The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1285: Hate to slay the dragon by hand


One sword shattered the coffin, completely beheading an eighth-class prince powerhouse.

Throughout the ages, in the history of the blood family, there has never been anyone who can easily behead an eighth-class prince powerhouse.

After all, even in the history of the blood race, there are almost no terrifying princes who can truly achieve this level of strength.

Moreover, Emperor Xiao Qing was only the second heaven of the Primordial Divine Realm, and his body was only three days old.

Compared with the eighth-class prince, it can be described as weak and small.

Even the blood prince couldn't help his eyes widening, showing a wry smile, "It's really scary."

Even if it was him, at this moment, when he was really facing Emperor Xiao Qing, looking at the murderous aura that Xiao Qing carried on his body, he actually felt fear in his heart.

As for the other blood clan powerhouses below, they were already terrified when Emperor Xiao Qing slaughtered them, and at this moment, they all trembled with shock.

"He, will we completely annihilate our blood family?"

At this moment, the strongest person of the blood clan is the blood prince.

However, the blood prince is unreliable and cannot be regarded as a person from the sanctuary of their blood family.

There is also a legend that the bloodthirsty line will swallow up the entire blood race sooner or later, and these blood races are also afraid that the blood prince will take action and wipe out all the blood races.

"It's up here, it's time for us to leave."

However, the words of Emperor Xiao Qing relieved all the powerhouses of the blood race.

"The things that should be done have been completed, and if they stay, they should all be scared to pee." Luo Xia also said with a smile.

This time, his gain can be said to be the greatest. Not only did he rescue his master, the Blood Prince, but his own strength also broke through to become a third-class prince, and from then on became the supreme powerhouse.

"Let's go."

It is not welcome to keep it, and they don't want to stay in this so-called sanctuary of blood.

A group of people walked directly towards the passage of the blood race.


Then, when they stepped into the passage, the strong men of the blood race, under the leadership of some super masters of the sixth-class prince realm, were all excited to tears.

"Finally, gone..."

"Woo, it's horrible, even the ancient ancestors have been annihilated. If they stay, our entire blood clan will probably be annihilated."

"Quickly, before they return to destroy our intentions, quickly block the passage."

"Yes... close the passage so that they can never come back."

Suddenly, the speed of these blood clan powerhouses reached the extreme, and they used their strongest methods one by one to block this passage tightly.

"Even the entire passage was sealed."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing and his party had just stepped out, feeling that the entire passage was blocked, and couldn't help crying or laughing.

"That's because they were afraid of being beaten by you."

Cui Jinhao sighed, "The blood demon clan was also an extremely powerful race in ancient times. Even in the past endless years, those old antiques have fallen asleep, but they should not be underestimated. Who would have thought that you would be scared like this. "

"That's because they are too weak."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was incomparable, "Moreover, if you weren't there, no one of us could stop those old antiques from being born."

"Ahaha, I'm so so..."

When Cui Jinhao heard this, his eyebrows opened up and laughed.

"Luo Jing is waiting for you in Dragon King Island."

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored Cui Jinhao, but looked at Luo Xia, "What are your plans next?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Luo Xia was a bit stunned, but even his master, Prince Blood, looked dull, with a dazed expression in his eyes, "The Prince, it's gone...what can I do?"

This time, although the blood prince survived, his strength became stronger.

However, he was not happy at all.

For endless years, the cruise ship Prince has been sailing at sea, and for the blood prince, that is his home.

However, his home was destroyed, no matter how strong he is, what can he do?

"Master, why don't we go and settle down on Dragon King Island together?" At this time, Luo Xia showed a smile on his face, and said gently, "The environment on Dragon King Island is very good. We will live in seclusion on the island and enjoy it. Life, by the way, I can help Brother Xiao look after the island."

When the blood prince heard the words, he nodded and said, "That's fine."

Then, turning his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Can you welcome us?"

"Nature." Xiao Qingdi smiled softly, "There are two living on Dragon King Island. From then on, Dragon King Island will become the safest place in the world."

In this world, even in the mountains of the two worlds, how many powerhouses in the Seventh Heaven Realm are there on the bright side?


There are blood princes like the seventh-class princes who live on Dragon King Island. Even if they don't usually take action, with such a terrifying existence guarding here, the entire Dragon King Island will be unbreakable.

"Then let's go, hahaha."

The group of people laughed and walked away in the air.


"You said, can they get out of the passage alive?"

In the distance, a group of people were discussing silently.

It was a group of people from the Dark Council.

The new president frowned and sighed, "Unfortunately, Emperor Xiao Qing, the Dragon King, can be considered a talent, but it is a great pity that he eventually died in the blood clan."

"President, you regret that you failed to kill the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi yourself."

A guy next to him smiled and said, "When you took office, but once said, if you have the opportunity, you must personally avenge the previous president."

"Yeah, what a pity."

Anyway, Emperor Xiao Qing and others entered the passage of the blood clan, they must be dead, and he was not afraid of talking a little bit.

The newly appointed president held his head high, looked at the direction of the blood race passage from a long distance, and sighed, "The world is changing, and it is too late for revenge."

I was ecstatic.

Emperor Xiao Qing, as far as everyone in the overseas dark council is concerned, if he has the ability, he will definitely kill Xiao Qing and everyone around him.

"Although Emperor Xiao Qing can't kill him, there is still Dragon King Island."

One of the elders of the Dark Council smiled and said, "President, I think it is time for us to re-emerge the Dark Council."


"Our dark council has traversed the endless years of overseas, even if the light forces can't let us hide, and Xiao Qingdi, the dragon king, one of the twelve overseas kings, can only be rampant for a while. Now, his access to the blood race is no longer It may come out. It’s time to let the Dark Council take hold."

"President, let's do it, and completely wipe out Dragon King Island."


At this moment, all the other members of the Dark Council spoke to the new president.

The new president frowned and hesitated a little, "It's just that we haven't determined whether Emperor Xiao Qing died in it. If we rashly act, what should we do if he appears again?"

"Since ancient times, has any human being able to survive into the blood clan?"

"Haha, don't worry, the president, we just need to do it, but the big deal is to send someone to guard the blood passage. If we find him out, we will immediately evacuate."


Under the persuasion of others, the new president of the Blood Clan Dark Council finally reluctantly agreed, "In this case, the soldiers are very fast, we will immediately take people to Dragon King Island."

"Be sure to destroy everyone on Dragon King Island."

At this moment, he was full of spirits, showing excitement, "The last president can't destroy Dragon King Island, I will do it."

"It's a pity that Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, has already died in the sanctuary of the blood clan, otherwise, today, this guild leader will be the dragon slayer."

Anyway, people have entered the sanctuary of the blood race and it is impossible to come out, it doesn't matter what he says.

The president was proud of his heart. He glanced at the others, and suddenly realized that the subordinates of the dark council who had just persuaded him to destroy the Dragon King Island and the others all looked at his rear with horror and did not dare to move. Moving.

At this moment, his expression changed...

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