, they found that there was no one and no organs, and they ran to the place where the medicine was hidden and put. Throw the medicine in your mouth when you see it.

Later, the two of them didn't know how many pills they had taken, and even after they took it, they felt that this was wrong. After a lot of conversations, they began to consciously choose various pills.

The low-level pill, just dump it out, and the high-level pill will still be in the mouth.

Then I studied in other treasure areas, and I wanted to take some treasures away, but in the end they put them down again, and then left in a big swing.

During the whole process, although the true face was not revealed, everyone could tell at a glance that it was Atari and Kong Shuai with the triumphant look and cunning look.


"Our Buddhism has accumulated a pill that I don't know how many years, but they have trampled on them."

"Open their stomachs and take out the pill."

"Yes, they throw them into the alchemy furnace and refine them into pills."


The rest of the Buddha Sect all turned pale with anger, and their whole bodies were trembling.

The pill in the Treasure Pavilion, but the share they can receive every month, is specially refined to assist in the cultivation of the secret method of Buddhism.

Moreover, in recent years, with the scarcity of various spiritual herbs for alchemy, the output of the elixir of Buddhism has become less and less, and less and more insufficient.

Now, they have all been ruined by the two of them. It's too much to eat and throw away!

"Ahem, these two people are so handsome." Atari coughed a few times, with a look of envy, "Their cultivation level must be very powerful, otherwise, how come they haven't exploded after taking so many pills. Died."

Kong Shuai on one side also said, "Yes, even if you eat so many beans, you should die, but they are fine. It is estimated that there is a strong person in the sect who has reached a very tyrannical strength. Maybe it is the commandment. You are the first master of the courtyard."

Looking at the old bald head wearing a red monk robe, he sighed, "Actually, sometimes, no matter where you are, there are always thief shouting and catching thief. Whatever you do, in order to make yourself feel at ease, grab it. Two unimportant people framed it and dealt with it."

"This kind of person is the most hateful." Atari said angrily.

The two were caught and kneeled on the ground, but at this moment, in their mouths, it was clear that the old bald head, the first seat of the precepts, who had a very high status in the Buddhist sect, was described as guarding and stealing, and framed them.

"You, you guys, how dare you slander this seat?"

The first seat of the precepts was stunned.

He served as the first seat of the Buddhist precepts academy for more than 120 years, and he has also caught a lot of small thieves, but it was the first time he saw him as rampant as these two bastards.

"Look at this second video."

He shouted angrily, once again took out a photo-taking stone, and after inputting his own power on it, another scene appeared, exactly in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

I saw that the two masked guys entered it quietly, and then, all sorts of rummaging, threw the books in the Buddhist scriptures into a mess.

In the end, somehow, he touched a secret key in the Buddhist scripture pavilion, and he went straight into it and disappeared.

Then, in the picture, the golden light is flourishing, and Buddhist texts continue to flow by.


"This is the highest inheritance in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the legend, but they got it?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

They all know that there is the highest secret in the Buddhist scripture pavilion, that is, there is a legendary inheritance of the Buddha, but no one has been able to inherit it.

Who could have imagined that it was obtained by two little thieves, which is simply a great irony.

"You guys, what else do you want to say?"

The old bald glared at the two of them, "Dare you still deny that it is not you?"

The two looked at a loss, "These two brothers are really handsome, but they haven't seen them. How can they be sure that they are us?"

"The first seat, shouldn't it really be you and others who entered it in partnership to take away those treasures and then wronged us?"

"That's it. Since it is for the first seat to take this responsibility, our brothers, are willing to take this responsibility. You are right. This is what we did. We stole everything in the entire Buddhist sect. You can report to the lord, There is no need to check again, the case can be closed."


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