The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1268: Uncontrollable killing

At this moment, a group of strong men in the Dark Council almost cried out.

They looked stiff and didn't dare to move. That's it, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing and Cui Jinhao, for a long time, the new chairman reluctantly said, "No, don't get me wrong, I, we just passed by..."

"He is the new president of the Dark Council."

At this time, Luo Xia, who was breaking through next to him, said, "This person has no ambitions. After taking office, he has been tolerant, but he has not done any major things."

"Yes, yes, Lord Dragon King, I haven't done anything bad, please let us go..." the dark council chairman said hastily.

"get out."

Emperor Xiao Qing did not do anything, even if he did have a conflict with the Dark Council, but it also ended with the death of the previous president Mingbodir.

As long as the new guild leader did not come to provoke him, he would not be able to see the dark power directly behead them all.

"Thank you, Lord Dragon King..."

The members of the Dark Council left in constant gratitude.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Luo Xia, the latter's aura gushing out, and the whole person began to enter a state of transformation.

The golden runes flew around Luo Xia, and the wings behind him began to evolve, turning into dark gold, and the golden light around his body began to gradually turn into dark gold.

However, what is a bit strange is that Luo Xia, who was originally a thousand feet in size, began to shrink at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, it shrank to only about ten feet in size, but the aura around him was extremely strong.

"For the monster, under normal circumstances, the higher the cultivation base, the larger the body, why is he different?"

Cui Jinhao frowned and murmured, "It seems that this kid's blood is very extraordinary. Is it a variant of the blood demon?"

"Blood demon?"

New words appeared one after another from Cui Jinhao's mouth, which made Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes condensed, and his eyes were placed on Cui Jinhao again.

"Ahem, I just said nonsense." Cui Jinhao hurriedly laughed, but the eyes looking at Luo Xia were curious.


Suddenly, Luo Xia heard a roar all over his body, and a powerful breath broke out.

Although his body is only ten feet tall, his wings spread out, and he even traverses the range of ten feet.

The dark golden wings flowed like two rays of sunlight hanging high in the sky, shining the chaotic sea and the dark place with golden light.

The incomparable violent aura filled the entire dark place, making the president of the dark council who had just left and the others turned pale with fright.

"Really, it's terrible... Fortunately I didn't offend them..."

The new president of the Dark Council trembled in his heart, and made up his mind that he would never offend the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi in the future, otherwise, he would not know how he was destroyed.

"I am the prince."

Luo Xia flapped his wings, and the violent power made the sea below violent.

In his eyes, a dazzling dark golden divine light burst out, and a terrifying aura suddenly exploded.

Then, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, he said solemnly, "Go, kill to the Holy Land of the Blood Race."


He took the lead, exploding with an extremely violent aura, flying at low altitude, like a fighter plane, and wherever he passed, the sea exploded.

Emperor Xiao Qing and Cui Jinhao walked in the volley behind, and smiled as they watched the golden light passing by.

"Do you know where the sanctuary of the blood race is?"

Cui Jinhao on one side looked at Emperor Xiao Qing cautiously, "As far as I know, there are some great monsters that have existed in the old lair of the blood demon. Their strength is very terrifying."

"The blood demon is the blood clan?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and looked at him.

"Forget it, it's just a different name." Cui Jinhao said, frowning, "However, inside the blood demon, those ancient monsters should all be asleep, as long as they don't have enough power, they can't wake up. of."

"Even if you wake up, wouldn't you still be there?" Xiao Qingdi rarely joked to him.

"Do you recognize me?" Cui Jinhao couldn't help but smile.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing did not respond to him. Instead, he looked forward. On the surface of the sea, Luo Xia passing by in the sky stopped.

In front of him, the terrifying blood prince Lingbo, who is truly powerful and incomparable, stood by the terrifying prince of blood, whose aura reached the peak, looking at Luo Xia with a calm expression.

"The bloodthirsty prince!"

The size of these three blood princes is really huge, as high as several thousand feet, standing upright.

The state of their wings closed is already very huge, not to mention, if they were unfolded, they would be much bigger than Luo Xia.

However, at this moment, they looked at Luo Xia with shocked eyes, "This kid has broken through."


After that, the three of them didn't even have the courage to fight Luo Xia head-on, but their figure instantly retreated towards the distance.

"Can't go."

Luo Xia's expression was cold, and his figure was in the air, instantly killing the three blood princes.

Suddenly, a powerful and unparalleled coercion broke out, a mighty breath flowed, and the two sides directly fought together.

Emperor Xiao Qing and Cui Jinhao stood shoulder to shoulder, and did not come forward to help.

Instead, he quietly watched Luo Xia take action.

Even if Luo Xia just broke into the realm of the blood prince, but as a bloodthirsty blood prince, his own strength is extremely powerful, and for a while, he can really block the three blood princes.

"Mutated blood demon, the strength is really tyrannical." Even Cui Jinhao exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, he just broke through, no matter how tyrannical he is, it's useless."

However, it didn't take long for Luo Xia to show his defeat, causing them to frown.


The emperor Xiao Qing next to him moved, his figure flickering, and he appeared in front of one of the blood princes instantly, blasted out with a punch, powerfully and shattered the void.

"Do not..."

In an instant, in the horrified gaze of the blood prince, the whole person was directly shattered into blood foam.

Luo Xia, who was in the battle, didn't need Emperor Xiao Qing to remind him, he walked across the sky, opened his mouth and sucked, and directly swallowed the blood mist from the explosion of the blood prince.

"No, you dare to swallow your clan so unscrupulously, you **** it."

The other two blood princes turned pale with fright, and quickly fled toward the rear.

Far away, faintly visible, a blood-colored portal is standing in the air at infinity.

That is the gateway channel where the sanctuary of the blood race is located.

"How could the food delivered to your door let you escape?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, Emperor Burning Sword appeared in his hand, swept across the air, and directly cut the two escaped blood princes in half.

Then, shaking his hands, the remaining two blood princes also couldn't escape being swallowed by Luo Xia.

Suddenly, Luo Xia's aura after swallowing three blood princes in succession became stronger. In addition to the dark golden light spreading across his body, there was also a monstrous demon aura and bloodthirsty aura flowing.

"I feel the growth of my power. As long as I continue to swallow it, I will be strong enough to become an invincible existence in the world."

The monstrous devil qi spread out. At this moment, Luo Xia, because he had swallowed too many powerful men, and his strength had grown too fast, he was a bit unable to control his heart, and fell into the devouring and killing.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, when he was about to wake up Luo Xia, in the distance, along with the light gate of the sanctuary of the blood, bursts of light to the sky, and the **** breath spread out, a mighty coercion, which came instantly. .

"No, it's comparable to the sixth heaven of the Primordial God Realm!"

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